The Conclusion

Have you ever thought about death?

This seems like an odd question to ask, and most people don't like to think about it, but the truth is, we should take this part of our life very seriously. This book is not meant to depress you, but to help you think about the importance of your life and how particular you should be about leaving behind something of value. When we pass from this life we cannot do anything to help those that come after us, which is why we must do something about it now!

This contains lessons from the Book of Ecclesiastes and looks at the life of depression through a Christian prospective.

The Conclusion

Have you ever thought about death?

This seems like an odd question to ask, and most people don't like to think about it, but the truth is, we should take this part of our life very seriously. This book is not meant to depress you, but to help you think about the importance of your life and how particular you should be about leaving behind something of value. When we pass from this life we cannot do anything to help those that come after us, which is why we must do something about it now!

This contains lessons from the Book of Ecclesiastes and looks at the life of depression through a Christian prospective.

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The Conclusion

The Conclusion

by J.A. Roberts

Narrated by J.A. Roberts

Unabridged — 4 hours, 39 minutes

The Conclusion

The Conclusion

by J.A. Roberts

Narrated by J.A. Roberts

Unabridged — 4 hours, 39 minutes

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Have you ever thought about death?

This seems like an odd question to ask, and most people don't like to think about it, but the truth is, we should take this part of our life very seriously. This book is not meant to depress you, but to help you think about the importance of your life and how particular you should be about leaving behind something of value. When we pass from this life we cannot do anything to help those that come after us, which is why we must do something about it now!

This contains lessons from the Book of Ecclesiastes and looks at the life of depression through a Christian prospective.

Product Details

BN ID: 2940173268839
Publication date: 11/12/2020
Edition description: Unabridged
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