The Lightworker's Source: An Enlightening Guide to Awaken the Power Within
If you are a Lightworker you may be going though life with a constant urge to embrace a higher purpose. You know you have a calling but you don't yet know what it is or how to go about finding it. The Lightworker's Source is a much-needed guide for newly awakened or even fully conscious Lightworkers to reveal their authentic selves and find fulfillment in the lives they are destined to live. You will be inspired by true stories of fellow Lightworkers who have awakened to the divine intention of their own lives, and learn practices to enhance your own Lightworker gifts.

The Lightworker's Source will help you understand:
  • The signs and symptoms of awakening to your Lightworker role
  • What the "Dark Night of The Soul" is and why it is a Lightworker rite of passage
  • How to avoid the "One Way Flow," which will create roadblocks to your own happiness
  • How to use your dreams for guidance and as a gateway to your higher self

    The Lightworker's Source is the practical roadmap to the higher self you've been searching for.
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    The Lightworker's Source: An Enlightening Guide to Awaken the Power Within
    If you are a Lightworker you may be going though life with a constant urge to embrace a higher purpose. You know you have a calling but you don't yet know what it is or how to go about finding it. The Lightworker's Source is a much-needed guide for newly awakened or even fully conscious Lightworkers to reveal their authentic selves and find fulfillment in the lives they are destined to live. You will be inspired by true stories of fellow Lightworkers who have awakened to the divine intention of their own lives, and learn practices to enhance your own Lightworker gifts.

    The Lightworker's Source will help you understand:
  • The signs and symptoms of awakening to your Lightworker role
  • What the "Dark Night of The Soul" is and why it is a Lightworker rite of passage
  • How to avoid the "One Way Flow," which will create roadblocks to your own happiness
  • How to use your dreams for guidance and as a gateway to your higher self

    The Lightworker's Source is the practical roadmap to the higher self you've been searching for.
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    The Lightworker's Source: An Enlightening Guide to Awaken the Power Within

    The Lightworker's Source: An Enlightening Guide to Awaken the Power Within

    by Sahvanna Arienta
    The Lightworker's Source: An Enlightening Guide to Awaken the Power Within

    The Lightworker's Source: An Enlightening Guide to Awaken the Power Within

    by Sahvanna Arienta

    Paperback(First Edition)

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    If you are a Lightworker you may be going though life with a constant urge to embrace a higher purpose. You know you have a calling but you don't yet know what it is or how to go about finding it. The Lightworker's Source is a much-needed guide for newly awakened or even fully conscious Lightworkers to reveal their authentic selves and find fulfillment in the lives they are destined to live. You will be inspired by true stories of fellow Lightworkers who have awakened to the divine intention of their own lives, and learn practices to enhance your own Lightworker gifts.

    The Lightworker's Source will help you understand:
  • The signs and symptoms of awakening to your Lightworker role
  • What the "Dark Night of The Soul" is and why it is a Lightworker rite of passage
  • How to avoid the "One Way Flow," which will create roadblocks to your own happiness
  • How to use your dreams for guidance and as a gateway to your higher self

    The Lightworker's Source is the practical roadmap to the higher self you've been searching for.

  • Product Details

    ISBN-13: 9781601632487
    Publisher: Red Wheel/Weiser
    Publication date: 12/26/2012
    Edition description: First Edition
    Pages: 256
    Sales rank: 368,948
    Product dimensions: 5.20(w) x 8.10(h) x 1.00(d)

    About the Author

    Sahvanna Arienta is an internationally known psychic advisor and spiritual counselor. Her work helps others recognize their authentic selves and find purpose in living a heart-centered existence. Her unique style and connection to others are powerful healing tools that have been revolutionary forces for change in the lives of her worldwide clientele. She is the author of Lightworker and The Lightworker's Source. Her website is

    Read an Excerpt



    As a Lightworker, you have lived through many lifetimes of spiritual work, which brings an expansion of your light energy. This advanced enlightenment and light energy creates a higher vibration of the spiritual body and an expanded healing energy that is desperately needed by humanity here on the earth. Before birth, all Lightworkers chose to share their healing energy during their incarnation. After much thought and discussion with higher teachers and guides on their plane of origin, the decision was made to make the ultimate sacrifice by incarnating to the earth and helping heal humanity from the effects of lower vibrational emotions such as fear, greed, or hatred.

    The Choice Is Yours

    All Lightworkers have the free will to decide whether to descend to earth and assist humanity or stay on the higher planes and continue their education and work there. So keep in mind, you have made this choice, but you are not alone. All over the world, Lightworkers are unveiling their authentic selves and emerging as the healers of the planet. As they awaken one by one, they will step into their roles as those who light the way for humanity. This choice is not always apparent or easily revealed.

    Although Lightworkers are born unto this earth with their healing gifts and abilities inherent, these abilities may lay dormant for an undetermined time period. As they become aware of their true nature and begin to awaken, Lightworkers endure the challenging process of acclimation. Because Lightworkers incarnate with a form of amnesia or conscious unawareness of their authentic selves and their supernatural gifts, the awakening process can be traumatic. Many times, psychic abilities or spontaneous, other worldly interactions can transpire and frighten them to the point of suppressing of their extra sensory perceptions. My friend and colleague Denise Iwaniw, psychic medium and author, explains how she was able to deal with her Catholic background and the knowing she felt as a child in her book Embracing the Mystic Within:

    Even as young as six I remember seeing faces when I closed my eyes at night. While most were pleasant, some were gruesome. I can still vividly remember one old man, one of the first who came to me, floating just inches above my single bed one evening as I wrestled with sleep. Like the leftover from an old B horror film, he stared directly at me, struggling as if to tell me something. But he wasn't some childish conjuring; a bad dream captured fleetingly and turned into mythic proportions. He was palpable, a bulky man with a broad face and red bulbous nose probably left over from many long nights in a bottle. Late fifties, I thought, thinning hair. His presence felt heavy, although the half dozen times he came to me he was always disembodied. He was struggling to get through, to make the leap. He never spoke.

    I never told my parents.

    After all, I was six and scared to death. What could they, or any adult offer me, but the sweet hush-hush there pats that only dismiss what is real and often what is really frightening?

    My older playmates thought it strange that someone my age would be so preoccupied with ghosts. To this day, certain friends who knew me way back when never fail to remind me what a "weird" little child I was in their estimation. Those in spirit have always been a strong part of my life. I believe when you focus on something, all your energy flows into it, thus giving it power. Withholding energy means denying power.

    As a human child with an open channel to the spirit world, when the two worlds spontaneously merge, it can be traumatizing and there aren't many (as Denise explains) who can offer much comfort.

    To protect the divine essence of Lightworkers, they must incarnate to earth in a sleep state and only awaken when ready. They live with a conscious unawareness of who they really are. Their true selves are dormant or asleep until they are ready to begin the awakening process. This is a slow and precisely timed process that will gradually allow them to adjust to the density and harsh energies of the earth plane. Beings of increased light energy cannot just be placed on earth without a feeling of shock; they must be eased in gently, like being roused from a deep sleep state. It doesn't happen overnight because it is a process. The true Lightworker identity is being awakened slowly. The more easily one can let go of the illusion of the physical, the easier it will be to awaken.

    Personally, I can relate to the feeling of living in this state of amnesia and what the result of living in that state means. I went through the first 30 years of my life filled with fear and anxiety. When I think back, it really was like being present in a dream, knowing it is a dream, and trying to wake up. I knew something was missing in my life and without the knowledge of my true self, I was immobilized with fear, anxiety, and the feeling that I was on a path to nowhere. I focused on all I did not have and was under the impression that material success was the only road to happiness. I always felt like an outsider and that I did not belong. Things got worse as I was so busy searching for physical satisfaction that I resisted my own spiritual awakening. Yet, somewhere deep down within my being (that persistent urge) I knew I had a higher calling, and until I experienced my awakening, I could not understand what it was.

    Lightworkers must first go through a period of unhappiness or detachment, when they feel separate from the human family, feeling as though they do not belong or they are different. This identity crisis can be very isolating and send Lightworkers into a state of deep sadness. But what is really happening is their authentic selves are struggling with their human side, so it can finally emerge. When these feelings begin to stir deep within them, it is a sure sign that their awakening is not far off.

    The Four Stages of Awakening

    When Lightworkers live in this amnesia state, before they awaken to the divine intention of their lives, they are not conscious of their authentic selves. The trauma of awakening is similar to culture shock — the disorientation a person may feel when experiencing an unfamiliar way of life. To better explain; let's look at the four phases of awakening.

    Phase 1: The honeymoon phase (incarnation and early life)

    During this initial phase, the earth plane is seen as a new adventure. Childhood and the exploration of a new world seem fascinating. For example, when moving to a new country, a person might love the new food, the pace of life, and the locals' habits, and want to try everything. This phase is almost like sleepwalking, in that one operates on a different octave of consciousness than he would as a fully aware Lightworker. The human identity is in its most primal form and emerges as the front-runner while in this stage. This period is full of observations and new discoveries that will forever remain in the subconscious. This sleep state is necessary to incarnated Lightworkers, because this stage builds the human foundation that allows them to carry out their Lightworker mission. Light-workers who are damaged or abused during this honeymoon period may have a more difficult time in awakening due to an excess of fear.

    Phase 2: The negotiation phase (urging and resisting)

    After some time, the differences between the divine light frequencies of Lightworkers' origins and the earth plane become obvious and create anxiety for them. The honeymoon phase eventually gives way to unpleasant feelings of frustration and stress as Lightworkers continue to experience the harsh energies of the earth plane. Their resistance becomes lowered, and this heightened sensitivity creates a disconnect from others and the planet as the spirit urges and the body resists. We often see this in the teen years or early 20s, when we see rebellion. Lightworkers in this stage often feel isolated and homesick as they begin to feel "different" and need to embrace a higher purpose. Extra sensory perceptions begin to emerge and can feel traumatic. This is a period of searching and testing the limits of their human side versus their spiritual nature.

    Phase 3: The adjustment phase (awakening or awareness)

    This is when Lightworkers finally surrender to their true identity. Awakening comes as a time of ultimate acceptance and surrender to the authentic self. At this point, fear is released and Lightworkers move easily toward the discovery of their unique and sacred purpose. There may be one or many catalysts into this phase. This does take some adjustments to the beliefs and habits they may have formed in earlier stages. Relationships and outdated behaviors geared toward physical or material satisfaction may fade away because they do not suit this phase.

    There seems to be an internal clock set for awakening, which is predetermined before incarnating. This awakening is set for a certain point in Lightworkers' life paths, but can be altered or modified by circumstances associated with free will. For example, if you have a set awakening at the age of 35, but you choose to resist the awakening process, it can be delayed for a while, or even indefinitely.

    There are many reasons Lightworkers may resist awakening and fear is always on the top of the list. Many Lightworkers resist their true calling because of beliefs that were instilled in them during their upbringing, such as religious beliefs or fears instilled by their parents. Also Lightworkers can become trapped in a certain phase and remain there, creating a vicious cycle of dysfunctional behaviors that makes it difficult to find your way out. Stages 2 and 3 of awakening bring out feelings that may be difficult to cope with and are the most perilous stages, but it is important to have an awareness of what is going on and to not quell these feelings with unhealthy habits or behaviors. Although awakening can be stressful, it ultimately does lead to the unveiling of your authentic self which brings about a more fulfilling way of life. As with any revelation, you must fully grasp and confront what is stirring within you to eventually get to the end or the mastery stage. Usually the difficult part comes when you reach the "negotiation" phase. The following unpleasant symptoms may occur:

    * Strange sensations in the head: Especially at the top of the head. This area (the crown chakra) is the opening that is the gateway to awareness of sacred information. The top of the head may tingle, as this area energetically begins to expand and prepare to receive divine information from the universe.

    * Feeling isolated or detached from the others: Many Lightworkers who begin to awaken live with a feeling of homesickness. They feel they do not belong and struggle for a place to feel at home. This is natural because Lightworkers have left the earth plane long ago for the glorious realms of love and light. Lightworkers have made a great sacrifice to return, but still they miss their plane of origin. As the unveiling of your authentic self occurs, you may feel isolated and different from others. At times, it is too painful to be around others. You may find yourself avoiding crowds or gatherings that seem joyful to others, and you wonder, what is wrong with me?

    * Seeing or hearing things that others do not. Spontaneous connection with the spirit world will begin to occur more frequently and you may encounter some visitors from the other side as your line of connection to other dimensions begins to become clear. Psychic abilities are emerging and this can be scary.

    * Unfulfilled feelings of wanting to heal the world. All Lightworkers have a vocation to heal the earth. As they awaken, they may feel a sudden need to help others, the environment, or even animals. Whatever spiritual calling you choose to answer will begin to beckon to you at this time. Conversely, this may create dissatisfaction in the work you have been doing and you may feel unfulfilled in your career path. Feelings of restlessness and a need to make a career change can arise that the time of awakening. This is not to be rushed; as you awaken, you will naturally flow into your calling.

    * Ending of relationships. During phase 2, you may have developed personal relationships that were not in alignment with your authentic self. These relationships could have been more egocentric in nature, (relating mainly to your mortality rather than your spirituality). As the awakening process occurs, these relationships will no longer suit you, and relationships based in a new energy without the same objectives will begin to form.

    * Frightening dreams or images during meditation. As you open up to the collective consciousness, you may experience a strong connection to the pain and suffering of humanity. You may begin to experience prophetic dreams, visions, or even communication with the dearly departed during altered states of consciousness (meditation or even daydreaming). This is simply a sign that you are expanding your energy out into the collective and are sensitive enough to pick up frequencies that are not your own.

    * Feeling detached from your physical body. At times, you'll feel ungrounded or as if you are about to leave your body. Lightworkers must often walk the precarious line of keeping their feet on the earth while their spirit is still connected to the higher realms. Literally functioning in two worlds is a skill that takes some getting used to. During the awakening process, the consciousness transforms into the new energy of a Lightworker, but the physical body sometimes lags behind, bringing on feeling disconnected.

    * Periods of extreme fatigue. Your physical body will need more rest and need to "reboot" in order to harmonize with your elevated, spiritual self.

    These effects can seem very unpleasant, but there are many positive results once you have reached the Awakening stage of your Lightworker path. Release old behavior patterns. Patterns that were based purely on the material world that do not enhance the spiritual body will begin to subside. Diet is one benefit. You will find as you awaken to your authentic self, poor eating habits will dissipate. You may decide to become a vegetarian, try a raw diet, or just become more cognizant of your nutritional intake. Beneficial dietary changes will help keep body, mind, and spirit in proper balance and you will naturally seek out this alignment.

    Phase 4: The mastery phase (adaptation; living your sacred purpose)

    In the mastery phase, Lightworkers are able to participate fully and comfortably on the earth plane. They have revealed their authentic selves and have learned to manage their sensitivities here on earth. They exhibit many of the traits they developed on the higher planes of consciousness, such as their healing powers and gifts of acute perceptions and the desire to share those generously with the world. The following may be experienced:

    * Shift in inner dialogue. As you begin to open your channel to receive divine wisdom, you will be "downloading" more information from your teachers of the higher realms. As you move into this new and enlightened exchange of information, a new level of communication begins to take place. You will find your inner dialogue become more loving and tolerant of your own self and others around you. Insight and direction will come easily as your human consciousness is now accessible to the light beings of the higher realms who have been lovingly guiding you all along.

    * Symbolic or profound messages in dreams. You will begin to gather knowledge and information that is useful to you in dreams or meditation. As you awaken and reach the mastery stage, you will become a clear channel for divine information and guidance that will enhance your life and those around you.

    * Finding other Lightworkers. Relationships will form with other like-minded people and those who vibrate on the same energetic frequency as you. As youawaken and step into your role, you will naturally reach out for the energy of other Lightworkers and surround yourself with the support of those who are aligned with you. Feelings of isolation and detachment from others will fade away as you find your soul family of Lightworkers once again.

    If you feel the inner urging to move forward and finally awaken to your true self, the best advice would be to surrender to it. Place your ultimate trust in the universe and allow it to happen. There is no need to rush. Remember that you are protected from the start and will only awaken when your time has come. Think of it as feeling energized from a restful night's sleep and being ready to get to work. There are no risks of pain or failure. There is only support and unconditional love from the universe. There comes a time in all Lightworkers' incarnations when they must recognize what is real (their spiritual self) and what is an illusion. There is nothing more liberating than discovering your authentic self and finally being free, knowing yourself as more than just the flesh in which the real you is encased.


    Excerpted from "The Lightworker's Source"
    by .
    Copyright © 2013 Sahvanna Arienta.
    Excerpted by permission of Red Wheel/Weiser, LLC.
    All rights reserved. No part of this excerpt may be reproduced or reprinted without permission in writing from the publisher.
    Excerpts are provided by Dial-A-Book Inc. solely for the personal use of visitors to this web site.

    Table of Contents

    Preface 13

    Introduction: Being a Lightworker 17

    Part I Ending the Illusion

    Chapter 1 Awakening 23

    Chapter 2 The Dark Night of the Soul 37

    Chapter 3 Humanness Is an Illusion 51

    Part II Creating a Healthy Energy Flow

    Chapter 4 Your Energy Portals 67

    Chapter 5 The One-Way Flow 83

    Chapter 6 Raising Your Energy and Vibration 95

    Part III Healing With Love

    Chapter 7 The Power and Pain of Empathy 107

    Chapter 8 Your Most Sacred Conduit 121

    Chapter 9 Attracting the Walking Wounded 135

    Part IV Answers From the Universe

    Chapter 10 The Illusion of Time 147

    Chapter 11 Dreams: The Doorway to the Universe 159

    Chapter 12 Tools That Guide 171

    Chapter 13 Support From Higher Realms 187

    Chapter 14 The Archangels 201

    Part V The Power of Self

    Chapter 15 Connecting with Telepathy 217

    Chapter 16 Transferring Energy 227

    Chapter 17 Incarnation, Ascension, and the Power of Oneness 235

    Epilogue 245

    Resources 249

    Index 251

    About the Author 255

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