Return of the Revolutionaries: The Case for Reincarnation and Soul Groups Reunited

Return of the Revolutionaries: The Case for Reincarnation and Soul Groups Reunited

by Walter Semkiw
Return of the Revolutionaries: The Case for Reincarnation and Soul Groups Reunited

Return of the Revolutionaries: The Case for Reincarnation and Soul Groups Reunited

by Walter Semkiw


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Presents evidence—including photographs—that John Adams, Thomas Paine, Samuel Adams, and numerous other American Revolutionaries have been reincarnated as the political and spiritual leaders of today, including George W. Bush, Bill Clinton, Al Gore, Marianne Williamson, Shirley MacLaine, and others, in order to begin a Spiritual Revolution.

Product Details

ISBN-13: 9781571743428
Publisher: Red Wheel/Weiser
Publication date: 04/01/2003
Pages: 464
Product dimensions: 6.00(w) x 9.00(h) x (d)

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The Case for Reincarnation and Soul Groups Reunited


Hampton Roads Publishing Company, Inc.

Copyright © 2003 Walter Semkiw, M.D., AKA John Adams
All rights reserved.
ISBN: 978-1-57174-342-8


Prologue: Evidence of Reincarnation and Its Impact on Society and Religion

In this book, evidence of reincarnation and basic principles of how reincarnation works will be presented. I will present this evidence in the manner of a lawyer arguing his case to the jury. I believe the Universe has given me this role, because I have demonstrated skill in this type of endeavor in a previous incarnation, one that occurred during the time of the American Revolution.

Though I was a lawyer during that era, in this lifetime, my training is in science. It is my belief that the arguments for reincarnation presented in this book and by others working in the field will lead to an effort to prove reincarnation scientifically, perhaps by DNA fingerprinting or some other biochemical assay. As the reality of reincarnation is accepted and as we better understand the mechanism of how human evolution occurs, significant changes will take place in our worldview and approach to life.

Let me briefly explain how the principles of reincarnation presented in this book were derived and how past-life matches have been established. In 1984, on a lark, I went to a medium who reportedly channeled one's spiritual guides. In the session, I was told that I had been John Adams, the second president of the United States. The guides told me that if I researched Adams, I would see myself. At the time, I did not believe that I was Adams, and I largely dismissed the information. Twelve years later, I had a sudden and strong intuition to study Adams and began to research the Adams family in 1996. I found that I did see myself in him, based on common physical features, personality traits, and interests. Further, I recognized members of his family and some of his most important friends in people closest to my heart. It thus occurred to me that people incarnated in karmic "soul groups." In this book, I will use the terms karmic groups and soul groups interchangeably, indicating a set of people who incarnate together in various lifetimes, linked by emotional and karmic ties.

I soon found that intuitions and synchronistic events led me to the discovery of many other Adams past-life connections. It became even more evident to me that from incarnation to incarnation, people came into life with the same facial features, personality traits, loved ones and close associates. One's mind appeared to remain the same, in that people seemed to think in similar patterns and have consistent interests, motivations, values, and even writing styles. What made me believe that these principles were truly valid was the discovery of a number of independently researched cases that demonstrated the same findings. In particular, the independent cases revealed that facial architecture stays the same. Let me identify a few of these independently researched cases, which will be reviewed in greater detail in subsequent chapters:

IAN STEVENSON, M.D., at the University of Virginia, has discovered two cases that demonstrate that facial features stay the same in successive lifetimes. Dr. Stevenson has studied reincarnation for more than forty years, focusing on children who remember past lives. In his 1997 book, Where Reincarnation and Biology Intersect, Dr. Stevenson has recommended that researchers study the phenomenon of consistent facial appearance in reincarnation cases.

ROBERT SNOW, an Indianapolis police captain, has published a book in which he makes the argument that he is the reincarnation of the artist Carroll Beckwith. Captain Snow's research was prompted by an unexpected memory of his lifetime as Beckwith. He states that the memory was as vivid as waking consciousness. Captain Snow did not believe in reincarnation at the time that this remembrance occurred. Extensive research changed his mind and he came to believe that he was indeed Carroll Beckwith in a prior lifetime. Though Captain Snow did not focus on physical appearance during his research, a comparison of images performed after his book was published revealed that Captain Snow has the same facial architecture as Carroll Beckwith.

WILLIAM BARNES has had spontaneous memories, since childhood, of a past lifetime in which he died on a ship. Mr. Barnes eventually remembered his name in this past lifetime and wrote a book regarding his case. Though Mr. Barnes did not focus on appearance in investigating his past incarnation, facial features are consistent in the two lifetimes.

JEFFREY KEENE, an assistant fire chief of Westport, Connecticut, had an overwhelming emotional experience when visiting the Civil War battlefield at Antietam. When investigating this incident, Mr. Keene discovered a past lifetime as a Confederate officer, in which he was almost killed at Antietam. In the heat of battle, the Confederate officer was severely wounded at the very same spot where Jeff Keene had the profound emotional reaction in contemporary times. Further, Mr. Keene discovered that his appearance in this lifetime is almost identical to that in the prior incarnation. Through a formal linguistic analysis, writing style has been shown to be consistent in the two incarnations. Eventually, Mr. Keene was even able to identify four firefighters in his unit who appear to have been fellow military officers in the Civil War incarnation. This finding supports the premise that people incarnate in karmic groups.

DIANNE SEAMAN had an experience very similar to Jeffrey Keene's, in that she had a profound emotional reaction when confronted with a past life setting. Ms. Seaman, after establishing her own past-life identity, soon realized that her best friend in this lifetime was also her best friend in the prior lifetime. Both she and her best friend have the same appearance in both incarnations.

PENNEY PEIRCE is an author and international lecturer on the topic of intuition. Ms. Peirce was given detailed information about two past lifetimes by a medium, one in which she was male and another in which she was female. In both prior incarnations, she was also a published author. The medium told her that her sister in this lifetime was also her sister in the prior female incarnation. Ms. Peirce found that these two lifetimes were historically accessible and that portraits were available. The two past lifetimes were researched and verified. Not only were Ms. Peirce's facial features consistent with those in her prior incarnations, but the facial architecture of the sister in the female incarnation is consistent with those of Ms. Peirce's contemporary sister. These cases support the premise that facial architecture remains consistent, even when gender changes. In addition, it is shown that personality traits are similar and that people incarnate in karmic groups.

NORMAN SHEALY, M.D., PH.D., is a neurosurgeon and medical inventor. At a time in his life when he was not a firm believer in reincarnation, Dr. Shealy attended a lecture in which the name of an English physician, John Elliotson, was mentioned. At that moment, Dr. Shealy knew, innately and viscerally, that he was Elliotson in a prior lifetime. When Dr. Shealy visited London to investigate this past lifetime, he was spontaneously led to Elliotson's former office, even though he had never been in the area before. Though Dr. Shealy did not focus on appearance during his investigation, he and John Elliotson have the same facial features. Personality traits, professional interests, and attitudes towards the medical community are consistent too.

At this point, let me comment on the nature of the evidence regarding reincarnation that is presented in this book. I will utilize an analogy from medicine, involving the discovery of a new illness or malady. When an epidemic breaks out, features of the illness are studied so that a set of patients with common case histories can be established. This set of patients is then researched, in the hope that scientists can identify a common cause, a common denominator or etiologic agent, that is responsible for the medical syndrome. This agent may be a bacterium, virus, toxin, or other agent. Causative agents are hypothesized. Biochemical assays and statistical analyses are then utilized to conclusively prove the cause of the medical illness or syndrome.

In a similar way, this book contains a series of case histories with similar features, which seem to have a common denominator. That common denominator is reincarnation. I am well aware that from a strictly scientific perspective, this series of cases does not constitute proof. I am confident, though, that these cases will lead to proof of reincarnation in the future. In this book, hypothesized past-life matches are presented. For many of these cases, a substantial amount of evidence has been provided to support the matches. In some cases, I have provided proposed matches but have not been able to research them in as much depth. It is my hope that the principles of reincarnation described in the chapters that follow will stimulate others to perform additional research. In time, I believe that biochemical and other analyses will prove that the majority, if not all, of the cases presented in Revolutionaries are valid and true.

I would like to point out that though strict scientific or biochemical proof of reincarnation has not yet been established, the reincarnation material presented in this book is supported by the large number of distinguished and prominent individuals who have agreed to be included in Revolutionaries. These individuals, many of whom are internationally known, have reviewed their own past-life case material and have agreed to be included. It is safe to make the assumption that these individuals find the material contained in Revolutionaries plausible, though the degree to which each believes the past-life connections will vary. These same individuals were also aware of the hypothesis that I am the reincarnation of John Adams, though their inclusion does not mean that they unreservedly accept this premise. I sincerely thank everyone listed below for their openness and support, and for agreeing to be included in Revolutionaries.

ROBERT BLUMENTHAL is a respected San Francisco attorney whose former law associate is Willie Brown, San Francisco's mayor and the former speaker of the California Assembly. Mr. Blumenthal and Mayor Brown are both featured as past-life cases in Revolutionaries. Mr. Blumenthal is also a friend of John Burton, the current president of the California Senate. John Burton's deceased brother, Phillip Burton, a former Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives, is also included as a reincarnation case.

H. DEAN BROWN, PH.D., is the former chief science officer for DuPont Corporation's Atomic Energy Division. Dr. Brown designed the fuel element for the Nautilus, America's first nuclear submarine, under the direction of Admiral Rickover. Dr. Brown was also a former colleague of Albert Einstein and Robert Oppenheimer at Princeton's Institute for Advanced Studies. Dr. Brown is a faculty member of the Philosophical Research Society, in Los Angeles.

JAMES DRISCOLL, PH.D., is an author and literary critic. He serves on the President's AIDS Commission, in the administration of George W. Bush.

WAYNE DYER, ED.D., is the best-selling author of twenty books and an inspirational icon in America. He has a doctorate in counseling psychology.

URI GELLER is a psychic who has achieved worldwide fame through his ability to bend spoons and other metal objects with his mind. Mr. Geller's abilities have been verified through testing conducted by physicists at three different research centers. Mr. Geller's web site is:

RICHARD GERBER, M.D., has a flourishing Internal Medicine practice and is the author of the classic text, Vibrational Medicine, in which orthodox medicine, Eastern medicine, and even particle physics are integrated.

STANISLAF GROF, M.D., PH.D., is as psychiatrist, author, inventor of the meditative technique called Holotropic Breath Work and one of the founders of Transpersonal Psychology. He is the former Chief of Psychiatric Research at the Maryland Psychiatric Research Center.

JOHN HAGELIN, PH.D., is a Harvard-trained quantum physicist, who has won the prestigious Kilby Award for his contributions to science. He has conducted pioneering research at the European Center for Particle Physics and the Stanford Linear Accelerator. Dr. Hagelin also ran for president of the United States under the Natural Law Party in 2000.

BARBARA MARX HUBBARD is an author, futurist, social architect, and president of the Foundation for Conscious Evolution. Hubbard was nominated for the office of vice president of the United States in 1984, on the Democratic ticket.

JEFFREY MISHLOVE, PH.D., is an author and leader in consciousness research. He is the host of the television series, Thinking Allowed. Dr. Mishlove has a doctorate in parapsychology, awarded by the University of California, Berkeley.

KARY MULLIS, PH.D., won the Nobel Prize and the Japan Prize for discovering Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR), a chemical reaction used in genetics research and DNA fingerprinting. Dr. Mullis has also received the Thomas A. Edison Award and has been inducted into the Inventors Hall of Fame. He has written an autobiography entitled Dancing Naked in the Mind Field.

ROBERT ROTH is the author of A Reason to Vote. He serves as the press secretary for the Natural Law Party and is a founding member of the Fair Elections Commission.

KEVIN RYERSON is a trance medium, in the tradition of Edgar Cayce. He has written a book on mediumship and spiritual guides. Mr. Ryerson has also served on the board of directors of the Intuition Network and as a consultant to corporations and movie studios.

JAMES TWYMAN is an author and advocate for peace. Mr. Twyman has traveled to troubled areas of the world, conveying his message through speech and song. Accordingly, he is known as the Peace Troubadour.

NEALE DONALD WALSCH is the author of the best-selling Conversations with God series. He has founded his own non-profit organization and is a cofounder of the Global Renaissance Alliance.

MARIANNE WILLIAMSON is a best-selling author, spiritual teacher, political activist, and the driving force behind the Global Renaissance Alliance, which she cofounded with Neale Donald Walsch.

I am also pleased to relate that I have been elected to serve on the board of directors of the International Association of Regression Research and Therapies (IARRT), which is made up of mental health professionals, including psychologists and social workers, who conduct past-life regressions. I first presented my reincarnation research to IARRT in April 2001 and was honored to join their board a year later. Individuals interested in undergoing past-life regressions, in which memories of past lives can be potentially accessed through hypnotic techniques, may contact IARRT at I express my thanks to IARRT for their support and again, to all the people listed above for allowing their cases to be included in my book.


Excerpted from RETURN OF THE REVOLUTIONARIES by WALTER SEMKIW. Copyright © 2003 Walter Semkiw, M.D., AKA John Adams. Excerpted by permission of Hampton Roads Publishing Company, Inc..
All rights reserved. No part of this excerpt may be reproduced or reprinted without permission in writing from the publisher.
Excerpts are provided by Dial-A-Book Inc. solely for the personal use of visitors to this web site.

Table of Contents


Part One: Principles of Reincarnation: A Review of Independently Researched Cases,

Chapter 1 Prologue: Evidence of Reincarnation and Its Impact on Society and Religion,

Chapter 2 Principles of Reincarnation,

Chapter 3 The Portrait Painter and the Police Captain,

Chapter 4 The Confederate General, Margaret Mitchell, and Halle Berry,

Chapter 5 Tommie Andrews and the Titanic,

Chapter 6 The Three Lives of Penney Peirce and the Intuitive Way,

Chapter 7 Jeffrey Mishlove, Stanislaf Grof, John Edward, Uri Geller, and Other Pioneers of Consciousness,

Part Two: Return of the Revolutionaries: Cases from the American Revolution,

Chapter 8 John Adams, Intuition, and a Synchronistic World,

Chapter 9 Children of John and Abigail Adams, and Dance as a Karmic Stage,

Chapter 10 Quincy Connections and the Minister of the First Parish Church,

Chapter 11 Universal Relationships, Gender Change, and Destiny,

Chapter 12 The Marriage and Karma of John Adams,

Chapter 13 John Quincy Adams and the Presidents at Unocal,

Chapter 14 Martin Luther King, the Amistad Africans, the Kennedys, and the Supreme Court of John Marshall, Reborn,

Chapter 15 Bill Clinton and Jefferson's Cousin, Peyton, and the Heroes of Saratoga—Al Gore and George W. Bush,

Chapter 16 John Hagelin, Jesse Ventura, Marianne Williamson, Dennis Kucinich, and the Peace Revolution,

Chapter 17 The Unity Church, Delegates from Georgia, and Ross Perot,

Chapter 18 Ralph Nader, Charles Thomson, and the Great Seal of the United States,

Chapter 19 Thomas Paine, Robert Roth, and A Reason to Vote,

Chapter 20 The Patriot Printers, Hampton Roads, Extraterrestrial Life, and Oneness with the Universe,

Chapter 21 Shirley MacLaine, Forgotten Patriot,

Chapter 22 Caroline Myss, Benjamin Franklin, and Physicians of the Revolution,

Chapter 23 Representatives of the Universal Human,

Chapter 24 Benjamin Rush, Martin Luther, a Science of Spirit, and the New Reformation,

Chapter 25 Epilogue: Fable of the Good Apples,

Appendix Linguistic Analysis of the John B. Gordon/Jeffrey Keene Case,



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