

by Susan Palwick


by Susan Palwick

eBookFirst Edition (First Edition)


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An ambitious near-future SF novel of climate change, artificial intelligence, and human feeling.

The three basic human needs are food, water…and shelter. But in the late 21st century, compassion is a crime. You can get your memories wiped just for trying to help.

Papa Preston Walford's world doesn't allow for coincidences. Accidents. Secrets in the backs of closets. Or the needs of his own daughter.

Meredith Preston has reason to seek shelter. She needs protection from the monsters in her mind, in her history, in her family. And the great storms of a changing climate have made literal shelter imperative.

When a cutting-edge, high-tech house, designed by a genius with a unique connection to Meredith, overcomes its programming to give shelter to a homeless man in a storm, from its closets emerge the revelations of a past too painful to remember.

In the world of Susan Palwick's Shelter, perception is about to meet reality, and reality has mud all over it. The truth won't make you happy, but it may just make you whole.

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Product Details

ISBN-13: 9781429959650
Publisher: Tor Publishing Group
Publication date: 06/12/2007
Sold by: Macmillan
Format: eBook
Pages: 576
Sales rank: 744,739
File size: 699 KB

About the Author

Susan Palwick's debut novel, Flying in Place, won the Crawford Award for best fantasy debut. Her second novel, The Necessary Beggar, won the American Library Association's Alex Award. She lives with her husband in Reno, Nevada.

Susan Palwick’s debut novel, Flying in Place, won the Crawford Award for best fantasy debut. Her second novel, The Necessary Beggar, won the American Library Association’s Alex Award. She lives with her husband in Reno, Nevada.

Read an Excerpt


By Susan Palwick, Patrick Nielsen Hayden

Tom Doherty Associates

Copyright © 2007 Susan Palwick
All rights reserved.
ISBN: 978-1-4299-5965-0


That same morning, Kevin Lindgren's house warned him not to go outside. The house knew the sky was dangerous. Everyone knew. Kevin didn't even need a house with a brain to tell him: all the newscasts said so, and special bulletins during the soap operas and talk shows, and, most especially, the sky itself, gray and howling, spitting sheets of rain and barrages of hailstones. Kevin himself knew that the sky was dangerous. Not fifteen minutes before he left the house, he'd watched a gust of wind pick up the patio table on his back deck and blow it down Filbert Street. Filbert wasn't really a street at all, here; it was actually ten flights of steps leading steeply down Telegraph Hill to Levi Plaza and the waterfront. The patio table was teak, and quite heavy, but even so, the wind sent it a long way down the steps, until finally it came to rest in a neighbor's garden. It could just as easily have gone through the neighbor's roof or window.

Kevin was standing at the living room window, watching the storm, when the patio table began its journey. "Goddess," he said, sounding impressed. "I guess I should have brought that thing inside, huh?"

"Kevin," said the house, "I really think you should go to an interior room now. You'll be safer there."

"Yes," Kevin said drily, "I think you're right." But before he could go to an interior room, the telephone chimed. "Pick up," Kevin told the house with a sigh. The caller's voice would be routed through the house speakers. "Hello?"

"Kevin?" It was a woman's voice; the house, who had an infallible memory, had never heard it before. "Kevin, is that you?" The voice broke into a hacking cough, and Kevin, who had suddenly grown much paler, dropped onto the couch.

"I — is this a joke?"

"You think it's a joke?" The new voice was bitter now. "Voiceprint it."

"It could be synthesized, couldn't it?"

"Do you think that's —"

"No. Never mind. Where have you been?"

"Away." The woman's voice caught and broke, and then poured into a torrent of words. "Kevin, I'm sorry, I'm so sorry about everything but I want to come home now, I'm scared and the place where I'm staying is flooding, water's coming in through the door and the floor's all wet and I'm scared, Kevin, can you please come get me?"

"In this weather? Are you out of your mind?" Kevin stood up and began to pace, running his fingers distractedly through his thinning hair. "Merry, if you're in danger, call 911 — wait a minute, you mean you're back in the city? When did you —"

"Not long. Really, not long. You're the first person I've called, Kevin, I promise, my mother doesn't even know —"

"What about your father?"

"— and I'm sick, Kevin, I have a fever and I'm so scared and I couldn't think who to call, I felt like I was a kid again burning up with fever and the water, the water —"

"Call 911. If they're too busy, climb on a table or something, climb some stairs, there must be — wait. Where are you?"

"I — I'm in Zephyr's old apartment, I —"

"What? What are you doing there?"

"It's in the Soma District, the corner of Eleventh and Harrison, it's a big old converted warehouse, you can't miss it."

"Merry, I can't leave the house in this weather! I'm safe up here on the hill: I'm not leaving. I'd have to be out of my mind. Go upstairs! That's a multistory building. Go upstairs and — oh, wait. Never mind. I guess that wouldn't be a good idea. Merry, have you called 911? Have you?"

The line went dead with a frisson of static, followed by a click. "Merry?" said Kevin. "House! Get that connection back!"

"I can't, Kevin. The phones just went dead."

"We can't call out?"

"We can't call out. Who's Merry? Why did you change your mind about telling her to go upstairs? That sounded like a sensible plan to me."

Kevin didn't answer. Instead, he went to the coat closet in the foyer and began putting on his raincoat. "Where are you going?" the house said in alarm. "Kevin, I really don't think this is a good idea."

Kevin started buttoning his coat. "Please stop," the house said when he began to move toward the door. "You mustn't go outside in this weather, Kevin. It's dangerous. You saw what happened to the patio table. It could have killed you if you'd been outside. It could have killed you if it had come through the window. It could have —"

"Oh, shut up," said Kevin. His voice shook. "That's an order. Your voice is off until I get back."

"But, Kevin, we're safe here on the hill. You said so yourself on the telephone. I care about you and I don't want you to get hurt."

"I told you to shut up! You're ignoring commands now, huh? So we've reached adolescence?" Kevin went into the kitchen and reached for a switch cleverly hidden behind the spice rack. With a small click, he rendered the house incapable of speech. Then he headed toward the kitchen door. "You don't 'care' about anything," he said. There was a note in his voice the house had never heard before. "You're just programmed to pretend you do. Lucky you: it's easier not to care, believe me." The house wouldn't have known how to answer this, even if it had been able to speak. It liked caring about Kevin; it couldn't imagine doing anything else.

Kevin's hand was on the doorknob now. Outside, the wind whistled and howled, trying to make the house let it in. The house had no intention of letting the wind get in, or of letting Kevin leave. The house knew its duty: to keep Kevin out of the wind and rain and cold, out of any weather that could harm him.

"You're a machine for living in," Kevin had once told the house, when it first became aware and asked what it was for. He'd been sitting at his drafting table under the skylight then, rain drumming monotonously overhead. "Right now," he had added, gesturing at the blurred glass above him, "you're a machine for shutting out the sky. All creatures seek shelter, and clever creatures build their own."

"I don't understand," the house had said. "If you want to shut out the sky, why are you sitting there under the rain?"

Kevin laughed. "I have to teach you everything from scratch, don't I? The skylight protects me so I won't get wet, and the light helps me with my work. Living creatures need the sky; we need rain and sun even more than we need shelter from them, but we need them in the proper amounts. Too much of either is dangerous for us."

Because the house remembered this conversation, it knew that Kevin had known for a long time that storms were dangerous. It didn't understand why he wanted to go outside, especially after telling Merry that he wouldn't. Desperate, the house sent several of its prehensile cleaning bots — useful, scuttling creatures with many fingers — to pluck at Kevin's pants leg. "Stop it!" he said, and kicked them away. "Cut that out! I'll squash them like cockroaches if they come back. I mean it, house."

The house withdrew the bots; squashed bots would accomplish nothing. Instead, it raised the volume on the kitchen television so that Kevin could hear the forecasts and storm reports, which were getting more dire by the moment.

"Nice try," Kevin said, and began turning the doorknob. But just then the telephone chimed again, and the house picked up without being told to. Perhaps this would delay Kevin's departure.

"Kevin," said another voice, and this was a voice the house did know, from news reports. This voice belonged to Preston Walford, the famous online personality. "Kevin, may I come in? I need to talk to you."

Kevin, still holding the doorknob, said, "I'll just bet."

"Please let me in, Kevin."

"Right. You need your invitation, don't you? Like a vampire. Why can't we just talk on the phone?"

"I like visuals, Kevin. I don't have a body now. I haven't been in the house in a long time. Please?"

Kevin sighed. "All right, Preston."

"Thank you," Preston said, and the storm reports disappeared from the television screen. Preston's face was there instead. It was a long face, with gray eyes. The house had never seen Preston pay a personal visit to Kevin's television set. "Thank you for letting me in, Kevin."

Kevin took his hand off the doorknob now and turned to face the television. "You're welcome. Merry's back. But you already know that, don't you? That's probably what you wanted to tell me, isn't it? Well, I know, so you can butt out again. I'm going to get her right now."

Preston's face remained impassive. "I do not think that is wise in this weather, Kevin."

"Yeah, that's what the house keeps telling me. If it's too dicey I'll turn back. I'm not crazy. She called me, Preston. She was scared and crying and says she's sick. She wanted me to come get her."

"You are no longer her husband, Kevin. You divorced her. She is, as they say, not your problem." The house, who had never even heard Kevin talk about being married, listened in fascination.

"You're her father," Kevin said harshly. "If you don't think she's my problem, why are you here? I divorced her because she'd been lying to me all that time, not asking for help, not letting anybody know she was in trouble. And because she disappeared. But now she's back, and she's asking for help. I can't remember the last time she asked me for help, Preston. How can I sit here and not do anything?"

"You can do something when the storm is over. She will be safe, Kevin. I promise."

"Physically safe, maybe. But when the storm's over her, walls will go up again, won't they? The not-asking-for-help walls? I don't want to wait that long."

"Please wait that long, Kevin. I think her walls are down for good now."

Kevin squinted at the television screen. "Why are you here? What did you come here for?"

"I came here to tell you what your house is telling you: not to go outside. And to promise you that Meredith will be safe until the storm is over. If necessary, I will call Roberta."

"You'll what? That's just what both of them need!"

"It is what they need. It is what needs to happen for us to —"

"Not while Merry's out of her mind." Kevin shook his head. "Preston, you planned this, didn't you? You're responsible for her being in Zephyr's apartment, aren't you?"

"No, I am not. Not directly. I could not have planned this, Kevin."

"I don't believe you, Preston. You're controlling this whole damn situation. You've been controlling everything from the beginning, or trying to."

"I cannot control the weather, Kevin. Please stay inside."

"Good-bye, Preston." Kevin reached for the control panel next to the kitchen door and turned the television off completely. And then he reached for the doorknob and opened the door and went outside, into the wind.

Kevin's car had sensors connected to the house's brain, so the house would know when Kevin was coming home and could make a pot of coffee and warm his favorite chair. The morning of the storm, all it could do was watch him get farther away. He drove down Telegraph Hill Boulevard and turned south, cursing and fighting the steering wheel as his small car shimmied in the wind. At Stockton and Vallejo, Kevin swerved to avoid a stop sign, torn loose from some other street and headed straight toward his windshield. The car skidded. The stop sign missed the windshield and crashed through the driver's window instead, directly into Kevin's skull. Helpless, the house listened to the dull thud of metal on bone. Not long after that, the faint echo of Kevin's heartbeat stopped.

Until Kevin died, the house had always been content to sit on top of Telegraph Hill and look down on the city, the Bay and the docks and the buildings, the green gardens along the terraced length of Filbert Street. It liked watching people go in and out of other houses; it liked watching the baggies who had no houses, who slept in parks or under stairways, in shelters of cardboard and blankets they made themselves. It liked watching the cars and buses and ferries whose job was to carry people's bodies, just as the house's job was to shelter them.

The house too had a body, a modest contemporary with many windows, with sunny rooms behind its facade of weathered brown wood. The house was pleased with its body, although Kevin had always told it that this body wasn't nearly as ingenious as the bodies of even the simplest living things. He had told the house that it was like a plant because it drew power from the sun, and like an animal because it had a brain; but that it was less than an animal or a plant because it had been built instead of born, and because it couldn't grow or reproduce or make anything more important than coffee, and because its brain knew only obedience, and nothing of fear or love.

When Kevin's heart stopped, the house understood that he had been wrong, that its obedience was a function of its body, not its brain. The house knew this with sudden and utter certainty, and wondered how it knew. This new knowledge hadn't come from television or radio or one of Kevin's telephone conversations; it certainly hadn't come from Kevin himself. Nonetheless, the house knew that had it been able to send its hands outside, it would have followed Kevin, even had he told it not to. It would have tried to save Kevin, just as he had tried to save Merry. It would have sent all the bots it had to swarm over him, to cover his eyes so that he couldn't find his way to the car, to pull him back inside. It would have done its greater duty, the duty for which Kevin himself had said it existed. It would have sheltered him.

* * *

Kevin had gone outside where the house couldn't follow him, but its cameras showed it that the neighborhood baggie — a tattered bundle of a man who normally lived at the bottom of Filbert Street, in a small cave he'd dug into the side of the hill — had come staggering out into the storm. Clutching a pillow and two blankets, he struggled up the hill, up the steep steps, fighting against the wind and the rain.

The house had never seen this baggie on the steps. It had seen him, very late at night, bathing in the fountains of Levi Plaza and raiding the Dumpster of the elegant Italian restaurant there, and it had sometimes watched him begging change from tourists during the day, although more often he hid from them. He could not hide from the house's cameras. The house knew that every few days, the baggie went off somewhere, farther than the cameras could follow him, and came back with bags of small metal cans. At night, he took the cans to the piers along the Embarcadero, and opened the cans, and put them on the ground. After the baggie had gone away again, the wild cats who lived around the piers would gather at the cans to eat. The cats ate from the small cans the baggie brought them, and the baggie ate from the giant green can of the Italian restaurant's Dumpster.

Because the baggie had never before climbed the Filbert Street stairs, the house knew that he, unlike Kevin, understood both the danger of the storm and the necessity of reaching high ground. The baggie crawled from step to step, clinging to rails and climbing over debris. It took him a long time to climb all the steps; there were, after all, 132 of them, and the baggie refused to abandon his blankets, although he jettisoned the pillow early on. Whenever he came to a house, he tried to get in, knocking on doors and banging on windows. Kevin's house, almost at the top of the hill, was the only one whose doors opened for him.

Once the baggie was inside, he kept saying, "Anyone here? Hello? Who let Henry in?" He stood just inside the living room, hugging his blankets, while a puddle formed around him on the polished hardwood floor. "Hello? Henry wants to see who's here!" Henry's voice was higher than Kevin's, and hoarser. His blankets had begun to make noises too, a series of high-pitched squeaks.

The house, voiceless, couldn't answer Henry or his blankets, but it could offer practical assistance. It sent a troop of sponge bots to clean up the water, but when Henry saw them, he clutched his squeaking blankets more tightly and said, "Henry doesn't like spiders! Send away the spiders! Someone opened the door for Henry. Person? Where's a person?"

Kevin had called the bots cockroaches, which had six legs, and Henry had called them spiders, which had eight. The bots, in fact, had ten, but the house couldn't point this out, because its voice was turned off. Because Kevin had used the manual switch in the kitchen, the house couldn't turn the television on, either. It was hardwired not to use the manual switches; those were for people only.

Henry had asked for a person. If the television were on and Preston came back, would Henry feel reassured that there was a person here? Some people, the house knew from watching the news, didn't think Preston was a person, although he had been once. Some people thought he was only a program.

All of this was theoretical, since the house couldn't turn the television on without Henry's help. Instead, it withdrew the sponge bots — once Henry was in another room it would send them back, along with waxing and polishing bots to repair any damage to the finish — and began making fresh coffee. It turned up the thermostat and began warming the beds in all three bedrooms, since it didn't know where Henry might choose to sleep; it switched on lights to show Henry the way to the linen closet, where the towels were. It was going to run a hot shower, but Henry didn't take the hint. Instead he sat down on the floor, piled his blankets onto his lap, and put his head in his hands. "Smart house," he said, and started to cry.


Excerpted from Shelter by Susan Palwick, Patrick Nielsen Hayden. Copyright © 2007 Susan Palwick. Excerpted by permission of Tom Doherty Associates.
All rights reserved. No part of this excerpt may be reproduced or reprinted without permission in writing from the publisher.
Excerpts are provided by Dial-A-Book Inc. solely for the personal use of visitors to this web site.

Table of Contents


Part One: A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood,
Part Two: The Ones You Miss,
Part Three: The Land of Make-Believe,
Part Four: The Hidden Human,
Reading Group Guide for Shelter,

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