The Placebo Chronicles: Strange But True Tales From the Doctors' Lounge

The Placebo Chronicles: Strange But True Tales From the Doctors' Lounge

The Placebo Chronicles: Strange But True Tales From the Doctors' Lounge

The Placebo Chronicles: Strange But True Tales From the Doctors' Lounge



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True Tales of the ridiculous, the silly, and the just plain weird cases doctors face—lampooning the medical bureaucracy that makes practicing medicine and getting medical care such a headache.

Doctors have a sick sense of humor. This is the deep, dark, and hilarious secret of the medical profession revealed by the irreverent Dr. Douglas Farrago in his popular satirical magazine, Placebo Journal—affectionately known by its thousands of fanatic readers as “Mad magazine for doctors” and called, by U.S., “raunchy, adolescent, and very funny.” Now, in The Placebo Chronicles, Dr. Farrago has compiled the best of the most outrageous and uproarious true stories to come out of the ERs and examination rooms of doctors all over the country.

Submitted by actual physicians, these are the stories they tell each other at cocktail parties and in doctors’ lounges, trading sidesplitting and truly unusual tales of their most embarrassing medical moments, the grossest things they’ve ever seen in medicine, their favorite Munchausen patients, and much more, including “The X-Ray Files”—mind-boggling anecdotes and images of the oddest foreign objects doctors have removed from patients. Not for the faint of heart, the humor in The Placebo Chronicles is brutally funny—just what the doctor ordered to guard against the ill effects of an M.D.’s worst enemies: the Medical Axis of Evil, a.k.a. drug companies, HMOs, and malpractice insurers.

Fully illustrated with fake advertisements—for pseudopharmaceuticals like OxyCotton Candy and Indifferex (the mediocre antidepressant)—this refreshingly honest collection invites doctors and patients alike to share the laughter, a liberal dose of the very best medicine.

Product Details

ISBN-13: 9780307489593
Publisher: Crown Publishing Group
Publication date: 07/08/2009
Sold by: Random House
Format: eBook
Pages: 208
Sales rank: 938,236
File size: 16 MB
Note: This product may take a few minutes to download.

About the Author

DR. DOUGLAS FARRAGO is a family physician who started the bimonthly Placebo Journal in 2000. A frequent lecturer and media commentator, Dr. Farrago lives in Auburn, Maine.

Read an Excerpt

Medical School

The long, grueling process of becoming a doctor begins with medical school. It’s four years of hell after college. It was the hardest thing that I had to go through in my young life until, of course, residency, which was even worse (you will read about that in the next chapter). Just getting into medical school is an incredible feat in itself, the first of many Darwinian trials an aspiring doctor faces. You need exceptionally high college grades, which isn’t easy because competition grows stronger and stronger. As time goes on, the weakest students give up and the strongest students hang around, totally screwing up any type of testing curve. The pressure to succeed is enormous. I remember the shock of my first chemistry class in college. There were five hundred people in it and almost all of them, including me, wanted to go medical school. Only ten or twenty would succeed. No one would have predicted I would be one of those ten or twenty. Not even me.

In medical school, the whole competition process starts all over again. The testing is outrageously hard and the hours are ridiculously long. The first two years, the medical student actually has minimal patient contact since he or she is wrapped up doing the basics of science including biochemistry, neurology, chemistry, histology, etc. When the “clinical rotations” start in year three, the real fun (or horror) begins. Here is where the student spends months at a time seeing patients in such areas as internal medicine, surgery, emergency medicine, and obstetrics. Finally, young men and women who are tired of just the textbooks get a chance to try to treat live patients. This is a real eye-opener for them. This is when they start to see it all and feel it all. This is where they learn to develop their defenses against the gross, the sad, the disturbing, and the outrageous. I am not sure if having such thick skin is a good thing for doctors or not, but it is our basic survival mechanism to deal with these types of things. Seeing children die, arms that were severed, hearts splayed open, yellow patients, green patients, and blue patients are shocking, but a reality nonetheless. Any time taken to wallow in their own pity only takes time away from seeing other patients. The student buries his or her emotions to do his or her job and learns a valuable lesson: Medicine is not pretty.

I remember in my first anatomy class there was this sweet girl who was initially very bothered by the cadavers. The school had done all the right stuff to slowly introduce the new students to their “bodies.” There were prayer sessions for those so inclined. There were warm-up periods so that people could acclimate to the cadaver. Still, people were squeamish, especially this one young woman. I didn’t pay her too much attention because I had enough work to do on my own cadaver. I had totally forgotten about this student until halfway through the semester when I saw her walking by, whistling, with a sawed-off leg over her shoulder like a slab of meat. I thought to myself, “Haven’t we got a little sassy?”

Now picture yourself as a medical student. See yourself trying to save a life all the while questioning whether you know what you are doing. You’re nervous and exhausted. You’re hungry and overworked.

All you care about is sleep (and hoping you don’t kill someone). As you become more and more disconnected from the real world, you fall more and more into the medical one. All you can remember are the basics of survival and those weird, gross or outrageous experiences that occurred during your dreamful “medical student” state. It is these patient encounters or stories, however, which you will remember forever. It is these stories you will collect like a hobby. They are ones you will never share with patients and only occasionally share with one another. They’re not for the faint of heart but they are yours and yours only – until now. The following stories are ones that we have pried, bribed, or extorted from former medical students who have endured this torture. Their collection is now, for the first time, open for your perusal, but it comes at a cost. After reading them, you may become thick-skinned yourself and for that we have but one cure humor. These doctors didn’t laugh about their medical student experiences at the time, but trust us, they are laughing about it now. We hope you can do the same.


I want to help people.
I want to make it through this hell.
I want to make it through this hell without killing someone.
I may have killed someone.
I want someone to help me.

I want to make money.
I want to spend money.
I want to save money.
Where the hell is my money?
I need to make money.

I don’t know anything.
There is too much to know.
I will never know all of this.
I don’t need to know all of this.
I only need to know a little.
I don’t care if I know anything.

I want to be needed.
I love my white jacket.
I love the power of the pager.
I hate this f*cking pager.
I don’t want to wear a stupid jacket.
I want to be left alone.

This patient has some interesting problems.
This patient has some real disease.
This patient needs to be hugged and loved.
This patient has a lot of nothing.
This patient has Sh*tty Life Syndrome.
This patient needs to leave; I need to be hugged and loved.

Our OB-GYN rotation at a busy inner-city hospital was one of the most grueling of medical school. The residents were miserable and as all miserable residents do, they torture medical students for relief. One particularly sadistic senior resident was on call with us on Friday night, one of the busiest of the service. He would extract as much scut from us as possible and he was merciless in his criticism. Any procedure we would attempt was quickly taken over by this impatient resident. Since it was the last day of the rotation, I was eager to finish a call and never touch a speculum again. My medical student colleague, however, had only revenge on his mind.

At around 3 a.m., we were called to the ER to work up a morbidly obese patient with “itching down there.” After our thorough history and cursory physical, we called the senior resident. In his usually abrupt manner, he dismissively listened to our presentation and proceeded into the room for the exam. The patient put her legs on the stirrups, but as with most morbidly obese patients, there was no hint of the vagina except the odor and converging folds of endless flesh. Even the sweat in between the rolls of cellulite gave an additional pungency to the aroma.

“I’m sorry I’m so fat, doctor,” she kept repeating half sleepily. With much reluctance, we each held back a thigh so our fearless leader could plunge into the depths with his speculum for his examination. As our resident diligently probed flesh with his speculum, my medical student colleague looked up at me with a gleam in his eye and a wink . . .


He had let go of his thigh and I instinctively did the same . . .


I will never forget the seemingly headless senior resident flailing his arms trying to free himself from the deluge of flesh and odor that was delivered onto his bare cheeks. He was now cheek to cheek with our sleepy patient who barely reacted to the fracas. We quickly regained our composure and insincerely apologized to our resident, who tried his best to proceed with his exam. The rest of the evening just seemed to pass by effortlessly and our senior resident was much nicer to us for the remainder of the shift. _

As a very green third-year medical student in Bellevue Hospital (NYC) emergency room, I spent much of the time wide-eyed and terrified. With its surreal mix of the heroic, overwhelming, and bizarre, Bellevue ER was a great place for memorable patients and events that have stayed fresh in my mind for years.

One shift I noticed a man on a stretcher having a grand mal seizure. This seemed to make absolutely no impression on the surrounding patients, or the staff for that matter. Just as I was really getting worried, a nurse strode past, said to the patient,
“Oh Jack, cut it out!” . . . and he did.

My story begins when I was a fourth-year medical student at a large inner-city emergency room. I was doing a required rotation taking twelve-hour shifts and working closely with an intern as well as an attending ER physician. I enjoyed the fast pace of the big city ER but did experience significant anxiety when a code was underway or an imminent or a major trauma was unfolding.

The attending wanted me to see patients, assess them, and formulate a plan. I went to see what seemed to be my 100th patient this shift. Ms. Greenjeans was a 76-year-old female who presented with nonspecific pelvic discomfort. She had the usual past medical history including diabetes, tobacco abuse, alcoholism and substance abuse, hypertension, renal insufficiency, etc. Her abdominal exam was unremarkable, but as we all know, “No abdominal exam is complete without a pelvic exam.”

The forty-bed ER was nothing more than a large room separated by pull curtains that do provide visual privacy but do not provide much privacy in regard to conversation. In other words, the whole ER including patients, staff, etc., can hear every word I say to the patient. Ms. Greenjeans was morbidly obese and hard of hearing so this pelvic exam would likely be difficult but, considering I had done two pelvic exams in my entire medical career (counting this one), I thought I could handle it.

Ms. Greenjeans was placed in the lithotomy position with lifting help from nursing (#1: because nurses are much stronger than doctors; #2: because all doctors have “a bad back”; #3: because this patient’s legs resembled large, soft, fleshy bags of cottage cheese). I reached for a speculum not realizing that they actually came in different sizes. By chance, I chose a medium-sized model and inserted it into the vagina. Unfortunately, due to the size of the patient, I could barely see the labia

The ER nurse who was chaperoning my exam recommended a change in equipment. I looked up at the nurse with total confusion on my face as she handed me a jumbo-sized speculum resembling a small fishing vessel or salad tongs. I again inserted the instrument to get a better look into the vaginal vault. Words cannot describe the horror, surprise, and disgust as I watched several hundred maggots squirming to exit to the outside world. I jumped back suddenly, nearly falling on my butt. “This could not be happening? Why me?” I quickly ran over to my attending to tell him the news; he casually walked over to the business end of the exam table and confirmed my diagnosis.

“Yeah, those are MAGGOTS.” He then informed me that I should tell the patient her diagnosis and then proceed with cleaning them out of there. Sounded like a plan, but, why me, why here, and why now? I stood up at the head of the exam table and in my best doctor voice I said, “Ms. Greenjeans, you’ve got maggots in your vagina.” Suddenly the busy ER seemed so still, so quiet. I was sure everyone in the department could hear my every word. Ms. Greenjeans looked at me with a confused look on her face. She then yelled at the top of her lungs . . .


Talk About Blowing It

He was a passive guy and very laid back. When I saw him on the gurney I was surprised how calm he was. The ER physician had called earlier in the afternoon and stated that Frank was back because of his nausea and vomiting. He had a history of multiple admissions for gastroparesis from his diabetes. He truly had the latter disease and was insulin dependent. The gastroparesis was in question and previous testing never proved it. He was in his forties and had an obvious history of polysubstance abuse as well. He loved to smoke and drink and failed detox on many occasions. He also had chronic back problems, as well as the abdominal pain he claimed to have from his gastroparesis. His primary physician was tortured by him because she couldn’t shed him from her practice. She had him on 60 mg of OxyContin three times a day and held him to a narcotic agreement/contract. He never overtly broke the contract, but when he would run out of his narcotic medication early he would coincidentally have severe nausea and vomiting and abdominal pain. Subsequently he would go to the ER for admission to cover those days he didn’thave the medication he needed at home. Since dehydration can make diabetes lethal, it would be inappropriate to just ignore his demands and send him on his merry way. Even though no one ever saw him vomit in the ER, there was no one who would question Frank and chance the possibility of malpractice.

I knew Frank was a fraud and told him right away that I wouldn’t give him any more medication to go home with when I discharged him. He didn’t bite. I was expecting a fight but he just nodded quietly. He then rattled off the combination of antiemetics and narcotics he needed intravenously while he was an inpatient. It made the admission pretty easy and I put him in the hospital in about 10 minutes. By the second day of his admission, I had taken him off all his IV drugs and put him back on regular oral pain medication. Once again, no complaints. In fact, he was as nice as pie. Since I had never met Frank before, I was amazed at how easy admission was going and started to second guess the accusations about him. I told him that he should be able to go home the next day and he agreed wholeheartedly.

The next morning I was seeing a patient on the floor below Frank when I received a page by the nurses taking care of him. Since I was coming up in about five minutes, I didn’t answer, figuring I would see the nurses personally. When I opened the stairwell door to enter Frank’s floor I saw a huge commotion. About four nurses were buzzing around his room and two were frantic by the phone waiting for my call. Then I noticed that security personnel were mingling around as well. This is not good, I thought.

Table of Contents

Medical School
Stages of the Physician5
Medical Students' Revenge6
ER Stuff6
Those Darn Narc Seekers: Talk About Blowing It8
X-Ray Files: The Big One Here - Kitty, Kitty10
Lord of the Rings11
A Salute to the Barn12
Medical School Mishaps13
Why I'll Never Forget The Summer of '9214
A Medical Student Translation Guide for Patient Complaints16
Synchronized Swimming17
PJ Consulting18
Millennium Stethoscope19
Picket Fences20
Bot Fly on the Brain21
Those Darn Narc Seekers: Perc or Drip?24
My Favorite Munchausen: Lymphedema Lucy25
True Tales of Mistaken Identity26
Make Your Questions Clear28
Everyone Needs a Nickname29
Going NUTS in Anatomy Lab30
Cracking (Up) the Code31
Medical Memories from the University State Pen32
"Well, don't come to my house!"33
Night Stick33
The K-Y That Got Away34
The Surrogate Patient35
My Favorite Munchausen: I Could Sure Use Some Fresh Air38
The Resident
Timing Is Everything42
X-Ray Files: Drinking Buddies43
"Get Me Out of Here!"46
Those Darn Narc Seekers: Armed and Dangerous!48
My Favorite Munchausen: Just a Stone's Throw Away49
A Sticky Situation52
Trauma Alert53
First Night54
Pasta Anyone?56
Bright Lights57
Potato Love60
A New Year60
Need a Bed61
Now That's a Rectal!61
Those Darn Narc Seekers: No Self-Defecation!62
My Favorite Munchausen: Rosey the Red63
Digit of Death64
New Medications for Smokers65
Those Darn Narc Seekers: Hamburger Upper G.I.66
A Little Premature67
Shrunken Head68
Sleep Study71
Teachable Moment71
The Wig72
Nordart Contraceptive73
My Favorite Munchausen: Pheo, Phio, Pho, Phum74
X-Ray Files: Throckmorten Sign with a Twist75
Are You an Investigational Whore?77
Never Too Late78
The New Doctor
"I Gotcha!"82
Top Ten Clues84
Just Can't Get Pregnant85
Here's One Way to Beat the System85
Those Darn Narc Seekers: Laboring Over Her Pain86
My Favorite Munchausen: Paul the Popper87
Language Problems88
Voice Recognition Blues89
Hot Diggity Dog!90
Garbage Can Lady91
Life on the Farm92
In the Navy93
"Committee" Committee94
Too Personal94
Out of Body Rounding95
Make Money Naturally!!96
X-Ray Files: Oral Hygiene97
5 Effective Techniques to Help You Communicate with Pharmaceutical Representatives98
Death by Moving100
My Favorite Munchausen: Clipping101
Power Lunch102
Flatus Maximus104
A Problem Patient Comes and Goes106
Hairpin Curve107
A Bad Itch107
A Stitch in Time108
X-Ray Files: Remote Control109
Strike a Pose110
Bill Millionaire111
Scooby Snack112
True Anecdotes112
A True Diagnosis113
X-Ray Files: Make 7 "Up Yours"113
My Favorite Munchausen: Insulin-Cravin' Sweet Teeth114
8 CM - The Movie115
Benzo Begger116
The Timmy Fund117
Those Darn Narc Seekers: Have Stones, Will Travel118
Top Ten Ways a Drug Rep Pisses Off a Physician119
X-Ray Files: Butt Light120
Those Darn Narc Seekers: Yellow Bill122
The Experienced Doctor
PJ Explains the 80/20 Rule of Medicine126
Doctor, I Can't Keep It Up Much Longer ...128
Be Careful!129
Top Ten Things Your Mother Always Told You to Do That You Wish Patients Listened To129
Physician, Heel Thyself130
PJ Explains Bowel Obsession131
Top Ten Ways to Get "Hunkered Down" Patients Out of the Hospital132
Back in the Day133
New Doc vs. Old Doc134
Here Kitty, Kitty ...135
PJ Says: Suck It Up!138
Cold as Ice139
Creams Don't Work139
The Doctor's Rules140
Those Darn Narc Seekers: Jack 'n the Back142
My Favorite Munchausen: Something Doesn't Smell Right143
"Hear Today, Gone Tomorrow"144
Let Her Eat Cake145
Smelly Feet145
PJ and a Barrel of Monkeys146
X-Ray Files
Bright Idea One and Two147
Not So Bright Idea147
COPD Terrarium148
List of Bad Prognostic Signs150
Answering Service Tips150
PJ Explains "Why HMOs Can Kiss My Bony White Ass"151
Hospice Tales152
Godivaphage XR153
Stand Up! Quick!154
Radiology Woes155
Learn to Talk Administralian156
PJ Talks About ED158
Case Records of the Placebo General Hospital159
Official Physician Hand Signals160
Are You Sick?162
Oxycotton Candy163
Thoughts from an "Experienced" Doc164
X-Ray Files: Bolt - Doh! - Bird165
War Is Hell or What's That Smell?166
A 2 A.M. Phone Call167
Duct Tape167
Diary of a New Drug Rep168
PJ Explains: Smoke 'Em If You Got 'Em170
Why Couldn't You Hate Me?171
X-Ray Files: Easter Bunny173
Medical Brush with Greatness174
Get Off the Road176
Is It in You?176
She Was Not Out of Earshot176
Top Ten Ways Physicians Piss Off Drug Reps177
Dementia Safe Invisible Fence176
X-Ray Files: Hung-ry Like the Wolf Cookie Monster - Kenny179
Things I Still Don't Understand After Being in the ED for 15 Years180
Strategic Filibustering181
Top Ten Things I've Always Wanted to Say to Patients182
After 30 Years as an ER Doc: My Favorite True Stories of Medicine183
More Than a Pen Whore184
Gunpoint B#owjob186
My Favorite Munchausen: She's No Coloring Book188
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