The Drink of the Dead: A Legend of Bushmanland

Frederick Cornell (May 6, 1867 - March 6, 1921) was an English soldier, geologist, prospector and author born in Devon, England, and educated at the Bedford School. In 1902, he moved to South Africa and served at Lieutenant with the South African Native Labour Corps during World War I. His short stories, considered to be among South Africa's finest, include this tale from his surreal experiences living among the bushmen.

The Drink of the Dead: A Legend of Bushmanland

Frederick Cornell (May 6, 1867 - March 6, 1921) was an English soldier, geologist, prospector and author born in Devon, England, and educated at the Bedford School. In 1902, he moved to South Africa and served at Lieutenant with the South African Native Labour Corps during World War I. His short stories, considered to be among South Africa's finest, include this tale from his surreal experiences living among the bushmen.

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The Drink of the Dead: A Legend of Bushmanland

The Drink of the Dead: A Legend of Bushmanland

by Frederick Cornell

Narrated by Liam MacKenna

Unabridged — 26 minutes

The Drink of the Dead: A Legend of Bushmanland

The Drink of the Dead: A Legend of Bushmanland

by Frederick Cornell

Narrated by Liam MacKenna

Unabridged — 26 minutes

Audiobook (Digital)

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Frederick Cornell (May 6, 1867 - March 6, 1921) was an English soldier, geologist, prospector and author born in Devon, England, and educated at the Bedford School. In 1902, he moved to South Africa and served at Lieutenant with the South African Native Labour Corps during World War I. His short stories, considered to be among South Africa's finest, include this tale from his surreal experiences living among the bushmen.

Product Details

BN ID: 2940159821263
Publisher: Listen & Live Audio, Inc.
Publication date: 03/21/2023
Edition description: Unabridged
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