Thankful: Practicing the Grace of Gratitude: 52 Weekly Devotions

Thankful: Practicing the Grace of Gratitude: 52 Weekly Devotions

by Karen Moore
Thankful: Practicing the Grace of Gratitude: 52 Weekly Devotions

Thankful: Practicing the Grace of Gratitude: 52 Weekly Devotions

by Karen Moore

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Choosing to live a life filled with joy, grace, happiness and gratitude is sometimes hard, but always good. This interactive devotional begins each week with an inspiring, scripture based message and then provides scripture readings and thoughts for each day of that week. Over the course of the year, readers will build their gratitude muscles and strengthen their resolve to seek out the good that is so abundant in every life.

Product Details

ISBN-13: 9781426759765
Publisher: Abingdon Press
Publication date: 10/01/2012
Sold by: Barnes & Noble
Format: eBook
File size: 582 KB

About the Author

Karen Moore is the author of over fifty children s books, gift books and devotionals. She has a Master s degree in Education. Karen has previously served as Children s Book Manager at David Cook, Senior Editor and Publisher in the Bible Division at Thomas Nelson, and as an acquisitions editor. In the greeting card industry she has written over 8,000 greeting cards, developed licensed properties, and also helped to create the original Care Bear line.

Read an Excerpt


Practicing the Grace of Gratitude

By Karen Moore

Abingdon Press

Copyright © 2012 Abingdon Press
All rights reserved.
ISBN: 978-1-4267-5976-5


WEEK 1 / DAY 1

Thankful for Each New Day!

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Praise the Lord! / Give thanks to the Lord because he is good, / because his faithful love endures forever. / Who could possibly repeat / all of the Lord's mighty acts / or publicly recount all his praise? / The people who uphold justice, / who always do what is right, are truly happy! —Psalm 106:1-3

This is "Be happy" week. With each sunrise, you have a reason to thank God for your life and for the good things you enjoy. The psalmist reminds us that one reason to be happy is simply because God is good. God is good and he is faithful and his love for us goes on forever. Imagine that! No matter what you do, how far off the path you stray, how many times you don't get it right, God is good and faithful and his love for you just keeps going on.

Each morning when you rise and are able to get up out of bed (you already have a reason to be thankful, because you spent the night in a nice, warm bed), you can grin from ear to ear. If you're in the habit of counting your blessings before bed at night, you may want to start early. If God was only going to give you back today, the things you told him you were grateful for last night as you counted your blessings, you probably wouldn't have slept a wink. You'd probably still be counting because you wouldn't want to miss the chance to have the good things in your life continue to surround you. So, take a deep breath and begin again to show God what it means to you to be his grateful child, living in unending grace.

How often do we need to see God's face, hear his voice, feel his touch, know his power? The answer to all these questions is the same: Every day! —John Blanchard

Lord, let me see you every day and smile. Let me hold up my hands and offer my grateful heart. Today, I remember ...

WEEK 1/ DAY 2: Setting Priorities

Order your soul; reduce your wants; live in charity, associate in Christian Community; obey the laws; trust in Providence. —Augustine of Hippo

Our ancient ancestors may not have set New Year's resolutions or kept goal charts on their calendars, but they clearly set their intentions to live a blessed life. Perhaps they too, aspired to have more grateful hearts.

God's spirit made me; the Almighty's breath enlivens me. —Job 33: 4

Today, Lord, I really want to thank you for ...

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WEEK 1/ DAY 3: Start Something

Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail. —Ralph Waldo Emerson

Starting out with a clean slate means you can carve out a new path, try a different road, give yourself the gift of new experiences. The outcome may bring unexpected treasures and reasons to be more thankful to your Creator.

Your Instruction is my joy! Let me live again so I can praise you! —Psalm 119:174-75

Today, Lord, I'm so grateful for ...

WEEK 1/ DAY 4: Dream

Hold fast to dreams, for if dreams die, life is like a broken-winged bird that cannot fly. —Robert Frost

It's okay to let your imagination soar, take flight into all the things that stir your heart with passion and joy. God planted desires in your heart so that you might dream them into being, creating more light to share with others. It's a great day to give thanks for those stirrings in your heart that keep you dreaming with growing.

God speaks in one way, / in two ways, but no one perceives it. In the dream, a vision of the night, /when deep sleep falls upon humans, ... then he opens people's ears, ... / to turn them from a deed / and to smother human pride. —Job 33:14-17

Lord, I thank you for my dreams ...

* * *

WEEK 1/ DAY 5: Letting Go of Yesterday

When one door closes another door opens; but we so often look so long and so regretfully upon the closed door, that we do not see the ones which open for us. —Alexander Graham Bell

It's good to give God the glory for yesterday, to be grateful for where we've been. The past is a good teacher, but like most teachers, it doesn't mean to hold you back, but simply means to guide you toward the future, toward your dreams.

But this is precisely what is written: God has prepared things for those who love him that no eye has seen, or ear has heard, or that haven't crossed the mind of any human being. —1 Corinthians 2:9

Today, Lord, I thank you for my yesterdays ...

WEEK 1/ DAY 6: The Time Is Now

We must use time creatively ... and forever realize that the time is always ripe to do right. —Martin Luther King, Jr.

Each day is like the beginning of the year, a great opportunity to look at how you want to invest your time and energy. Will you spend time on things that are no longer in your hands, or will you spend time holding on and holding up the chance for a bright future?

In your perspective a thousand years / are like yesterday past, / like a short period during the night watch. —Psalm 90:4

Lord, I thank you for the time you have given me. Help me be wise in the ways I spend the precious time I have ...

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WEEK 1/ DAY 7: Stay Strong

Every job is the self-portrait of the person who did it. Autograph your work with excellence. —Author unknown

You've got it! You've got the plan, the energy, the time and the strength to move forward. It's a great day to strut your stuff ... for the Lord. Let him know how grateful you are for new direction and possibility.

By your favor you make us strong / because our shield is the Lord's own. —Psalm 89:17-18

Lord, I am so grateful for the many ways you strengthen me. Help me be strong as ...


WEEK 2 / DAY 1

Thankful for Being Uniquely Me!

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You are the one who created / my innermost parts; / you knit me together while I was still in my mother's womb. / I give thanks to you / that I was marvelously set apart. /Your works are wonderful—I know that very well. —Psalm 139:13-14

This week is all about you! That's right, you're actually going to spend time being grateful God designed you just the way you are. It may seem a bit scary, but all that matters is the God of this universe created you in a unique way. He knew exactly who you would be. God imagined the best possible you and wants to help you get there. Since you were designed in his image, he is invested in how you turn out.

When you have children, you look to see how they reflect you. They may have your talent, your skill for cooking, or your sensitivity to life. They have your DNA, and that connects you to them. You have God's Spirit within you, and that connects you to him. He looks for all the ways you reflect him.

As you give thanks this week, remember: you're not a finished project, but a work in progress. You're not a perfect human being, but you're perfectly designed to become all you were meant to be. God has given you many gifts and reveals them to you as you're ready to receive them. Trust him! You're a unique and incredible design!

If we did all the things we are capable of doing, we would literally astound ourselves. —Thomas Edison

Lord, thank you for making me just as I am ...

WEEK 2/ DAY 2: Slightly Cracked

Though our private desires are ever so confused, though our private requests are ever so broken, and though our private groanings are ever so hidden from others, yet God sees them, records them, and puts them upon the files of heaven and will one day crown them with glorious answers and returns. —Thomas Brooks (adapted)

The heavenly Potter molded you and brought you into being and continues to work with you. You just have to be willing to be reshaped and modified. The beauty of being slightly cracked, even somewhat broken, is that he is always able to bring you back to wholeness and joy.

But now, Lord, you are our father. / We are the clay, and you are our potter. / All of us are the work of your hand. —Isaiah 64:8

Lord, I am thankful that you continue to shape and mold me. Especially today, I'm thankful for ...

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WEEK 2/ DAY 3: My Face

Though we travel the world over to find the beautiful, we must carry it with us or we find it not. —Ralph Waldo Emerson

One of the things that makes you so uniquely you is your face. The angle of your chin, the sparkle in your eyes, the glow in your cheeks—all are distinctly yours. You're beautiful in your own way. As Emerson reminds us, to be truly beautiful, to be even more than a pretty or handsome face, is to be a person who is lit from within, radiant because of a heart of love and gratitude.

More than anything you guard, / protect your mind, for life flows from it. —Proverbs 4:23

Lord, today, I am thankful for my face because ...

WEEK 2/ DAY 4: My Voice

Kind words can be short and easy to speak but their echoes are truly endless. —Mother Teresa

Have you ever noticed what it means to you to hear a loving voice? A kind voice draws you in heart first and keeps you close, protecting your spirit and dignity. God made you with a unique voice, an ability to share from the heart. Be thankful today for your voice that allows you to guide and communicate so fully with others.

The word of Christ must live in you richly. Teach and warn each other with all wisdom by singing psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs. Sing to God with gratitude in your hearts. —Colossians 3:16

Lord, thank you for giving me a voice to ...

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WEEK 2/ DAY 5: Your Arms and Legs

Hence we must support one another, console one another, mutually help, counsel, and advise. —Thomas à Kempis

You are God's hands and feet. You help someone else simply by reaching out with concern or offering a hug or smile. Every time you show up and lend a helping hand you show his love. Every time you become part of the solution, you remind others that God is good and works through his people on this planet. Be thankful today for your arms and legs.

Be kind, compassionate, and forgiving to each other, in the same way God forgave you in Christ. —Ephesians 4:32

Lord, thank you for my arms and legs ...

WEEK 2/ DAY 6: Your Heart

When you make that one effort to feel compassion instead of blame or self-blame, the heart opens again and continues opening. —Sara Paddison

One of the extraordinary things about you is the way you share your heart. You offer love and compassion like no one else. God has given you a unique dose of himself so that you can share it. You have a strong heart and you exercise it every time you open it with grace. Be thankful for your generous heart.

Therefore, as God's choice, holy and loved, put on compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness, and patience. Be tolerant with each other and, if someone has a complaint against anyone, forgive each other. —Colossians 3:12-13

Lord, thank you for giving me a compassionate heart to ...

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WEEK 2/ DAY 7: Your Eyes

The most pathetic person in the world is someone who has sight but has no vision. —Helen Keller

When God invited you into his story, he did a miraculous thing. He gave you new eyes, and new ways to see the world. He gave you a vision. Now he leaves it to you to interpret what direction you'll go with the things you see and the ways you'll share the desires of your heart. God gave you beautiful eyes to shine his light on a needy world.

When there's no vision, / the people get out of control, / but whoever obeys instruction is happy. —Proverbs 29:18

Lord, thank you for helping me see ...


WEEK 3 / DAY 1

Thankful for My Life Purpose

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So then, let's also run the race that is laid out in front of us, since we have such a great cloud of witnesses surrounding us. —Hebrews 12:1

Okay, so you're smiling to yourself because at this very moment, you're not that clear about what your life purpose is. You've stumbled onto pieces of it, working through it like a jigsaw puzzle, hoping to discover the actual picture before too long. If that's the case, then be grateful. Give God thanks that you have gotten this far and that you can actually imagine there really is a purpose to your life, a mission for you to accomplish. The truth is, God designed you intentionally, for a purpose that only you can fulfill in a way that he knew would make you strong and happy. God desires all that is good for you, so your soul resonates with joy and your spirit sings. He knows you so well.

Embrace your mission. Seek to know more of what God would have from you, what God would dream for you. As his beloved child, you can be sure that your life has great meaning to many people. Let your grateful heart lead the way.

God sees every one of us; he creates every soul ... for a purpose. —John Henry Newman

Lord, I thank you for the good work you have begun in me; help me ...

WEEK 3/ DAY 2: Setting a New Goal

Set yourself earnestly to discover what you are made to do, and then give yourself passionately to the doing of it. —Martin Luther King, Jr.

Imagine how excited you feel when you set out to explore a new place, a new country, somewhere you have never been. Apply that same principle to discovering more about yourself today. Try things you've never tried before and you may discover a new territory within yourself, a new country. Your life purpose will unfold right before your eyes.

Desire first and foremost God's kingdom and God's righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. —Matthew 6:33

Lord, thank you for being with me as I start anew to explore my own world of possibility ...

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WEEK 3/ DAY 3: A Positive Attitude

It's a beautiful world to see, / Or it's dismal in every zone, / But the thing it must be in its gloom or its gleam / All depends on you alone. —Author unknown

You probably already know that life is not so much what happens to you, but what you do when uncertain and difficult things occur. Your job is to maintain a sense of joyful optimism, knowing you have a goal to accomplish and that no matter what life brings, you will keep working toward that goal. Your spirit and your attitude toward the things you do make all the difference.

Renew the thinking in your mind by the Spirit and clothe yourself with the new person created according to God's image. —Ephesians 4:23-24

Lord, help me see the bright side when it comes to difficult life events ...

WEEK 3/ DAY 4: Making a Good Effort

Firmness of purpose is one of the most necessary sinews of character, and one of the best instruments for success. Without it, genius wastes its efforts in a maze of inconsistencies. —Chesterfield

If your purpose is to discover what it is that God designed you to become, then Lord Chesterfield's idea may strengthen your resolve. After all, once you've firmly established the goal, making the effort to accomplish the task is definitely the right track. Thank God that he gives you the opportunity to have such singleness of mind.

All who are led by God's Spirit are God's sons and daughters. —Romans 8:14

Lord, thank you for leading me in the effort I'm making toward discovering your purpose for me ...

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WEEK 3/ DAY 5: Some Good Advice

No gift is more precious than good advice. —Erasmus

In the spirit of discovery, it can be very helpful to check in with trusted friends and advisors, taking into consideration the things they might observe about you that could help you find your way. Thank God for the good people around you who are willing to step out in faith and offer you their heartfelt thoughts and guidance!

Plans fail with no counsel, but with many counselors they succeed. —Proverbs 15:22

Lord, thank you for the kindness of people who genuinely seek my good and who help me find my way ...

WEEK 3/ DAY 6: Your Character

Out of our beliefs are born deeds; out of our deeds we form habits; out of our habits grows our character; and on our character we build our destiny. —Henry Hancock

Your life purpose comes together through a series of choices and beliefs that you have about yourself and the world around you. God is there in the midst of those choices helping you to create a habit of holiness and a heart of gratitude. With those things he can strengthen you toward your destiny.

Good people bring out good things from their good treasure. —Matthew 12:35

Lord, thank you for helping me develop a strong character to ...


Excerpted from Thankful by Karen Moore. Copyright © 2012 Abingdon Press. Excerpted by permission of Abingdon Press.
All rights reserved. No part of this excerpt may be reproduced or reprinted without permission in writing from the publisher.
Excerpts are provided by Dial-A-Book Inc. solely for the personal use of visitors to this web site.

Table of Contents


Week 1: Thankful for Each New Day!,
Week 2: Thankful for Being Uniquely Me!,
Week 3: Thankful for My Life Purpose,
Week 4: Thankful for Good Friends,
Week 5: Thankful for My Home,
Week 6: Thankful for the Mamas and the Papas,
Week 7: Thankful for the Awesome Examples of Jesus,
Week 8: Thankful for the Little Things,
Week 9: Thankful for Love,
Week 10: Thankful for Prayer,
Week 11: Thankful for Our Heroes,
Week 12: Thankful for Pets,
Week 13: Thankful for Change,
Week 14: Thankful for Positive Spirit,
Week 15: Thankful for What I've Learned,
Week 16: Thankful for Gifts of Joy,
Week 17: Thankful for the Right Work,
Week 18: Thankful for Creation,
Week 19: Thankful for Worship,
Week 20: Thankful for Simple Pleasures,
Week 21: Thankful for Freedom,
Week 22: Thankful for Extraordinary Teachers,
Week 23: Thankful for Good Health,
Week 24: Thankful for Communication,
Week 25: Thankful for Dreams,
Week 26: Thankful for God,
Week 27: Thankful God Is in Control,
Week 28: Thankful for Choices,
Week 29: Thankful for Healing,
Week 30: Thankful for the Holidays,
Week 31: Thankful for the Word of God,
Week 32: Thankful for Success,
Week 33: Thankful for Failure,
Week 34: Thankful for Imagination,
Week 35: Thankful for Discipline,
Week 36: Thankful for Gifts,
Week 37: Thankful for Memories,
Week 38: Thankful for Hard Work,
Week 39: Thankful for Forgiveness,
Week 40: Thankful for Music,
Week 41: Thankful for Books!,
Week 42: Thankful for Miracles,
Week 43: Thankful for Hope,
Week 44: Thankful for Adversity,
Week 45: Thankful for Angels,
Week 46: Thankful for Infinite Blessings,
Week 47: Thankful for Courage,
Week 48: Thankful for Faith,
Week 49: Thankful for Birthdays,
Week 50: Thankful for Salvation,
Week 51: Thankful for Temptation,
Week 52: Thankful for God,

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