The Law of Attraction Bible

The Law of Attraction Bible

by Dr. Stan Gravely
The Law of Attraction Bible

The Law of Attraction Bible

by Dr. Stan Gravely


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For ages, men and women have anticipated and looked forward to this time of expansion, transformation, and awakening to new truths. Deep inside, prophets, gurus, avatars, dreamers, wise men, wizards, witches, sorcerers, preachers, leaders, and everyday people have always known there is something more to life than what meets the eyes.

Dr. Stan Gravely’s The Law of Attraction Bible is a compilation of truths the universe has delivered to the world in these exciting days. Many of us have searched all our lives for truth that is not mixed with religion, politics, and human reason. We are living in a time when truth is revealed in myriad ways, causing the expansion of infinite intelligence throughout the earth. Gravely describes how people come to earth to live a life of love, joy, peace, goodness, and abundance. People have the power to create the life they choose. By dreaming, thinking, and imagining what we want, we send out vibrational energies to attract what we desire.

The Law of Attraction Bible will help you to awaken and attune to your true self and empower you to live a life of love, joy, peace, and abundance. Yes, you can have the life you want.

Product Details

ISBN-13: 9781452520773
Publisher: Balboa Press
Publication date: 09/09/2014
Sold by: Barnes & Noble
Format: eBook
Pages: 148
File size: 217 KB

Read an Excerpt

The Law of Attraction Bible

By Stan Gravely

Balboa Press

Copyright © 2014 Dr. Stan Gravely
All rights reserved.
ISBN: 978-1-4525-2076-6



Chapter One

1. In the Beginning of the Expansion of Source Energy, Infinite Intelligence was vibrationally aligned to expand the Universe. The heavens of space and the planetary system appeared as Life Source Energy manifested ITS thoughts. The Light and Energy of Source expanded and revealed the thought images of Infinite Intelligence.

2. The Light and Energy of Source carried forth Infinite Intelligence throughout the universe to form and sustain all of ITS manifestations. There were multiple streams of energy vibrating on many frequencies to reveal the Infinite Intelligence of Source. The projection of Source began to expand and blossom in a multitude of blissful thoughts. Infinite Intelligence was, is and will continue to expand the embodiment of Source vibrations to reflect, refract and displace the Light and Energy of Source.

3. In the First Thought of expansion, Source created light and darkness. Source allowed the contrast of thoughts and ideas in the expansion to create an environment for progress and the evolution of Source to reveal Itself in a myriad of ways and possibilities. In the contrast, good and contrasting thoughts were allowed to live together in perfect harmony and unity. For IT is contrast that allows for clarification and forward progress. Once we know what we do not want, we can clarify what we do want. In clarifying what we want in contrast, we transform and mature.

4. In the Second Thought of expansion, Source created "The Law of Attraction" to divide the expansion of thoughts and ideas in the voice of many waters. This law allows like to attract like and repel that which in unlike. The Earth is a place where individual vibration creates and attracts that which it is focused upon and emotionally attached to. Therefore, The Law of Attraction creates worlds within worlds and allows for many voices and ideas. This contrast allows for diversity in unity.

5. In the Third Thought of expansion, Source created the physical environment for biological life to live, expand, grow, and mature. The land and seas appeared in this thought and vegetation appeared in herbs and fruit bearing within themselves the intelligence of Source Energy to yield seeds for continued expansion and resurrection of life.

6. In the Fourth Thought of expansion, Source created the luminaries in the expanse of the universe to divide between night and day. These provide signs for seasons, days, years, ages and zodiac signs. The whole world would be guided by the times and seasons of the zodiac.

7. In the Fifth Thought of expansion, Source created biological life forms to inhabit the Earth's sky, land, and sea. These life forms were created to support the environment in the balance of nature and to provide whatever assistance necessary in the growth and expansion of Source. In this contrast of life, the biological life forms grouped themselves vibrationally and environmentally according to their kind. In this balance, the Law of Attraction and Allowing is fulfilled and revealed.

8. In the Sixth Thought of expansion, Source created human life forms. Humans were created to be the caretakers of Earth in the process of expansion. Source, being both male and female energy, expanded humans in male and female forms. Humans were empowered by Source to be co-creators made in the image of Source to be fruitful, multiply, expand, grow and care for the Earth. Humans are extensions of Source and Source lives through them individually and corporately. Humans are divinely ordained in the expansion of Source to use their thoughts and emotions to create an expansion of love, joy, peace, goodness and abundance. The power of Source Energy to think, imagine, reason, create and expand lies within all human beings. It is within all humans to be individual co-creators with Source Energy. Every human is endowed with the desire to experience expansion and growth as they co-create with Source.

9. In the Seventh Thought of expansion, Source, in the midst of the expansion, enjoyed the light and darkness that had appeared in the form of suns, moons, stars, planets and galaxies. The universe radiated colorful displays of energy. The Universe was diverse and expansive. Source Energy was whirling and swirling about in a myriad of ways. Earth, wind, fire and water appeared in the midst of IT all. Life forms appeared and populated the visible and invisible domains of the universe. Life forms of energy descended into biological life on planet Earth. Energy was displaced on many vibrational levels of consciousness, and the expansion of ideas began to manifest in the visible.

10. All of life was reflecting and refracting the Infinite Intelligence of Source and IT was all very good. All of life on Earth was, is, and will continue to be extensions of Source Energy. In this life, individuals are given the freedom to choose and experience contrast and discover true love, joy, peace, abundance and goodness. People are creators and people create with their thoughts. What the mind can conceive, IT can achieve. Through imagination comes forth creative ideas that can manifest physically on Earth. People have the ability to dream, imagine, plan, create and expand. The purpose of life is expand and enjoy the process of life.

11. Individually, we create our lives as we choose our thoughts through either conscious or subconscious creating. The individual who is aligned with Source Energy will experience a wonderful life of expansion. The individual who is out of alignment with Source Energy will experience negative contrast and experiences. This is the Law of Attraction. We are creators and we have the freedom to create our lives as we grow and expand.

12. In the midst of the expansion, Source allows for abundance and for the lack thereof. Whatever we sow is what we will reap. The Earth provides the environment for humans to experience whatever "utopia" they desire. If humans align with Source and co-create with Source, they can live and move in the creative power of Life Source Energy. This knowledge is the knowledge of light and darkness. We can choose life and expansion, or we can succumb to the knowledge and power of others. The power of darkness is a hissing whisper that comes from those without.

13. The power of light comes from within our true self that identifies with Infinite Intelligence. The hissing ones will whisper in your ear their truths and philosophies and attempt to manipulate and control you through vain imaginations, fear, and manipulation of their truths. In the day you listen to and adhere to their fear, your inner light dies and you walk in darkness. The hissing ones will teach you the ways of darkness and lead you into fear, sickness, pain, division, strife, confusion, poverty, failure, and defeat. Life Source Energy will lead you into all love, joy, peace, goodness, abundance and freedom. Humans were created to be co-creators of life and enjoy a life of bliss. The hissing ones will try to convince you to follow their systems rather than the Infinite Intelligence of the Universe. It is the Law of Attraction. What you sow is what you reap. What you focus upon will vibrationally appear in your life. You are the sum total of your thoughts in relationship to the way you have adopted them into your life.

14. In the sea of contrast, Source allows humanity to choose between light and darkness, and each individual is responsible for his choices. Darkness is a result of individual thought, choices and emotional attachments to environmental influences. Casting blame and questioning the Laws of Source create duality and contrast which suspends our creativity until we realize we are here to grow and expand individually and as a whole. You have the power to become self-empowered and enlightened to live life to ITS fullest extent.

15. In the sea of contrast, humans can make choices and attract light and darkness into their life. Life and death are in the power of your thoughts and the way you emotionally express them. Whenever we compare or follow others, we cast ourselves into outer darkness. We fall and lower our vibration into fear, strife, division, hatred, jealousy, envy, bitterness and rampant poor choices. When we are empowered with the life of Source, we live in love, joy, peace, goodness, abundance, freedom, and tolerance.

16. Infinite Intelligence has always and will continue to sustain expansion through the Life Source Energy of Love, Joy, Peace, and Goodness. Source allows contrast to appear to stimulate progress, growth, change, and expansion. In the expansion of Source, immutable Laws of Expansion take place that empower humans to be co-creators with Source. These Laws are embedded in all of the universe on many vibrational levels. When we walk in these Laws, we walk into joy and happiness.

17. Every human being has been called and commissioned to live in the promised land of abundance. When we resist the temptation to be influenced by environmental influences, we become self-empowered and enlightened to live a wonderful life of Bliss! When we wander in the sea of contrast, we sometimes will march around in circles and enter into some form of bondage. Redemption can happen in the twinkling of an eye once we shift our thoughts and desires. There is a fruitful land promised for everyone who so desires. There are plenty of resources in the Universe to supply us with more than we can think and ask.

18. We all have a place to expand, grow and use our talents, gifts and abilities to reveal Source. In this contrast of discovery, each and every one is experiencing what they want and desire. IT is the Law of Attraction delivering the outcomes of our desires. No one is limited, no one is wrong. In the expansion of Source, there will be a myriad of manifestations. In contrast there is Unity of purpose.

19. When environmental influences and mind control overcome an individual or a group of humans, there comes a time when individuals and groups may resist the bondage of control and manipulation, and seek to be free. It is part of the expansion of life. It is a time of clarification whereby truth trumps the tyranny of those who seek to control, manipulate, and dominate others.

20. Now, therefore, if you will indeed hearken unto Source, your true self within, you will triumph over all the power of darkness. Great treasure and abundance lie ahead for all who rise up in authority over the hissing ones that seek to devour and control you. We are all extensions of Life Source Energy and are empowered individually to grow, expand and co-create with Source. The Promised Land is for you to want, desire and create!

21. Life and darkness have been set before you in a sea of contrast. Therefore, choose life that you may live life! Source Energy is Love and you are loved. Do not lower your vibration by allowing fear and unworthiness to permeate your thoughts. Source loves you furiously with all the intensity of ITS energy. Embrace the Life Source Energy of God! There is great love for YOU! You are born with the capacity to live a life of Bliss!

22. Source, the Almighty Living Spirit, is the Indestructible, absolute First Cause of all the Cosmos. Source manifests in and through all, but is not absorbed by all. The cosmos is the body of Source that reflects Source intellectually, emotionally, creatively, and logically in all ways. Source is Infinite Intelligence, Universal Spirit, and Material Reality. The material world represents Infinite Intelligence's intentions and extensions of Source Energy.

23. Source is the absolute being of pure oneness and unity, the source of all power and stability. Source is the creative force of all the cosmos and a flow of loving energy that flows in and through the interior of this oneness. The Breath of Source Energy or Universal Spirit carries these forces (energies) into the cosmos and is eternally echoing the energies of Source. Furthermore, Source, in character and energy, is both male and female.

24. Source and all of all life is in all and sustains all by the power of Infinite Intelligence and Universal Spirit. Infinite Intelligence represents all the Divine Laws of the Universe that are absolute and eternally immutable. Universal Spirit is the light and energy of Infinite Intelligence that produces Creation and sustains the cosmos. The material world is a reflection of Infinite Intelligence, imagination, and creativity. Source is the power behind all things that exist.

25. All humans are incarnations of Source. Humans are the crown of glory of all creation and have been endued with the responsibility to rule, reign, and expand the presence and reality of Infinite Intelligence. In this esteemed position we have great responsibility and accountability to expand the true nature of Source in every aspect of life. We are not Source. We are extended images of Source, and in essence, one with Source. Infinite Intelligence is self-existent and we are co-creators with Source to expand the image of Source throughout the entire cosmos.

26. All humans can commune with Source personally and receive revelation and inspiration through divine communication. As we attune with Infinite Intelligence we are able to receive direct revelation from Source and be guided into all Truth. We are all surrounded by Infinite Intelligence and Universal Spirit that is forever expanding and providing continuity and immortality to us all.

27. Life Source Energy is within man. To know Source is to know one's self. Source is not found in a religious building or a religious book. We have to look inward to experience who we are and who Source is. This is why prayer and meditation are essential and necessary to enter into true bliss.

28. Source is Love. The fall of mankind mentioned in sacred scripture revolves around the belief that we live in a dual world of good and evil. The tree of the knowledge of good and evil was not a real tree but the ability of humans to choose a life of duality. Duality causes confusion, divisiveness, discord, distress, and the misuse of energy from a human perspective. Energy will be expressed either positively, if we are attuned within and with God, or negatively, if we are attuned to just ourselves and our environmental influences.

29. The Divine energy within us must find an outlet. Humans can suppress this energy and then experience a break down just as a clogged pipe will only withstand so much pressure before it bursts! This is why we should find something we love to do that will allow us to express our self and release the energies of life into action and transmute this power in a positive, creative way. Otherwise, we will fall prey to our own devices and create calamity in and around us. A double-minded man is unstable in all his ways! But once we attune to Source within, we realize our own divinity. We realize that our true self is a divine being on a divine journey. We realize that we come here as spiritual entities to grow and expand the cosmos. Once this is realized we can escape the prison of duality.

30. There is a Law of Love. Source is Love and we are Love! Love conquers all and love casts out all fear and negativity. If we do all in the power and divinity of true love, we can do no wrong! Source created us to live, laugh and love! The law of love emancipates our duality and empowers us to do all in the spirit and revelation of love!

31. Source is Energy and we should worship Source and connect to Source in the songs, music and other forms of external stimuli that can assist us to worship. Worship is ultimately connecting inwardly and then outwardly with Source and the universe in an attitude of gratitude and bliss.

32. The Law of Attraction teaches us that Individuals are physical extensions of the non-physical, and that we are co-creators with source to expand and grow the universe. People come to earth to live a life of love, joy, peace, goodness and abundance. People have the power to create the life that they choose. By dreaming, thinking and imagining what we want, we send out vibrational energies that attract that which we desire. What we sow mentally we reap physically. Where we are is where we are based on the vibrational thoughts and feelings we nurture and entertain, good or bad. What we conceive, believe and give our attention to will manifest sooner or later.


Excerpted from The Law of Attraction Bible by Stan Gravely. Copyright © 2014 Dr. Stan Gravely. Excerpted by permission of Balboa Press.
All rights reserved. No part of this excerpt may be reproduced or reprinted without permission in writing from the publisher.
Excerpts are provided by Dial-A-Book Inc. solely for the personal use of visitors to this web site.

Table of Contents


Acknowledgement, ix,
Introduction, xi,
The Book of Genesis, 1,
The Book of Proverbs, 11,
The Book of Psalms, 29,
The Book of Gospels, 35,
The Book of Spiritual Awakening, 55,
The Book of Wisdom, 65,
The Book of Life, 81,
The Book of Mind Energy, 87,
The Book of Human Relationships, 95,
The Book of Health, 101,
The Book of Finances, 107,
The Book of Affirmations, 115,
The Book of Emotions, 121,
The Book of Revelation, 127,
Epilogue, 131,

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