Storytelling with Data in Healthcare
With the constant evolution of change in healthcare from both a technology and governmental perspective, it is imperative to take a step back and view the big picture. Relying on hunches or beliefs is no longer sustainable, so avoid jumping to conclusions and making decisions without thoroughly understanding the statistics being analyzed. The triple aim of statistics is a conceptual model laying the foundation for improving healthcare outcomes through statistics. This foundation is: know your numbers; develop behavioral interventions; and set goals to drive change.

With the availability of electronic data sources, the quantity and quality of data have grown exponentially to the point of information overload. Translating all this data into words that tell a meaningful story is overwhelming. This book takes the reader on a journey that navigates through this data to tell a story that everyone can understand and use to drive improvement. Readers will learn to tell a narrative story based on data, to develop creative, innovative and effective solutions to improve processes and outcomes utilizing the authors’ tools. Topics include mortality and readmission, patient experience, patient safety survey, governmental initiatives, CMS Star Rating and Hospital Compare.

Storytelling with Data in Healthcare combines methodology and statistics in the same course material, making it coherent and easier to put into practice. It uses storytelling as a tool for knowledge acquisition and retention and will be valuable for courses in nursing schools, medical schools, pharmacy schools or any healthcare profession that has a research design or statistics course offered to students. The book will be of interest to researchers, academics, healthcare professionals, and students in the fields of healthcare management and operations as well as statistics and data visualization.

Storytelling with Data in Healthcare
With the constant evolution of change in healthcare from both a technology and governmental perspective, it is imperative to take a step back and view the big picture. Relying on hunches or beliefs is no longer sustainable, so avoid jumping to conclusions and making decisions without thoroughly understanding the statistics being analyzed. The triple aim of statistics is a conceptual model laying the foundation for improving healthcare outcomes through statistics. This foundation is: know your numbers; develop behavioral interventions; and set goals to drive change.

With the availability of electronic data sources, the quantity and quality of data have grown exponentially to the point of information overload. Translating all this data into words that tell a meaningful story is overwhelming. This book takes the reader on a journey that navigates through this data to tell a story that everyone can understand and use to drive improvement. Readers will learn to tell a narrative story based on data, to develop creative, innovative and effective solutions to improve processes and outcomes utilizing the authors’ tools. Topics include mortality and readmission, patient experience, patient safety survey, governmental initiatives, CMS Star Rating and Hospital Compare.

Storytelling with Data in Healthcare combines methodology and statistics in the same course material, making it coherent and easier to put into practice. It uses storytelling as a tool for knowledge acquisition and retention and will be valuable for courses in nursing schools, medical schools, pharmacy schools or any healthcare profession that has a research design or statistics course offered to students. The book will be of interest to researchers, academics, healthcare professionals, and students in the fields of healthcare management and operations as well as statistics and data visualization.

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Storytelling with Data in Healthcare

Storytelling with Data in Healthcare

Storytelling with Data in Healthcare

Storytelling with Data in Healthcare


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With the constant evolution of change in healthcare from both a technology and governmental perspective, it is imperative to take a step back and view the big picture. Relying on hunches or beliefs is no longer sustainable, so avoid jumping to conclusions and making decisions without thoroughly understanding the statistics being analyzed. The triple aim of statistics is a conceptual model laying the foundation for improving healthcare outcomes through statistics. This foundation is: know your numbers; develop behavioral interventions; and set goals to drive change.

With the availability of electronic data sources, the quantity and quality of data have grown exponentially to the point of information overload. Translating all this data into words that tell a meaningful story is overwhelming. This book takes the reader on a journey that navigates through this data to tell a story that everyone can understand and use to drive improvement. Readers will learn to tell a narrative story based on data, to develop creative, innovative and effective solutions to improve processes and outcomes utilizing the authors’ tools. Topics include mortality and readmission, patient experience, patient safety survey, governmental initiatives, CMS Star Rating and Hospital Compare.

Storytelling with Data in Healthcare combines methodology and statistics in the same course material, making it coherent and easier to put into practice. It uses storytelling as a tool for knowledge acquisition and retention and will be valuable for courses in nursing schools, medical schools, pharmacy schools or any healthcare profession that has a research design or statistics course offered to students. The book will be of interest to researchers, academics, healthcare professionals, and students in the fields of healthcare management and operations as well as statistics and data visualization.

Product Details

ISBN-13: 9780367898779
Publisher: Taylor & Francis
Publication date: 11/30/2020
Pages: 192
Sales rank: 597,957
Product dimensions: 6.00(w) x 9.00(h) x (d)

About the Author

Kevin D. Masick, Ph D.

Kevin has 15+ years of experience in both academia and practice. He has taught at 5 universities in both the business school and psychology department teaching undergraduate and graduate courses in-person and online in research methodology and statistics. He has worked for 3 healthcare systems in human resources, quality management, and strategic planning where he has led a team of healthcare professionals in improving patient outcomes through innovative analytics and dashboards, research, and education. In addition to his full time work, he has published an advanced research methods textbook, built multiple training programs both in-person and online, and published in peer reviewed journals. He received his Ph D in Applied Organizational Psychology and masters in Industrial/Organizational Psychology both from Hofstra University and his bachelor’s degree in psychology from SUNY Albany.

Eric Bouillon, Ph D.

Eric has 4 years of experience working as a dissertation coach using his expertise in research design and statistics to coach doctoral students. He has also worked with Kevin to develop a online and in-person training program to help healthcare employees how to interpret and utilize statistics in practice. Recently, while writing this book, Eric was finishing up his Ph.D. at Hofstra University in Organizational Psychology. His dissertation focused on creating a scale that utilized psychometric and scale development best practices to measure how well individuals use statistics to find data-driven solutions in organizations. Most recently, Eric has branched out of academia and was hired as a People Scientist at a recruitments firm to help develop tailored assessments for selection and recruitment. He also spearheaded the development of a new tool that measures organizational purpose through psychometric testing.

Table of Contents

Author biography ix

Preface x

Acknowledgments xii

1 Introduction 1

Introduction 1

Evolution of Healthcare Analytics 2

Know Your Numbers 5

Develop Behavioral Interventions 6

Set Goals to Drive Change 7

Conclusion 9

Discussion Questions 10

2 Research Methodology 11

Introduction 11

Reliability 11

Validity 14

Scales of Measurement 18

Sampling Techniques 20

Research Methodology 22

Discussion Questions 25

3 Statistics 27

Introduction 27

Alpha and Type I Error 29

Beta and Type II Error 29

Power 29

Statistical Significance vs. Clinical Significance 31

Descriptive/Inferential Statistics 31

Measures of Central Tendency 31

Measures of Dispersion 32

Parametric/Non-parametric Statistics 33

Regression 34

Logistic Regression 34

Linear Regression 35

Bridging the Gap between Statistical Methods and Healthcare 35

Rate, Index, and Ratio Trended Over Time 37

Confidence Intervals 41

Percentiles/Percentile Ranks 41

Odds Ratio 42

Conclusion 42

Discussion Questions 43

4 Mortality and Readmission 44

Introduction 44

Run/Control Chart Contradiction 46

Methodologically Testing Your Creativity with Data 49

Run Charts Methodology 50

Run Chart Results 50

Control Chart Methodology 52

Control Chart Results 56

Discussion 57

Discussion Questions 61

5 Patient Experience 62

Introduction 62

Press Ganey 63

Patient Experience 63

Behaviors and State of Mind 65

Survey Questions 68

Response Scales 68

HCAHPS Survey 69

Statistical Method Review 70

Results 73

Creating Graphs 73

Discussion 76

Discussion Questions 79

6 AHRQ Safety Survey 80

Introduction 80

Why Focus on Patient Safety? 82

Survey Methodology 83

AHRQ Hospital Survey Methodology 85

Results 88

Discussion 95

Discussion Questions 96

7 Past, Present, and Future: The Evolution of Initiatives 98

Introduction 98

Partnership for Patients 99

Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act 99

Pay for Performance 99

Value-Based Purchasing 100

Hospital Readmissions Reduction Program 100

Hospital-Acquired Condition Reduction Program 101

Bundled Payments for Care Improvement 101

Core Measures and Bundled Treatments 101

Methodology 103

Infection/Safety Domain Methodology 104

Results 105

Discussion 111

Resistors to Change 113

Discussion Questions 114

8 CMS Star Rating 115

Introduction 115

Composite and Summary Scores 116

Process and Outcome Metrics 117

CMS Star Rating Methodology 118

Statistical Concepts 121

CMS Star Statistical Methodology 123

Box-and-Whiskers Plot 127

Results 128

Discussion 136

Discussion Questions 137

9 CMS Hospital Compare 138

Introduction 138

Methodology 140

Results 144

DEFINE the Metric 145

Focus on the FACTS of What Is Presented 145

STOP and Ask Questions to Plan for Improvement 147

Discussion 148

Discussion Questions 149

10 Turn Data Into Action 151

Introduction 151

The Art of a Question 152

Step 1 Step Back and Don't Jump to Conclusions 155

Step 2 Think Methodologically 155

Step 3 Analyze the Metric 156

Step 4 Test Your Creativity with Understanding the Data 157

Step 5 Insights - Use the Skills Learned to Question What You See 159

Step 6 Search for the Critical Questions to Ask 160

Step 7 Trending Data to Understand Past, Present, and Future 162

Step 8 Inquire Others to Have a Complete Picture of What is Happening 162

Step 9 Conclusions - Use All Available Information to Derive Conclusions 164

Step 10 Sustainable Solutions - Create Solutions 164

Discussion Questions 165

Glossary 167

References 171

Index 175

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