The Defenders: Rise of the Perfected

The Defenders: Rise of the Perfected

by Mandy Cha'rae Horning
The Defenders: Rise of the Perfected

The Defenders: Rise of the Perfected

by Mandy Cha'rae Horning


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EXPERIENCE THREE EXTRAORDINARY ADVENTURES INTHE DEFENDERS :RISE OF THE PERFECTED! Born with God - given powers that make them stonger, fasterdifferent. As students of Captain Justice at Strongs Academy for the Gifted, these young super-humans must learn to use their abilities to save the world from the dark forces seeking to control it! Defending the Innocent : Fifteen-year old Kayla Stevens possesses the ability to transform into water! After years of hiding her power, Kayla joins the Defenders and becomes Aqua Girl. Kayla is happy to finally use her gift for God, but when her first mission arrives, will she be ready? Dark Past: Ferocity is haunted by memories from her childhood, memories that cause her to doubt her very salvation. A former assassin with animal-like agility and strength, Ferocity is no stranger to danger. But will she be able to escape her past? Power Up! : Jackie Masters was looking forward to a relaxing vacation with her Dad. Yeah Right! Her vacation turns into an electric rescue mission as Jackie (a.k.a. Powerhouse) comes face to face with ruthless shape-changing bounty hunter Guile, who has been paid to kill a senator. Will Powerhouse and her friends triumph, or will evil emerge victorious? Discover the Love and Power of God in these exciting tales of what God can do through kids like you! Step into THE DEFENDERS : RISE OF THE PERFECTED!

Product Details

ISBN-13: 9781477253267
Publisher: AuthorHouse
Publication date: 08/30/2012
Sold by: Barnes & Noble
Format: eBook
Pages: 118
File size: 1 MB
Age Range: 13 - 17 Years

About the Author

Mandy Cha’Rae Horning is the author of The Defenders: Rise of the Perfected and has also written a children’s book on purity entitled Cinderella’s Story. Mandy was born September 20th, 1991 and resides in Ostrander, MN in the country. Her mom is the pastor of End-Time Revival Church and Mandy has been ordained through that great ministry. Mandy desires to bring in a great harvest of souls through film and television and for people to feel the power of God, be set free, healed, baptized in the Holy Spirit and trained in righteousness through them. Most of all, she longs to show others how good God is so they’ll fall in love with Jesus, too. When not spending time with Jesus, Mandy enjoys being with her family, watching old movies and old TV shows (especially sci-fi, Batman, The Big Valley, Wonder Woman, Bonanza and X-Men cartoons). Mandy also enjoys collecting toys and knick-knacks. Her favorite animals are cats, dogs and dinosaurs! She and her family have three pets, a female Pekingese dog named Glory and two Persian cats named Smokey and Mr. Victory Mojiggy.

Read an Excerpt


By Mandy Cha'rae Horning


Copyright © 2012 Mandy Cha'rae Horning
All right reserved.

ISBN: 978-1-4772-5328-1

Chapter One


Kayla Stevens was the youngest child in a family of three daughters. Kayla's mother, Sandra, had been a nurse prior to marrying Dan Stevens. Once married, Sandra felt God was calling her to stay home and focus on raising a family. Kayla's father was a fireman who nearly lost his life during the 9/11 attack on the Twin Towers in New York. Although only a small child at the time, Kayla could remember all too well the sight of the two mammoth towers crumbling on the news after being struck by hijacked airplanes. Kayla, her family and millions of Americans watched in shock and horror as some victims of the vicious surprise attack jumped from windows many stories high, desperate to escape the raging inferno. They escaped the flames, only to plummet to their deaths. Later, Kayla and her family learned there had been two other planes, one of which crashed into the Pentagon. The other crash landed in a field in Pennsylvania. It was only by the Grace of God and the bravery of its passengers that this plane was stopped from fulfilling its Kamikaze mission. God only knows where it was to strike.

These four planes had been hijacked by Muslims, members of a violent religion known as Islam. A religion that sanctions deceit, commands the murder of all those who do not follow the teachings of Muhammad and places its women in a position of inferiority. Those most faithful to Islamic god Allah are willing to sacrifice their own lives in suicidal terrorist attacks, an act they believe guarantees their place in Muslim heaven where they will be rewarded if they die in the name of Allah. (John 8:44 "You belong to your father, the devil, and you want to carry out your father's desires. He (the devil) was a murderer from the beginning, not holding to the truth, for there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies.")

Kayla's father, Dan, had been one of the many trapped beneath the rubble of the Twin Towers, fighting to survive. He was missing for nearly two days until he and the civilian in his care were recovered by a rescue team. Dan and a young black fireman had attempted to lead six people to safety when suddenly the ceiling caved in on them all, cutting off Dan's escape and that of the only remaining civilian. Dan's best friend, the young black fireman, had been crushed along with the other five civilians. Kayla, her family and their church were all praying earnestly to God for Dan's safety. Sandra commanded the Devil not to harm Dan in any way, in the Name of the Almighty Jesus. Kayla's dad and the woman he had rescued were soon recovered, Dan with only minor bruises and the woman with a serious but not life threatening head injury. That day Kayla and her family embraced Dan during a tearful reunion near Ground Zero.

Had it not been for the power of the prayer of faith and the mighty saving power of Jesus Christ, Kayla's father would've perished in the 9/11 attack, just like thousands of others had. Dan himself would be the first to admit that.

Many would scoff at such belief, but not Kayla. She knew better than to doubt God. He had saved her dad and she would spend the rest of eternity living her life for Jesus, in gratitude for all He had done for her and her family. From the day Dan Stevens was rescued Kayla made a commitment. She promised to use her talents and gifts for His glory and His alone. She promised she'd never quit. A promise easier given than kept as Kayla would one day come to learn.

As if growing up wasn't hard enough, when Kayla was thirteen years old she began to show signs of super-ability, much to the shock of her parents and friends. Kayla had used her ability (the power to transform into water) to put out a fire in a neighbor's home. Her actions probably saved the lives of the elderly couple. Unfortunately, in spite of this heroic act, their pastor advised her family to keep her weird ability "'under wraps' "because it might frighten people and put Christians in a bad light," he had said. For two years they did as he instructed and forbade Kayla from using her power. But Kayla always felt as though she were hiding her talent like the wicked, lazy servant of Matthew 19. Someday God would ask Kayla what she had done with the "talent" He had given her. What would her answer be on that day?

"Sorry Jesus. My parents and pastor told me I was called to do something else besides use my gift to save lives. Try not to be too hurt and angry. I just cared more about what people thought than what you, my Creator and Savior thought ... That's all." Yeah right. Kayla knew an answer like that wouldn't cut it. But what could she do?

When Kayla was fifteen she, her parents and her two older sisters began attending The Way Church pastored by a man named David Strong. He introduced them to his brother, Dr.Samson Strong and his brother's wife, Gale. When Dr. Strong or Gale talked with Kayla or prayed with her, she could tell they were sincere and really cared. Kayla had never felt so encouraged in all her life. Dr. Strong was a tall, muscular man with ash-blonde hair, blue/green eyes and a handsome face. Though much older than Kayla, he never talked down to her and always seemed to understand her problems. Gale was also tall with long, beautiful brown hair, brown eyes and an attractive English accent. She had the air of a queen with the humble spirit of a servant.

After three months of attending services at The Way, Dr. Strong and his wife paid Kayla and her parents a visit. Kayla's dad called her downstairs because their guests had something to tell her. Kayla was a bit surprised, she had supposed they had only wanted to speak with her mom and dad. Why would they come all that way just to tell her something?

Kayla greeted Mr. and Mrs. Strong, who were seated on the couch, with a shy hello as she descended the stairs. Her parents stood next to the recliner and only glanced at her as she came and took a seat in the recliner facing the Strongs. Kayla thought her parents were very somber, almost sad, and wondered why. Sandra even looked as though she had been crying. Dr. Strong and Gale appeared quite serious but not the least bit distraught. Something must be wrong if Mom is crying, Kayla thought. She took a deep breath. Here it goes.

Kayla smiled weakly. "My Dad says you have something you wish to tell me?"

"Yes, Miss Stevens," Strong replied, "we do." Kayla braced herself.

"Kayla," he began, "Gale and I believe God has brought us here at this time to guide you through the open door of opportunity which He has placed before you." He paused. "Several years ago Gale and I founded a school for individuals, specifically young people, like yourself, with special God-given abilities. The school is based in our home. There our students take whatever courses they like to continue their education, and become built up in the Word of God. Under our guidance they are taught and trained how best to utilize their extraordinary gifts to the Glory of God and the benefit of their fellow man."

Gale added, "Our home is very large. We have a gym, basketball and tennis courts, a pool and plenty of space in a secluded area. There are plenty of rooms to go around, more than we know what to do with. Anyone who joins us will find him or herself surrounded by young men and women hungry for Jesus and passionate about carrying on His work in the earth. If you were to join us Kayla, you'd never be lost for godly companionship."

"What?" Kayla asked, not quite believing what she'd just heard. "Me? You want me to join your school and just leave home, leave my family? What's this all about?"

Dr. Strong leaned forward, compassion and understanding in his eyes.

"I've been told you possess a rather unusual ability, one which allows you to transform into water at will."

Kayla gasped. Strong continued. "My family and I understand your feeling, Kayla, as do our students. We all possess our own unique powers. Like you, we once hid them in fear. I've also been told you have suppressed your power for years out of fear, insecurity and simply because certain people, in ignorance, instructed you to do so." Dr.Strong gently replied.

"What are you—" Kayla faltered, "Who told you all that?" Kayla began lightly tugging on some strands of her fine strawberry-blonde hair, something she always did when she felt nervous, shy or stressed. Right now, she was feeling all of that.

"A mutual Friend." Dr. Strong answered. If you don't believe me, ask Him. He's always available."

"You mean God?"

"Yes, Miss Kayla." Strong nodded, "In the person of the Holy Spirit. The power of His still, small voice is astounding! He led my wife and I to you, to help you achieve your dream. The dream He placed in your heart when you were a small child, after your father came close to death in the 9/11 tragedy. You gave Him your life, all of it. Your father's bravery and God's deliverance inspired you to become what they are. Heroes. You've wanted that more than anything."

"God gave you that desire to help others, Kayla." Gale said taking hold of Kayla's hand. "Let us help you fulfill that desire."

"I don't understand," Kayla replied. "How can you help?"

Gale smiled. "We, our children and our students are crime fighters. We come from varied pasts and different walks of life. Yet we are one in Christ and joined together in a common goal. The ultimate defeat of evil. This city and this nation need our help. The crime rate is unacceptable. Many criminals, supervillains and terrorists roam the streets of America, free to wreak havoc on unsuspecting citizens, including our children.

"Our government closes its eyes to the problems and the needs of the people while enacting and enforcing strict gun laws to keep private citizens from being able to defend themselves. At the same time our policemen and servicemen are hounded, taken to court, and imprisoned for merely performing their duty—their duty to defend this country, enforce the law and bring lawbreakers to justice. We ourselves answered the call to such duty many years ago when we served under Lady Liberty."

"You fought side by side with Lady L?!" Kayla exclaimed. "She's a living legend!"

Dr. Strong smiled.

"Indeed she is, Kayla. She has saved countless lives during her career and has trained others to do the same. Gale and I are going to ask you the same question she asked us. Will you join us in our fight?"

"I—I don't know what to say." Kayla stammered.

"You don't have to say anything right now," Strong replied. "All we ask is that you pray and seek God's wisdom on this. Find out what the Holy Spirit has to say and let us know what your decision is."

"We sincerely hope you will accept our proposal, Kayla." said Gale.

Kayla looked desperately at her parents, wondering what they must be thinking of all this. Did they disapprove?

"Your mom and I have already given our okay." Dan said, answering his daughter's silent inquiry. "You can go if you feel in your heart that this is God's plan for you. We won't stand in your way. The choice is up to you." Kayla looked from her parents to the Strongs. "But my parents couldn't afford to—"

Dr. Strong looked Kayla squarely in the eyes. "This is our ministry, Miss Stevens," he interjected, "not our business. We do this to please God and to help people, the same reason your father is a fireman. Not for money, but for love. We're doing what we love."

Kayla slowly looked down at her feet and began tugging her hair again.

"We've taken up enough of your time." said Dr. Strong as he and Gale rose to their feet. Kayla rose as well, relieved they were leaving.

"Feel free to contact us at any time, no matter what you decide."

"Thank you both," Kayla said. "You're very kind."

"No," Dr. Strong replied courteously. "Thank you."

Kayla followed them to the door and opened it for them.

"What Gale and I have related to you and your parents must be kept in the strictest confidence." He glanced at her parents.

They nodded. "We understand." Sandra said quietly.

"Don't worry," Kayla promised. "I won't tell anyone."

"I know you won't." Dr. Strong said with a pleasant smile before heading out the door after his wife. He paused on the steps and turned around to face Kayla.

"Remember this Kayla," he said. "It only takes one good choice to make a hero. Good day to you all."

Mr. and Mrs. Strong entered their car and drove away with the windows rolled down. As they drove away a strong gust of wind came up suddenly and carried a small rectangular card towards Kayla. She swiftly jumped up and caught it. Her mouth hung open as she glanced from the card to the vehicle speeding out of sight. How did they do that? Kayla examined the card more closely. On one side was the Strong's phone number, address, email etc. On the other side a scripture in raised type. It read: Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others, faithfully administering God's grace in its various forms. Kayla looked up and stared at the Strong's car until it was out of sight. Dan came and placed his hand on her shoulder. "Kay?" he asked, "are you alright?"

"Yeah," she said in almost a whisper as she walked back inside. Dan shut the door and followed her closely, gently taking hold of her hand. "I just need to ..." A plaque above the mantle in the living room caught her gaze. She had read the words on it many times before. In fact, they'd had that plaque for as long as she could remember. The quote was one of her dad's favorites and Kayla herself had always thought it was pretty cool. But today was different. Today, Kayla felt as though that quote was the voice of God speaking to her. "All that is necessary for evil to triumph is that good men do nothing."—Edmund Burke. Kayla knew that was true. But crime fighting? Being a superhero? Was that really for her? What about her family? What did God want her to do?

That night in Kayla's bedroom ...

Kayla's mom was tucking her in as she had done thousands of times before. Kayla was aware some might think it strange that Kayla's parents still tucked her in at night, but she didn't care. She loved to be with her mom and dad. To Kayla the extra time with her parents was just another way to keep their relationship strong. Just like with God and us, Kayla thought. The more time we spend with Him in His Word, the stronger our relationship with Jesus is. Awesome! The mood in the house had not changed since that morning. Kayla looked around at everything in her room as she sat in bed. Sandra lowered the shades and closed the curtains.

Someday, Kayla thought to herself, I'll have to leave home. I want to spend as much time with my family as I can. Kayla frowned. I'll have to leave even sooner if I join Dr. Strong's school. Kayla sighed deeply at the thought and hugged her knees. "Mom?" Sandra turned around.

"What should I do?" Kayla asked with pleading eyes.

"Oh, my little girl," Sandra said sadly as she walked over to the bed and sat down at the foot.

"I guess you're not a little girl anymore. You're a beautiful young woman. When did that happen?" Sandra's weak smile melted away like snow in spring. She brushed some of Kayla's hair behind her ear with her hand. Sandra took a breath and placed her hand on Kayla's shoulder. "Your dad and I have agreed to let you make your own decision. If you really want to go, if you feel in your spirit that it's God's will for you to join them, we won't stop you."

Kayla put her legs down and wouldn't look her mom in the eyes. Sandra continued. "You've always believed that you were called to use your talent for some great purpose. Dad and I just couldn't see it that way. Have you been praying in tongues about your decision?" Kayla nodded in reply.

"Okay then," Sandra said, "you're strong in the Lord. What do you sense the Holy Spirit is telling you?" Kayla was silent for a few moments. "He's telling me ..." she paused, bit her lip and looked to the side with her eyes. She looked her mom in the eyes.

"Yes." She finished with certainty. Sandra nodded and let her gaze fall to the floor.

"Then," Sandra replied, "you must go."

"But," Kayla said, "I'll miss you, Dad, Amy and Heather. We'll be so far apart! I'll hardly ever get to see you. And you'll be crying because you'll miss me, I know you will. I'll be sad knowing that." Tears ran down Kayla's cheeks. Sandra's bottom lip quivered. "First of all," she said, "Heather will be leaving for college to study for the ministry anyway. Secondly, you won't be that far away. You'll be—" Her voice broke, "You'll be able to visit us often. Thirdly," Sandra forced herself to smile, "I promise not to cry." A tear escaped each of Sandra's eyes. "Too much." she added.

Kayla practically flew at her mom to give her a hug.

Mother and daughter embraced each other warmly with many tears of love. "You'll always be our little girl." Sandra proclaimed giving Kayla a loving squeeze. Kayla's throat ached and tears stung her eyes, but in her heart was a new hope and a new excitement. Still clinging to her mom, Kayla glanced at a picture hanging on the wall. It was a picture of Kayla and her dad at the fire station when she was little. Kayla's tear stained cheeks lit up with a big grin. She was finally going to live her dream. She would soon be a true hero! Just like Jesus and her dad!


Excerpted from THE DEFENDERS by Mandy Cha'rae Horning Copyright © 2012 by Mandy Cha'rae Horning. Excerpted by permission of AuthorHouse. All rights reserved. No part of this excerpt may be reproduced or reprinted without permission in writing from the publisher.
Excerpts are provided by Dial-A-Book Inc. solely for the personal use of visitors to this web site.

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