Spirit Speak: Knowing and Understanding Spirit Guides, Ancestors, Ghosts, Angels, and the Divine
If you do magic, pray, or venerate your ancestors, you are working with spirits. If you seek information or guidance through channeling, through mediumship, or through the words and visions of mystics, you are also working with the beings of the subtle realms. Spirit Speak presents a unified system for understanding a broad range of nonphysical beings that we call spirits. Dominguez is able to make complex ideas accessible, through analogy and example, without oversimplifying. This comprehensive book can be understood and appreciated by readers from all different faiths, backgrounds, and levels of experience. It explores concepts such as: * spiritual lineage * the assumption of god forms * divine embodiment * the limits and potential for many spiritual practices. A hidden classic in many spiritual communities for years, Spirit Speak is now available with new material and fresh insights.
Spirit Speak: Knowing and Understanding Spirit Guides, Ancestors, Ghosts, Angels, and the Divine
If you do magic, pray, or venerate your ancestors, you are working with spirits. If you seek information or guidance through channeling, through mediumship, or through the words and visions of mystics, you are also working with the beings of the subtle realms. Spirit Speak presents a unified system for understanding a broad range of nonphysical beings that we call spirits. Dominguez is able to make complex ideas accessible, through analogy and example, without oversimplifying. This comprehensive book can be understood and appreciated by readers from all different faiths, backgrounds, and levels of experience. It explores concepts such as: * spiritual lineage * the assumption of god forms * divine embodiment * the limits and potential for many spiritual practices. A hidden classic in many spiritual communities for years, Spirit Speak is now available with new material and fresh insights.
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Spirit Speak: Knowing and Understanding Spirit Guides, Ancestors, Ghosts, Angels, and the Divine

Spirit Speak: Knowing and Understanding Spirit Guides, Ancestors, Ghosts, Angels, and the Divine

by Ivo Dominguez Jr.
Spirit Speak: Knowing and Understanding Spirit Guides, Ancestors, Ghosts, Angels, and the Divine

Spirit Speak: Knowing and Understanding Spirit Guides, Ancestors, Ghosts, Angels, and the Divine

by Ivo Dominguez Jr.


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If you do magic, pray, or venerate your ancestors, you are working with spirits. If you seek information or guidance through channeling, through mediumship, or through the words and visions of mystics, you are also working with the beings of the subtle realms. Spirit Speak presents a unified system for understanding a broad range of nonphysical beings that we call spirits. Dominguez is able to make complex ideas accessible, through analogy and example, without oversimplifying. This comprehensive book can be understood and appreciated by readers from all different faiths, backgrounds, and levels of experience. It explores concepts such as: * spiritual lineage * the assumption of god forms * divine embodiment * the limits and potential for many spiritual practices. A hidden classic in many spiritual communities for years, Spirit Speak is now available with new material and fresh insights.

Product Details

ISBN-13: 9781601630025
Publisher: Red Wheel/Weiser
Publication date: 03/03/2008
Pages: 224
Product dimensions: 6.00(w) x 9.00(h) x 0.48(d)

About the Author

Ivo Domínguez, Jr. is a visionary, and a practitioner of a variety of esoteric disciplines. He has been active in Wicca and the Pagan community since 1978, has been teaching since 1982. Ivo was a founding member, and a past High Priest, of Keepers of the Holly Chalice, the first coven of the Assembly of the Sacred Wheel a Wiccan Tradition. He currently serves as one of the Elders of the Assembly of the Sacred Wheel, a Wiccan syncretic tradition that draws inspiration from Astrology, Qabala, the Western Magickal Tradition and the folk religions of Europe. His techniques and insights are rooted in a synthesis of traditional metaphysical teachings, modern science, and memories from past lives. He has taught at many gatherings, conferences, and venues across the United States and abroad. Ivo is also a professional astrologer who has studied astrology since 1980 and has been offering consultations and readings since 1988. Ivo has been published in numerous periodicals and is the author of Casting Sacred Space: The Core Of All Magickal Work; Spirit Speak: Knowing and Understanding Spirit Guides, Ancestors, Ghosts, Angels, and the Divine; and Beneath the Skins. Ivo is also one of the creative forces behind Awakening the Dream and A Dream Whose Time Is Coming, two chant CDs that are fundraisers for the New Alexandrian Library Project. He has written over seventy chants and maintains an online pagan chant resource at ivodominguezjr.com. He is one of the owners and stewards of Seelie Court, 102 acres of wooded land in Southern Delaware. The land at Seelie Court is filled with magick and has been consecrated to the purpose of deepening all pagan paths.

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A Journey of No Steps


Objectivity is an impossibility in matters related to Spirit contact. Some might argue that objectivity is impossible in all human endeavors, but there can be no question that communication with beings through our consciousness is always influenced by those distinctions that make us individuals. A certain amount of error, distortion, and misinterpretation is a part of all Spirit contact, and if it is maintained at a low level, it does little harm. A greater hazard comes from the desires, fears, and expectations that we bring to this work. The first step then in improving the quality of Spirit contact is an exploration of our own biases and predispositons. So although objectivity may be unattainable, it is possible to develop a working approximation of objectivity that I call informed subjectivity. This type of self-awareness consists of many things, but there are a few factors that have a greater effect in developing an informed subjectivity than others.

It is essential to become aware of those things that trigger emotional responses. We cannot, nor should we try to, eliminate our emotional nature. The repression of the emotions only moves the emotions to a place in our being where we have less conscious control. Moreover, repressed emotions build in pressure, and are often released in unexpected ways. The emotions, which are often correlated to the Element of Water, are reflective, reactive, and absorptive. Emotions are also like water in that they take on the shape of their container and are more likely to remain wholesome if they are flowing. By becoming aware of our emotional nature, we can work with our emotions by becoming proper vessels and proper conduits for each situation. Becoming aware of the situations or the concepts that provoke strong emotional responses is not the same as the desensitization methods used in controlling fears; the reverse is what is needed. It is only by fully experiencing our emotions that we can develop the insight needed to hold ourselves in a good relationship to them.

These recommendations to plumb the depths of your emotions pertain as much to the reader who thinks of him- or herself as volatile as to the reader who thinks of him- or herself as stolid. In fact, the most insidious effects that mar clarity are those that are less dramatic. Gentle or low-key emotional responses walk meekly past defenses that are set to stop their more dramatic kin. Deep communication is full of details and nuances that can be subtly altered by these emotions, which are camouflaged by the appearance of acceptability.

Spiritual entities often have information, attitudes, and perspectives that are quite different or distant from human sentiment and cognition. When we translate from one human language to another, it is difficult to convey exactly the same message because of cultural differences. Even within our own cultures, when we read literature from a few centuries ago, we must often puzzle the meaning. When it comes to the sciences, sacred or mundane, each discipline has its own specialized jargon or terms of art to convey their knowledge. More than once, I have heard friends tell me that listening to the conversations of astrologers is like listening to a foreign language. To strive for an informed subjectivity also means developing a wide breadth of knowledge in both the arts and the sciences. The more comprehensive the range of what has been perceived, discovered, or learned by an individual, the more likely it is that they will be able to grasp the import of spiritual communications. In my own experience, I have gleaned as many spiritual and magickal insights from what I learned in geology and physics classes as I have in coursework on Milton or Jung. The following is a statement by Sri Aurobindo, from his book The Teachings of the Mystics, that should be read and reread by all those that aspire to productive Spirit contact.

It is necessary, therefore, that advancing knowledge should base herself on a clear, pure and disciplined intellect. It is necessary, too, that she should correct her errors, sometimes by a return to the restraint of sensible fact, the concrete realities of the physical world. The touch of Earth is always reinvigorating to the sons of Earth ... the superphysical can only be really mastered in its fullness ... when we keep our feet firmly on the physical.

This statement also leads us to perhaps the most important part of an informed subjectivity, and that is the value of corroboration and supporting evidence in Spirit contact. The Spirits, and any communications purported to be from Spirits, must be tested. Just as trust, respect, and admiration build up through time with the people in your life, the same is true for the Spirits. If you were to seek out professional counsels for a business matter, it would be prudent to check their references and their past performance. Any information or advice that has significant consequences should be examined carefully before it is accepted, and especially before it is put into action. Sometimes people are reluctant to test the Spirits. It may be that they do not want to offend, or that they consider it arrogant to question beings of light. The Spirits are not all exalted beings; some are pranksters, some are scoundrels, some are paragons of virtue, and others can be everything in between. An intelligent and enlightened being will be understanding of the intent behind our efforts to verify information or to determine the nature of the Spirit. Conversely, your understanding of their efforts is needed. Spiritual entities are not infallible, with the exception of beings with whom we rarely have contact. The information they offer with good intention can end up being wrong or misused. It is important for you to have reasonable expectations about the value and accuracy of information gained through Spirit contact. So long as free will exists, the future is always in flux.

In addition to testing the Spirits, we must test ourselves. To a degree, the supposed objectivity of science is based upon the repeatability of observations. Something analogous is possible in spiritual matters, but the rules of evidence must be modified. Check your psychic perceptions against those of another person's psychic perceptions whenever possible. Although it is likely that two people perceiving the same Spirit at the same time will have different descriptions of it, there should be symbolic and thematic correspondences between their experiences. If there are not sufficient correspondences, then the source of the communication or the reality of the contact should be in question. I cannot offer an easy guideline to make this determination; only experience and discernment can tell what is sufficient. With repeated verifications and contradictions of your perceptions, you can come closer to having an informed subjectivity in regard to your psychic capacities. It goes almost without saying that an incisive and honest self-assessment of your wishes and fears is a prerequisite to understanding how we color the information we receive.


Contact and communication with the Spirits is a touching of being to being when it occurs at the highest Planes of Reality. Most Spirit contact occurs at lower levels than this, and is better thought of as a touching of consciousness to consciousness. Even lower still is a touching of mind to mind. Regardless of the level of the contact, that communication can be thought of as having three primary components: energy, information, and essence. These components are what I call the Elements of Being, and they are not a replacement or a substitution for the model of the Four Elements. The higher you rise on the Planes, the less distinction there is between these components, and indeed at the highest level they coalesce into pure being. As you descend closer to the Earth Plane, energy, information, and essence gradually separate and become manifestly discrete. As you descend there are also differences in the relative ease of perception and connection that humans experience. Energy is the easiest to sense on the lower Planes and Essence is the easiest to sense on the higher Planes. Information is experienced as strongest in the middle Planes, and less so above and below. The relative availability of the Elements of Being also varies from Plane to Plane. At the Earth Plane, energy is the most evident and most available of the three. After all, matter is actually energy in a different form. The same arrangement follows as information becomes predominant in the middle Planes, and gives way to essence at the higher Planes.


Essence can be compared to the chromosomes in a fertilized egg or seed in that it is the map for the possibilities of development and unfolding. It is similar to a mathematical formula that, of itself, is a small thing, but produces a complicated three-dimensional graph when numbers are plugged into it. Essence is the go-between, the intermediary between the unmanifest and the manifest, the implicate and the explicate. This is the domain of the mystic. Essence is the way of knowing and being expressed by fractals and chaos theory. Essence is more closely associated with the Higher Self and the Neschamah.

Information is a description of relationships between things. It is an orderly collection of facts or data. Information can be a sequence of interrelated actions. This is the realm of thought. It can be summarizing statements such as the laws of physics. If information can be compared to the laws of physics, then Essence is the invisible agency that p roduces the phenomena that those laws describe. Information is the way of knowing and being expressed by the microcosm-macrocosm paradigm and the scale model. Information is more closely associated with the Middle Self and the Ruach.

Energy conveys itself. It expresses its contents through interaction. Energy is neither the pattern for a process nor a conceptualization of the pattern. A beam of red light is red, and when we see it we do so by absorbing some of it. Energy affects us by creating sensation and experience. Emotion and passion are strongly energetic. Energy, used in this sense, is the carrier wave for manifestation. Energy is the way of knowing and being expressed by the interwoven wavefronts of a hologram and a gestalt. Energy is more closely associated with the Lower Self and the Nephesch.


The process of developing depth and proficiency in Spirit work can be compared to the same process in the art and science of music. Anyone who can hear music can be moved or swept away by the tides of emotion that music can stir. In just such a manner, anyone who is receptive can sense the more powerful flows of energy, information, and essence involved in Spirit communication. For many people, listening to music with an uneducated but appreciative ear is enough. For some, sensing the presence and the contact of discarnate beings with an untutored soul is also enough. Those who wish to understand more must learn more. Those who would perform, compose, and collaborate must be willing to commit to both study and practice. It is true in both Spirit contact and music that if you do not have the ear for it, no amount of study will suffice.

There is a Chinese proverb that says that the longest journey begins with a single step. The work and the time required to become skilled at Spirit contact is lengthy. Perhaps the first step is in making peace with that requirement and in overcoming inertia, so that the first step is followed by many more. These are internal steps, and it may be better to say that this is a journey of no steps. This is a journey of self-exploration, of the integration of the dense physical self with the subtle ethereal selves, and of the integration of the many levels of consciousness that make up our being. Therefore, this is a journey that, for the most part, must be undertaken alone, but it is valuable to compare notes with fellow travelers. In fact, it is my experience that very few are successful without the help of companions. This book summarizes some of my impressions from the travel log of my journey. My hope is that reading these impressions will aid you in planning a safer and more direct route for your journey of no steps.


Preparations and Interventions for Higher Order Workings

This chapter belongs both near the beginning and at the end of this book. On the one hand, it presents information that is helpful for understanding subsequent chapters, and therefore belongs near the beginning. On the other hand, much of the material in this chapter is better understood after reading the remainder of this book. I have placed it here near the beginning, but I hope that you will return to it later. If you intend to put into practice the techniques and interventions described here, it is my hope that you will read this chapter several times.

As the level of magickal expertise rises, there will also be an increase in the energy level and the intensity of rituals. Some may argue that the level of magickal expertise is dropping instead of rising. Both statements are true in reference to the observations they describe. What is more generally true is that we are in a time when the number of people engaged in rituals, ceremonies, and magickal workings is growing. This increase in numbers results in more rituals, covering the full spectrum of efficacy, and that increase in energy output has its effect on the other realms. If an overgrown path through the woods has an increase in traffic, it will quickly become clear of debris, and the passage of many feet will smooth and mark the way. The same is true for the ways between worlds, so that travel to the other realms becomes easier — even for those who are neither guides nor trackers. Incarnate humans are becoming more and more visible on the other planes. When we are in rituals or are engaged in other activities that transfer more of our focus of consciousness to the other planes, we are more present and palpable to the beings that are resident there. All these factors combined increase the likelihood for greater participation on the part of Spirits in our magick. Greater presence of spiritual beings in our rituals means that, in addition to the proper management of energy that most ritualists focus on, there is a need to manage the interactions between different kinds and orders of consciousness.

Moreover, during the change of the Ages that we live in, the attributes of the veils between the Planes of Being are in flux. The change of the Age can also be thought of as a location where the weather changes swiftly and with little warning. We may find ourselves in rituals or workings in which we prepared ourselves for a particular set of influences, only to find them changing during our efforts. This instability also resembles the changing of a tide; although the overall direction of the flow is clear, there are chaotic swirls, eddies, and quiet points as the tide churns and sweeps through its environment. The watery tides of the physical world are fairly constant, with some adjustments for the Moon's position, the weather, and the landscape. The energetic tides accompanying the movement from the Age of Pisces to the Age of Aquarius are much more complex. The turning of the Ages is larger than the turning of the tides, and the increase in scale of the phenomena increases the complexity and the chaotic elements of the change. Additionally, the energetic tide is operating on all the Planes of Being below the Abyss, and each of these operates within its own type and rate of time. The Abyss is the discontinuity that lies between observable reality and the reality where the observer and manifest reality are one.

This combination of ingredients will probably result in an increase in the frequency and severity of powerful — sometimes adverse — reactions to ritual. This is not necessarily a bad thing, because often these crises are gateways to development and to spiritual evolution, but only if they are provided proper conditions and context. It may be true that those things that do not kill us only make us stronger, but a neglected wound can result in restrictive scar tissue. Injuries can also be avoided by preparation, and indeed many of the mishaps in rituals are a result of improper conditioning. Athletes know the value of stretching and warming up before strenuous activity. They also know that it is pointless or dangerous to attempt a feat that far exceeds their level of preparation.

This chapter offers advice on choosing techniques to improve conditioning in order to cut down on injuries, and a frame of reference for assessment and intervention in cases of unbalanced or abreactive responses to ritual and ceremony. It provides useful pointers and techniques, but does not pretend to be comprehensive. This is not a substitute for training. It is written with the assumption that the reader has at least an intermediate level of magickal proficiency. If that is not the case, the material is still useful for personal development, but don't overestimate what you can do for others. Additionally, the perspectives and ideas offered here will facilitate a deeper understanding of the knowledge gained in future studies.


Excerpted from "Spirit Speak"
by .
Copyright © 2008 Ivo Dominguez, Jr..
Excerpted by permission of Red Wheel/Weiser, LLC.
All rights reserved. No part of this excerpt may be reproduced or reprinted without permission in writing from the publisher.
Excerpts are provided by Dial-A-Book Inc. solely for the personal use of visitors to this web site.

Table of Contents

Title Page,
Copyright Page,
CHAPTER 1 - A Journey of No Steps,
CHAPTER 2 - Preparations and Interventions for Higher Order Workings,
CHAPTER 3 - Mediumship, Channeling, and Mediation,
CHAPTER 4 - Impediments to Clear Spirit Contact,
CHAPTER 5 - Ghosts and Ancestors,
CHAPTER 6 - Divine Embodiment,
CHAPTER 7 - Spiritual Lineage, Egregores, and Sponsors,
CHAPTER 8 - Angels, Messengers, and Guides,
CHAPTER 9 - The Deities of Animals,
CHAPTER 10 - The Great Ones,
CHAPTER 11 - Closing Thoughts,
APPENDIX A - The Square of Abeyance,
APPENDIX B - The Ontogeny Sigil,
APPENDIX C - The Tattva Symbols,
APPENDIX D - The Dream of a Tree Pathworking,

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