Soul Therapy: A Game of Intuition

Soul Therapy: A Game of Intuition

by Jean Quintana
Soul Therapy: A Game of Intuition

Soul Therapy: A Game of Intuition

by Jean Quintana


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Everyone is intuitive to some degree. It’s part of who we are. By practicing to improve those gifts you will be creating a stronger connection to everyone and everything; that part of you which is spontaneously instinctive, perceptive and insightful, that part of you which is connected to your soul, your frame of mind, courage and character. Soul Therapy, a Game of Intuition promises to help you help yourself. It’s only a game, or is it?

Product Details

ISBN-13: 9781477263358
Publisher: AuthorHouse
Publication date: 08/27/2012
Sold by: Barnes & Noble
Format: eBook
Pages: 98
File size: 4 MB

Read an Excerpt


The Concept

Soul Therapy is a very simple game. It is based on the premise that everyone is inherently intuitive and that anyone can enhance those abilities. If you don't think you are intuitive then play this game seriously and discover something wonderful about yourself.

Other games have been used to improve memory, mathematical skills and even vocabulary. Why not intuition?

This game promises to improve your skills and what's more, you'll discover whether you are better at receiving or sending information.

Intuitive: meaning you have had an experience where you just knew something. Maybe you had a feeling that something was wrong, like the stories you may have heard about a mother knowing something was wrong with her child, going to look for the child and discovering she was right to follow her hunch. She thanks God everyday that she followed her feelings, her intuition.

You might have been thinking about a person you haven't heard from in a very long time and shortly thereafter the phone rings, it's that person on the other end. Some would call that a coincidence. I believe there is no such thing as coincidence and things don't just happen by accident.

Being intuitive; that's just something that happens once in a while to some people right? Wrong. It's also something that is usually attributed to being female but the truth is many men are highly intuitive as well.

When I am curious about the basic meaning of a word and I want to understand it better I always start with the best place to get a gestalt idea of what I'm dealing with. After all some words have more than just one meaning. Webster's Dictionary is always one of those resources I turn to.


"Immediate and instinctive perception of a truth; direct understanding without reasoning; having immediate knowledge of something; the doctrine that the perception of good and evil is by intuition."

My curiosity was whetted so I looked up the word psychic: "Pertaining to the soul, spirit or mind; spiritualistic; one sensitive to spiritualistic forces."

That led me, of course, to look up the word spirit: "(if you ignore the meanings relative to alcohol and ghosts), vital force, immortal part of man, soul, frame of mind, disposition, temper, eager desire, mental vigor, courage, character, Holy spirit; spiritual, pertaining to the spirit or soul, not material, pertaining to sacred things, holy".

Synonyms for the word intuitive include: instinctive, spontaneous, innate, perceptive, sensitive, shrewd, discerning and insightful.

Considering all that food for thought it seems to me that being intuitive is somewhat like being psychic. It might seem to be a bit of a leap to say these two words are actually interchangeable, after all psychics can talk to the dead, they can see into the future and foretell a possible win fall of money or predict a tragedy.

It's possible that learning to listen to your intuition just might put you in the right place at the right time which enables you to take advantage of a grand opportunity or maybe you decide to turn left instead of routinely turning right to get to your destination and later you hear about an accident that happened at the very time you would have been turning onto that street.

I'm positive you must have heard or read many times now that we are all connected. I'll repeat it again here as it is important that you take this simple truth to heart. We are all connected. Everyone is intuitive to some degree. It's part of who we are, part of our physical make up, our DNA and it is a direct channel to our Higher Self.

A Riddle How can One be,
That which is many,
The answer is here,
We are infinitely different individual particles of something bigger than ourselves whether you choose to call that something bigger the Universe or God or something else.

I am not suggesting that you'll be honing your intuitive skills in order to hang out your shingle and go into the business of telling other peoples fortunes. What I am saying is that by practicing and working with your intuitive side you will definitely be creating a stronger connection to your Higher Self; that part of you that is connected to everyone and everything. That part of you that is spontaneously instinctive, sensitive, perceptive and insightful. That part of you that is connected to your soul, your sensitivity to all things spiritual, your frame of mind, courage and character.

This is not a new idea. Though it was never really considered to be a game before in the past psychics have trained and had their skills tested by using a set of flash cards that had simple symbols on them like circles, squares and squiggly lines, etc. Those cards were printed in Black and White. I am taking that idea just a step further and using color to enhance the possibilities for both the receiver and the sender. We'll discus the importance of using colors a little later on.

My BFF and I used to play this game with each other and we got to be quite good at it. I won't tell you who was the better sender or who was the better receiver because we were such close friends that surprisingly it worked for both of us either way. You might find this to be true for you and your best friend as well.

Practicing with someone you are close to is usually easier than working with someone you don't know very well or even a stranger, although when you think about it, based on the premise that we are all connected there is no such thing as a stranger. It's possible that you will find it works better for you with people you don't know.

You might have a notion to dismiss this small deck of cards as being trivial, too simple; however, don't underestimate the possibilities. Soul Therapy is actually much more than a game and those of you who get it will recognize the game as a powerful catalyst to discovering and/or strengthening the link that exists between your conscious self and your mostly un-conscious Higher Self. You might just get introduced to a new Dear Friend. You!

Here's another poem from my journals:

I am ... you are ... we are together.

I am ... you are ... we will not die.

I am ... you are ... we are forever.

You are what I am,

I AM is the tie.

At this point I feel it appropriate to share something from the Bible here: Hebrews 11.1;

"Faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we don't see".

You'll find this game has a simple point system. Truly this works well for those of you who love the art of competition. Remember though the main goal here is to improve your intuitive skills, to be more in touch with that little voice from within but if winning points helps keep your interest then enjoy racking them up. You could even keep a journal to track your progress.

The system is simple. Guess the color right on and you get two points. Guess a feeling or something related to the color and you get one point. It may take a while in the beginning to get 7 points but as time goes on and you continue to play one or more versions of the game it will happen quicker.

I'd like to add a special note here to explain that someone who continually chooses the wrong color is probably a better sender. This means that they are no less intuitive than someone who consistently chooses the right color. We all have special talents. Some of us are better senders and some of us are better receivers, but all of us have the gift of intuition.


The Rules

Rules for Two Players

In my opinion this particular game is the optimal choice to help enhance your skills quickly.

One person is the sender and the other person is the receiver. Sit opposite but facing each other.

The sender is the one with the cards. You shuffle the cards then randomly choose one without letting the receiver see which one you've chosen. Place the rest of the cards face down.

You'll notice that the cards do not have pictures of anything specific; they are just splashes of color. Now the game begins.

As the sender: you look at the card you've chosen and contemplate or imagine what that color might mean to you. How does it make you feel? What does it remind you of? For instance, does the blue card make you feel cold or does it make you think about the ocean? Does the yellow card remind you of a field of sunflowers or a basket of lemons?

Note: It isn't important to try to concentrate on any one idea. Just feel what you feel or think what you think but it does have to relate to the color. Maybe red is your favorite color to wear. Get it?

The receiver can close their eyes if it helps or not. Take your time, relax and just say the first thing that comes into your mind. For instance, if I was the receiver and the sender was looking at the blue card, he/she might be thinking/feeling how beautiful the sky was this morning on their way to work.

As the receiver I might not get a picture of the exact color the sender was concentrating on but I might get a picture in my mind of a big empty sky. I could say "I see the sky", in which case this would be considered a hit or one point; however, you might get that same picture of a sky in your minds eye and decide to guess blue, this would count as a double hit or two points.

It's that simple.

A hit means you guessed/chose correctly. You are responsible for keeping your own score. One hit = one point, a double hit = two points. Remember you only get two points if you guess the correct color outright. You only get one point if you guessed a closely related theme/idea based on the senders stream of thought.

It's up to the sender to give you those points or not depending on how close you came to guessing what they were thinking about or if you guessed the color outright.

You play the game until the receiver has 7 points and then you switch places. The sender becomes the receiver and the receiver becomes the sender.

Soul Therapy is much more than a simple game. With practice you will be exercising those intuitive muscles. Like any muscle it only needs a consistent workout to grow strong.

We are all connected. We are all intuitive to a certain degree. This is not supernatural. It is however super and natural. The game is the simplest way for you to exercise your intuition and hone those skills.

I found in my own experience that it works best for two players especially if those two players are close friends. It's always nice to get confirmation. It's fun to share, challenge each other and pat each other on the back too. I bet you'll be surprised at how good you are already.

It's also fun to keep track of your progress from one game to another. Remember, the game will most certainly help you to determine if you are better at sending or receiving.

Rules for a Game of Solitaire

As a solitaire game the results are the same. You will enhance your intuitive skills. The difference is in how the game is played as there is no sender. You are definitely on your honor here so don't cheat your self.

In a game of solitaire you shuffle the cards and lay them all out separately, face down of course, without looking at them. Now close your eyes take a couple of deep breaths and relax. Open your eyes.

Briskly rub the palms of your hands together to create a little friction. Now take one hand, palm down, and hold it just above any one of the cards without touching them.

Either mentally or out loud ask the card what color it is. Close your eyes again and be willing to receive the answer. The very first thing that pops into your mind is what's important. It's possible that you might see a flash of color or you might see a picture of something that reminds you of a specific color.

Of course, you and I both know that the card is not going to answer you but your sub-conscious mind will. It knows the answer. All you need to do is to trust in your-Self. Our sub-conscious mind speaks to us all the time. You need only to practice listening.

Keeping score for solitaire is slightly different. Keep track of how many hits/points you get out of 12 chances. There are 12 cards. Re shuffle the cards and lay them ALL out again each time for 12 consecutive times. Work with one card at a time.

After playing for a while you will notice that your percentages are definitely improving. You can give yourself two points if you guess the color outright. Give yourself one point if you guessed or felt/saw in your minds eye something that could be related to that color, for example; if you immediately saw the sky or the ocean and the card was blue.

This is probably the most challenging way to play the game. If keeping score isn't really important to you then just keep challenging yourself to get good at trusting your-Self.

Rules for More Than Two Players

In a game where there are more than two players you still only have one sender. Everyone else is a receiver. The sender shuffles the cards choosing only one to concentrate on. Place the rest of the deck face down.

It is important that the receivers DO NOT call out their answers/guesses. They will each have their own pencil and paper so they can write down their impressions.

The sender decides when everyone has had ample time to receive the information being sent and for everyone to have written down the answers. Each receiver takes a turn at sharing their impressions. ONLY AFTER EVERYONE HAS SHARED THEIR ANSWERS DOES THE SENDER REVEAL THE CARD, holding it up for all to see. Just as in the game for two players the sender decides who scores and whether they get to count one point or two points.

The first receiver to get 7 hits/points becomes the next sender and the game resumes until everyone has had a chance to be the sender.

It's important to take turns at being both the sender and the receiver. In this way you will know, pretty much right away, if you are better at one than the other. The challenge then is to work on the side that isn't as strong as the other.

Some people are just wired to be good at one or the other. My friend Judy Barker coined a phrase that I use often, both in words and in writing; "Knowing is Growing"

So ... there it is. I said it was a very simple game. Have fun getting in touch with your intuitive mind and all the possibilities that implies.


The Colors

Another benefit from playing the Soul Therapy game is that you are practicing with specific colors instead of simple black and white symbols. The colors correlate with different energy centers in the body. These energy centers are known as Chakras.

It is known that we are biological, chemical, electromagnetic beings and as such our auric field or electromagnetic vibrational field extends well beyond our body.

You can read more about energy fields and Chakras from many other different sources. I'm not interested in making this little book into a scientific report. There are many schools of thought when it comes to Chakras, auras, healing and esotericism. There are certain precepts I intend to make regarding Soul Therapy, A Game of Intuition.

You will be playing a game with a deck that has only twelve cards with twelve different colors which are related to twelve different Chakras. You can choose to play using the simple point system I have created for the fun of it all or you can choose to work strictly with the deck as a serious tool with the intention of improving your intuition.

It is known that each Chakra or energy center correlates to a specific color. As you hold the individual cards in your hands as the sender, concentrating on what that color means to you or how it makes you feel, you are inadvertently working with your Chakras.

It has been said that if we are attracted to a particular color we should consider adding that color to our diet or our wardrobe. In other words if green is your favorite color you might consider eating more green vegetables or if the color purple excites your senses you might consider wearing a purple blouse or scarf.

Could this be a way of giving ourselves a virtual vibrational shot in the arm? What's your favorite color? Has it always been your favorite or has it changed based on your age or your mood? Check your closet. Ask yourself; what is it about that color that makes you feel good? What is it about a particular color that isn't so appealing? The next few pages are going to give you some ideas to contemplate regarding colors.

Some of this information might seem appropriate and logical, and some of the information might not strike a cord with you. At the very least it will give you something to think about regarding the individual colors. It might help you to be a better sender helping the receiver at the same time.

I will begin with the first Chakra and color and then explain the properties attributed to each.

This simple illustration will give you an idea as to where the chakras are located in and around the body.


Red is the color of the first chakra, also referred to as the base chakra, located at the base of the spinal column.

It is known: courage, passion, anger, patience, sensuality and boldness are all attributes of the color red.

How many foods can you think of that are red?

How many different animals display the color red whether on their feathers or fur or skin?

How many different red flowers can you name?

Have you ever noticed how red a persons face gets when they are really angry?


Excerpted from "Soul Therapy"
by .
Copyright © 2013 Jean Quintana.
Excerpted by permission of AuthorHouse.
All rights reserved. No part of this excerpt may be reproduced or reprinted without permission in writing from the publisher.
Excerpts are provided by Dial-A-Book Inc. solely for the personal use of visitors to this web site.

Table of Contents

The Concept – Before you play the Game, 1,
The Rules – Three ways to play the Game, 11,
The Colors – More than just a Game, 19,
The Truth, 51,
The Deck of Cards – Let's Play the Game, 53,
All the Children, 79,
Suggested Reading, 80,
About the Author, 82,
The Color Poetry Contest, 83,
The Clear Thinking Contest, 84,

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