Science Fiction Fantasies: Tales and Origins

There is usually a reason for everything. That is not to say that at times random events do not occur, but this was not one of those times. While the following events may seem unrelated, they are all pieces of a puzzle, cogs in a mechanism, or steps along a path.

Let us take a few steps. We shall begin, appropriately enough, in the middle, for it seems a good enough place to start. After all, who really knows the beginning?

An eclectic mix of short stories centering around alien genetic engineering. Strongly influenced by the Ancient Alien Theory, Science Fiction Fantasies, is presented in an old-time radio drama format with a Twilight Zone vibe. It is narrated by its author, Bill Eckel, who is supported by a superb cast of actors and actresses from the University of Oklahoma drama department or outreach program.

Science Fiction Fantasies: Tales and Origins

There is usually a reason for everything. That is not to say that at times random events do not occur, but this was not one of those times. While the following events may seem unrelated, they are all pieces of a puzzle, cogs in a mechanism, or steps along a path.

Let us take a few steps. We shall begin, appropriately enough, in the middle, for it seems a good enough place to start. After all, who really knows the beginning?

An eclectic mix of short stories centering around alien genetic engineering. Strongly influenced by the Ancient Alien Theory, Science Fiction Fantasies, is presented in an old-time radio drama format with a Twilight Zone vibe. It is narrated by its author, Bill Eckel, who is supported by a superb cast of actors and actresses from the University of Oklahoma drama department or outreach program.

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Science Fiction Fantasies: Tales and Origins

Science Fiction Fantasies: Tales and Origins

by Bill Eckel

Narrated by Bill Eckel

Unabridged — 3 hours, 45 minutes

Science Fiction Fantasies: Tales and Origins

Science Fiction Fantasies: Tales and Origins

by Bill Eckel

Narrated by Bill Eckel

Unabridged — 3 hours, 45 minutes

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There is usually a reason for everything. That is not to say that at times random events do not occur, but this was not one of those times. While the following events may seem unrelated, they are all pieces of a puzzle, cogs in a mechanism, or steps along a path.

Let us take a few steps. We shall begin, appropriately enough, in the middle, for it seems a good enough place to start. After all, who really knows the beginning?

An eclectic mix of short stories centering around alien genetic engineering. Strongly influenced by the Ancient Alien Theory, Science Fiction Fantasies, is presented in an old-time radio drama format with a Twilight Zone vibe. It is narrated by its author, Bill Eckel, who is supported by a superb cast of actors and actresses from the University of Oklahoma drama department or outreach program.

Product Details

BN ID: 2940175597814
Publisher: DAE Publishing
Publication date: 07/09/2018
Edition description: Unabridged
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