The Restless Universe
This highly readable introduction to modern physics was written by Nobel laureate Max Born. The book begins with an explanation of the kinetic theory of gases, providing a step-by-step development of general concepts of Newtonian mechanics and thermodynamics. Subsequent chapters discuss the structure of the atom and aspects of nuclear physics.
The Restless Universe
This highly readable introduction to modern physics was written by Nobel laureate Max Born. The book begins with an explanation of the kinetic theory of gases, providing a step-by-step development of general concepts of Newtonian mechanics and thermodynamics. Subsequent chapters discuss the structure of the atom and aspects of nuclear physics.
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The Restless Universe

The Restless Universe

by Max Born
The Restless Universe

The Restless Universe

by Max Born


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This highly readable introduction to modern physics was written by Nobel laureate Max Born. The book begins with an explanation of the kinetic theory of gases, providing a step-by-step development of general concepts of Newtonian mechanics and thermodynamics. Subsequent chapters discuss the structure of the atom and aspects of nuclear physics.

Product Details

ISBN-13: 9780486320717
Publisher: Dover Publications
Publication date: 08/29/2013
Sold by: Barnes & Noble
Format: eBook
Pages: 352
File size: 15 MB
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Read an Excerpt

The Restless Universe

By Max Born, Winifred M. Deans

Dover Publications, Inc.

Copyright © 1951 Dover Publications, Inc.
All rights reserved.
ISBN: 978-0-486-32071-7


The Air and its Relatives

IT is odd to think that there is a word for something which, strictly speaking, does not exist, namely, "rest".

We distinguish between living and dead matter; between moving bodies and bodies at rest. This is a primitive point of view. What seems dead, a stone or the proverbial "doornail", say, is actually for ever in motion. We have merely become accustomed to judge by outward appearances; by the deceptive impressions we get through our senses.

We shall have to learn to describe things in new and more accurate ways. We say, "The air in the cinema is 'bad'; the hill air is 'good', " But goodness or badness is not a property of the but of what is mixed with it—dust, soot, water-vapour, &c. Now, just what is air?

1. Air Pressure.

We are using air all the time as we breathe in and out, and, as we know, our lungs get from it the oxygen we need to keep us alive. This is Chemistry, which we shall leave till later.

By keeping our mouths shut we can puff out our cheeks with the air. This is Physics; in fact, it is the simplest possible experiment on air pressure. We can learn a good deal more about air, however, by using an air pump, say a bicycle pump. When we push down the top of the pump (the piston) we squeeze the air inside the pump together, i.e. we compress it. The air then pushes open a valve and finds its way into the tyre. You may have noticed that by the time you have finished pumping up, the pump is quite hot. You may think that this is due to friction, like the warmth you feel if you rub the palms of your hands together. True, some of the heat is due to friction, but most of it is due to something else. Here is an experiment to prove it. Unscrew the pump and just pump into the air. Now the pump scarcely heats up at all. In pumping up the tyre, therefore, we have an example of heating by compression.

A bicycle pump is a compression pump. There are also suction pumps, which suck the air out of a closed vessel. They are used, for example, in making electric lamps; the bulbs are pumped free of air to prevent the fine metal filaments burning away. As a result of modern advances in science, we can now make very efficient pumps indeed, which can remove almost every trace of air (or gas) from a closed vessel. But we cannot go into the details of pump construction here; what we are interested in is the question, what is this substance air, which resists our attempts to squeeze it together and immediately spreads itself all through any space offered to it?

Think of a class at school just before the holidays. When the bell rings and the classroom door is opened, the children hurry out and in a minute or two the classroom is "rarefied" (almost empty). For a few minutes there is a low "concentration" of children in the corridors, but soon all of them find their way out at the main door. The holidays have begun, and inside the school there is a "vacuum" (1).

This is very like the idea which physicists have had of the nature of air, at least for the last hundred years or more. The physicist takes it for granted that air merely consists of a lot of small particles which he calls molecules. These molecules are flying about all the time and are continually colliding with one another and with the wall of the vessel containing them. If a part of the wall is movable, like the piston of an air pump (2), the continual hailstorm of particles will push it out, unless something on the other side of it prevents it moving out. The swarm of molecules tends to spread evenly throughout any space available, and if we try to make the air "thicker" (denser) by squeezing it together (as in the bicycle pump) the molecules will find their way through any chink or crevice until they are once more spread evenly (though more thinly) throughout the space.

You may say, "Yes, this is likely enough; but how are you going to prove it? Why do the molecules have 'that holiday feeling' which makes them rush out at the door like children from school?"

Good. What we have done is to make a physical theory, and we must be prepared to produce evidence in favour of our theory.

The theory is called the kinetic theory of gases. The Greek word for motion is kinema, so that the name means that the theory is based on the motion of the molecules, i.e. on their restlessness. And the theory does not apply to air only, but is generally believed to hold for all its relatives, the other gases, such as oxygen and nitrogen, the constituents of air; hydrogen, which burns, and carbon dioxide, which puts out a flame; the poisonous carbon monoxide, the strong-smelling ammonia, the greenish-yellow chlorine, the so-called inert gases neon and argon, which do not react chemically at all, and others too numerous to mention.

At one time scientists were accustomed to draw a distinction between "permanent" gases, which could not be liquefied, and other gases which were known to be the "vapours" of liquid or solid substances, bearing the same relation to them as steam does to water. As lower and lower temperatures (3) were reached, however, one gas after another was liquefied; first carbon dioxide (at —78-5[degrees] C), then air (at —193[degrees] C), and other familiar gases. The last gas to resist liquefaction was helium; but at last Kamerlingh-Onnes succeeded in liquefying this gas also, at the extremely low temperature of — 269[degrees] C.

It is clear, then, that there is no real difference between a gas and a vapour. Conversely, every liquid or solid substance can be vaporized, i.e. transformed into a genuine gas, by the application of high temperatures. There is no substance, not even iron or gold or platinum, that will not melt and vaporize if the heat is great enough. One of the most difficult metals to vaporize is tungsten, the boiling-point of which is estimated to be 4800[degrees] C.

Thus the concept of a gas includes every sub-stance whatever—provided the temperature is suffi-ciently high; and the kinetic theory of gases is believed to apply to all substances in the gaseous state.

We must now bring forward evidence in favour of the kinetic theory.

2. Collisions and their Effects.

Can we suggest any other theory? For example, we might think of air as consisting not of particles rushing about all the time, but of particles which have come to rest in the vessel, with forces of repulsion acting between them. If the volume were increased, the particles would be free to expand under these mutual repulsions.

A theory, to be of any real use to us, must satisfy two tests. In the first place, it must not make use of any ideas which are not confirmed by experiment. Special assumptions must not be dragged in merely to meet some particular difficulty. In the second place, the theory must not only explain all the facts we know already, but must also enable us to foresee other facts which were not known before and can be tested by further experiment.

Now we shall consider our alternative theory. The assumption that the particles of air repel one another does not even agree with all the facts we know already, and has quite definitely been dragged in here to meet a particular difficulty. For it is well known that air can be liquefied by cooling and compression. That is, when the molecules of air are brought very close to one another, they attract one another and stick together. But two drops of liquid air should strongly repel one another, if each particle of the one repelled each particle of the other originally, that is, when the particles were farther apart. The repulsion theory will not do.

The kinetic theory, on the other hand, depends on something that we already know to be true, namely, the laws of the mechanics of moving bodies, in particular, the law of inertia and the laws of collisions.

Most people associate the word mechanics with workshops and machinery. Here, however, we are not concerned with the mechanics of lathes and milling-machines, but with a branch of science which originated from astronomy and which deals with moving bodies and the laws which govern their motion. Unfortunately, bodies on the earth are so crowded together and are subject to so many uncontrollable influences that it is difficult to observe the laws of motion in all their purity and simplicity. On the contrary, it is necessary to devise very artificial experiments, which the reader may vaguely remember from tedious physics lessons—experiments with pendulums (4) or apparatus for recording the fall of bodies, and so on. Anyone who thinks he has already heard enough about the laws of motion can omit the rest of this section—perhaps he will come back to it later.

For the benefit of other readers, however, we shall give a brief account of the most important laws of mechanics. These laws have been known since the time of Galileo, who was the first to state the ideas of velocity, acceleration, mass, force, &c, clearly and to illustrate their meaning by examples. As our example we shall take the familiar game of billiards (5).

The field where mechanics has really demonstrated its value is the theory of the motions of the heavenly bodies founded by Newton. Having stood the test in the heavens, it has, so to speak, been brought down to earth again to explain terrestrial phenomena.

The first fundamental law of mechanics is the law of inertia, which states that every body which is free to move without interference from other bodies retains the motion which it already has.

Clearly a statement like this is difficult to test by experiments on the earth. For how are we ever to isolate a body so that it is free from all outside influences? At best we cannot get rid of gravity, the attracting force of the earth itself. In the case of the billiard ball, however, the condition is at least partly fulfilled. As gravity acts vertically downwards, it can have no effect on the horizontal motion of the ball; and, apart from the action of the cue, no other forces are involved except a little friction and air resistance. The game of billiards, in fact, is just a succession of applications of the law of inertia. The stroke gives the ball a certain velocity, and it goes on rolling with this velocity long after the completion of the stroke. The same thing is exemplified in any ball game, and in many other cases; for example, a motor-car does not stop the instant the engine is switched off.

Inertia, however, is a property which can exist in different amounts. Suppose we replace the ivory billiard ball by a light ping-pong ball. A stroke which would make the billiard ball run slowly for a long distance over the green cloth gives the ping-pong ball a great velocity which dies away very rapidly, so that the ping-pong ball may even come to rest in a shorter time than the billiard ball. The property on which this difference of behaviour depends we call the mass of the ball. Here we are using the word mass in an artificial sense, as a measure of inertia, not, as in ordinary speech, as a quantity of substance. The inertia of the billiard ball is greater than that of the ping-pong ball; the heavier ball is less accelerated than the lighter ball when both are started from rest by equal strokes, but, on the other hand, the heavier ball retains its velocity more persistently against the frictional forces than the lighter ball does.

The reader must understand quite clearly that "heavy" does not mean the same as "inert". The weight of a body acts vertically downwards. If we lay the two balls in succession on the pan of a kitchen spring-balance, they compress the spring by different amounts, owing to their different weights (6). In the stroke with the billiard cue, however, gravity does not come in, as it has no effect in a horizontal direction. Here the differing results of equal strokes arise from the difference as regards persistence of motion or inertia. Weight is a measure of gravitational force, mass a measure of inertia.

To determine the mass of a body we might expect to have to make some such experiment as the following. We set up an apparatus which enables us to give each ball an equal impetus, say a pendulum with a hammer-shaped bob which is always made to fall from the same height before hitting the ball (7). If we use balls of all possible kinds, either solid or hollow, made of lead, brass, wood, celluloid, &c, but all of the same size and all equally smooth, we find that the velocities acquired by them are all different. We say that a ball which is driven off at only half the velocity of another has a mass twice that of the latter, and so on.

Fortunately, however, such experiments (which, it is safe to say, could not be performed very accurately) are not necessary. For there is a fundamental theorem, due to Newton, which states that weight and mass are always exactly proportional to one another. Both weight and mass, then, must depend on the same inner property of the substance.

That this theorem is true is proved by the fact that in a vacuum all bodies fall at the same rate. True, a heavier body is attracted more strongly by the earth, but its greater inertia enables it to resist acceleration to an exactly corresponding extent. The fact that the two effects just balance one another can be tested very accurately by means of experiments with pendulums or similar apparatus (8). Here again the driving force is the weight, and the inertia always acts against it. It is found that pendulums of the same length with bobs of differing weight perform exactly the same number of oscillations in a given time.

The deeper meaning of this equality of weight and mass did not merely escape the notice of the great Newton, but was unsuspected during the next two centuries, and has only in our own time been revealed by Einstein's theory of gravitation. This, however, lies outside the scope of the present book.

We shall always use the words weight and mass interchangeably. As regards units and numerical values, to be sure, a distinction must be made. The gramme (gm.) is the (scientific) unit of mass, and was chosen in quite an arbitrary way for practical reasons. The weight of this mass of 1 gm. is the force with which it is pulled down (accelerated) by gravity. As a body falling freely is found to acquire an acceleration of 981 cm. per sec. per sec., the weight of 1 gm. is 981 force units or dynes. That is, a dyne is the weight of 1/981 gm. or about 1/1000 gm. (1 milligram (mgm.)).

The product of the mass of a body and its velocity we call the momentum of the body. If one billiard ball collides with a second ball, part of the momentum of the first ball is transferred to the second: the momentum is distributed in some way or other between the two balls, but its total amount remains the same. This is just another way of saying that the centre of gravity of the system of two balls continues to move on unchanged in a straight line both before and after the collision. We illustrate the collision of the balls by a drawing of a piece of film showing a number of successive positions of the balls and of their common centre of gravity (9).

Forces like gravity, which act continuously all the time, may be imagined as made up of a great number of very small impulses. Each impulse alters the momentum by an imperceptible amount, but in time the effect becomes appreciable, and we have the law of motion

Time-rate of Change of Momentum = Force.

This is Newton's original statement of the law; we shall use it later, because it is readily adapted to the modern modifications of mechanics which have arisen from the theory of relativity (Chapter II, p. 73). As a rule, however, the law is stated in another way. As momentum is the product of mass and velocity, and the time-rate of change of velocity is acceleration, we may write

Mass × Acceleration = Force.


Excerpted from The Restless Universe by Max Born, Winifred M. Deans. Copyright © 1951 Dover Publications, Inc.. Excerpted by permission of Dover Publications, Inc..
All rights reserved. No part of this excerpt may be reproduced or reprinted without permission in writing from the publisher.
Excerpts are provided by Dial-A-Book Inc. solely for the personal use of visitors to this web site.

Table of Contents

I. The Air and its Relatives
II. Electrons and Ions
III. Waves and Particles
IV. The Electronic Structure of the Atom
V. Nuclear Physics
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