The Invisible Master: Secret Chiefs, Unknown Superiors, and the Puppet Masters Who Pull the Strings of Occult Power from the Alien World

The Invisible Master: Secret Chiefs, Unknown Superiors, and the Puppet Masters Who Pull the Strings of Occult Power from the Alien World

The Invisible Master: Secret Chiefs, Unknown Superiors, and the Puppet Masters Who Pull the Strings of Occult Power from the Alien World

The Invisible Master: Secret Chiefs, Unknown Superiors, and the Puppet Masters Who Pull the Strings of Occult Power from the Alien World


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Leo Zagami’s groundbreaking study of aliens and UFOs explores where we come from and which mysterious figures have guided humanity's political and religious choices. From the prophets to the initiates and magicians, all ages have drawn from a common source of ultra-terrestrial and magical knowledge, passed down for millennia. This text reveals the identity of the unknown superiors, secret chiefs, and invisible masters who have guided Freemasonry, the Illuminati, and others. Zagami speaks of the existence of multidimensional doors used by the various Illuminati to let other beings into our world, while alluding to the latest discoveries of quantum physics for support. This shocking text will be embraced by those willing to look beyond the everyday to analyze our world's most puzzling circumstances. 

Product Details

ISBN-13: 9781888729702
Publisher: CCC Publishing
Publication date: 11/01/2018
Pages: 380
Sales rank: 379,653
Product dimensions: 5.90(w) x 8.90(h) x 1.00(d)

About the Author

Italian-born Leo Lyon Zagami is a writer known for his Confessions of Illuminati series. He has been involved with the productions of documentaries for ENIGMA TV and InfoWars, and he appears regularly on the popular Italian television show Mistero

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The supposed alien ancestors of Jesus

Laurence Gardner (1943–2010) was a well-known Masonic author in the 1990s, for some of his books that reached an international level, such as Bloodline of The Holy Grail: The Hidden Lineage of Jesus Revealed (1996). Until his death, he worked hard to trace the true lineage of Jesus, and despite the fact that traditional historians call him a pseudo-historian, his actual influence on contemporary culture is remarkable. As the English newspaper, The Independent wrote after his death: "His work inspired the now famous Da Vinci Code of 2003, offering a bit of inspiration for Dan Brown's novel development."

Gardner even came to determine a supposed alien origin for Jesus through the line of blood that came from his anointed, King David. In his book Genesis of the Grail Kings from 1999, Gardner determined that the real bloodline of Jesus ultimately descended from the biblical Cain of alien origins, whose sons and his following bloodline were, therefore, of extraterrestrial origin.

Gardner discussed this further during a conference, where he stated that they, the sons of Cain, were the true children of the Gods, the Annunaki from the Stars, who were briefly bred to be the leaders of the human race. Annunaki is the Sumerian denomination of the tyrannical Jewish Nephilim, descendants of the Giants, the two hundred Ben Elohim, or fallen angels that Yahweh (one of the Elohim creators of humanity) kicked out of Heaven, a notion disclosed initially by Zecharia Sitchin (1920–2010), the famous unconventional scholar, often criticized for his translations from ancient Sumerian texts. In addition, Sitchin had direct contact with the Vatican through Monsignor Corrado Balducci (1923–2008), as described in Volume III, of my Confessions.

The significance of Gardner's strange claims and those made by Sitchin and others will become apparent after understanding why their position is so different from that of traditional historians, and the importance of their thesis. Gardner developed his work with an almost encyclopedic approach to his already mentioned Genesis of the Grail Kings, and focused on the period of the Old Testament, in particular, on the biblical parts of Genesis and Exodus. He begins with a description of the origins of the Jewish faith as a mixture created by Egyptian worshippers of the sun, assimilating to some notions of the tradition of the Sumerians and their belief system, to which they would be strongly influenced. Gardner followed those who did not revert to the official version of the history of humanity because they were influenced by the mystery schools that traditionally guide both the good and bad Illuminati.

One such person, well before Gardner, was Gerald Massey (1828–1907), an unconventional archeologist linked to the Theosophical Society, who wrote, A Book of the Beginnings, issued in 1881, that later influenced Kenneth Grant, who was linked to Crowley. Massey's work is still used today as a reference for the Theosophical Society, a religious-philosophical movement founded by Helena Petrovna Blavatsky (1831–1891). Massey was a poet, who was passionate about Egyptian civilization, but never a true Egyptologist in the traditional sense, but rather someone who taught himself the art of deciphering hieroglyphs, using his very good intuition. Massey was also the Grand Master of an Order of Druids (A.O.D.) that was highly influential in the Illuminati network. He is still well-known in the New Age movement today, for his seemingly bizarre theory that establishes a parallel between the life of Horus and that of Jesus, a theory that he said was based on a mysterious ancient relic found in Luxor, that Massey examines and interprets in the work, The Historical Jesus and the Mythical Christ (1886).

There are no other sources of reference to assert his thesis, aside from his own. In reality, Massey was just proposing an old theory, made popular by Christian Ernst Wnsch, in Adam Weishaupt's Illuminati Order, one hundred years earlier.

In fact, Ernst Wnsch wrote in, Horus or the Astro-Gnostic final judgment on the Revelation of John published in 1783: "Horus of the Egyptians was the messiah of the Jews, as we have often shown. Horus was the bread and wine. The Messiah was thus also, in the opinion of some in the Jewish sect, to present. He put forth namely life's bread and life's wine, that is, he was the soul's food and the soul's drink, heavenly food and heavenly drink. Jesus had to do all of this. He had further said, that he was going to come in a different relation to situations with his disciples, that he would now like to succeed in his designs on the temple. For this reason, he metaphorically gave them bread and wine, instead of eating his body and blood, as a memorial to his custom until this time community and to drink a toast with them, and since then the communion has been used."

However, in 2007, a popular documentary loved by globalists, entitled Zeitgeist will resume this Illuminati theory, to brainwash the masses, proposing it as Massey's own, and exponentially amplifying it to the whole world in the era of the internet. The statements about the fact that Jesus would be a sort of copycat product of ancient religious figures like Horus or others, have, in fact, been widespread. Anti-Christian atheist websites have been used against Christians in religious debate, even unjustly. This theory originated in the Illuminati, according to traditional historians, and has no basis in reality. However, I still think the truth is found somewhere in between, and is not simply a mythical vision, as seen in Masonry or in other sects where myth often reigns over reality. For Mystic Masonry, the religions and myths of the past are an obvious trace left to us by extradimensional beings able to travel the cosmos since ancient times, to join the human race in secret rituals orchestrated by the Illuminati and the Illuminist, for both evil and good deeds, to be operated on mankind, in order to establish religions and civilizations, at times even requiring human sacrifice. Something that is still happening in the most secret lodges of Occult Masonry, and other more nefarious sects of the Illuminati.

There has been talk of "Contact" between Freemasonry and Aliens, recently relaunched by advocates of the theory of the ancient astronauts known as "paleo-astronautics," originally introduced in the 1960s, by a mathematician of the Soviet establishment named Matest M. Agrest, later popularized by a Swiss writer named Erich von Däniken (b. 1935), in his book, Chariots of the Gods (1969), that became an international bestseller translated into many languages. Paleo-astronautics has been promoted a lot in recent years by the TV channels of the New World Order controlled by the usual Illuminati groups, and was originally created in the 1960s, but these notions were present for a long time in the lodges of fringe Masonic rites and certain Illuminati sects like the Ordo Templi Orientis, or the Temple of Set Society. In general, the media has become an involuntary instrument of control exercised by the Illuminati, who for some reason now seem to want to publicly indoctrinate the population with their alternative vision of man's history and origins.

What has so far been considered as a dark secret theory hidden behind the walls of Masonic lodges or other mystery schools, has now become, for motives related to current plans of the occult elite, an alternative version of the history of humanity. The word occult comes from the Latin word occultus meaning hidden. Since the Illuminati is an occult secret society, they hide things in plain sight, and now they seem to also reveal them without anyone questioning why they are doing so.

Perhaps we should be wondering why such information, which was once considered top secret, and could often get you jailed or killed, back in the days of the Inquisition, as with the famous Italian Dominican friar and philosopher, Giordano Bruno (1548–1600), is today at the disposal to millions of people, from many TV networks worldwide. Are they preparing something for humanity? Obviously, the answer is yes, but what? In 1584, Bruno wrote in The Infinite Universe: "Innumerable suns exist; innumerable earths revolve around these suns … Living beings inhabit these worlds."

The basic theme of Bruno's Spaccio, also written in the year 1584:

"The glorification of the magical religion of the Egyptians."

Bruno believed this worship was really the worship of "God in things." Bruno wrote in Spaccio: "for diverse living things represent divine spirits and powers, which, beyond the absolute being which they have, obtain a being communicated to all things according to their capacity and measure. Whence God as a whole is in all things."

No wonder Bruno is considered today by many, not only a ufologist, but recent studies have linked him to the origins of Rosicrucianism, a cultural movement which arose in Europe in the early 17th century, that we know is an emanation of a much older mystery school of the Illuminati network.


In Genesis of the Grail Kings, Gardner speaks in detail of the Great Pyramid of Cheops and considers of great importance the fact that the Kings Chamber, placed inside of it, could be used as a superconductor capable of carrying the pharaoh into another space-time dimension for a very unusual initiation. And it was in the Kings Chamber that the pharaoh's ritual of passing was handled according to the tradition of The Book of the Dead of ancient Egypt. This strange room, used by the pharaoh during the rituals in question, apparently, led him to the Gods of Antiquity, entities duly described by Gardner as transdimensional, rather than just extraterrestrial. The Kings Chamber hypothesis as a dimensional portal was reaffirmed in the summer of 2014, during an important conference in Italy, by author and internationally renowned researcher Robert Bauval, who has, among other things, a background in engineering. Bauval said that after thirty years of research, it is now safe to say that the Kings Chamber is an interdimensional portal.

Napoleon also had a profound experience in the House of Kings, as my friend Adrian Gilbert writes in Mysteries of the Stone of Destiny: "In 1798, his army had just won a great victory on the Mamelukes that had ruled Egypt for centuries. After the battle, Napoleon entered the pyramid, insisting that he was left alone in the House of Kings. When he left, about an hour later, he was pale but refused any question as to what had happened in that place; He kept that secret with him to the grave." In this place, there was an extra-dimensional "Stargate" used by the pharaoh. Édouard Schuré (1841–1929) in The Great Initiates: A Study of the Secret History of Religions, a mysterious book of tremendous importance for the Illuminati mystery schools, gives the following explanation of the famous stories of Herodotus in Old Egypt:

For a long time archeologists have seen in the sarcophagus of the Great Pyramid of Gizeh the tomb of King Sesostus, on the testimony of Herodotus, who was not an initiate, and to whom the Egyptian priests hardly confided anything except trifles and folk tales. The kings of Egypt, however, had their tombs elsewhere. The strange inner structure of the Pyramid proves that it was to be used for initiation ceremonies and secret practices of the priests of Osiris. The Well of Truth which we described, the ascending staircase and the room of the arcana are found there.

The room called the Kings Chamber, which contains the sarcophagus, was the one where the adept was led on the eve of his great initiation. These same arrangements were reproduced in the great temples of central and upper Egypt.

Schuré continues, "'No man,' said the hierophant, 'escapes death, and every living soul is destined to resurrection. The adept goes through the tomb alive, that afterward, he may enter into the light of Osiris. Lie down, therefore, in this coffin and wait for the light! Tonight you will go through the door of Fear you will reach the threshold of Mastery.' The initiate lay down in the open sarcophagus. The hierophant extended his hand over him in blessing and the procession of initiates left the cave in silence."

Schuré was another very interesting character connected to the Illuminati, and the Hermetic school of French initiate Antoine-Joseph Pernety, known as Dom Pernety (1716–1801), a former Benedictine, and librarian of Frederic the Great of Prussia, who was considered a key figure in the origins of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite. Dom Pernety was also influenced by the Christian mysticism of Swedenborg and he founded in 1760 the secret society of Rite Hermétique or Illuminati of Avignon, very much in vogue in the first Enlightenment period, as a more mystical and esoteric alternative to the Illuminati Order of Adam Weishaupt.

Schuré, who was an initiate, was influenced by Rudolf Steiner (1861–1925), bound in turn, by the already mentioned Helena Petrovna Blavatsky, founder in 1875 of the Theosophical Society, originally created in New York. Thus, we find a certain affinity between the perceptions we have mentioned so far, whose glue always seems to be the Theosophical Society, that has, more than anyone else, promulgated in the modern era, the idea of the Invisible Masters and the Secret Chiefs of a New and Imminent Age.

As all theosophists and Illuminati, he was obsessed with ancient Egypt and its characters, including Moses, described by Schuré in this way:

Moses, the Egyptian initiate, and priest of Osiris, was indisputably the organizer of monotheism. Through him, this principle, until then hidden beneath the threefold veil of the Mysteries, came out of the depths of the temple and entered the course of history. Moses had the courage to establish the highest principle of initiation as the sole dogma of a national religion, and the prudence to reveal its consequences to only a small number of initiates while imposing it upon the masses through fear. In so doing, the prophet of Sinai evidently had before him distant vistas which extended far beyond the destinies of his people. The establishment of the universal religion of mankind is the true mission of Israel, which few Jews other than its greatest prophets have understood. In order for this mission to be fulfilled, the swallowing up of the people who championed it was implied. The Jewish nation was dispersed and annihilated. The idea of Moses and the Prophets have lived and increased. Enlarged and transfigured by Christianity, taken up by Islam, although on a lower plane, upon the barbaric West, and was to influence Asia once again. Henceforth it would be useless for mankind to rebel and struggle against itself in convulsive efforts; mankind was to revolve around this major idea like the nebula around the sun which organizes it. This was the tremendous work of Moses.

Moses was a great interdimensional magician, who in fact, thanks to his privileged contact with God, and extra-dimensional aliens/angels, managed to lead the Jews out of Egypt, according to the Bible. Moses was the one who began the path that would lead them to the "Promised Land," that the Jews are still craving and suffering for, to this day. That is why Schuré devotes a whole chapter in his book The Great Initiates, called "MOSES: The Mission of Israel." A century later, the late Laurence Gardner, a typical representative of contemporary Masonic / Illuminist thought, will also focus on this subject inspired by the work of Alexandre Saint-Yves, Marquess of Alveydre (26 March 1842 - 5 February 1909), who was a French occultist that adapted the works of Fabre d'Olivet (1767–1825), and wrote the book Mission des Juifs, or "Mission of the Jews."

Let's return to the role of Moses, who is bound, if you think about it, to a special interdimensional location and Stargate, constructed to initiate the pharaohs to the highest mysteries, and project them into parallel dimensions and distant worlds.

We are for the first time in front of unusual open Stargates, where the interconnecting extra-dimensional doors could be found in a cave, behind a bush, or on top of a mountain, which Schuré calls the Sacred Mountain. It is, therefore, worthwhile to look even closer at the important and enigmatic figure of Moses, tied to the constant support of a Superior guide that I would call an "alien," in his mission to guide the chosen people here on earth. A race, that apparently, has a specific task, a divine mission, which puts them above the rest of humanity, while for others critical of the Jewish belief system, is the result of a diabolical compromise. It is a controversial subject for sure, which would require a separate book for its complex nature.


Excerpted from "Invisible Master"
by .
Copyright © 2019 Leo Lyon Zagami.
Excerpted by permission of CCC Publishing.
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Table of Contents

Preface Cav. Luciano Fortunato Sciandra 6

Author's Introduction 8

Chapter I Who Are the Invisible Masters?

The supposed alien ancestors of Jesus 13

First access to a multi-dimensional "Stargate" 17

Moses the High Priest of Osiris and his alien guide 20

The immortality doctrine of the Illuminati 28

Mount Sinai, Count of Cagliostro, and the forty-day experience 33

Moses' radiant glow 42

A wandering entity could invade your life 49

Yahweh and the alien origins of Israel 57

Koot Hoorni, the Invisible Master of Blavatsky 66

The Polaire Brotherhood, Otto Rahan, and the Grail 71

The ultra-dimensional portal of Lucifer 78

Chapter II My Experience: From Cagliostro to the "Stargate" of the Alchemists

Cagliostro, my Secret Chief, and Invisible Master 85

The power of magic in my childhood 89

The opening of the Great Book of Nature 91

In search of a stargate 94

My father describes the different aspects of Freemasonry 96

The Interdimensional nature of the Invisible Masters 100

Doorways to Multi-dimensional Worlds 103

What is Vril, and does quantum physics confirm the occult? 106

Why Sinus matters 109

Chapter III The Ufonauts and Alien Vampirism

Choronzon-Crowley open the gates of Hell in 1909 111

The Crucified Frog and the Alien Apocalypse 114

UFOnauts and the secret cipher of the Illuminati 117

Greenfield, the Illuminati, and the O.T.O./UFO controversy 124

Greenfield and Alien vampirism 128

Alien abduction or demonic possession? 132

Aldebaran, the egregore, and occult chains 137

Alamantrah working: Crowley and the first grey 144

Kenneth Grant and the alien cult of Lam 149

Chapter IV Reptilians, Vril, and the Blood Limes Serving The Multi-Dimensional World

Messengers of deception 154

Interview with the late Karla Turner 158

David Icke and the "Reptilians" 162

Are reptilians multi-dimensional vampires? 166

CERN, interdimensional portals, and the Roswell incident 167

The Theosophical aspects of Memorandum 6751 172

Manly P. Hall and Flying Saucers 176

The Occult origins of Scientology 189

The Vril Factor 197

The Alien Dimension: From the Golden Dawn to the A A 204

The NWO and the role of alien genes 213

Jinn in relation to the Reptilians and the NOW 217

Bloodlines, Illuminati, and the Science of God 220

The secret doctrine of Atlantis 224

Chapter V Sex With Aliens

A sign of the times 230

Theosophy in the space age 235

The Elemental Spirits 242

The secret science of alien sexuality 246

Gabalis' teachings 250

Alien abductions since time immemorial 252

The O.T.O. second-degree Instruction on Elementals 256

Elemental and the roots of the Black Mass 258

Magic and Magnetism in the Illuminati 261

Chapter VI Esoterism and Alien Entities in the End Times Scenario

The Enochian Apocalypse 267

The Conjuration of the Four Elements by Eliphas Levi 276

Aleister Crowley Apocalypse Superstar 279

Messiah or Antichrist? 282

Ufology officially appears in the Vatican 287

The Knight of Ufology in the Vatican 292

The Alchemy of Reintegration and the Pentagon 297

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