The Human'S Universe and Its Purpose and Destiny

The Human'S Universe and Its Purpose and Destiny

by Robert Flash Kingsley
The Human'S Universe and Its Purpose and Destiny

The Human'S Universe and Its Purpose and Destiny

by Robert Flash Kingsley


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The subject of God and our origin as humans has been at odds between science and religion for centuries until just recently. Now, due to the latest findings and the merging of both fields of study, a greater view of the concept of the Creator that applies to all people equally representing both disciplines is available to benefit our entire global society. The universal comprehension of the human spirit as an extension of the creative energy of the universe now arrives for us to utilize the unseen forces of life and creation to rebuild ourselves and the world for future development and prosperity. Unification through intelligent awareness is the only way we, as a civilization, can have a bright future.

Product Details

ISBN-13: 9781504902250
Publisher: AuthorHouse
Publication date: 03/27/2015
Sold by: Barnes & Noble
Format: eBook
Pages: 108
File size: 417 KB

About the Author

Robert has devoted over forty years to the unraveling of life’s greatest spiritual mysteries related to our existence as people. Studying from both Eastern views and Western thoughts, he has dedicated his spiritual and metaphysical investigation to leaving no “stone unturned” in finding out the purpose and destiny of the human being, making us more exceptional than all other creatures. The twenty-first century conclusion of his findings led him to found the Melchizedek Order in 2006, dedicated to the spiritual service and enlightenment of all people equally as a Jesusonian pastor, Flash presents an exceptional view illustrating that the superconscious mind of the human is eternal and exists temporarily in this world while here in the kingdom of reality revealed within our hearts and through our life’s journey.

Read an Excerpt

The Human's Universe and Its Purpose and Destiny

By Robert Flash Kingsley


Copyright © 2015 Robert Flash Kingsley
All rights reserved.
ISBN: 978-1-5049-0229-8



We begin when the earth was formed, In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. Gen 1:1 The dawning of life in the Proterozoic era ushered in the first marine animal life, 550 million years ago and lasted 150 million years. The Paleozoic era lasted 250 million years bringing in the larger land based creatures and the dinosaurs. The Mesozoic era succeeded it with the emergence of our birds, snakes, and reptiles beginning to appear. Next, the Cenozoic era lasted 50 million years and our modern day version of our mammals became more refined. The Pleistocene era followed with a series of ages where man started to appear in its current form and spent much of his time migrating with the animals on the planet to avoid severe weather patterns and possible extinction. The history of the human in its current likeness starts here just one million years ago.

After one hundred thousand years or so the earth had settled down enough for people to begin to appreciate terra firma and understand a few things about it other than subsistence. What they did not know then but we now know is that the polarity of cycles while living a physical existence in the universe was affecting them. Due to certain astronomical functions combined with the effects of gravity while living on a rotating sphere orbiting a solar orb there would be calculable periods or "ages" of either positive or negative inclination every 25,920 years. Since the ancient civilizations had nothing else better to do than to observe the heavens to figure out their relevance to it all, they came up with some very accurate and primal statistics that still hold true. They discovered, for instance, that if a straight stick was stuck through the center of the earth from north to south exactly where the center of the rotational fulcrum took place on the planet that the stick itself would have a slight rotational wobble of its own and would point out a circle in the heavens as it did it. They measured out twelve "houses" or sections on its imaginary path and named them after creatures which they thought most depicted the influence on us from each area. The previously mentioned large number was determined by how many years this axis stick took to point 360° or all the way around the circle one time. They knew that there was some cosmic influence over us living on the planet as a result. This was the period when time keeping was invented and they developed a device that was so accurate in calculating all of this that we can't even compare to it in our most modern instruments. We found that the Mayans inherited it and it is known as the Mayan calendar.

Eons and centuries passed by and the significance of all of these discoveries became over shadowed by the pursuit of wealth and industrial development. Recently, we have begun to reinvestigate what the influences are and what they all mean. The human race has had a few strikes against it in the past few centuries and previous millennia inhibiting us from truly understanding what we are all about and why we exist on this sphere in the first place. Number one; the concluded period called the Kali Yuga cycle, partially recognized in its immediate influence as the Piscean Age followed by the Aquarian Age each representing one twelfth of that giant axial orbital cycle. The twelve cycles alternate in influence of polarity, the Piscean being negative and the Aquarian, the one we are now entering, being more positive in disposition. The Piscean that we're leaving has been of a "stealing" or absorptive nature allowing for people living during these times to be more influenced by negative or self-aggrandizing modes in life rather than positive ones. Some symptoms would be; war-like tendencies, greediness, xenophobia, and general self-orientation. This does not mean that this has to be, or that the other positive aspects that we can appeal to are not accessible. It just means that the darker images of the purposes of development are more obvious than the less visible ethical ones. This has been going on for the past 11,000 years or so and has been the battle ground of religious philosophy promoting proper morality since the beginning of recorded history. We are emerging from this decadent era into the dominant influence of the more positive Aquarian cycle. The graduation between the two is subtle, but the newer one will begin to show its dominance during the end of this decade. The more than dominant influence of the need for power and greed in people's lives, which up to this point has separated the masses into the haves and have nots, the wealthy from the middle class and poor, and the educated elite (being it scientific or religious) from the common folk who are trying to learn correctly and comprehend, has completely controlled the compass directing the development of civilization since the beginning. Sound complicated? Not really, just pay close attention and be unbiased to the logic and information presented.

As human development shed the constant vigil of being an agrarian society, people began to think for themselves in more intricate thought patterns of how to build a better civilization. This involved the mind and the spirit, the former involving the quest for scientifically applying the planet's resources to human needs and the latter involving the moral base and purpose in doing so as vested creatures to create as the Divine Creator founded the universe to do in the first place. (As we are a part of the whole and never truly can be detached from it.)

While mankind was developing in this way in separate pockets of societies called western civilization or eastern civilization, the environments provided vastly different stimuli for the people to adapt to their conditions for survival. Prior to the era of adequate communication around the world, each one thought they were superior over the others they did not even know about. This created attitudes of negativity and protection of their own ways and methods of existence. Remember the negative cycle?

Transportation to explore new horizons created the atmosphere of intermingling cultures, usually for the purposes of trade for the exchange of useful commodities to enhance the development of people everywhere.

While this was all going on, an interesting phenomenon was happening to the human minds of those centuries. If certain individuals were capable enough to rise out of the necessity of subsistence living and somehow find their way to the institutions of higher education, usually where the churches were located, then they had a chance to join the intellectual elite and become incorporated into the regimented belief patterns being formulated by those highly revered authorities in power. The point being that, the impetus of the self-protective human mind became self-righteous in its egocentric opinions leading individuals into the view that the more they thought they knew the more rigidly they thought they were right setting the course of civilization on a path of narrowly focused belief. All the time the world was allegedly advancing. See the trend yet?

Now, an amazing split was about to occur between the budding scientific community and the established views of the Western Church on the globe. The discoveries in the area of astronomy of independent observers and the rigid opinions derived from assumed biblical theories on our position as people on the planet by centuries old religious philosophy were becoming incompatible. Stephen Hawking in his best-selling book entitled, A Brief History of Time reveals it this way:

"The Greek philosopher Aristotle was first to recognize in 340 BC that the world was round. He had the notion that our world was stationary and that the Sun, the Moon, the planets, and the stars moved in circular orbits around the earth. Then Ptolemy came along in the 2nd century AD and theorized that the Earth stood at the center, surrounded by 8 spheres that carried the moon, the stars, and the five planets known at the time, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn revolving about us. Things started to heat up when the Polish priest Nicholas Copernicus in 1514 came up with the untraditional and farfetched idea that the Sun was stationary at the center and that the earth and the planets moved in circular orbits around it. He feared for his life from church authorities and it took another century before the two notable astronomers, the German Johannes Kepler and the Italian Galileo Galilei, to publicly earn support for his theory. The then recent invention of the telescope verified orbital patterns of moons around other planets and the newly born scientific community became divergent from the religious views giving birth to the secular world and the divide became a wide chasm for centuries until the gorge started to become narrowed down recently with the scientific world finally admitting that there must be this unseen enormous omnipotent force surrounding and encompassing everything called (maybe) God.

The greatest movement of our time is the amalgamation of the religious orientation toward this 'God force' and the research done in the area of quantum physics where the mind of a person can actually be entangled with the elements of the universe thereby creating an outcome as it has been described in scriptures. Yes, you can move mountains with enough faith and belief! Isn't that what prayerfulness and meditation is all about preached by different walks of faith worldwide?

The point being we can all do it because we are created by the Creator to co-create universally regardless of race creed religion or nationality. The future of our world is to arrive at this unilateral position so that we all may take part for the benefit of our lives, the lives of others, and the world. We've come a long way baby!

It sounds too good to be true because of the simplicity of the concept. One thing stands in the way of it all. The human mind can be a formidable obstacle against success in progress. It all takes spiritual commitment for it not to happen. Remember, we still have a foot in the door in the waning negative age and people have a tendency to lend themselves to the ways of the past than what could be seen to help us in the future.

Here is how it works as described by the Tibetan sage Sogyal Rinpoche: "In the modern era our minds are riddled and confused with doubt. I sometimes think that doubt is an even greater block to human evolution than desire and attachment. Our society promotes cleverness instead of wisdom and celebrates the most superficial, harsh, and least useful aspects of our intelligence. We become so falsely sophisticated and neurotic that we take doubt itself for truth, and the doubt that is nothing more than ego's desperate attempt to defend itself from wisdom is deified as the goal and fruit of true knowledge. It is a destructive form of doubt that leaves us nothing to believe in, nothing to hope for, and nothing to live by.

Our contemporary education, then, indoctrinates us in the glorification of doubt, it has created in fact what could almost be called a religion or theology of doubt, in which to be seen to be intelligent we have to be seen to doubt everything, to always point to what's wrong and rarely to ask what's right or good, cynically to denigrate all inherited spiritual ideals and philosophies, or anything that is done in simple goodwill or with an innocent heart."

This large battleground between the materialistic ego and the spiritual consciousness that fuels this problem will be dealt with fully later in this presentation. Meanwhile, his solution could be; "In the place of this nihilistic form of doubt, then I would ask you to put what I call a 'noble doubt', the kind of doubt that is an integral part of the path toward enlightenment. The vast truth in the mystical teachings handed down to us is not something that our endangered world can afford to dismiss. Instead of doubting them, why don't we doubt ourselves, our ignorance, our assumption that we understand everything already, our grasping and evasion, our passion for so-called explanations of reality that have about them that they have nothing of the awe-inspiring an all-encompassing wisdom of what the Masters, the messengers of reality, have told us?"

The higher patterns of intellectual wisdom in spiritual discipline have been gradually being released over the past several decades. The wisdom masters in the mystery schools retaining the knowledge of our orientation to everything have been quiet and unseen only revealing their vast universe understanding to seekers who wish to know our fundamental nature in existence. Due to their lack of public promotion, they have rarely been heard of by title or tradition. Now's the time that these teachings are truly coming out of the woodwork when we need the core information about us the most.

What this all means is that if the planetary citizens can now perceive the dynamic that has occurred, that being when science and the spiritual capability of the individual have once again been united then the progressive formula for prosperity has no limitation in the grand scheme of our position as a planet of the many evolving spheres reaching the highest and most respectable levels of physical mortal attainment. The founder and co-creator of this universe who sacrificed himself to be born into a world of very dim and illicit circumstances, came here to oversee the initial stages of planting a seed for just such an occurrence. Even a world such as ours that seems ready to be cast into the furnace can be fully redeemed and brought back into the fold. That is why the messages in his teachings were focused on forgiveness and equality besides the ever present theme from his sponsor, love.

And now, something that has not been revealed to our world until just recently, our future will be in rhythm with the universe development, FINALLY. We are going to rise up to the level of "light and life" that the most advanced planets in the universe achieve. This means that the final graduation of successive planetary epochs to develop a world into the most responsible and aware representative sphere according to virtues and guidelines of the Creator himself are met for the most part. This does not mean that the worlds on this level are perfect because total perfection is not attainable on the three-dimensional level. It can only be strived for, but rather most things of life are flowing in order according to cosmic law.

The "Golden Ages" will still need hospitals for the infirmed because disease cannot be 100% eradicated and accidents are an unavoidable occurrence in a progressive universe in motion and the injured must be attended to as merciful training for those who live in the flesh during any epoch, but all this is on a minor scale compared to less advanced planets that must continue to struggle mightily through their negative cycles prior to crossing the threshold into higher realms of existence dominated by sympathetic spiritual perspectives universally shared by all citizens.

We are getting closer after having witnessed the past Mesozoic era of evolving bipedal creatures being readied for cohabitation with the intelligence of the universe. Civilization epochs appeared and the earliest ones showed distinct clues for a superior intellectual influence affecting them was left for later cycles of humans to discover. Cycle upon cycle of widely divergent groups of separately developing cultures began to merge ushering in the previously mentioned separation of the human spiritual component of the development of the material world. And finally, the reunification of spirit potential with scientific qualification leads onward to the highest levels possible, illustrated by achieving a global society for everyone.

There still are the "old schoolers" who will be rigid about adhering to material science only and strict followers of religious dogma who can have no vision past what they already have read in their scriptures but by and large we are on the way. Seek and ye shall find.



Technology and investigative sciences have merged at the end of the 20th century to reveal to us that we have missed very critical and instrumental knowledge and techniques that are pertinent to the development of highly capable human beings to serve well as qualified citizens to improve their personal lives and promote wellness and compatibility and their societies. We know this to be true from the very fact that recent discoveries have illustrated that past civilizations of 5,000 years and older were far more peaceful an architecturally more superior to what we have been able to achieve in what we call the 'modern era'. Come to find out the planet has not evolved on one continuous track from primitive to advanced civilization just once, as previously thought, but rather numerous times with cataclysmic episodes defining the separation between cycles.


Excerpted from The Human's Universe and Its Purpose and Destiny by Robert Flash Kingsley. Copyright © 2015 Robert Flash Kingsley. Excerpted by permission of AuthorHouse.
All rights reserved. No part of this excerpt may be reproduced or reprinted without permission in writing from the publisher.
Excerpts are provided by Dial-A-Book Inc. solely for the personal use of visitors to this web site.

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