After some riddles-in-the-dark, Cumberbatch-dragon-action, and a lot of meandering around, The Hobbit trilogy finally concluded with last month’s release of The Battle of the Five Armies. Director Peter Jackson also says he’s not going to return to Middle-Earth ever again, not even to adapt J.R.R. Tolkien’s The Silmarillion, but that doesn’t mean he won’t return to epic […]
Some authors create worlds so magical, so wonderful, that we never want to leave them. Sometimes it means reading the same story over and over; sometimes it means imagining stories of our own. But readers aren’t the only ones who can’t stand to leave these fabulous book worlds behind; sometimes authors can’t, either. And thanks […]
Bestselling and award-winning author Rick Riordan must be a demigod himself to keep up with his crazy writing schedule. On his recent tour for The Sword of Summer, he revealed his next three projects: The Hammer of Thor, book two in the Magnus Chase series, out Oct. 4, 2016; Demigods & Magicians, a single printed […]