Speak to It!: An Anthology of Overcoming What Has Come Over You!

Speak to It!: An Anthology of Overcoming What Has Come Over You!

by Barbara Ward Farmer
Speak to It!: An Anthology of Overcoming What Has Come Over You!

Speak to It!: An Anthology of Overcoming What Has Come Over You!

by Barbara Ward Farmer


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“Speak to it”, is the first non-musical book of Dr. Barbara Ward Farmer that deals with helping and assuring all readers that “silence is not golden” when you are sick, beaten, rejected or being denied of the essence and promise of life itself. This book will give the reader a deeper insight on the authority and power one has to speak over, speak into, and speak about the walls, barriers, giants and death itself that often hinder, block and even elimate our faith in God to trust him to change our situations just by taking the courage to “speak to those things that are not, as though they were.”

Product Details

ISBN-13: 9781496938008
Publisher: AuthorHouse
Publication date: 09/18/2014
Sold by: Barnes & Noble
Format: eBook
Pages: 114
File size: 223 KB

Read an Excerpt

Speak to It!

An Anthology of Overcoming What Has Come Over You!

By Barbara Ward Farmer


Copyright © 2014 Bishop Dr. Barbara Ward Farmer
All rights reserved.
ISBN: 978-1-4969-3802-2


"The Effectual Power of God's Word" Genesis 1:3

Most of us will agree that the word of most people we know, regardless of the circles that we move in, have value only when the "If Factor" is in place and operational. The word of most people is valued:

1) If we can prove the word to be effective

2) If time and reason allows for the word to occur

3) If the ability for an occurrence is in the scope of who has spoken it

4) If the ideal becomes a reality

What we can gather from the 'if factor' is that the word that a Godless man gives is only effective when the if factors are all operational. But for the believer, we should know that whatever God says or whatever His word decrees or declares – it is so! When God speaks, things and situations change. Genesis 1:3 sets the foundation for understanding the power affirming the word of God. And God said, "Let there be light": and there was light. (KJV) Why is this so important? Because God moved darkness, emptiness, and a lightless, shapeless environment by speaking the words, "Let there be light!" What we see here is God's authoritative voice commanding light into being, something that hadn't even existed before. Such command further directed the light to go somewhere that it had never been before. There is no scriptural evidence to indicate that it was the tonality or volume of God's voice that brought about this light. But the power affirming this manifestation was that God spoke it. As we read the remainder of the first chapter of Genesis through the 26th verse, numerous changes and new beginnings took place for the first time simply because God spoke the word. He didn't touch anything. He didn't walk on anything. He merely spoke creation into being. It is empowering to know that God's word in Genesis has taught us important facts about the power affirming the Word of God:

1. God is not a man that He should lie; neither a son of man that He should repent. Hath He said and shall not do it? Or hath He spoken and shall He not make it good? (Numbers 23:19/KJV) Whatever God says will be. Only the reality of truth can come forth from the word of a Holy God. God is the creator of everything. "In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. And the earth was without form and void." (Genesis 1:1-2a KJV) This tells us that God designs, constructs, establishes (makes patterns), sets the mold, and reveals styles – out of nothing. Just by speaking, the heavens and the earth and the things within came into existence.

2. God's word, once given, will not return to Him void, empty-handed, fruitless, unproductive, or unfulfilled. "For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are My ways higher than your ways, and My thoughts than your thoughts. For as the rain cometh down, and the snow from heaven, and returneth not thither, but watereth the earth, and maketh it bring forth and bud, that it may give seed to the sower, and bread to the eater: So shall My word be that goeth forth out of My mouth: it shall not return unto Me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper in the thing whereto I sent it." (Isaiah 55:9-11, KJV)

3. God gives the power of verbal creativity, the power to speak, to those who are His own. Acts 1:8 tells us that when the Holy Ghost comes into the life of the believer, he will have power. This power of the Holy Spirit of God will enable man to speak as a witness of the Lord Jesus Christ in Jerusalem, in all Judea, Samaria, and into places throughout the earth among people who will speak of the works, wonders, and wisdom of God.


What does it mean to "speak?" Webster gives three accounts of what one does when he/she speaks.

A. To Declare

B. To Make Known or Confess

C. To Reveal or Manifest

Let's explore Webster's definition. First, the believer may not be a millionaire or possess a bank account in a Swiss bank, but what God has given every Holy Ghost filled believer is the ability or capacity to 'declare the works and glory of God.' Psalm 118:17 tells us that the writer has confidence and assurance that the God that he loves and serves compels him to remember His benefits and favor upon his life by saying, "I shall not die, but live, and declare the works of the LORD." When you have something to say or expound upon, you must declare or say it.

Secondly, the believer has been given Divine power by God to tell the world so they may realize that his God has all power and all might to do the impossible in the midst of impossibilities that may come his way at any time. For that reason, with joy the believer must see himself speaking, confessing, or making known the deeds, works, and attributes of the LORD of Hosts among the people. By speaking or making known the deeds of the LORD, sinners can be saved, bodies can be healed, and the doubtful can confess in faith that Jesus is LORD in all who will believe and trust in His power to change their lives.

Finally, the believer has been granted the ability to speak or reveal the power of God in every area of his life. The manifesting power of God spoken out of the mouth of the believer is for him a testimony of overcoming proportions, simply because his faith commands him to speak about the power of God. The believer, is victorious 1) because of the blood of the Lamb of God, and 2) because of the spoken word of his testimony: describing what God has done, is doing, and shall do in his life.

According to Roy Hicks, Sr., in his writing on "Living In The Power and Promise of God's Word", the significance in the believer's declaring his ultimate victory in his daily life is found in Jesus Christ. Hicks continues and states that, "There is no greater biblical declaration of faith's confession than in the promise of God's Word. Those facing cataclysmic travail of the last days endure it with a constant statement of the overcoming power of the blood of the Lamb and of the word of their transforming faith in Christ. Some of those declaring Christ's ultimate victory with their own lips fan the fury of Satan's most vicious and personal attacks against them. Yet, their faith is unwavering, the result of an abiding relationship with Jesus Christ. This is the heart of faiths' confession based on God's word and the Blood of the Lamb, whose victory has provided the eternal conquest of Satan."

With Christ's victory over Satan, we see those who have maintained their confession of faith and thereby share in His victory. With their sins blotted out and their declaration of Jesus' redemptive work in their lives, they silence the attempts of the prince of darkness to intimidate them. They are, after all, God's children. Satan's accusing voice of condemnation and guilt is swallowed up in the triumph of Calvary. Declare your abiding faith in the accomplished work of the Cross, and constantly share in Jesus' ultimate victory, overcoming Satan by the power of the Cross and the steadfastness of your confession of faith in Christ's triumph."

In summation, since Christ kept the faith and spoke to Satan and all his Satanic forces before and after Calvary and did not waver but declared victory over sin and death so that the believer and all those who confess Christ may live and live a victorious life through the Blood of Christ, the believer can now speak in his life those things that are not as though they were. Believer, be confident of this: "You have inherited Divine rights that give you the ability to speak with authority what the Father speaks; and like the Son, speak the Truth that the Holy Spirit testifies of, that whatever you bind or loose on earth shall be bound or loosed in heaven." (Matthew 18:18)... The Holy Ghost will speak of Christ, Christ will speak according to the will of the Father, and the Father will speak because He can and desires that His children benefit all good things whatsoever they ask of Him.


"The Impact of Faith"

Hebrews 11:1

Most people speak on matters that they believe in, give attention to, or embrace as a matter of fact that rings sound and are true to them. As children, many of us were taught in our homes and for certain in Sunday School, what faith was and we learned to quote the Bible's definition of it that is found in Hebrews 11:1, "Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen." This King James' translation was what we grew up on as certainly as eating cold cereal in the summertime. But, as we grew older and studied some of the other current translations, our belief in what faith was all about and the impact of having faith, exercising faith, and speaking God's Word in faith, took on special significance regarding the fears and doubts that plague our lives from time to time.

Let's look at four (4) different translations that add powerful meaning to our understanding of the Hebrews 11:1 scripture and how all 4 have an impact on defining the faith that we speak:

• "Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see." (NIV)

• "Faith gives substance to our hopes and makes us certain of realities we do not see." (NEB)

• "Trusting means being confident of what we hope for, convinced about things we cannot see." (CJB)

• "Now faith is a well-grounded assurance of that for which we hope, and a conviction of the reality of things which we do not see." (WEY)

If we were to analyze these translations of Hebrews 11:1 and compare them to the King James version of the same, we could say that faith is believing in what is true, and that it has two (2) important elements attributable to its meaning. First, faith is being convinced of the truth, being certain of it as reality, and regarding it as evidence of unseen things. Second, it is believing in, hoping for, embracing and sometimes seizing the truth. It is well believed that while faith requires being convinced that what we believe in is true, just knowing the truth is only half of it. God's word is given to us to place in our mouths and 'speak,' thus command those things that we hope for, embrace, and can ultimately seize!

While God's word itself can speak changes into the atmosphere, cause climates to change and situations otherwise ominously destined to go left to turn right; it is the impact of one's faith in the power of God's word, trusting and believing it that transforms the believer from overwhelmed to overcomer. I have experienced many instances where faith impacted my life simply from speaking the Word and praying for God to change an uncertain or unfavorable situation to my favor. Here, I'd like to share five of my personal experiences with you as a testimony of faith in action – the action of speaking.

#1. I remember in 1972, I was 22 years old and a newlywed. My husband and I had an apartment in the building that my Aunt Alice McDougald owned. One night when everyone was sound asleep, I was awakened by the urge to go to the bathroom. Without hesitation, I got up and walked down the hallway, but found myself paralyzed with a pain that I'd never experienced before and to this day, haven't since. I remember being too weak to cry out for help, so right then and there I 'spoke' to God about my pain. I put my hand on my body, and without the use of medicine or an ambulance, my LORD touched my body instantly, and I was able to walk back to my bedroom pain free!!!

#2. Another experience of faith in action occurred when my family and I were traveling from Penns Grove, New Jersey where we attended church at the time. My mother was driving us in a snow storm that seemed to worsen as we were returning to Philadelphia, Pa. where we resided. We were about 20 minutes from home when my mother lost control of the car, and the car spun around going towards an embankment on the highway. We had no one to call on for assistance, but we knew even as children to call on Jesus. When we 'spoke' the name of JESUS, I want you all to know that JESUS RESPONDED TO HIS NAME!!!. He stretched out His hand and literally stopped the car! We were inches from tumbling down an embankment on route 130 South in New Jersey. But, the reality was that God stopped the potential deaths of 7 people in the car that night. He told death 'No!!!'

#3. The third instance of the impact of faith in action came in Baltimore, Maryland where my choir and I were the special guest recording artists. We'd traveled by bus to a large church with our band and choir. Being the founder of the Wagner Alumni Choir and the soloist on most of our songs, I found myself in a deep dilemma because I had completely lost my voice and could hardly talk, let alone sing anything. As we got closer to the packed church, I was contented to have one of the choir members fill in for me in taking the lead in singing my songs. As we arrived, the promoters did not know of my problem and I was not about to tell them that I could not sing. My friends, to this day I don't know why when they called on us to minister, I grabbed the microphone to make an apology. But, I forgot to tell you that the saints had prayed for me, and I simply asked God to help me. Did I know what was going to happen next? Did I know that God was going to move with a vengeance? The answer to all of these questions is an emphatic, "No!" Having faith for me at that moment meant that although I knew that I could hardly talk, I also knew that I could embrace the power of God to sing through me if I just opened my mouth. And when I did, the LORD once again showed Himself mighty and strong! When I opened my mouth in faith, He opened my vocal chords and cleared my throat – shocking me, the audience, and most especially my fellow travelers on the bus because they knew my condition before I deboarded it. Praise be to God as He healed my voice and many souls were blessed that night in Baltimore!!!

#4. A most memorable event in my life came in 1993. I believe I had gathered all four of my children in my bedroom where I spoke to them about leaving my well-paid teaching job to go into full-time ministry as Pastor. The problem here was that I had two girls in college, and one in high school. We needed the money and had for most of their lives been a two-income household. The plan was to speak to my children and assure them by speaking in faith, "I am retiring from my job, but God will provide all of our needs." By faith, I convinced my family that no one needed to drop out of college, and that every bill was going to be paid because we trusted in a limitless, powerful God who stretches dollars and cents in His name. And, He did!!!

#5. The last experience that I want to share with you is about the blessings of a powerful God who hears us whenever we exercise faith in anticipation of changing the environment. On a Tuesday night I believe, one of my members was sitting down in the sanctuary of the church when she began to have a seizure. Yes, a seizure, right in God's house! I was sitting in the pulpit and when I saw this, I quickly came down and spoke to that 'spirit,' commanding it in the name of Jesus! I spoke to that spirit commanding it not only to exit her body, but I commanded it to leave the building! I told that spirit that he was not invited therefore he wasn't welcome here. And, I chastised it for making an appearance in God's house! In less than an hour my friends, my member came to herself and required no medical attention. Here again, when facing a dilemma, a crisis, or circumstances attempting to overpower you, your faith must be in the mix in order to speak what you believe, and believe what you speak! We are overcomers in every circumstance, for our God is Ever Present and on the ready to help us.

These personal experiences are my very own illustrations of the reality of 'now faith.' I realized early in my life that when you speak with authority, declaring and praying, while exercising faith, there will be a shift to what is desired. For, victory is on the side of the victor – me!!!


Excerpted from Speak to It! by Barbara Ward Farmer. Copyright © 2014 Bishop Dr. Barbara Ward Farmer. Excerpted by permission of AuthorHouse.
All rights reserved. No part of this excerpt may be reproduced or reprinted without permission in writing from the publisher.
Excerpts are provided by Dial-A-Book Inc. solely for the personal use of visitors to this web site.

Table of Contents


Dedication, vii,
Acknowledgements, ix,
Preface, xiii,
Introduction, xv,
About The Author, xxi,
Chapter 1 "The Effectual Power of God's Word" (Genesis 1:3), 1,
Chapter 2 "The Impact of Faith" (Hebrews 11:1), 5,
Chapter 3 "Speaking True Faith" (James 2), 9,
Chapter 4 "Faith Has To Be On The Agenda" (Hebrews 11:6), 13,
Chapter 5 "Those Who Spoke Faith" (Hebrews 11:2), 18,
Chapter 6 "It's Your Time To Speak!" (Proverbs 18:21), 31,
Chapter 7 "Speaking Strong" (Matthew 4:4), 36,
Chapter 8 "Before You Speak, Believe What God Has Said" (Numbers 23:16-20), 38,
Chapter 9 "Talitha Cumi" (Mark 5:41), 42,
Chapter 10 "Speak To Lazarus" (John 11:1-4, 38-44), 45,
Chapter 11 "Speak To The Mountain" (Matthew 17:20-21; 21:21), 48,
Chapter 12 "Speak To Goliath" (I Samuel 17:45-46), 52,
Chapter 13 "Speak To The Storm" (Mark 4:35-41), 55,
Chapter 14 "Speak To Yourself" (2 Corinthians 4:13-14), 61,
Chapter 15 "Speak To It! Make Your Declarations", 69,
Chapter 16 CONCLUSION: "How To Speak To The 'It' In Your Life?", 76,
Epilogue, 83,
Scripture References, 85,
Notes, 89,

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