The Cure for Death by Lightning
When fifteen-year-old Beth Week’s family is attacked by a grizzly, her father becomes increasingly violent, making him a danger to his neighbors, his family, and especially Beth. Meanwhile, several young children from the nearby Indian reservation have gone missing, and Beth fears that something is pursuing her in the bush. But friendship with an Indian girl connects her to a mythology that enriches her landscape; and an unexpected protector shores up her world.
Set on an isolated Canadian farm in the midst of World War II, The Cure for Death by Lightning evokes a life at once harshly demanding and rich in sensory pleasures: the deafening chatter of starlings, the sight of thousands of painted turtles crossing a road, the smell of baking that fills the Weeks’s kitchen. The novel is sprinkled throughout with recipes and remedies from the scrapbook Beth’s mother keeps, a boon to Beth as she learns to face down her demons--and one of many elements that give The Cure for Death by Lightning its enchanting vitality.
The Cure for Death by Lightning
When fifteen-year-old Beth Week’s family is attacked by a grizzly, her father becomes increasingly violent, making him a danger to his neighbors, his family, and especially Beth. Meanwhile, several young children from the nearby Indian reservation have gone missing, and Beth fears that something is pursuing her in the bush. But friendship with an Indian girl connects her to a mythology that enriches her landscape; and an unexpected protector shores up her world.
Set on an isolated Canadian farm in the midst of World War II, The Cure for Death by Lightning evokes a life at once harshly demanding and rich in sensory pleasures: the deafening chatter of starlings, the sight of thousands of painted turtles crossing a road, the smell of baking that fills the Weeks’s kitchen. The novel is sprinkled throughout with recipes and remedies from the scrapbook Beth’s mother keeps, a boon to Beth as she learns to face down her demons--and one of many elements that give The Cure for Death by Lightning its enchanting vitality.
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The Cure for Death by Lightning

The Cure for Death by Lightning

by Gail Anderson-Dargatz
The Cure for Death by Lightning

The Cure for Death by Lightning

by Gail Anderson-Dargatz



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When fifteen-year-old Beth Week’s family is attacked by a grizzly, her father becomes increasingly violent, making him a danger to his neighbors, his family, and especially Beth. Meanwhile, several young children from the nearby Indian reservation have gone missing, and Beth fears that something is pursuing her in the bush. But friendship with an Indian girl connects her to a mythology that enriches her landscape; and an unexpected protector shores up her world.
Set on an isolated Canadian farm in the midst of World War II, The Cure for Death by Lightning evokes a life at once harshly demanding and rich in sensory pleasures: the deafening chatter of starlings, the sight of thousands of painted turtles crossing a road, the smell of baking that fills the Weeks’s kitchen. The novel is sprinkled throughout with recipes and remedies from the scrapbook Beth’s mother keeps, a boon to Beth as she learns to face down her demons--and one of many elements that give The Cure for Death by Lightning its enchanting vitality.

Product Details

ISBN-13: 9780307816214
Publisher: Knopf Doubleday Publishing Group
Publication date: 11/14/2012
Sold by: Random House
Format: eBook
Pages: 304
File size: 2 MB

About the Author

Gail Anderson-Dargatz has been published worldwide in English and in many other languages in more than 15 territories. The Cure for Death by Lightning and A Recipe for Bees were international bestsellers and were both finalists for the prestigious Giller Prize. The Cure for Death by Lightning won the UK’s Betty Trask Prize, the BC Book Prize for Fiction, and the VanCity Book Prize. Her other books include A Rhinestone ButtonTurtle Valley, and The Spawning Grounds. She lives in the Shuswap in south-central British Columbia, the landscape found in so much of her writing.

Read an Excerpt

When fifteen-year-old Beth Week’s family is attacked by a grizzly, her father becomes increasingly violent, making him a danger to his neighbors, his family, and especially Beth. Meanwhile, several young children from the nearby Indian reservation have gone missing, and Beth fears that something is pursuing her in the bush. But friendship with an Indian girl connects her to a mythology that enriches her landscape; and an unexpected protector shores up her world.
Set on an isolated Canadian farm in the midst of World War II, The Cure for Death by Lightning evokes a life at once harshly demanding and rich in sensory pleasures: the deafening chatter of starlings, the sight of thousands of painted turtles crossing a road, the smell of baking that fills the Weeks’s kitchen. The novel is sprinkled throughout with recipes and remedies from the scrapbook Beth’s mother keeps, a boon to Beth as she learns to face down her demons—and one of many elements that give The Cure for Death by Lightning its enchanting vitality.

Reading Group Guide

1. Beth writes, "The scrapbook was my mother's way of setting down the days so they wouldn't be forgotten" [p. 2]. In what ways does Mrs. Weeks' odd collection of clippings, recipes, and remedies fit the conventional definition of a journal or diary? What does it provide that even the most detailed written records lack? How does its form reflect Mrs. Weeks' character and the life she leads? Beyond the specific entries and handwritten notes, what other details does Anderson-Dargatz include to evoke the atmosphere of Beth's childhood home?

2. Beth first senses something "coming for" her when she uses the illicit treasures she has hidden in the woods [pp. 3-4]. How does this scene capture not just the material realities Beth associates with growing up, but the emotional changes, including an awakening sensuality, that she has not yet acknowledged? How does the language used to describe the setting enhance this?

3. Why is Beth's father obsessed with reclaiming the land he contends the Swede has stolen from him [p. 33]? Is it merely a sign of his "craziness" or does it reveal something about how he defines himself and perceives the world? Why is the battle between the two men conducted in silence in the middle of the night? What other incidents shed light on John's character and the things that are important to him? Why, for instance, does he insist that the porcupine he catches for dinner is a chicken [p. 13]? Why is he able to accept and feel compassion for Goat, who is mocked by the rest of the community [p. 59]?

4. Mrs. Weeks was the same age as Beth when she became the "woman of the house, making the meals . . . and looking afterher two younger sisters . . . became her father's escort to plays and concerts . . . his favorite of the three daughters" [p. 17]. How have the roles she assumed as a teenager shaped her behavior as a wife and as a mother? Does her experience as a teenager explain her inability to discuss intimate matters with Beth? In reserving her thoughts and feelings for her scrapbook and conversations with her dead mother, is she intentionally protecting Beth from her own pain, or is she guilty of evading her responsibilities as a parent? Despite her reticence, do you think she helps Beth understand the pleasures, strengths, and satisfactions of womanhood, as well as its trials?

5. Bertha Moses and her family are the Weekses' only regular visitors. What is the significance of fact that Bertha's family is a "house of women" [p. 9]? Beyond offering friendship, what role does Bertha serve in Mrs. Weeks' life? What does she represent to Beth's father? How do Bertha's heritage, as well as her experiences with men, influence the advice and comfort she provides for both Mrs. Weeks and Beth? Do you think that her opinions and attitudes are intended to represent a feminist point of view?

6. In describing Beth's encounter with Dennis [pp. 30-31], Anderson-Dargatz creates an atmosphere charged with fear, violence, and sexual tension. How does she achieve this? What insight does the incident, including her confrontation with her father, offer into Beth's understanding of and feelings about the changes that she is undergoing? To what extent are the emotions that Beth experiences "normal, " common to any young girl's sexual awakening? In what ways do they reflect the confusion and disruption that have become part of her everyday life?

7. Caught in a sudden storm, Beth sees lighting roll towards her "like a snake all knotted up, evolving and transforming as I watched . . . and coming right for me, as if meant for me . . . I felt it, shooting through my right arm [p. 79]." Is Beth's perception a product of her imagination, or do you think the author is suggesting that a supernatural force is at play? What impact does the incident have on Beth's attitudes and behavior? How does it relate to the title of the novel? In what sense, if any, does it represent death?

8. Why is Beth attracted to Nora? Which qualities does Nora possess that Beth admires or envies? At what point do you become aware of the sexual undercurrent in their relationship? At what point does Beth? What might explain the disparity between the two? What do you think Beth is feelings when she says, "[Nora] smiled at me under those strange two-woman eyes and watched for my every need, in the way my mother now served my father [p. 117]"? Is she comforted or unsettled by the parallels she sees? What do you think underlies Nora's interest in Beth? Does she feel a genuine love for her, or is the attraction only physical? What other motivations might Nora have for initiating an affair with Beth?

9. What role does Filthy Billy play in Beth's coming-of-age? Why do you think Anderson-Dargatz made him a victim of Tourette's syndrome, which forces him to choose between remaining silent and swearing uncontrollably? Why does she stress his unquestioning acceptance of Indian folklore and its rules and rituals? In what ways does Billy embody the intersection of the two different worlds depicted in the novel? What do Beth's feelings about him at the end of the novel show about her own maturity and self-acceptance?

10. Beth is offered the two explanations of the presence of evil in the world. "Mrs. Bell said all dirt was evil, and it was a Christian woman's duty to scrub evil away . . . Evil was what crept into your night dreams and made a sinner of you. . . . A woman must guard against the evil men brought into the house on their boots" [p. 16]. Bertha describes Coyote as "not a bad guy exactly. . . . But he's a clown, a scary little clown, like that Hitler. . . . Always beating his women. Stealing women. Killing women. . . . He doesn't know about shame, not until the end" [p. 170]. What parallels are there between these two points of view? How is each of them relevant to the questions and fears Beth has about her own sexuality?

11. Images of blood recur throughout the novel, most strikingly in the description of the smashed bodies of turtles along Blood Road [pp. 46-47]. Beth later says, "The storm had carried the red dust of Blood Road to our farm and rained it down . . . covering everything with the blood of turtles, the blood of our recklessness. The blood of a war a thousand miles away" [p. 63]. What else does blood (and the color red) symbolize in the novel?

12. What impact does the war in Europe have on this remote farming village in British Columbia? How has the departure of most of the young men for the army or for factory jobs in the city, as well as the imposition of rationing, affected the social structure of the community and the way people treat each other? In addition to the confrontation between John Weeks and Morley Boulee [p. 10], what other events in the novel reflect behavior that can be attributed to a wartime mentality? Does the picture Anderson-Dargatz draws of life on the home front conform to impressions you have formed about this period from other books or movies?

13. Myths, magic, and the surreal are mixed in with realistic descriptions of the landscape and graphic depictions of the harshness of life on the farm. How do the attitudes of Filthy Billy, Bertha, and the other Native Americans toward natural and supernatural events differ from those of the white characters? What evidence is there that Beth and her mother are more comfortable with the rhythms of the natural world--as well as the surprises it visits upon them--than John and Daniel are? Does this reflect their passive acceptance of their circumstances, or does it represent a spirituality that is lacking in the men?

14. The Cure for Death by Lightning explores many disturbing topics, including physical and psychological abuse, incest, mysterious deaths and disappearance of children, and bestiality. Did you feel that they were essential to the portrait of life Anderson-Dargatz wanted to convey or did you think that her depiction of hardships and horrors excessive? How does the style in which the novel is written, the humor with which many incidents are recounted, and the inclusion of homey recipes counteract its grim atmosphere?


1. “Dunk the dead by lightning in a cold water bath for two hours and if still dead, add vinegar and soak for an hour more.” (p. 1) In this opening passage, how is Beth’s mother revealed through her scrapbook, through her gallows humour and her rather brutal method of remembering the fragile determination of a butterfly? What does it say about the circumstances of Beth’s childhood?

2. “The scrapbook was my mother’s way of setting down the days so they wouldn’t be forgotten. This story is my way.” (p. 2) How is Beth’s approach to memory-keeping different from her mother’s?

3. “When it came looking for me I was in the hollow stump by Turtle Creek . . .” (p. 3). What is this “it,” also variously referred to by Beth as “the thing,” or as Coyote? How does Beth’s attitude to “it”/Coyote change through the course of her story? Who ultimately wins, and how?

4. In this threatening landscape, women and livestock are closely guarded from dangers both real and perceived. Bells are tied around the necks of the livestock to keep track of them. Bells are given as love tokens. And Nora, too, wears bells. When Beth hears the bells tinkle, what does it often mean? What is their association for her?

5. Bertha describes Coyote as a complex devil figure, linked to the madness of world events. “Of course the old men here wouldn’t agree with that,” she says. (p. 170) Consider Bertha’s description of Coyote, of the mix of good and evil that he brings and of his sorrow and regret. What does this say about her worldview? Do you see this version ofCoyote reflected in any of the characters in the novel?

6. Beth’s mother remains generally distant, only revealing herself through the pages of her scrapbook, which she guards from Beth, and in her mutterings to her own dead mother. She appears to have a wish to protect Beth, yet continually places her in jeopardy, and it’s unclear if she’s aware of the extremity of Beth’s trauma. What is Beth’s perspective on her mother? Do you think she will forgive her? Could you?

7. The colour red – the colour of berries, of beet wine, of lipstick and of blood – carries great significance in the novel. Do you see a pattern in its associations, for example with sexuality, with violence, with nature and with the lives of women?

8. When Bertha hears of Beth’s lightning arm, she tells Beth the story of Lightning and Mosquito who were both attracted to the sweet blood of a young girl. (p. 171) What do you think the lightning strike means to Beth in light of Bertha’s narrative?

9. Beth feels pulled by the desire coming from Dennis, from Nora and from Billy. How do the three differ in who they are and what they want from Beth? How are they similar? What is it about each of them that attracts Beth?

10. Men do not have the fear of Coyote that women, children and livestock share. The only exception is Billy. Why is he pursued by Coyote? What is their relationship?

11. Why doesn’t Beth leave? What is really keeping her on the farm?

12. Some characters have totem animals associated with them; for instance Coyote Jack and Bertha with the birds. Do you see any other totem animals in the novel? What do they mean to Beth?

13. There are many recipes and anecdotes from Mrs. Weeks’ scrapbook reproduced in Beth’s story. What do they lend to the narrative? Will you try any of the recipes? Are there any scrapbooks or recipes passed down through your family? What do they mean to you?

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