The Children of Now: Crystalline Children, Indigo Children, Star Kids, Angels on Earth, and the Phenomenon of Transitional Children
The Children of Now is a groundbreaking work that shows that a large number of kids come into the world bearing inherent gifts that are beyond strange—they are telepathic, understand subtle energies, and/or have amazing psychic abilities. Many of them remember where they were before they came to Earth and often can describe past lives. Many doctors mislabel them as autistic, ADD, ADHD, or suggest other behavioral difficulties. More than half the time, these doctors are wrong. The Children of Now are not defective—they are differently functional. We are doing ourselves and the world a great disservice by not acknowledging these amazing children and their special gifts. A surprising percentage of these children carry within themselves wisdom far beyond most adults. The phenomenon is very real, and more and more of these highly evolved children enter our world every day.

The Children of Now offers not only genuine stories of many children who have brought amazing talents into our world, but also practical, easy solutions to assist society in supporting and nurturing these gifted—not defective—children and their families, rather than labeling, segregating, and condemning them. Fascinating to anyone with an open mind, and life-illuminating for parents with these incredible kids, Meg offers detailed answers derived from counseling real kids in real families. The Children of Now is a must-read for every parent, teacher, caregiver, and child advocate. In it you'll discover: - Why our children's DNA is different from previous generations'. - The traits and needs of the Crystalline Children. - The Children of the Stars and why they are here. - Real stories of real children as Dr. Meg helps them and their families search for answers. - Why these kids are exhibiting telepathy, telekinesis, healing abilities, and more. - How to help the Children of Now at home, at school, and socially.

The Children of Now: Crystalline Children, Indigo Children, Star Kids, Angels on Earth, and the Phenomenon of Transitional Children
The Children of Now is a groundbreaking work that shows that a large number of kids come into the world bearing inherent gifts that are beyond strange—they are telepathic, understand subtle energies, and/or have amazing psychic abilities. Many of them remember where they were before they came to Earth and often can describe past lives. Many doctors mislabel them as autistic, ADD, ADHD, or suggest other behavioral difficulties. More than half the time, these doctors are wrong. The Children of Now are not defective—they are differently functional. We are doing ourselves and the world a great disservice by not acknowledging these amazing children and their special gifts. A surprising percentage of these children carry within themselves wisdom far beyond most adults. The phenomenon is very real, and more and more of these highly evolved children enter our world every day.

The Children of Now offers not only genuine stories of many children who have brought amazing talents into our world, but also practical, easy solutions to assist society in supporting and nurturing these gifted—not defective—children and their families, rather than labeling, segregating, and condemning them. Fascinating to anyone with an open mind, and life-illuminating for parents with these incredible kids, Meg offers detailed answers derived from counseling real kids in real families. The Children of Now is a must-read for every parent, teacher, caregiver, and child advocate. In it you'll discover: - Why our children's DNA is different from previous generations'. - The traits and needs of the Crystalline Children. - The Children of the Stars and why they are here. - Real stories of real children as Dr. Meg helps them and their families search for answers. - Why these kids are exhibiting telepathy, telekinesis, healing abilities, and more. - How to help the Children of Now at home, at school, and socially.

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The Children of Now: Crystalline Children, Indigo Children, Star Kids, Angels on Earth, and the Phenomenon of Transitional Children

The Children of Now: Crystalline Children, Indigo Children, Star Kids, Angels on Earth, and the Phenomenon of Transitional Children

by Meg Blackburn Losey PhD
The Children of Now: Crystalline Children, Indigo Children, Star Kids, Angels on Earth, and the Phenomenon of Transitional Children

The Children of Now: Crystalline Children, Indigo Children, Star Kids, Angels on Earth, and the Phenomenon of Transitional Children

by Meg Blackburn Losey PhD

Paperback(First Edition)

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The Children of Now is a groundbreaking work that shows that a large number of kids come into the world bearing inherent gifts that are beyond strange—they are telepathic, understand subtle energies, and/or have amazing psychic abilities. Many of them remember where they were before they came to Earth and often can describe past lives. Many doctors mislabel them as autistic, ADD, ADHD, or suggest other behavioral difficulties. More than half the time, these doctors are wrong. The Children of Now are not defective—they are differently functional. We are doing ourselves and the world a great disservice by not acknowledging these amazing children and their special gifts. A surprising percentage of these children carry within themselves wisdom far beyond most adults. The phenomenon is very real, and more and more of these highly evolved children enter our world every day.

The Children of Now offers not only genuine stories of many children who have brought amazing talents into our world, but also practical, easy solutions to assist society in supporting and nurturing these gifted—not defective—children and their families, rather than labeling, segregating, and condemning them. Fascinating to anyone with an open mind, and life-illuminating for parents with these incredible kids, Meg offers detailed answers derived from counseling real kids in real families. The Children of Now is a must-read for every parent, teacher, caregiver, and child advocate. In it you'll discover: - Why our children's DNA is different from previous generations'. - The traits and needs of the Crystalline Children. - The Children of the Stars and why they are here. - Real stories of real children as Dr. Meg helps them and their families search for answers. - Why these kids are exhibiting telepathy, telekinesis, healing abilities, and more. - How to help the Children of Now at home, at school, and socially.

Product Details

ISBN-13: 9781564149480
Publisher: Red Wheel/Weiser
Publication date: 12/15/2006
Edition description: First Edition
Pages: 256
Product dimensions: 5.25(w) x 8.25(h) x (d)

Read an Excerpt



Creating a new reality in this world is as simple as doing it.

(A telepathic message from one of the children)

Why are so many children being born right now with special gifts? Why are they "different" from other people? How are they different?

Humanity is moving through a circular evolution. As described more fully in my book, Pyramids of Light: Awakening to Multi- Dimensional Realities, our electromagnetic energy fields and our genetic structures continually evolve toward our original state, which was light — the same light that is our Source, our God, and our Creator. To some degree, each of us carries that light within us, and that light contains the memories of all time. The memory of that light within our very being drives our evolution back toward our origin.

Before time as we measure it, and during our evolution as human beings, we became denser and denser until we arrived at our present form. During that process, our thinking minds developed because we were faced with the need to survive as biological entities. When we migrated in search of sustenance and because of climate changes, we also had to learn to communicate with others. With that communication developed the art and subtlety of words, and later, our egos. Even now our egos tell us whether we are safe or not based upon our previous experiences. Our egos often lie to us because they don't evaluate our current circumstances in light of the truth of the moment, but only in light of what we have experienced in the past. Because of this, sometimes our logical brains fill in the gaps so that things seem to make sense — and that often gets us into trouble! Like swinging pendulums, we have moved past our most base state of development and are now on the upswing toward our highest existence. As everything within us seeks its Source, changes occur within us.


All human beings have a DNA system in which each strand looks like a twisted ladder (see Figure 1). The DNA strand is comprised of segments of proteins that communicate one to each other. The way that these protein filaments have communicated for millennia has been by linear interrelationships among the segments that work much like a chain reaction. One protein segment communicates with another and then another along the chain.

When a change occurs in our body, our RNA carries messages to and from our DNA (see Figure 2). The RNA recognizes events within our bodies that our DNA needs to know about, and carries messages about those events through our body to our DNA, which responds accordingly.

Besides communicating with the protein segments, our DNA has a field of electromagnetic energy between and around the strands that functions like a liquid crystal radio set. This field operates based upon certain sets of frequencies, much like tuning into a radio station. The electromagnetic energy field in and around the DNA transmits and receives data, and tells our bodies and our subtle energy fields which changes are necessary. When we have feelings, physical sensations, emotions — in fact, any experience at all — the entirety of our makeup responds and changes as our electromagnetic system and our RNA tells our DNA about the experience. The messages travel through our subtle energy systems, which communicate infinitely. In other words, our DNA is talking to all of creation.

As we communicate to the universe, new realities are created. Our bodies as well as our life experiences change in response to these new realities. If our systems require an adaptation to acclimate to new circumstances, the DNA not only instigates those changes, but monitors them. As it is with our brains (of which we only use about 5 to 7 percent), we use very little of the information that is available within our DNA because we have forgotten how to access it — at least, that is how it used to be. Recently some of us have begun to remember!

In the past few years, our RNA has begun to identify electrical and electromagnetic data that it had previously not been able to recognize, and transmit it within and around the body. In other words, the radio stations have changed frequencies to broader reception bands. This changes the interaction amongst our DNA segments and our body, and hence our relationship to all of creation.

These new patterns that have evolved allow DNA to communicate differently. The Children of Now are living examples of this genetic revolution. Instead of communicating in a linear fashion, the electrical charges that are part of the communication mechanism throughout the DNA ladder have begun to arc from one protein segment to another. As this occurs, the charges often jump from a segment on one DNA strand to one or more segments on the opposite strand. This is an amazing new development.

As our DNA changes, we evolve. The new patterns of electrical relationships within our DNA create a weaving of energy — a web of electromagnetic energy — between the strands that is, for lack of better words, rewiring us. These new genetic relationships create an energetic matrix, a new field of energy between the legs of the ladders of DNA structure. When these fields begin to harmonize and unify, we change, and our children change.

This rewiring is a major leap in our evolution as consciously aware beings. Humanity has begun to awaken to other realities and even to higher states of conscious awareness. We have begun to remember that there is much more to us than what we knew previously. Countless people have spontaneously begun to remember past lives and have become multidimensionally aware. Some find that there are no limits to what can be done with pure consciousness.

As more and more of us "wake up," more and more of us will remember.

As we change, our DNA and RNA continue to adjust in response. As this process occurs, the DNA within more and more people begins to change and evolve even more rapidly. The process is constant. As the DNA transforms within one, then two, then more and more people, there comes a time when there is a consensus of nature. Many people call this critical mass — the moment in time that an evolutionary trend becomes the norm. (By way of illustration, you may recall the "100th monkey theory," which basically states that when more and more people learn to behave differently, there arrives a time when critical mass is reached, and the entire populace spontaneously takes on those behaviors as the norm.)

We have critical mass in consciousness as well. As we evolve physically, the functionality of the consciousness within us grows too. From the standpoint of evolution, this is huge. Not only are our children exhibiting aspects of higher consciousness, but we have begun to see, even in adults, levels of conscious awareness that just a few years ago were unheard of. Because of this, children who are coming into our world as the progeny of our new evolution are arriving with new, more advanced DNA communication patterns.

The new patterns in our DNA system are a lot like the Internet except that they are unlimited in their scope and capabilities. They are infinite, and the scope of our potential is infinite as well. Our consciousness has begun to work more easily and more fully in conjunction with our DNA systems. As fuller universal communication takes place, our consciousness becomes more and more aware.

Our children listen not only with their minds, but with their entire bodies as well. Moreover, their energy fields are attuned to a much broader field of transmission and reception. The Children of Now are communicating within our world with every particle of their being, and the world is talking back. But are we truly hearing our children?


Consciousness is not the mind. The mind is purely a logical construct — a tool we developed that assists in our survival as human beings. As part of our defense system, it rationalizes, quantifies, and informs us of our progress during the course of our experiences. Consciousness is not the ego either; it is the essence of our true selves. It is not stuck within the body and can travel easily to other times, places, and realities in both real time and in dreams. Our consciousness is superluminal (faster than the speed of light), and is able to bring whatever information or experience we want or need from anywhere in creation.

Consciousness is what enters the incipient cells when we are conceived. It carries memories of our previous lifetimes, which is why we have déjà vu. We have been there. It is why we know someone even when meeting them for the first time. We have known them before. Consciousness is what reaches out beyond the reality of this here and now and brings intuitive information to us about the past, present, and future. It is that part of us that is ever- diligent and aware of everything in all of creation. Our consciousness is capable of moving mountains, changing the form of matter, and traveling in time and space — and even to other realms of reality. It is able to instigate healing on profound levels by reaching into the consciousness of others and feeling and knowing what they experience. It is our greatest power and our deepest sensitivity.

Because we have learned to think and communicate logically, our memory of pure consciousness has become tainted during our evolutionary process. We closed the door to awareness of greater realities as a matter of natural course. Now those doors are reopening as awareness returns to us. The Children of Now arrive in our world with those doors partially or wide open, and their consciousness easily does what we have long since forgotten that ours could do. The children's consciousness remembers who they are and where they have come from, and in turn, that remembering mirrors our true selves.

Because both consciousness and DNA are comprised of electromagnetic energy, they work in tandem. When our consciousness and our DNA work together, we can operate as intentional conscious observers and participants within all of creation. Our consciousness experiences every level of reality and then communicates those experiences directly to the DNA electromagnetically. (Remember, our DNA receives data from the RNA, processes it, and then communicates those experiences back through the body again via the RNA.) At the same time, the DNA relays those changes to consciousness and back into all of creation. It is an endless cycle, vital not only to our very existence, but how we experience it as well.

Every thought we have, every word we utter, and every feeling we experience is a form of energy, and thus has a harmonic signature to it. Each signature is a combination of frequencies that, in its completeness, carries specific messages to us and from us. For instance, when we have an experience that is unpleasant, we may have a visceral reaction within our bodies — a leap in our chests or a knot in the pit of our stomachs. Conversely, when we have an experience that is pleasant, our chests "swell up" with the emotions of the moment. Our bodies are reacting to our experiences. As the energy frequencies of each experience are communicated through our bodies, those frequencies don't just affect us physically — they become part of our consciousness. Thus, each experience is recorded or imprinted physically (biologically) and energetically (on our energy fields), and these imprints become part of us and all of creation. Consciousness also communicates directly with DNA, so we are having an etheric and physical existence at once. The result of all of this is that we are no longer as we were the moment before. Our entire makeup has changed, and our energetic, harmonic makeup has adapted to the circumstances. Some of the changes are profound, while others are much more subtle.

The Children of Now have an even more direct, streamlined, and refined universal communication system, one that skips many of the steps that previous generations needed. The children's energy fields are living transmitters and receivers. Because of this, some of the children exhibit what seems to be rare giftedness, such as the psychic children in China who perform amazing feats, or the Indigos who communicate along energetic grid pathways. The new energy systems of the Children of Now are arrays of living energy. This is similar to having a radio on all of the time that is tuned into all of the stations at once. Some of the children can filter out excess unwanted data, some don't need to, and some have learned to process all of the information simultaneously because their brains work differently. To the Children of Now, all channels are accessible at the same time and without adjustment to the instrument. Pan-reception!

Many of the Children of Now exhibit amazing awareness, knowledge, and intuition — in fact, an unlimited array of gifts. They automatically use their consciousness in ways that bring to them and to us answers about life and being beyond time. On the other hand, because of their DNA structure and patterns, the Children of Now are hypersensitive both to their own feelings and to those of the people around them. Their profundity is beyond comprehension, and their compassion informs and energizes their social consciousness. As consciousness embodied — enhanced by the evolution of their DNA — the Children of Now represent a completely new way of being, and they continue to evolve long after they are born. Their energy fields adapt constantly, changing colors and patterns of movement, and becoming lighter and lighter in their overall color spectrums.

Those children who are supported in their giftedness thrive and create fantastic art, music, and science, and provide insight of unlimited depth. They see the truth of our being as humans never have before, and have the ability to express those perceptions with great love and sensitivity. Unfortunately, many of the Children of Now are not being heard. Their profundities are being brushed aside as fantasy or vast imagination. The truth is that their perceptions and experiences are very real!




When we receive a stimulus of any kind, our brains work by sending electrical impulses that deliver messages along the neural pathways within our brains and throughout our bodies. These messages are also delivered and transmitted to and from our consciousness and all of creation. Our messaging systems work in the form of fields of electromagnetic frequencies, or energy. The energy fields in and around our bodies, and those that exist multidimensionally, are electromagnetic in nature as well. All of our energetic levels of existence communicate constantly with each other. This is a lot like being "online" all of the time, getting whatever information we need in any given moment without effort. Because we use our brains in a logical fashion, we are not generally aware of the more subtle communications that we experience.

Gifted people have brains that function differently. Remember, energy carries information, and the brain uses energy for its operation. People who are intuitive or gifted metaphysically have an innate ability to "tap in" to different levels of subtle energies and therefore other realities, where they experience precognition and, in some cases, free their consciousness enough to explore other times and places, and realities beyond the third dimension. For those who are intuitively or otherwise paranormally gifted, the messages contained within the energy are distributed differently within the brain so that they are understood (at least on some level of awareness) and not lost in linear brain functioning. Not all of this different functioning is visible in medical tests, because the medical community has yet to seriously or fully consider the possibilities or the impact of subtle energies. They do not yet have instruments to measure these finer, more subtle types of energy.

Often, because of certain stimuli or changes within the relationships of energetic functioning, a child of the new evolution may look different or even overtly dysfunctional. In other words, some of the New Children do not appear to function "normally" on a mental, emotional, or physical level. Some of the children experience all manner of apparent disabilities, from minor to substantial. Many of them seem to be profoundly physically disabled while exhibiting a spiritual clarity that demonstrates a mastery and wisdom beyond that of most adults. Those who appear to be profoundly affected often do not or cannot speak, and many communicate telepathically more easily than most of us do with words. Some children also do not behave "normally" as expected in certain situations. Others seem to be "spaced out" or "not with the program." That is because their program is far beyond our simple everyday one.


Excerpted from "The Children of Now"
by .
Copyright © 2007 Meg Blackburn Losey, Msc.D., Ph.D..
Excerpted by permission of Red Wheel/Weiser, LLC.
All rights reserved. No part of this excerpt may be reproduced or reprinted without permission in writing from the publisher.
Excerpts are provided by Dial-A-Book Inc. solely for the personal use of visitors to this web site.

Table of Contents

Chapter 1 Changes In Evolution,
Chapter 2 Medical Misunderstandings,
Chapter 3 Orbs Are People Too!,
Chapter 4 The Crystalline Children,
Chapter 5 Checklist For Recognizing Crystalline Children,
Chapter 6 Children Of The Stars,
Chapter 7 Checklist For Recognizing Star Children,
Chapter 8 Parallel Aspects: Children Of The Earth And Stars,
Chapter 9 Our Beautiful Silent Ones,
Chapter 10 The Transitional Children,
Chapter 11 Angels On Earth,
Chapter 12 How Can We Help?,
Chapter 13 Solutions At School,
Chapter 14 So What's Next?,
More Information About The Children Of Now,
About The Author,

What People are Saying About This

Devra Ann Jacobs

Finally, a refreshing and poignant approach without sensationalism that is easy to understand! Dr. Meg not only weaves a full picture of The Children of Now, she shares creative and realistic ideas about how to help and support them. I highly recommend this book to anyone who has anything to do with our new generation of gifted children... and those yet to come.

Dannion Brinkley

The Children of Now breathes light into a very real phenomenon. Written with great care and sensitivity, this book is destined to indelibly change the views of society, caregivers, and families while bringing much needed assistance and attention to a new generation of children who have come to change our world.

Lynn Andrews

The Children of Now is powerful and profound while at the same time quite practical. This should be required reading for anyone who works with children and everyone who has children.

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