The New Era of Consciousness: A Truly Transformative Journey Into Self-Healing, Rejuvenation and ((Protection Energy))

The New Era of Consciousness: A Truly Transformative Journey Into Self-Healing, Rejuvenation and ((Protection Energy))

by Jesse Anson Dawn
The New Era of Consciousness: A Truly Transformative Journey Into Self-Healing, Rejuvenation and ((Protection Energy))

The New Era of Consciousness: A Truly Transformative Journey Into Self-Healing, Rejuvenation and ((Protection Energy))

by Jesse Anson Dawn


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In this truly unforgettable book, Jesse Anson Dawn, author of the national award-winning, 258-page volume, Never “Old,” shares his global discoveries, whereby very effective ways to stimulate ((regeneration-sparking)), self-healing and (protection energy) are clearly revealed.

For example, by traversing this international journey, you can learn the (body-saving) secrets of Vietnamese Buddhists, along with the vital wisdom of an amazingly ageless, 121 year-old, Tunisian mystic, followed by a visit with a truly enlightening, Incan healer who, at 118, looks like a very healthy 55 or 60.

Product Details

ISBN-13: 9781475972542
Publisher: iUniverse, Incorporated
Publication date: 01/31/2013
Sold by: Barnes & Noble
Format: eBook
Pages: 214
File size: 267 KB

Read an Excerpt

The New Era of Consciousness

A Truly Transformative Journey Into Self-Healing, Rejuvenation and ((Protection Energy))

iUniverse, Inc.

Copyright © 2013 Jesse Anson Dawn
All right reserved.

ISBN: 978-1-4759-7253-5

Chapter One


"All love is based on language ... voice its bones and words its skin ... love, like language, is a body ... one body. Yours." —Tom Junod

"Let not authority be your truth, but let truth be your authority." —Herbert M. Shelton

Surely the time has come for us to strongly emphasize the power of the written word, especially in regard to the fact that, due to the immensely high cost of medical prescriptions and procedures, the need for books about disease prevention is more crucial than ever.

Therefore, as an author totally focused on truly effective, cost-free ways to protect ourselves against illness, dwindling vitality, and the various causes of aging, I have spent the last two decades researching what is revealed in this long-labored piece of work.

And although for many years, my previously written books (Never "old" and The Rejuvenator's Bible), have steadily sold worldwide, it's clearly evident that what is now in (your hands) is much more helpfully captivating than my earlier publications.

However, I do admit that in a world where "bigger is better" has become a [TV world] obsession, a book is just a small thing. But as we have seen, genuinely beneficial works of nonfiction can make very ((BIG)) improvements in people's lives, especially if they inspire new levels of well being. All while we realize that, quite essentially, a library is a hospital for the mind and body. Thus by deeply appreciating the importance of that fact, I try to keep my books, magazine articles and songs duly focused on one significant aim:

To reveal techniques and discoveries that, quite comprehensively, reveal truly working methods of mind-over-body/self-renewal, whereby I continue to help humanity solve what seems to be:

Planet Earth's Biggest Mystery

Scientific studies have found that our bodies continually regenerate at a rate of about 150 million new cells a minute, a process that enables us to be completely repaired by our healing energy. But if that is basically true, then why does our immunity system, along with various body organs, steadily deteriorate with age?

All of which is a vastly unsolved, ongoing dilemma that brings to mind this momentous fact: according to international research, there is no medicine that can increase the longevity of physical regeneration, but it can be greatly sustained by merging psychology with several kinds of multifaceted techniques.

Therefore, to justifiably align with that vital piece of information, this book teaches a variety of ways to capably maximize self-restoration—methods that are both psychological and spiritual, along with dietary, musical and (and even humorous) ways to revitalize your brain and body.

But before entering the realm of truly effective, easily learned abilities that can initiate a new era of self-controlled healing, it helps to realize this:

Even in these modern times, a multitude of tests reveal that human mentality has learned to tap-into only a (small percentage) of its actual capacity. And that is a situation which I find difficult to ignore, especially since I've discovered how to potently direct the primary catalyst of physical repair—a body-revivifying, ((central-brain-emanation)) that is one of the principal themes of this unique book.

And yet, mainly because my extensive research has been unable to find an "official," medical industry name for what, quite apparently, is our (internal life-force), to clarify my perceptions and writings about it, I have come to call this ((surely significant)) phenomenon:


C.E. is an abbreviation for Creational Energy, and to take a glimpse at this fundamental essence of physical rejuvenation, simply (close your eyes), and take a few seconds to witness the dazzling sparkle of your C.E. Light....

If you did this brief look into your (energy-body-((inner-self)), you may have noticed that it has a pulsating, electric-like vibrancy to it. Yes, it surely does, and due to my fervent belief in the powers of the healing luminosity (within us), along with my books and articles about its curative abilities, I've also released a CD of songs about what it can do, and here is a sample verse from that album:

I'm here to relay in my musical way—((creational energy)) that can truly delay—depressing doldrums of rapid decay—as step-by-step you can learn to know—how directed thought-waves make immunity GROW—via self-mending powers that cure illness and pain—helping you to be ((totally healed again)).

The title of that album is The Omnipresent Urge, and it's all about the endless desire for continuous health—a craving that, without a doubt, is as enduring as the dawning sun. And (hopefully), the compositions on that album will help people realize the importance of our ((brainpower-linked)), regenerative capacities, and thereby urge listeners to duly explore:

Willfully Aimed ((Mental Energy))

What you're now getting into goes far beyond fantasy or trivia, but instead this book reveals repeatedly proven ways to (inner-activate) electro-genesis, a process that the Webster's Collegiate Dictionary (quite briefly) defines as this: "The production of electrolyte activity in living tissue." And by thoroughly learning the ((self-renewing)) influence of that ability, we can gainfully utilize what has been, for far too long, perceived as merely a "mysterious enigma."

Thus along with my writings and CDs, to provide an alternative to vastly overpriced, mainly drug-linked healthcare, for nearly a decade now, I've been giving worldwide seminars that help people initiate their perpetually curing skills—well-attended gatherings firmly guided by what I call:

The Duo of Triumphant Truths

(1). The most helpful parts of us are the immunity and regeneration systems, and the more we learn about the mind's ((glisteningly healing energy)), the more disease-free we will be, and the brighter we will shine.

(2). Due to the fallacy that people have very little control over our self-restoring powers, learning effective ways to maintain mental and physical renewal should, quite clearly, be our most precious human right.

Therefore, duly motivated by that duo of truisms, my teachings stay steadily aimed at ways to stimulate the invaluable results of the increasingly developed, revivified mind. All of which is a process that, over time, encourages the need to give the TV a rest, because to capably activate (inner-visualized), life-saving skills, it highly depends on the mental freedom to learn about them. And it's via a [Tube-View]-free frame of mind that you may find the time to tune-into the Body-Guardian-Genius-Channel—the one ((now)) emerging (inside) you—the ((enlightening)) one that teaches us how:

Perceptions Create the Majority of Physical Effects

International studies find that deeply believing in one's self-curing powers is the most potent remedy of all. But to arouse that level of perception, whereby steadily caring about your body is not about "self-indulgence," but a vital way to survive, it truly helps to ask yourself ((willpower-sparking)) probes such as this:

Who is the REAL you? A "you" ruled by TV and pharmaceutical-pushed, [ageism-based] perceptions, or the revitalized TRUE YOU who, step-by-step, learns how to sustain your preciously needed, ((ongoing regeneration))? Otherwise, dear reader, if you let your restorative abilities fade away, you may fail to realize the BIG difference between initiating self-repair to ceaselessly happen, or just wondering WHAT the ?%#! HAPPENED to it? But fortunately, there are two future-world outcomes open to us: the world of "I wish I had" or the world of "I'm glad I did." And to help people transcend the ["I wish I had more time to learn about my body, where can I get a quick-fix?"] mode of thinking, I teach a gradually advancing, mind-expanding process that goes far beyond the merely temporary effects of chemical-based medications.

Yes, instead of relying on drugs, I've been exploring mind-powered remedies ever since 1967, back when I finished my "tour of duty" as a drafted soldier in Vietnam, an ordeal followed by four decades of searching this planet, seeking out examples of truly working, self-healing abilities.

Perhaps I could call that worldwide journey my Evolution of the Human Brain Tour, as between the ages of 23 and 65, I encountered so many prototypes of amazing body-control and agelessness, that I could do nothing less than publish information about what I have learned.

Thus my first effort to share the myriad of discoveries (revealed herein), was the 258-page book that I called Never "Old"—the one chosen to be the winner of the N.A.I.P. (National Association of Independent Publishers) Content Award in 1993.

And then, soon after winning that honor, came the launching of my Never "Old" column, a feature that, since 1994, has been running in the Los Angeles based, Awareness magazine—a publication that usually contains articles written by some of the most famous authors on this planet.

(Note): Along with its printed circulation to over 100,000 readers (a number that is rapidly growing), Awareness is also available online. And if you want to read about my latest mind-over-body findings, simply go to on the internet, and there, at that ((knowledge-expanding)) website, you'll find my column in the Current Issue/Departments section.

And thanks to the popularity of my Awareness articles, I get featured as a Whole Life Expo, keynote speaker at their huge events throughout the U.S., the largest of which is held at the Las Vegas Convention Center. And so after decades of dues-paying research—"suddenly" I've been launched into being an "overnight sensation"—a "New Age Hit" in "Big Time" Vegas!

But of course, unlike the "stars" of the entertainment media, the importance of a nonfiction author is not based simply on physical attractiveness, but it's mainly about the knowledge ((vitally)) contained within our brains.

However, as to the results of mind-over-body abilities, surely it starts when we are born, a process clearly revealed by my 1-year-"old" son. For example, if he's feeling good, he creates what I call the Original Grin, but when he cries, he evokes the [[instant-aging]] influence of negative emotions, as suddenly his flawless face gets fiercely wrinkled, giving him the look of a toothless old man. Wow, what a stunning display of ((thought-waves)) RULING the body, and how quickly moods can shift, from happy to sad and then back to joyful again, all while he wails the sounds that get him fed, plus the comfort of being touched.

Also, his somewhat alarmingly loud, vocal outbursts keep teaching me a prominent fact: mind-emanated, positive energy causes vastly different physical effects than negative energy—a crucial realization that can last a lifetime. And it all generates from one place: the center of the human brain.

Therefore, by firmly believing in the ((positive-energy-healing-thoughts)) process, despite reaching the [65+], so-called "retired" phase of my life, I continue to embody the look and vitality of a "normal" 29 or 30—just as the recent photo of me (on this book) accurately verifies. Yes, that's the REAL me at age 68, and that's my real hair, and my surgery-free, make-up-free, real face. And you can be quite sure of that, because nothing is faked or deceptive about my regeneration-reviving techniques, mainly because I perceptively LIVE via this enduringly helpful truism: rejuvenation is both a physical and deeply MENTAL process.

Thus by potently ((internalizing)) that fact, I have, quite naturally, kept nearly the same face and body for almost 40 years—a result that often urges people to ask me this: "How long can your methods keep working so well?" And my truly honest reply is this: mental energy ((steadily)) heals, but its ongoing ability strongly depends on not falling into what I call:

The Skeptic Tank

The way I see it, the Skeptic Tank is a mode of [mind and body defeating], cynical negativity that, to a large extent, is spurred by the (long promoted) notion that self-empowered, curative abilities are not "scientifically established." But if all of "science" is based on actual reality, then bumblebees couldn't fly, because "scientifically" its wings are too small to lift its body. And yet bumblebees ((positively)) launch themselves anyway—a marvelous talent that I too would love to have the wings to do. But sometimes, after seeing the truly transformative results of my self-renewing methods, I feel like I'm ((mindfully)) flying, especially when realizing how successfully I've overcome what I call:

The [Old Era] System

And I will now explain how that [[backwards-thinking]], antiquated system of so-called "curing" can be momentously improved.

The [Old Era] System, although hugely profitable, is a conglomeration of overly toxic [and too often ineffective] procedures that began during what I call the coldly complacent, BRR period (Before my Rejuvenation Revolution).

BRR indeed, so chillingly anti-progress is the [Old Era] of healthcare that, for the most part, its practitioners have used only scalpels and [side-effect-loaded] drugs to perform their business. All while ignoring safer (and much more effective) methods such as healing-oriented hypnosis, along with mind-over-body, self-curing massage and holism, techniques that most physicians stubbornly disregard, mainly due to the claim that dietary and surgery-free approaches are "not successfully instituted." But as to the notion that medical "success" is all about making piles of money, when it comes to actually curing diseases, strictly "standard" methods, far too frequently, fill up the cemeteries

All of which is a [[[stuck-in-reverse] dilemma that reminds me of this sarcastic riddle: How many [Old Era] doctors does it take to change a burned-out light? None. Because they fear any changes that can limit their cash-flow.

But instead of fearing change, the time has come to change our concept of fear, because OVERCOMING the [Old Era] dread of a burgeoning New Era of preventive ways of self-curing is, quite clearly, a vitally needed advancement. Thus it's becoming increasingly certain that humanity will soon awaken, gather together and DEMAND the following urgently needed change:

A GLOBAL movement of conscientious healthcare reforms—truly ethical reforms that foster a newly affordable, thoroughly re-humanized system—one that will, first of all, enact more regulations over what's become known as:

The Ever-Ballooning, "Big Pharma" Problem

"Big Pharma" is the satirical name given to this planet's most profitable business—pharmaceuticals—a cartel that has discovered (or invented?) so many diseases, that they now sell more than 15,000 kinds of chemical-based "medications," all of which adds up to profits of over $500 billion a year.

As "Big Pharma's" pill-popping craze has fully phased-out the "good old days," back when medicine cabinets contained maybe some aspirin and Alka-seltzer. But now, throughout this increasingly chemo-hooked planet, people commonly take risky drugs (such as antidepressants and anti-cholesterol capsules, along with diuretics). And although these pills induce side effects that, far too often, cause heart attacks and kidney failure, nevertheless, these chemical-lab concoctions continue to nearly double their annual profits.

For example, there is the (rarely lethal) "perk-you-up" potion—Prozac—a pill that rakes in more cash than industry giants such as the Ford Corporation (a stunning fact about "priorities"). Woo-ha!—Prozac—the potent pop-scription so pervasive that I heard a comedian joke about a "pharmacy action film" coming out—a "drugstore cowboy thriller" called "Get Me My Prozac!"


Excerpted from The New Era of Consciousness by JESSE ANSON DAWN Copyright © 2013 by Jesse Anson Dawn. Excerpted by permission of iUniverse, Inc.. All rights reserved. No part of this excerpt may be reproduced or reprinted without permission in writing from the publisher.
Excerpts are provided by Dial-A-Book Inc. solely for the personal use of visitors to this web site.

Table of Contents


Chapter 1. A Global New Era Dawns....................1
Chapter 2. Truly Effective Methods of ((Healing-Self-Renewal)) Revealed....................33
Chapter 3. Learning the Secrets of Planet Earth's Most Amazingly Ageless People....................59
Chapter 4. True-to-Life Accounts of ((Spirit-Linked-Protection-Energy)) Revealed....................104
Chapter 5. The ((Self-Renewing Energy)) of Creativity....................154
Chapter 6. ((Protection Energy)) vs. Medical Mistakes....................164
Chapter 7. The Life and Earth-((Preserving)), New Era Diet....................175
Chapter 8. ((Protection Energy)) Versus Excess Stress....................184
Chapter 9. The New Era of Longevity has Arrived....................193
Chapter 10. ((Putting It All Together))....................199
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