Search for the Shadow Key

Book #2 in a trilogy from fantasy author Wayne Thomas Batson explores the concept of dreams and their effects on us.

Fourteen-year-old Archer Keaton discovers he has the ability to enter and explore his dreams. He is a dreamtreader, one of three selected from each generation. Their mission: to protect the waking world from the evil lurking in the Dream.

The Nightmare Lord has been thrown down, but his throne is no longer empty. Rigby Thames has taken up the evil mantle with Kara Windchil as his queen. Now the only living dreamtreader, Archer Keaton finds himself on the outside of two worlds looking in. Dream Walking Inc. is taking the world by storm, allowing Rigby to build an unstoppable empire. Worse still, Rigby has unleashed the Tendrils, shadow people who can cross over into the waking world. As Archer’s family and friends begin to disappear, unexpected help comes in the form of the Wind Maiden, a mysterious angelic being who seems to know how Archer can rescue his loved ones and defeat the new Nightmare King. But the cost may prove too dear for Archer to pay. 

Steeped in epic fantasy and intrigue, this second book in the Dreamtreaders series teaches kids important Christian values such as being a light in the darkness, resisting temptation, and keeping your faith, even when you feel like you’re standing alone. 

Trim Size: 5.5 x 8.375

Search for the Shadow Key

Book #2 in a trilogy from fantasy author Wayne Thomas Batson explores the concept of dreams and their effects on us.

Fourteen-year-old Archer Keaton discovers he has the ability to enter and explore his dreams. He is a dreamtreader, one of three selected from each generation. Their mission: to protect the waking world from the evil lurking in the Dream.

The Nightmare Lord has been thrown down, but his throne is no longer empty. Rigby Thames has taken up the evil mantle with Kara Windchil as his queen. Now the only living dreamtreader, Archer Keaton finds himself on the outside of two worlds looking in. Dream Walking Inc. is taking the world by storm, allowing Rigby to build an unstoppable empire. Worse still, Rigby has unleashed the Tendrils, shadow people who can cross over into the waking world. As Archer’s family and friends begin to disappear, unexpected help comes in the form of the Wind Maiden, a mysterious angelic being who seems to know how Archer can rescue his loved ones and defeat the new Nightmare King. But the cost may prove too dear for Archer to pay. 

Steeped in epic fantasy and intrigue, this second book in the Dreamtreaders series teaches kids important Christian values such as being a light in the darkness, resisting temptation, and keeping your faith, even when you feel like you’re standing alone. 

Trim Size: 5.5 x 8.375

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Search for the Shadow Key

Search for the Shadow Key

by Wayne Thomas Batson
Search for the Shadow Key

Search for the Shadow Key

by Wayne Thomas Batson



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Book #2 in a trilogy from fantasy author Wayne Thomas Batson explores the concept of dreams and their effects on us.

Fourteen-year-old Archer Keaton discovers he has the ability to enter and explore his dreams. He is a dreamtreader, one of three selected from each generation. Their mission: to protect the waking world from the evil lurking in the Dream.

The Nightmare Lord has been thrown down, but his throne is no longer empty. Rigby Thames has taken up the evil mantle with Kara Windchil as his queen. Now the only living dreamtreader, Archer Keaton finds himself on the outside of two worlds looking in. Dream Walking Inc. is taking the world by storm, allowing Rigby to build an unstoppable empire. Worse still, Rigby has unleashed the Tendrils, shadow people who can cross over into the waking world. As Archer’s family and friends begin to disappear, unexpected help comes in the form of the Wind Maiden, a mysterious angelic being who seems to know how Archer can rescue his loved ones and defeat the new Nightmare King. But the cost may prove too dear for Archer to pay. 

Steeped in epic fantasy and intrigue, this second book in the Dreamtreaders series teaches kids important Christian values such as being a light in the darkness, resisting temptation, and keeping your faith, even when you feel like you’re standing alone. 

Trim Size: 5.5 x 8.375

Product Details

ISBN-13: 9780718019471
Publisher: Nelson, Tommy
Publication date: 12/16/2014
Series: Dreamtreaders , #2
Sold by: HarperCollins Publishing
Format: eBook
Pages: 336
Sales rank: 897,941
File size: 2 MB
Age Range: 9 - 12 Years

About the Author

Wayne Thomas Batson is the author of several bestselling novels, including The Door Within trilogy, The Isle series, and The Berinfell series. As a middle school reading teacher, Wayne writes adventures set in imaginative locales because he believes that we all dream of doing something that matters. 

Read an Excerpt

Search for the Shadow Key


By Wayne Thomas Batson

Thomas Nelson

Copyright © 2014 Wayne Thomas Batson
All rights reserved.
ISBN: 978-1-4003-2367-8


Seeing Things

The terrain in the Dream on this night was like the ocean's surf during a riptide, only twice as violent.

"This is crazy!" Archer shouted. He kicked out his surfboard, carved a hard left on the Intrusion wave, and nearly wiped out. Relentless Dream winds whipping his dark red hair into his eyes, he circled back to see what had caused such a jolt in the Dream surf.

There it was: a breach the size of a manhole cover had burst right off the tip of his board. This rip in the Dream fabric, the layer of matter between the sleeping and waking worlds, spewed glowing blue, purple, and crimson particles. The thing was huge, like a giant wound gushing ... or a mini-volcano erupting. Only this volcano was spewing right in the middle of a dense Dream forest, strobe-lighting all the sloped trunks and gnarled limbs with a flickering sheen of creepy. As a Dreamtreader, one of three human beings selected each generation to patrol this realm, Archer was duty-bound to sew up this breach—and fast.

The shockwave from the breach surged beneath him, tossing his board sideways. Archer stumbled to one knee and almost fell off. Somehow, his grip on the board held.

"Enough of this!" Archer growled. He leaped off the board, used his sheer will to batten down the waves, and landed next to the gushing breach. "Razz, I need you again!" Archer cried out into the air.

"Coming, boss!" a shrill feminine voice answered from the air. There was a double puff of smoke, a scattering of swerving sparks, and Razzlestia Celeste Moonsonnet appeared. A twin-tailed flying squirrel with an acorn hat and a fashionable gray pinstripe ensemble, Razz flew to Archer's shoulder.

"Like my new outfit? It's perfect for the season—" Then she spotted the raging breach and squeaked. "Ewww, ugly one!"

Archer thrust a fist into the satchel he always wore, pulling out his favorite barb needle and a spool of ether silk. He went to work, binding up one lip of the breach. "Razz," he said, "thickest gauge thread, spiral technique!"

Razz might be mercurial, but when she showed up, Archer knew he could count on his little Dream assistant. And now that he was the only active Dreamtreader—and just fifteen years old—Archer needed Razz more than ever.

"Got it!" she squeaked. With a flap and snap of her tails, Razz leaped from Archer's shoulder and shot high into the air above the breach. Then, the barb needle already threaded, she plummeted around and around and around, jamming the needle into the loosely flapping fabric and creating a kind of loose seam.

"Great, Razz! That's perfect!" Archer yelled, feeling like the roar of the surging Dream matter would steal his voice. He pulled his first thread tight, strained to get as tight a seal as possible, and knotted it.

It wasn't over, though. This breach was powerful. Beastly, even. The knot held, but served only to make the Dream matter's only escape point that much narrower. Now, it shot into the sky like a mighty torrent.

"Cross breach!" Archer cried out. "Gotta be now, Razz!"

Razz zigzagged like a shooting star, driving the needle within loops of thread and then pulling taut across the opening. She flew in and out of the violent blast without seeming to care for herself. By the time she handed off the thread to Archer, she glistened and pulsed as if dipped into stardust.

"I think I'm going to be sick," Razz muttered, gliding in a slow circle through tree branches and coming to rest on a hillock nest of tangled roots and waving purple grass.

Archer had no time to check on her or he'd completely render her efforts worthless. He held Razz's thread, what he called the boss thread, and took a deep breath. He had a job to do. This task would cost a glob of Archer's mental will—the creative energy of the mind that enabled a Dreamtreader to do just about anything in the Dream—but it had to be done. Fortunately for Archer, he had plenty of will left in the tank. He hoped.

Archer secured the boss thread with a two-fisted grip and called up his will. In response, the flesh of his hands and wrists turned gray and knobby. He felt the hardening as his lower arms became stone. The thread anchored, Archer turned his will to generated pure aggressive power.

For a moment, the Dreamtreader drew a mental blank. What will give me the thrust I need to seal this off? He thought about wings. But no. That wouldn't do it. He thought about dropping himself into a Lamborghini. But on the Dream terrain, traction would be iffy. Besides, he couldn't afford a spinout with a huge breach at stake. That's when the perfect concept came to mind.

Archer concentrated. He'd never created this exact combination before, so it would cost him something extra. With a groan, Archer let his will loose. His surfboard melted and morphed into the caterpillar treads of a bulldozer. Archer fell backward into the machine's cockpit, the thick glass canopy immediately closing over top of him. With a rush, the rocket engines he'd imagined appeared on either side of the vehicle and burped white-blue flames.

The machine lurched forward, pulling the boss thread taut. The breach spouted and spewed like a fire hose, but Archer hit the thrusters. They responded with a slow but relentless creep forward. Slowly, the stitches grew tight, cutting off the flow of Dream matter to a trickle ... and, finally, to nothing. Archer ejected from the cockpit, and the machine vanished. He dove for the now-sealed breach and tied it off like a rodeo jock hog-tying a steer.

Archer took a peek over his shoulders as he worked. Fortunately, he saw none of the breach-eating, beetle gub-esque scurions in the area. They'd apparently eaten their fill of matter in the process of chomping open that massive breach. Given the size of it, Archer figured the scurions would be in a food coma for at least a week's worth of Dream time.

"Good riddance," he muttered. Packing up his ether thread and needle, he raced to Razz's side. "Hey, you okay?"

She lifted her squirrelly head and blinked her big dark eyes. When she spoke, the words came out a little slow and slurred. "Aye, aye, chief," she said, saluting weakly. "Sergeant Razz, zzhu-reporting for duty-shhhh."

"Look at you," Archer teased gently. "You get splashed with Dream matter and you go all loopy."

"Sszh ... sorry, Archer," she squeaked. She sat up and adjusted her acorn beret. Ever so slowly, she got back on her feet. "I'm beat, tuckered, whooped! Other than the quick snooze break you gave me, we've been at it nonstop. Covering two Dream districts, alone? This is nutball Looney Tunes! How many more breaches tonight?"

"No clue," Archer said with a deep sigh.

Little paw-hands on her little hips, Razz frowned and asked, "Well, when is Master Gabriel waking up two new Dreamtreaders?"

Archer's answer was the same: "No clue."

"What?" Razz blurted. "How can he just—I mean, that is, what's he doing? Leaving the whole Dream to one Dreamtreader? That's ... unprezzy ... uh, unpresidential ... er—"

"Unprecedented," Archer said, smiling in spite of the stinging reality. "You're right: this hasn't happened before. We're spread too thin, and we're going to miss breaches. The breaches will multiply, and every breach not sewn up will push the Dream closer and closer to a rift."

"Don't say that," Razz said, shuddering. "Please don't say that."

Her reaction gave Archer a gut check. He knew what a rift would do to his world. The fabric of the Dream would be torn. The Temporal and the Dream would begin to mix. People would begin to confuse dreams and reality. They'd gain abilities they wouldn't know how to use and wouldn't have the safety net of simply waking up. It would be chaos.

Ten thousand heart-stopping rift scenarios played out in Archer's imagination. Little kids thinking they could fly and diving from rooftops; an angry employee suddenly causing his boss to burst into very real flames; wars being waged over illusions—it would be absolute chaos.

But Archer had never given any thought to what would happen in a rift to the beings who inhabited the Dream. Beings like Razz. They were made of the same stuff as the Dream fabric. If the Dream were completely torn by a rift? Archer looked down at his little companion and couldn't let his thoughts go there. "Don't worry, Razz," he found himself saying. "Even if we have to do it alone, we'll handle it. We've got each other, right?"

Razz nodded. "I know," she said quietly. Then she took off her acorn beret and held it over her heart. "But I miss Duncan and Mesmeera."

He felt it too: an ache, the creeping sadness of fraying emotions. Duncan and Mesmeera were his previous Dreamtreading partners. They were efficient, hardworking Dreamtreaders, to be sure. But more than that, they were friends. They'd stayed far too long past their Personal Midnights in the Dream—trapping themselves, seasoned Dreamtreaders who should have known better.

But, mistakes aside, Duncan and Mesmeera didn't deserve their ultimate fate. The familiar leaden cold pooled in Archer's stomach. He'd never forget his friends ... or his own role in their ultimate loss.

He shook those guilt-laden thoughts away and said, "We've covered Verse District and Forms now ... in record time too. But we've still got Pattern left, and that could be the worst. You never know with the Lurker roaming free."

Razz bounced twice and looked warily over her shoulder. "But the Lurker's no threat now ... right, chief?"

Archer didn't answer.

Razz frowned. "Right, chief?"

"I don't know, Razz," Archer grumbled, a little more bite to his words than he'd meant. "I'm sorry. Just frustrated. All I know about the Lurker is what Rigby tells me ... and honestly, I know I can't really trust him anymore. With the Nightmare Lord gone, the Lurker is no longer under his control. He's acting on his own will ... but that might not be a good thing. Master Gabriel is still very concerned about the Lurker. Therefore, so am I."

Razz crossed her arms. "And now we have to go patch up the breaches in the Lurker's backyard? You sure we have time?"

Archer looked up, scanned the darkening crimson sky, and found the ancient tower clock, its pale face looming in the haze to the northeast. "Old Jack says we have three hours left," he said. "Might be enough. It'll have to be. We can't let breaches go unchecked. If a rift forms, then it's game over. We won't ... we, uh ... won't ..."

Archer's words trailed off. He'd spotted something odd through the trees.


"Just a sec, Razz." He raced forward, ducking low boughs and leaping roots, but always keeping his eyes riveted ahead. Eighty yards later, he broke the tree line and found an unobstructed view of the horizon.

Razz leaped into the air and came buzzing after him, dropping awkwardly onto Archer's shoulder. "What's the deal, boss?"

"The horizon," he muttered. "It look strange to you?"

"Most days," she said. "The Dream is kind of big on strange."

Archer nodded absently, staring. Old Jack loomed on high, as usual, and there were many crimson vortices, the tornadolike entry paths used by Dreamtreaders as portals. But there was something else, a kind of silvery shimmer following the line of the horizon. It was faint and spidery, and Archer wasn't altogether certain he was seeing it.

"What ... what is that?" he asked. "You see it, right?"

"That? It?" Razz grumbled. "You use too many pronouns."

"The silver shimmer!" Archer growled, pointing emphatically. "Right at the horizon. I've never seen that before."

Razz twirled in the air once and then hovered, stretching her tiny neck out. "I think I see it, boss," she said. "Kind of sparkly like." She crossed her arms and rubbed her shoulders. "Makes me feel chilly."

"Yeah," Archer said. "I felt it too. Have you ever seen it before today?"

"I don't think so," Razz replied. "But I find something new in this place every day."

"True," Archer said, turning reluctantly away. "Anyway, we have bigger problems to deal with. Let's get back to work."

Razz leaped into the air, and her twin fuzzy tails twirled. "Well, all right then. Off we go."

Archer summoned his Dream matter surfboard, flexed his will, and found an Intrusion wave to ride west.

* * *

Like a sea of mist with islands of craggy rock, the moors of Archaia stretched out before Archer's board. He and Razz had been searching the villages and territories of the Pattern District for just over two hours, but they'd found no breaches. Not a single one.

"I don't like this," Archer said. "This happened before, when the Nightmare Lord was still on his throne."

Razz bounced impatiently on Archer's shoulder. "Why are you complaining? No breaches to fix! This is a good thing, Archer. Now, we can go home!"

"Still have Archaia to check."

Razz brushed some dust off her pinstripe blazer. "None of the other twenty territories had any breaches. Why would Archaia? Let's leave it."

"We can't take the chance," Archer replied. "There are no Intrusion waves here, but still ..."

"No buts, Archer. You've got, like, forty minutes."

Archer glanced up at Old Jack, the always-visible tower clock that showed Dreamtreaders how much time they had before their Personal Midnight, their deadline. Archer frowned. "A little less, actually. We need to motor."

The Dreamtreader dismissed his board and started running: running like Olympic gold medalist sprinters wished they could run. In the Dream, Archer could harness his will and move with the speed of a cheetah and the coordination of a mountain lion. With Razz tucked into his trench coat pocket, Archer stormed the moors, bounding from crag to crag, leaping the low, rooty trees, and flashing across any flat land. He ran a tight spiral, stopping now and again to make sure he wouldn't miss a breach.

At last, he came to a steep incline, leading up to a wide overhanging ridge of black stone. "That," Archer whispered, "is the Lurker's home."

Razz let out a surprised squeak. "L-looks like an old, old tomb dug into the rock."

"Might as well be," Archer muttered. "Last time I was here, the Lurker had a pack of ghostly wraith things as a welcoming party for me."

"G-ghostly ... wraith ... things?" Razz let out another squeak. "But we've seen enough, right? No breaches. We're good to go, right?"

"I'm not sure," Archer said. "I've got a bad feeling here."

"You know why you have a bad feeling, Archer?" Razz shivered. "Because it feels bad here. We gotta leave. You can't have much time. How are you going to get back to your anchor?"

That, Archer thought, is a very reasonable question. His anchor, an image of the old well his mother had loved, was all the way back in the Forms District. Archer glanced again at Old Jack ... and growled. Even if he sprinted back across the border and surfed the rest of the way to the anchor, it could get dicey. Minutes had a way of flying by in the Dream, but Archer had his circuit to complete. He'd risk it but needed to be smart.

The mist had been creeping over the lower half of the incline. Now its shrouded fingers were reaching down even to Archer's feet. He lifted his foot and prepared to take a step.

"No, Archer!" Razz squealed.

His foot suspended in the air above the writhing mist, Archer frowned. "Don't be silly, Razz." He lowered his foot.


Archer deepened his frown to a scowl and decisively thumped his foot down into the mist.



"Oh, no!" Razz squeaked.

The landscape was silent. "There. You see?" Archer said. "It's no ... big ... uh ... deal—"

Archer's words were cut short by a whisper. It was not wind or an Intrusion wave. It was a shivering, whirling breath that seemed to flow through the rippling mist.

Archer didn't need to look behind himself to know that something was there. He didn't need Razz to tell him that something enormous was rising up out of the mist.

Without a thought, Archer summoned his sword. Its blue flame kindled to life and flared up the blade. Archer almost laughed at how reflexively he called up his sword. A hint of danger and—WHOOSH—the sword.

"Y'know, Razz," he said, "this is my favorite Dream weapon."

"Archer ..." Razz said, her voice a strangled whisper.

"I mean, I use it all the time," Archer went on. "Seems like I should have a name for it, y'know?"


"I always call it 'The Sword,' but that's just cheesy. I mean Arthur had Excalibur, Aragorn had Andúril, and Aidan had Fury. My sword should have a name. Funny how so many heroes have names that begin with A. Hey, my name begins with—"

"ARCHER!" Three unnerving sounds shattered the quiet and rendered Archer and Razz mute: a dire howl, a shrill screech, and a thunderous roar.

Razz disappeared in twin puffs of purple smoke, and Archer spun on his heels to face the threat. His skin went cold, and his mouth dropped open. Archer had seen many strange and horrifying things in the Dream, but this was something new. Something wholly unexpected.

A wide span of the mist rose up like a massive bubble. Something was underneath, and the mist clung to it as it rose. Soon, it began to bulge in several places, and the mist fell away like overstretched gum. As the haze vanished, a living shape emerged. There were spiderlike legs as long and as thick as tree trunks. A serpent torso appeared, ending in a knobby appendage tail, like that of a scorpion. Enormous bat wings extended from the creature's back, and its long reptilian neck ended in a snarling, spitting wolf 's head the size of a truck.

Archer tried to spring into the air to engage the creature but never left the ground. Instead, he stumbled and took a nosedive. In that crashing moment, he understood why he'd heard those three distinct sounds. Another long neck uncurled from behind the creature. Upon it hung a fierce hawk's head. Its glittering eyes fixed on Archer. It gave a shrill cry that sounded to Archer like it was hungry.


Excerpted from Search for the Shadow Key by Wayne Thomas Batson. Copyright © 2014 Wayne Thomas Batson. Excerpted by permission of Thomas Nelson.
All rights reserved. No part of this excerpt may be reproduced or reprinted without permission in writing from the publisher.
Excerpts are provided by Dial-A-Book Inc. solely for the personal use of visitors to this web site.

Table of Contents


The Laws Nine, ix,
Chapter 1 · Seeing Things, 1,
Chapter 2 · Whac-A-Mole, 11,
Chapter 3 · The Inner Sanctum, 18,
Chapter 4 · Snow Falls Gently, 31,
Chapter 5 · No More Nightmares, 47,
Chapter 6 · Visis Nocturne, 61,
Chapter 7 · Old Wounds, 73,
Chapter 8 · Broken, 85,
Chapter 9 · Ice-Fire, 91,
Chapter 10 · The Silentwood, 99,
Chapter 11 · The Paravore, 113,
Chapter 12 · A Wake-Up Call, 121,
Chapter 13 · The Darkening, 133,
Chapter 14 · The Shadow Key, 143,
Chapter 15 · The Third, 151,
Chapter 16 · Taken, 164,
Chapter 17 · First Priority, 177,
Chapter 18 · Search and Rescue, 186,
Chapter 19 · Hourglass Sands, 204,
Chapter 20 · Demands, 219,
Chapter 21 · Powers, 225,
Chapter 22 · Master and Student, 231,
Chapter 23 · The Price, 242,
Chapter 24 · The Deepest Wells, 257,
Chapter 25 · Enslaved, 268,
Chapter 26 · Dinner Is Served, 277,
Chapter 27 · Just Desserts, 285,
Chapter 28 · A Dark Impasse, 293,
Chapter 29 · Stone Cold, 301,
Acknowledgments, 309,

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