State of Disrepair: Fixing the Culture and Practices of the State Department
Kori Schake shows how the deficiencies in focus, education, and programmatic proficiency impede the work of the State Department and suggests how investing in those areas could make the agency significantly more successful at building stable and prosperous democratic governments around the world. She explains why, instead of burdening the US military with yet another inherently civilian function, work should focus on bringing those agencies of the government whose job it is to provide development assistance up to the standard of success that our military has achieved. Schake presents a vision of what a successful State Department should look like and seeks to build support for creating it—a State Department that makes possible the projection of US civilian power as well as US military force.
State of Disrepair: Fixing the Culture and Practices of the State Department
Kori Schake shows how the deficiencies in focus, education, and programmatic proficiency impede the work of the State Department and suggests how investing in those areas could make the agency significantly more successful at building stable and prosperous democratic governments around the world. She explains why, instead of burdening the US military with yet another inherently civilian function, work should focus on bringing those agencies of the government whose job it is to provide development assistance up to the standard of success that our military has achieved. Schake presents a vision of what a successful State Department should look like and seeks to build support for creating it—a State Department that makes possible the projection of US civilian power as well as US military force.
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State of Disrepair: Fixing the Culture and Practices of the State Department

State of Disrepair: Fixing the Culture and Practices of the State Department

by Kori N. Schake
State of Disrepair: Fixing the Culture and Practices of the State Department

State of Disrepair: Fixing the Culture and Practices of the State Department

by Kori N. Schake



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Kori Schake shows how the deficiencies in focus, education, and programmatic proficiency impede the work of the State Department and suggests how investing in those areas could make the agency significantly more successful at building stable and prosperous democratic governments around the world. She explains why, instead of burdening the US military with yet another inherently civilian function, work should focus on bringing those agencies of the government whose job it is to provide development assistance up to the standard of success that our military has achieved. Schake presents a vision of what a successful State Department should look like and seeks to build support for creating it—a State Department that makes possible the projection of US civilian power as well as US military force.

Product Details

ISBN-13: 9780817914561
Publisher: Hoover Institution Press
Publication date: 09/01/2013
Series: Hoover Institution Press Publication
Sold by: Barnes & Noble
Format: eBook
Pages: 194
File size: 855 KB

About the Author

Kori N. Schake is a research fellow at the Hoover Institution. She is also an associate professor of international security studies at the United States Military Academy at West Point, NewYork. Her areas of research interest are national security strategy, the effective use of military force, and European politics.

Read an Excerpt

State of Disrepair

Fixing the Culture and Practices of the State Department

By Kori N. Schake

Hoover Institution Press

Copyright © 2012 Board of Trustees of the Leland Stanford Junior University
All rights reserved.
ISBN: 978-0-8179-1456-1



This book grows out of a project by the Kauffman Foundation exploring an idea called expeditionary economics. The generator of that idea, Dr. Carl Schramm, believes the community of development experts is profoundly mistaken about how to foster economic growth. He argues that the mistakes of development professionals are impeding the war effort in Iraq and Afghanistan, because in both wars our strategy is contingent on building stable and prosperous democratic governments. And he recommends adding economic development as a core competency of the American military in order to solve this problem.

I agree with most of the expeditionary economics argument: development professionals have a poor record of engendering actual economic development; spurring economic growth in the counterinsurgency wars we are fighting is essential to succeeding in those wars; and our civilian agencies are not achieving what we need in order to capitalize on our military gains and win the wars.

I differ with the expeditionary economics argument over whether the American military ought to become the institution that undertakes development work, though. The United States government already has an agency entirely dedicated to assisting countries with economic development: the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID). The departments of State, Agriculture, Treasury, and Justice, and many other civilian agencies, have important roles to play in helping create the political and legal environment, transportation and banking infrastructure, and market information that will facilitate development in Iraq, Afghanistan, and other places where the American military is operating.

Instead of tasking the American military with yet another inherently civilian function, I believe work should focus on bringing those agencies of the government whose job it is to provide development assistance up to the standard of success that expeditionary economics identifies as necessary for the success of our war efforts. This is both a practical bias — as I doubt the military will prove adept at economic development due to competing priorities — and a fervent moral belief that when our country puts Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen and Marines into harm's way, we owe them competent counterparts in their civilian agencies.

Those agencies, or at least the majority of them, have not proved competent partners to our military in Iraq and Afghanistan. We simply do not hold them to the same standard of performance as we hold our military. As a result, the military has of necessity taken on roles that divert its attention from its central tasks and for which it is neither ideally suited nor ideally seen as the conveyer of American government policies. Rather than make the American military good at development work, we need to make the other elements of our government that are engaged in winning the war as good at their jobs as is the American military.

Principal among those agencies is the Department of State, which has statutory responsibility for U.S. government activity abroad. No agency has been more ambitious than State in envisioning a leading role for itself, yet no agency has been more disappointing in its contribution. This book seeks to explain what about the institutional culture and current practices of the Department of State cause it to fall so far short of both the leading role it aspires to and the objective needs of American strategy for winning the wars we are fighting. Its suggestions are offered with an earnest desire to support both the mission and the good people of the Department of State. They deserve, as our military deserves, the tools and institutional processes that set them up for success.


Nature of the Problem

The most conventional of conventional wisdom in Washington in the past five years is that the U.S. State Department is dramatically undernourished for the work required of American civilian power. Since 2000, there have been a staggering number of think tank reports advocating a more robust diplomatic corps. The last three secretaries of state and the last two directors of the U.S. Agency for International Development have not only had ambitious goals for improving their departments, they have actually implemented at least the resourcing of them: Congress has increased funding by 155 percent since 2003 and the size of the diplomatic corps has grown by 50 percent.

There has emerged strong support for "whole-of-government operations," by which is meant the coordinated use of all elements of state power. The Obama administration has dedicated itself to practicing "smart power," a further polishing of the concept, emphasizing a rebalancing of governmental effort away from dependence on military force and toward diplomatic and economic levers. Inside the Beltway, whole-of-government operations and smart power are the holy grail, much yearned for yet elusive. Earnest advocates of effective American engagement in the world envision the military's role returning to small proportions as other government agencies, principally the State Department, increase their influence and activity.

Yet there is practically no one who believes the State Department is currently performing at a level adequate to the need. There are no voices arguing the State Department is a diplomatic equivalent to the dominance displayed by the American military, none who think America's diplomats stand astride the world like a colossus. Our diplomats punch below their weight and carry less influence than our country's power ought to deliver. Even sympathetic observers conclude that "today's Foreign Service does not have to a sufficient degree the knowledge, skills, abilities, and outlooks needed to equip career diplomats to conduct 21st-century diplomacy." Despite the substantial increase in the workforce at State, it continues to contract out work that is mission-critical or whose function is inherently governmental.

State has a better record than it gets credit for, certainly. It established twenty new embassies in Europe after 1991 without additional personnel, and the diplomats who have joined the Foreign Service since 2001 are much more likely to want to deploy to Provincial Reconstruction Teams in Iraq or Afghanistan and to change the world for the better, rather than remain safely ensconced in embassies and report on changes as they occur.

Still, the Department of State underperforms, both for what the country needs and for the resources it has. Foggy Bottom chants the mantra of whole-of-government operations but remains — even by Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's own assessment — inadequate to the task.

If further proof were needed, it would be that major swaths of activity that are civilian in nature continue to migrate to the military. The militarization of American foreign policy does not reflect an ambition by the military; it reflects the vacuum left by inadequate civilian power. Work needs doing, and the Department of State remains incapable of doing it. The most recent example would be governance issues in Afghanistan: small unit military leaders, rather than diplomats, are working to create local councils throughout the country. The military command has established a high-level anti-corruption task force and is setting up legal and judicial structures — both functions that ought to be civilian activities. Despite the existence of an embassy of over a thousand civilians in Kabul, those tasks have not been undertaken by civilians.

The inability of State to improve is not for lack of ideas or effort at the highest echelons of the department. Typically, secretaries of state invest little in the professionalization of the department. Instead, they spend all their time on policies rather than the functioning of the institution. But the last three secretaries of state developed major initiatives to improve the performance of the department: Secretary Colin Powell's Diplomatic Readiness Initiative, Secretary Condoleezza Rice's Transformational Diplomacy, and Secretary Hillary Clinton's Diplomacy 3.0. In all three cases, the leadership teams identified shortcomings, developed policies to redress the shortcomings, and were successful in gaining funding support for their initiatives. What none of them proved successful at has been substantially affecting the culture of the State Department such that it responded to their priorities.

There are no more fervent advocates of a more vibrant American diplomacy than the American military. Former Defense Secretary Robert Gates and former Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Admiral Michael Mullen have been the apostles of greater State Department funding, routinely advocating for it publicly, to the Congress, and within government counsels. They have not declined additional Defense spending in favor of diplomatic funding, or offered more than what would be considered a trivial amount of money in the defense budget to achieve that improved State Department (roughly $100 million in the defense budget has a dual key for spending on activities that State and Defense jointly agree need doing). But they have gone further than any other DOD leadership in supporting increased spending for diplomacy. Both Gates and Mullen testified with the secretary of state to State's Authorizing and Appropriating Committees of the Congress in support of greater funding.

Bringing the Pentagon's sensibilities to the problems of improving American diplomacy sheds light on why State has not been more successful. The Department of State is deficient in three crucial areas in which the Department of Defense excels: mission focus, education, and programming. Adopting DOD attitudes and commitments to these areas may prove more valuable to State than any additional money DOD leaders could help attain.

The American military exists to fight and win our nation's wars; everything else is subordinated to that essential task. Moreover, it is the function American taxpayers and their representatives in Congress value, and demand of, our military. The Department of State has no equivalent focus. To the extent the institution can identify its priorities, what State values about American diplomacy is engagement in multinational negotiation and reporting on international activity. These are the functions that shape the culture of the Department; they are not, however, the functions of greatest value outside the institution.

Protecting Americans at home and abroad through excellence in consular service should be the primary function of America's diplomats: preventing dangerous enemies from attaining visas to travel to the United States, ensuring Americans traveling overseas have the protection of our government, encouraging educational and other involvement with talented foreigners. These are the bread and butter — what prospectors would call the grub stake — of diplomacy, the activities that can only be performed by diplomats but on the success of which all Americans rely.

Yet they are the activities least valued by the Department of State: consular service is the lowest priority "cone," or specialization, in the Foreign Service. Talented diplomats are not tracked into that branch. It is as though the Army and Marine Corps did not consider ground combat their principal function. This needs to change if the State Department is to build a strong institutional base as the lead agency for American foreign policy. State needs to clearly embrace consular activity as its essential function and realign the incentives and thereby the culture of the institution. Doing so would bring the State Department significant advantages, both in the operation of the organization and in its support by the public and Congress.

The people of the State Department are among the American government's most talented. They come into the diplomatic corps with, on average, a graduate education and eleven years of work before joining the Foreign Service. State's personnel policies utilize the skills developed before entry into the service; they do not build skills. Hiring needed skills rather than developing them isn't a bad strategy, but it hinges crucially on identifying skills the institution needs and recruiting them. By its own admission, State is not hiring the skills it identifies as essential.

The Department of State compounds the error of not recruiting the skills it needs by not investing in the kind of professional education and training that will make our diplomats successful for the demands they face as their careers progress. The people who are successful in the State Department are people who can be thrown in the deep end of the swimming pool and not drown; but the department never teaches them to swim, and the successful ones even come to discredit the value of swimming lessons, because they succeeded without them.

State has twice in the past seven years been authorized increases in staffing levels in order to build time into diplomats' careers for education and training: Secretary Powell's Diplomatic Readiness Initiative in 2003 and Secretary Rice's Transformational Diplomacy Initiative in 2006. More recently, Secretary Clinton has also requested and received additional Foreign Service and civil service positions. Yet none of these substantial increases of people resulted in American diplomats receiving appreciably more professional education and training, or building time into their career tracks to participate in it. Training remains either a voluntary (off-duty) activity or something the department's most valuable people are not freed up to participate in. Secretary Powell made mandatory some valuable leadership training, but there has been no major effort to develop a core curriculum of knowledge that diplomats need at different thresholds in their careers or to develop a process by which diplomats are rewarded for undertaking it.

It merits mention that even the most starry-eyed believers in leading through civilian power assess the cost to produce it to be minimal. They are not arguing to double or triple the budget, they are arguing for marginal annual increases. One of the most functionally ambitious and carefully accounted studies of increased funding puts the sticker price of achieving sufficiency at only $3.3 billion across four years. Such a sum is roughly a 1.5 percent increase per year over the $52.8 billion current spending for operations of the department, a small number even before comparison to the $525 billion baseline budget request of the Defense Department for the coming year. Think of it: 1.5 percent per year for four years.

Two conclusions leap out from this fact: first, that it would take pathetically little to invest at the level diplomatic experts consider fully funding their needs; and second, that if they believe their performance can be so vastly improved on such a thin margin of additional resourcing, they probably have very little idea what it would take to actually make themselves a successful organization.

It is tempting just to give State all the money it could imagine (for the years of chronic underfunding have badly diminished its ability to even imagine truly ambitious horizons) and hold it accountable for producing the dramatic improvements in performance its advocates believe are just barely out of reach. But the Department of State lacks the rigorous culture of program analysis and evaluation that exists in the Department of Defense, and which provides DOD a much stronger basis for advancing and defending its spending requests within the executive branch and to Congress. It is arguable that the second most powerful person in the Department of Defense is not the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, but the comptroller, who develops and defends the budget. Until 2009, the Department of State didn't even have a parallel figure; it still lacks the analytic offices undergirding DOD's comptroller.

It is perverse that the chronic underfunding of the Department of State (and there isn't even a faction of policy analysts that argue State has been adequately funded since the end of the cold war) created a vague budgetary culture. One would think that resource demands competing for limited funds would foster careful husbandry and transparent accounting. Just the opposite is true. State has a terrible reputation on Capitol Hill for pulling rabbits out of its budgetary hat instead of carefully costing and tracking programs in ways that would build congressional confidence in its ability to manage larger budgets. For State to achieve the kinds of sustained budget increases that advocates of stronger civilian power seek, it will need to develop a long-term budget perspective and the ability to prioritize its activity to make better use of the resources it gets.

This book is an attempt to illustrate how deficiencies in focus, education, and programmatic proficiency impede the work of the State Department and to demonstrate how investing in those areas could in the space of just a few years produce American diplomats who genuinely are the peers of their military counterparts and who can undertake with a high level of skill the work at which our country urgently needs them to be successful. It presents a vision of what a successful State Department looks like and seeks to build support for creating that State Department. The means are actually largely in the State Department's authorities; very little legislation or funding would be needed from Congress to bring about the change.


Excerpted from State of Disrepair by Kori N. Schake. Copyright © 2012 Board of Trustees of the Leland Stanford Junior University. Excerpted by permission of Hoover Institution Press.
All rights reserved. No part of this excerpt may be reproduced or reprinted without permission in writing from the publisher.
Excerpts are provided by Dial-A-Book Inc. solely for the personal use of visitors to this web site.

Table of Contents

Foreword by Charles A. O’Reilly III
1 Introduction
2 Nature of the Problem
3 Atrophy of Diplomatic Power
4 Missed Opportunity
5 Possibilities
6 Program
7 Conclusion
About the Author

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