Rosin Dubh: the Irish Dream Catcher

Rosin Dubh: the Irish Dream Catcher

by Rosemary Dawson
Rosin Dubh: the Irish Dream Catcher

Rosin Dubh: the Irish Dream Catcher

by Rosemary Dawson


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Our dreams represent the urgings of our soul, pushing us to change, grow, become successful and stop sabotaging ourselves. So many of us dismiss these as only dreams. But what if you could make use of the information given to you in dreams?

In Rosin Dubh: The Irish Dream Catcher, author and psychic medium Rosemary Dawson presents the secret code to unlocking the symbolism of dream language. She shares a method that has been handed down by her family, through a long line of healers, psychics, and clergy with deep spiritual connections. Dawson offers a foolproof method for contacting relatives who have passed over, along with a simple technique of demystifying the messages that the soul sends. Through this unique four-step method presented in anecdotal style, you can easily access all the help that those in spirit are waiting to give you.

This guide to understanding dreams and the messages given within them seeks to help you develop your intuition and grasp the opportunities available to you through the spirit world.

Product Details

ISBN-13: 9781452531649
Publisher: Balboa Press AU
Publication date: 12/01/2015
Sold by: Barnes & Noble
Format: eBook
Pages: 140
File size: 187 KB

About the Author

Rosemary Dawson is a high school teacher with a master’s degree in applied science and more than thirty years of experience. She is also a member of the International Psychics Association and a paranormal investigator. Rosemary owns a successful meditation and spiritual development business in the southern suburbs of Sydney and is in demand as an authority on dreams.

Read an Excerpt

Rosin Dubh: the Irish Dream Catcher

By Rosemary Dawson

Balboa Press

Copyright © 2015 Rosemary Dawson
All rights reserved.
ISBN: 978-1-4525-3163-2


Child's Play

I have found that the messages that we receive in dreams can be roughly categorized in four ways: Health/diet, Finance/career, love/relationships, and personal growth. These four categories also tap into the motivation and resilience of the human spirit that fortifies the individual by providing them with a vision of something beyond their immediate experiences, whether it is being reunited with loved ones, or publishing an inspired piece of work as so poignantly illustrated, in the work by Viktor Frankl, "Man's Search for Meaning". It is that "something", which gives the individual, the necessary strength to carry on, and a sense of something greater than themselves.

And even though, we may not be subjected, to the same type of horrific situations, our dreams serve the same purpose. They inspire us to keep going when everything and everyone seem to be against us, and sometimes it is a struggle, to just keep our head above water.

During these difficult times, we sometimes become so overwhelmed by situations, that we are unable to hear the guidance of the dream voice, which is offering solutions, to what may seem to be insurmountable problems, and yet, there is an unbelievably easy way to break this spiritual drought.

Simply ask for an answer!

Before retiring for the night, arm yourself with a pen and pad and place them on your bedside table. It is also advisable to have a torch handy, if no bedside lamp is available.

* Now either write down a specific question or ask a specific question of your higher self, which is your connection to, Divine energy. Ask only one question each night, or you will confuse the answers.

* Ask to be given a statement in a dream, giving the exact answer to the question.

* Ask to remember the statement.

Write down the statement that you may get in the middle of the night, because as dreams are fleeting, they can easily be forgotten by the time you wake up in the morning.

Remember, the statement may not be given in the expected context, but it is only the statement that you need pay attention to, not the background information.

We get four or five dreams every night, and although dreams are very vivid at the time, unless we tag them some way, they will have disappeared by morning.

If you do not get the answer to your question the first night, do not become discouraged, as persistence will pay off and if you ask again the second night, you should get the answer.

At the outset, you may have to ask a third night, but after that, information that you seek should come much more easily. Think of it as if you are cracking a code and once you have cracked the code, it is plain sailing for the rest of your life.

Remember that dreams work with symbolic language, and it is only the statement in the dream that you need to pay attention to.

The proof is in the pudding! The following examples, explain this clearly.

A female client, who needed to sell the family home, because of a divorce, felt overwhelmed, by the emotional circumstances, surrounding her situation, asked me for advice. I suggested that she use the, four stage, dream technique mentioned above.

And so, a) she asked to be told in a dream, the number of weeks in which the house would be sold, b) she asked to be given a statement in her dream, giving the exact number of weeks, c) she asked to remember the statement, and d) she had a pen and pad ready, to write down the answer.

Having a pen and pad beside the bed is a very necessary part of the dream process.

This is a demonstration of "Good Will," which is a component of any business transaction, and we are now choosing to make a contract with our higher selves, agreeing to do what is necessary in exchange for the information that we want.

That night, my client got the answer to her question in the following dream. My client dreamed that, she was in conversation, with her older son, who said to her, "Mum, I have chickenpox, but I will be better in six weeks."

As her son did not in fact have chickenpox, the lady realised, that the length of time required for the sale of the house, must be six weeks, and indeed it was. In six weeks, she sold the house.

The time-frame for the recovery from chickenpox, was symbolic of the time-frame for the sale of the house. The symbolism of chickenpox, alluded to the embarrassment that my client had felt, at having her house up for sale, and the uncomfortable, public position, that she had found herself in, a common feeling, amongst those, who are getting divorced.

Indeed, one gentleman had confided in me, that despite wanting a divorce from his partner, he had felt a sense of failure, in the eyes of society.

I had reassured him, that sometimes it takes more courage to get a divorce, than to stay in an unhappy marriage.

The dream symbolism of her son as the messenger represented "the child within", which needed help.

We have all contained within each of us, the mother, father, child aspect of our personality, which can manifest at certain times and in certain situations and influence how we think and feel as well as how we act.

The child/parent relationship we experienced growing up, will have a significant effect on the inner child that we possess as adults and will influence how we respond to situations and circumstances, which we feel, we have no control over. This is because, as children, we were aware of the disappointment that our behaviour sometimes caused, when we failed to live up to, the expectations of our parents. And as adults we also try to live up to the expectations, of the parent within.

As my client came from a cultural background, where divorce was forbidden, the shame and guilt that she felt about her decision to get a divorce, weighed heavily on her shoulders, and increased her sense of embarrassment. Although my client had two sons, the son who was more concerned with his self-image, appeared in her dream to illustrate how her ego, was affected by the situation, and her concern for the opinions of others.

In an attempt to lessen my client's feelings of guilt and embarrassment, I decided to share with her a very valuable piece of advice that I had received from a priest, many years previously..

The advice is profound in its simplicity. "If people are not paying your bills, why would you care what they think?"

Another example of how to use this dream technique to bypass the ego, which is that part of the personality that needs to be brought under control, — or its need for self-gratification, may cause serious problems for the dreamer, — is illustrated by the circumstances of another client, who also had her house on the market for sale.

This client was getting quite anxious, as time was slipping away with no reasonable offers having been made, and as she had inspected a prospective property, that she was keen on buying, she was in danger of self-sabotage, in her haste to buy the other property.

She confided in me, that her intention was to secure a "Bridging loan," to purchase this property, as she felt that, she would not find another property, which would appeal to her as much. As a "Bridging loan", can be a very costly experience, I managed, with difficulty, to persuade my client, not to rush into making a decision, until she had first consulted her dreams, as to the wisdom of her decision. I suggested that she use the technique mentioned earlier, and she reluctantly, and with much scepticism, agreed to do this.

The following day, when the client phoned me, and told me that she had indeed managed to receive a dream, but was unable to make sense of the information, I asked her to share her dream with me, so that I could perhaps provide insight for her. The client said that she felt somewhat embarrassed by the contents of the dream, but, I reassured her that dreams often use dramatic, or confronting symbolism, to get our attention and not to feel embarrassed, as the symbolism used in the dream, is simply something that she could relate to.

The client, a well to do, lady, from a middle-class background, told me that her dream had taken place in her bedroom. She had dreamed that she had been lying on a huge, king-size, four-poster bed. Lying, at the bottom, of the bed, on the left-hand side, was an old lady, who was asleep, and lying on the bottom right-hand side of the bed, was a handsome young man. In the dream, the handsome young man, began to suck her toes, gradually working his way up her leg, making her feel very hot and flustered. So much so, that she was forced to shout out," Stop! It's not the right time." And then, she suddenly, woke up.

I explained to my client, that the four-poster bed symbolised the plum piece of real estate, that she currently owned, and which allowed her to occupy a good financial position in the real estate market, asset-wise. The old lady in the dream, who was asleep, represented the wisdom, or intuitive side, of her nature, which was unavailable to her at this point in time. She was allowing her desires, or self indulgence, represented by the handsome young man who was sucking her toes, to cloud her judgment.

I explained that the feelings of being hot and flustered were an indication of how she would feel if she took out the "Bridging loan", and her statement, or shout of "Stop! Its not the right time" was the advice that she had sought from her dream that was warning her, against making a serious error of judgment.

The side of the bed, occupied by the individuals in her dream, was also significant, as the left hand side, represents intuition and the right hand side, represents the mind and logic.

Also, as my client is a ten in numerology, (see section on numerology) which is composed of the one, a masculine symbol of business and the market place, as well as that, of someone who likes to be in control of situations, and the zero which represents the feminine intuitive aspect, both characters in her dream represented both parts of her own personality and indicated that her initial judgment of the situation was unbalanced, indicated by the old lady being asleep.

Pythagoras the proclaimed father of mathematics, was also a philosopher, and was led to the conclusion that certain numerical formulae formed the basis of each individual's personality and behaviour, which we call Numerology.

By understanding these formulae, we develop better self-awareness, and consequently a more balanced and harmonious out look on life, as well as, adding another dimension, to the interpretation of dreams.

Our life-path number, according to Pythagoras, is the driving force behind our aspirations and our ability to achieve.

The more knowledge we possess, the more symbolism is at the disposal of the dreaming mind, and hence the more detailed and elaborate the dreams that we experience.

This client had almost sabotaged herself through her lack of self- discipline and through indulging her desire for immediate self- gratification, from her need to control what was happening in her life, instead of allowing events to run their natural course.

And of course as this particular client who is under the influence of the planet Jupiter, being a Sagittarius astrological sign, was about to sabotage the financial success that is her birth-right under these auspicious influences, (see section on astrological star signs).

As a consequence of the advice given to her in her dreams, my client waited for her home to sell, which it did a short time later, providing her with an even greater windfall than she had expected, leading to the opportunity of buying a more appealing property than the one she had so desperately wanted earlier.

How many times do we find that the disappointment we felt at the failure of what we desperately wanted to happen at a particular time in our lives turns to gratitude later, as we realise how close we came, to sabotaging our opportunities in life?

Our birth-right, under particular planetary influences, will often be a source of surprise, as well as one of success, as was discovered by another client of mine, a Pisces and self- proclaimed bachelor. Pisces is the only other star sign, which is influenced directly by the planet Jupiter, and so Pisceans are also lucky, when it comes to financial opportunities.

The client asked me to explain the following dream that he had.

In his dream, he was in deep conversation with a mixed group of people, when he noticed a large, white dog, near by.

Suddenly the white dog spotted my client, and ran over towards the group, wagging its tail, as it approached my client.

The dog seemed to be very pleased to see my client, and fondled him, and although the dog was very friendly towards him, it would not go to any one else, no matter how much they encouraged it to do so.

I explained to my client that, as a friendly white dog approaching someone in a dream, indicates a business opportunity, or an early marriage, depending on the circumstances surrounding the dreamer at the time, I told my client that a business opportunity was around him at the moment, that only he, would benefit from, which was why, in the dream, the large, friendly, white dog, refused to go to anyone else.

Some time later, the client confided in me that, at the time of the dream, there had been a rental, investment property, available for him to buy, that had been unprofitable for its previous owner, but despite this, because of his dream, he bought it and he has managed to make it, into a very successful investment.

These two clients will always be successful in business, as the lucky planet Jupiter, which influences their individual star signs, will provide guaranteed opportunities in the material world, which their dreams will always steer them towards, so it would be a good investment of their time to pay attention to messages that they receive in dreams.

Reference to the story of the "Ten talents", in the Holy Bible, would not go amiss here, as it describes how, we are stewards of the talents that we are born with, and that we will be held to account, as to how wisely we managed them.

It would also seem from this that any skills and talents which one develops during a particular life-time, will lead to, the development of even more opportunities, during successive lifetimes.



Premonitions of an impending death, are a common occurrence, amongst Irish families and delight, at recounting dreams and horror stories, were one of the favourite past times of my family, when we were growing up. We would sit around a roaring, coal fire, on freezing, winter nights, with the lights out and the f lickering firelight casting strange, distorted shapes, on the walls, and ceiling, as we whispered, in slow, dramatic tones, jumped at any strange noises that came out of the darkness.

My father told us, that he had heard the call of the Banshee, just before his maternal grandmother died and my older sister, Colette also claimed, that she too, had heard the Banshee, just before my father's brother died.

The Banshee is a little fairy woman, who cries, as she combs her long, white, silvery hair, in the moonlight, warning of an impending death in a family.

In Irish culture, it is believed, that certain sounds also precede a death, in particular families, and one of these sounds, that of the "Death Watch Beetle", ticking loudly throughout the house, was heard by both my brother Chris and myself, before the sudden death of a priest, who was a second cousin.

Dreams however, are the usual way in which we become aware of an impending death.

Abraham Lincoln, a former American President, had a dream, in which he received a warning of his own impending death.

In his dream, he had heard a woman crying, in the White House, and he followed the sound to a room, where a coffin was on display.

When he asked the woman,' What has happened here?', she replied

"The president is dead!".

When he looked into the coffin, he saw his own body lying there.

Two weeks later, he was assassinated, while at the Opera.

Before my grandmother died, my aunt had dreamed that she and my grandmother were walking together, along a country lane, when they came to a style.

In the dream, my grandmother climbed over the style and my aunt made to follow her, but my grandmother turned to my aunt and said,

"I have to do this alone",

Then, as my aunt watched, my grandmother disappeared into a mist.

A few months later, my grandmother died.

This dream also reminds us that, death is a rite of passage, which has to be undertaken alone.

However like all predictions and prophecies, it is only after an event takes place, that verification can happen and the same applies to our dreams.


Excerpted from Rosin Dubh: the Irish Dream Catcher by Rosemary Dawson. Copyright © 2015 Rosemary Dawson. Excerpted by permission of Balboa Press.
All rights reserved. No part of this excerpt may be reproduced or reprinted without permission in writing from the publisher.
Excerpts are provided by Dial-A-Book Inc. solely for the personal use of visitors to this web site.

Table of Contents


Chapter One: Child's Play, 1,
Chapter Two: Premonitions, 9,
Chapter Three: Fortitude, 21,
Chapter Four: Trust Factor, 31,
Chapter Five: Universal Symbolism, 37,
Chapter Six: Eat the Golden Apple and Share the Golden Rule, 43,
Chapter Seven: Reincarnation and dreams, 55,
Chapter Eight: Consolation from the Dead, 69,
Chapter Nine: Health; Remedies and Advice, 75,
Chapter Ten: Numerology in Dreams, 83,
Chapter Eleven: Colour in Dreams, 105,
Chapter Twelve: Astrological Characteristics, 107,
Chapter Thirteen: General Symbols found in Dreams, 111,

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