The Daniel Fast for Weight Loss: A Biblical Approach to Losing Weight and Keeping It Off

The Daniel Fast for Weight Loss: A Biblical Approach to Losing Weight and Keeping It Off

by Susan Gregory
The Daniel Fast for Weight Loss: A Biblical Approach to Losing Weight and Keeping It Off

The Daniel Fast for Weight Loss: A Biblical Approach to Losing Weight and Keeping It Off

by Susan Gregory


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If you’re tired of chasing the latest diet fad only to find that you’ve gained weight, it’s time to try an entirely different approach. The Daniel Fast for Weight Loss succeeds where other programs fail because it focuses on your relationship with God as well as on your relationship with food. Once you discover the pleasures of eating the food God has provided for optimum health, you will not want to turn back. The Daniel Fast for Weight Loss offers a strategic, biblically based plan backed by solid research that will eliminate your cravings and help you to drop those unwanted pounds once and for all.

Susan Gregory, “The Daniel Fast Blogger” and bestselling author of The Daniel Fast, is back with a spiritual and practical roadmap to this wildly popular 21-day fast for anyone who wants to lose weight and develop a lifestyle of health in a way that honors God. Way beyond a diet plan, The Daniel Fast for Weight Loss includes more than 90 new recipes, multiple tips for successful fasting, a 21-day devotional, and practical guidance for maintaining weight loss and good eating habits even after you complete your Christ-centered fasting experience. Embark on a life-changing journey toward happiness and confidence about the body God designed for you.

Product Details

ISBN-13: 9781496411990
Publisher: Tyndale House Publishers
Publication date: 12/29/2015
Sold by: Barnes & Noble
Format: eBook
Pages: 272
Sales rank: 823,490
File size: 1 MB

Read an Excerpt

The Daniel Fast for Weight Loss

A Biblical Approach to Losing Weight and Keeping It Off

By susan gregory

Tyndale House Publishers, Inc.

Copyright © 2015 Susan Gregory
All rights reserved.
ISBN: 978-1-4964-0748-1


The Daniel Fast

A Spiritual Fast That Encourages Physical Health

A new trend is emerging in America, and this one is pointing us in the right direction. The latest fashion statement is health. We hear about it in magazines, on the news, and online, with new studies and suggestions popping up all the time. Yet in a nation where so many good things are available to us, nearly 70 percent of all Americans suffer from food-created ailments. The most widespread are obesity and overweight, which are key contributors to type 2 diabetes, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, heart disease, poor quality of life, and even premature death. If you're concerned about any of these areas — or even if you feel pretty good about your health but want to improve some habits — then this book is for you.

You are holding in your hand a guide that can start you on a life-changing journey to bring health and wellness to your spirit, your soul, and your body. In the pages of this book, I will lead you into a faith-driven experience that will foster deeply rooted change. I will show how you can embrace some of the ways of God and, by doing so, cause those areas of your life that may be out of order to come into alignment with the heart of your Lord.

I will also introduce you to proven principles that can put an end to the cravings that disrupt your health goals. I will show you how to make minor changes in your daily habits that can cause dramatic improvements in your health and weight loss. And I will lead you through a twenty-one-day Daniel Fast for Weight Loss that will jump-start you into a lifestyle that is satisfying and safe, and will bring you the joy and freedom you desire.

Before we go any further, let me declare an essential point: This is not a diet book! Diets are temporary; you go on one and then you go off of it. Diets are plans you follow for a short period of time for quick results, and I don't think I need to tell you that they don't usually work. You probably know that from your own personal experience. Later on I'll go into more detail about why the Daniel Fast is effective whereas diets often aren't. But for now, please understand, you are not reading another diet book that you'll try for a while to see if it is the silver bullet to end all your weight-loss woes. Instead, you're reading a book that looks beyond temporary physical changes to lasting spiritual transformation.

You will also be guided to a safe, nutritious eating plan that will result in your dropping unwanted pounds without having to tediously count calories. The Daniel Fast meals are well-balanced and satisfying. As you follow the advice in this book, you will find that cravings disappear and you won't even want to overeat. Therefore, there isn't a need to count or track calories.

I don't think you've picked up this book by mistake. You may have an internal and perhaps even unspoken yearning to drop unwanted pounds. You may want to stop sabotaging yourself by giving in to cravings for foods you know aren't good for you. Perhaps the Lord has nudged you many times to lose weight and get healthy.

The Daniel Fast for Weight Loss can initiate lifelong changes to address all of those problems. You can gain the control you thought was unattainable, and even eliminate anxiety and guilt about poor eating habits. In addition, the Daniel Fast will serve as a foundation for your forever healthy lifestyle. Most important, you will be in a place of joy and thanksgiving as you partner with your Creator in this life-giving process of transformation.


I started fasting in the early 1990s. I had been a Christian for many years, but I wanted a deeper life with Jesus. At first I used a "normal fast" as my method, which means abstaining from food and drinking only water. My fasts were usually only a few days long.

Then in 2005, my life seemed to be exploding on just about every front. I was mature enough in my Christian walk to know that when life seems to be going off the rails, the best choice is to get on God's path and walk with Him in the Spirit (see Galatians 5:25). In the midst of the turmoil, I wanted to draw nearer to God. I decided to enter an extended time of prayer and fasting using the Daniel Fast as my method.

Our God is always faithful. James 4:8 teaches, "Draw near to God and He will draw near to you." And that's exactly what happened during my twenty-one-day Daniel Fast. I faced difficult circumstances, but I felt as if the Lord had cloaked me in a protective robe that guarded me from the agonizing stress and heartache of betrayal that I would otherwise have suffered. He showered me with His precious love and His priceless grace, and He took my hand and showed me how to walk through the dark valley my earthly life had entered.

During this time I learned the incomparable value of extended prayer and fasting. I also realized that the Daniel Fast is a doable method of fasting for long periods of time. Since it's a partial fast, where some foods are restricted and others allowed, I was able to receive the great benefits of biblical fasting for many weeks. Yet I was also able to attend to my responsibilities without the low energy that would occur if I was only drinking water or juice for multiple weeks.

Then in 2007, like millions of others in the United States and around the world, my life was hit harshly with the economic recession. After many months of trying to survive the downturn in the real estate market, I was forced to close my real estate investing business. I felt as if the financial rug had been pulled out from under me. It was stressful and dark, but as before, I knew that while the world was shaking in the uncertain times, the Lord was my solid rock and my safe refuge. Psalm 18 says:

I will love You, O Lord, my strength.
The Lord is my rock and my fortress and my deliverer;
My God, my strength, in whom I will trust;
My shield and the horn of my salvation, my stronghold. I
will call upon the Lord, who is worthy to be praised; So
shall I be saved from my enemies.

Psalm 18:1-3

In the winter of 2007, after hour upon hour of praying and seeking God and His direction, I heard the Spirit of God speaking to me in my spirit. He said, Write about the Daniel Fast.

Receiving an assignment from the Lord to write wasn't intimidating for me. I had spent more than twenty years as a Christian writer and had worked for many well-known ministries as a copywriter. I was, however, wondering how I was supposed to get the message about the Daniel Fast out to the Christian community quickly. January was approaching, and I knew that hundreds of thousands of believers throughout the world started the New Year with extended prayer and fasting, and that the most widely used method of fasting was the Daniel Fast. Even I was planning to use the Daniel Fast at the beginning of the coming year.

I was comfortable with computers since I had been a writer and a business owner, but I had never created a website and had no idea what to do. Still, I knew that the fastest way to share information with the most people would be through the Internet. So I put my head down, learned how to create a simple but usable website, and wrote about the Daniel Fast.

To say I was shocked by the response from the public would be a gross understatement. I was genuinely amazed when tens of thousands of people visited my simple website and wanted to learn more. With the rush of visitors and the unexpected popularity of the site, I felt as if I were on a wild amusement-park ride. I worked from dawn until late into the night answering posts and creating helpful tools for my readers, including two e-books. (This was before Kindle and Nook.)

I answered thousands of questions that people posted on the site. If I didn't know the answer to an inquiry, I would research until I could give a biblically based response. And through the hours and hours of writing and researching, I learned the ins and outs of spiritual fasting in general and, more specifically, the Daniel Fast. While I called myself "the Daniel Fast Blogger," I soon become known as "the Daniel Fast Expert."

One of the unforeseen benefits of writing about the Daniel Fast is that I received hundreds and hundreds of testimonies from women and men who had used the fast. The accounts were inspiring to read. God displayed His greatness as He ministered to His children while they fasted. Just about everyone experienced a deepened relationship with the Lord and developed new habits of prayer, meditation, and study. Some received supernatural answers to their prayers, including financial breakthroughs and a path for future stewardship and security. Failing marriages were restored, babies were conceived even after fertility doctors had given no hope, jobs were secured following months of unemployment, and forgiveness was imparted after deep and painful betrayal. One of the most touching testimonies was from a woman who had been estranged from her son for seventeen years. She prayed and asked God to minister to her son's heart, and while she was on the Daniel Fast he called and asked if they could rebuild their relationship.

Among all these powerful testimonies were many that had to do with improved health. While people entered into the fast for the spiritual experience of drawing nearer to God, they were astonished by the improvements in their physical health. People who had high cholesterol before the fast learned that their counts had dropped to safe levels. Men and women with type 2 diabetes were able to drastically reduce or eliminate their body's need for medication; instead, their blood-sugar levels were now controlled by food. Many with high blood pressure reported that they were now in the safe zone, to the surprise of their doctors.

Weight loss was another common report. Without even trying, both men and women on the fast dropped a significant number of pounds. Some shed seven or eight pounds, while a few lost as many as twenty-five. The average loss over the twenty-one-day fasting experience was nine to ten pounds, and this was not because people were starving themselves. Rather, it was because they focused more of their attention on the Lord; ate simple, nourishing meals; and drank only water. A typical comment was, "I haven't felt this good in twenty years. I want to live this way forever!"

Many wanted to know if they could fast as a way of life. However, God designed fasting to last for a short period. It's a tool to help us focus on Him for a specific need or purpose. What these women and men wanted was not necessarily to keep fasting, but to stay on this healthy path. They had gained traction, they had tasted victory, and they wanted a new lifestyle. Many wrote that they had been on diet after diet and never had success. Yet on the Daniel Fast they didn't miss food. Cravings disappeared, and they were energized and motivated.

Since then I have hosted many online groups where hundreds of men and women join in a twenty-one-day period of prayer and fasting focusing on health and weight loss. When we focus our attention on God and our desire to please Him, and then also learn how to care better for our bodies, we will almost always achieve success. The rewards go far beyond dropping a few pounds and gaining more energy. We enter into a more personal and intimate relationship with our Lord. We get to know Jesus in a deeper way, and we open our hearts and minds to the Spirit of God as we experience change from the inside out.

What I've discovered is that the best motivation to live a healthier lifestyle doesn't come from a diet book or because we don't like what we see in the mirror. The best incentive is a profound yearning to align our lives with the ways of God and to live according to His desires for us. He wants us to be healthy. He wants us to live vibrant lives. He wants us to be at peace. And He wants us to be positive examples of His children so that others will want what we have: Christ in us.

The apostle Paul writes,

Thanks be to God who always leads us in triumph in Christ, and through us diffuses the fragrance of His knowledge in every place. For we are to God the fragrance of Christ among those who are being saved and among those who are perishing.

2 Corinthians 2:14-15

As followers of Jesus Christ, we want to be a sweet fragrance for our Lord. We want to bring Him pleasure, and we want to be good examples for the cause of Christ. In our Father's idyllic way, everything that is good for Him is also good for us! So when we devote ourselves to prayer and fasting — even though we may experience some stretching and may need to power through some challenges — the reward on the other side always far outweighs any effort we expend.


The Daniel Fast is a spiritual experience. If I could shout that statement for all to hear, I would. My heart hurts when I see so many people missing the magnificent benefits of fasting because they focus on the food or turn the fast into a "Christian diet plan." First and foremost, the Daniel Fast is a period of extended prayer that allows us to press into God. We separate ourselves from our typical daily routines and focus more of our time and attention on the Lord and what we need from and through Him. During the fast, we open our hearts to our loving Father. We humble ourselves before Him and learn from Him so we know what to do or how to change.

We'll talk more about this later, but please hear me. While you will almost assuredly drop some unwanted pounds, this is not a diet book. Instead, it's a manual to guide you on a journey toward personal transformation. As part of your spiritual journey, you will learn about yourself, your life in Christ, and how best to treat the physical body that your Creator has entrusted to your care.

God is the designer of fasting, and He designed it with our needs in mind. He knows that at times we need to become more highly focused so we can hear Him better. Fasting is a spiritual discipline for us to use. We don't do it to prove our worth or to show God that we are "good disciples." Jesus is the only One who shows our Father our worth, and that's all been achieved through His blood. As 2 Corinthians 5:21 says, "He made Him who knew no sin to be sin for us, that we might become the righteousness of God in Him."

Neither is the purpose of fasting to change God's mind about something or to make Him love us more. Instead, fasting is a vehicle to change us! It's a predetermined period of time in which we consecrate ourselves — set ourselves apart for a spiritual purpose. During this Daniel Fast for Weight Loss, we set ourselves apart from our typical daily life and focus our attention on how God, our Creator, wants us to care for our bodies. Through this process, we experience a transformation that is fueled by desiring to please God and so aligning ourselves with His ways.

The Daniel Fast is a method of fasting, rather than a "called fast" that happens at a specific time, such as Passover or Lent. Based on the fasting experiences of the Old Testament prophet Daniel as well as typical Jewish fasting principles, it's a partial fast where some foods are restricted and others are allowed. I encourage you to read The Daniel Fast: Feed Your Soul, Strengthen Your Spirit, and Renew Your Body, which was my first book about this method of fasting. In it you will learn much more detailed information about the spiritual discipline of fasting and specifically about the Daniel Fast.

Two passages from the book of Daniel serve as the biblical foundation for the Daniel Fast. First, in Daniel 1 we learn about the young Hebrew man Daniel and his companions, who were in captivity in Babylon during the reign of King Nebuchadnezzar. Babylon's territory was expanding massively, and the kingdom needed more manpower. Nebuchadnezzar took thousands of Hebrews into captivity, including Daniel and his companions. These young men, educated and trained while in Judah, were being groomed for leadership positions.

The king [Nebuchadnezzar] instructed Ashpenaz, the master of his eunuchs, to bring some of the children of Israel and some of the king's descendants and some of the nobles, young men in whom there was no blemish, but good-looking, gifted in all wisdom, possessing knowledge and quick to understand, who had ability to serve in the king's palace, and whom they might teach the language and literature of the Chaldeans. And the king appointed for them a daily provision of the king's delicacies and of the wine which he drank, and three years of training for them, so that at the end of that time they might serve before the king.

Daniel 1:3-5


Excerpted from The Daniel Fast for Weight Loss by susan gregory. Copyright © 2015 Susan Gregory. Excerpted by permission of Tyndale House Publishers, Inc..
All rights reserved. No part of this excerpt may be reproduced or reprinted without permission in writing from the publisher.
Excerpts are provided by Dial-A-Book Inc. solely for the personal use of visitors to this web site.

Table of Contents


1. The Daniel Fast, 3,
2. Get Ready, 25,
3. A Dwelling Place for God, 41,
4. Your Body Image and Who You Are in Christ, 57,
5. Resetting Your Body for Weight Loss and Health, 69,
6. Flesh, Sit Down! You Are Out of Order, 87,
7. Ten Habits for Healthy Living, 107,
8. The Shift, 119,
9. Keeping It Going, 127,
Daniel Fast Recipes for Weight Loss, 139,
Twenty-One-Day Daniel Fast Devotional, 211,
Acknowledgments, 249,
Notes, 251,
Index to Daniel Fast Recipes for Weight Loss, 253,
About the Author, 255,

What People are Saying About This

Jen Beck

Most diets are fad based with short-term results. This book gives readers a road map to jump-start weight loss in a simple way that creates a healthy relationship with foods and strengthens their faith to provide long-term success.

Richard J. Bloomer

Having conducted laboratory studies of the Daniel Fast since 2009, I believe that for many individuals, this dietary plan can be effectively used for weight loss and maintenance. Perhaps more important, the plan leads to improvements in measures of metabolic and cardiovascular health that cannot be seen by stepping on a scale. Following the plan calls individuals to learn about food and to read and understand food labels—providing a minicourse in nutrition education. This fact alone may be the most valuable aspect related to long-term dietary success, along with the spiritual gain and direction one experiences if following the Daniel Fast as a form of Christian fasting.

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