Resolving Sexual Issues with Creative Mindpower Techniques: The Difinitive Self-Help Self Hypnosis Guide

Resolving Sexual Issues with Creative Mindpower Techniques: The Difinitive Self-Help Self Hypnosis Guide

Resolving Sexual Issues with Creative Mindpower Techniques: The Difinitive Self-Help Self Hypnosis Guide

Resolving Sexual Issues with Creative Mindpower Techniques: The Difinitive Self-Help Self Hypnosis Guide


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This book offers simple yet extremely powerful and effective ways to help people understand and overcome most sexual and relationship problems.

Product Details

ISBN-13: 9781426951213
Publisher: Trafford Publishing
Publication date: 12/23/2010
Pages: 192
Product dimensions: 5.50(w) x 8.50(h) x 0.44(d)

Read an Excerpt

RESOLVING SEXUAL ISSUES with Creative Mindpower Techniques

A Self Hypnosis Self Help Guide
By Frank W. Lea

Trafford Publishing

Copyright © 2011 Dr. Frank W. Lea, DD, Dip.NLP(Master Practitioner), RPHH, APHP
All right reserved.

ISBN: 978-1-4269-5121-3

Chapter One


The terms hypnosis and hypnotherapist are familiar to most people but new to others so the question is often asked "what is hypnosis?" To answer this it helps to describe the work of the hypnotherapist. Originally hypnotherapy was, and often still is, a suggestion based therapy where some concept, idea or suggestion is put forward to the client. This form of therapy is particularly useful to help a person stop smoking for instance.

What is hypnotherapy? As with other therapies, hypnotherapy is used to heal, the one unique and vital factor of difference is that hypnotherapy is directed at healing through the power of the subconscious mind, the supreme human bodily programme. In this way it becomes possible to not only treat the mind itself but the entire bodily system in a natural and safe way. This is possible because no part of the body can function without the mind and no part can perform efficiently and properly if the mind fails to completely fulfil its functions relative to that part.

Hypnotherapy is conducted with the subject in the natural state of hypnosis which gives the therapist direct access to the subconscious mind. It is the subconscious mind that governs us and makes us the personality we are and causes us to react in the way that we do, therefore if we are reacting or behaving in a way that is detrimental to us we can change that just like deleting some unwanted programme from a computer and installing a new and better one. Hypnotherapy is not concerned with disease and general illness though it can assist conventional medicine by stimulating the subject's immune system.

Hypnosis should not be used to replace conventional medicine, rather it should go hand in hand with it for the simple reason that should the subject's condition be a symptom of the mind state and the therapist brings about the relief of that state the condition will be resolved in any case.

Regarding the status of hypnotherapy, whether it is an alternative or complimentary therapy I suggest the answer is neither. The hypnotherapist is the only practitioner specialising through hypnosis, therefore it can be considered a separate branch of medicine. Because of the uniqueness of hypnotherapeutic approach and the fact that it is directed at treating the most significant organ of the human body, hypnotherapy must ultimately become recognised as of equal if not more importance than other medical approaches.

Hypnosis can be used to treat a very wide range of conditions, commonly neurotic ones, but also those that appear to be non-neurotic, in fact the hypnotherapist can resolve physiological conditions also, for example slipped discs, trapped nerves and mysterious pains that defy conventional medical treatment. Hypnosis can also be used to help the body heal rapidly following surgical operations or injury, I use it a lot to prepare a person for surgery to enhance the success of the operation and speed the recovery process, indeed a recent client I helped in this way reported that the surgeon and medical staff were amazed at her recovery rate. The hypnotherapist can help a subject to permanently alter his mental reactions and by doing so become more positive, fulfilled or at ease, the subject can be helped to perform better at sports, public speaking, tests and exams, and the mother to be can be helped to experience easier labour and more comfortable child birth.

Hypnosis can release such conditions as depression, migraine, panic attacks, hay fever, and allergies, eating disorders, improve self-confidence and self-esteem and many other problems, conditions and maladies far more effectively and safely than any conventional medical approach.

Since the mind runs the body and itself, a truly unlimited potential for healing and change exists and the hypnotherapist, through hypnosis, has access to this amazing power.

Further, what the hypnotherapist can do for others he can also do for himself. Right now we only need to catch a glimpse of the possibilities to spur us on and it makes no difference if you are presently sceptical or have doubts about your ability to do these things.

In all my experience as a professional hypnotherapist I have never given or implied a guarantee of any kind but in writing this book I can happily give a guarantee to provide in easy to understand language and step by step instruction all you will need to be able to heal yourself and others. To practice these self healing techniques you only need average intelligence, common sense and above all, a sense of commitment and conscientiousness.

You will only need a limited medical knowledge and must never ignore any medical advice you may have been given.

With the above qualities and some self-confidence you will be well able to achieve excellent results and amazing successes.

CAUTION when you use the knowledge and skills gained from this book to help someone it is imperative that you observe absolute confidentiality at all times. Personally I do not even discuss clients with my immediate family and if I have occasion to telephone a client I do not state who I am or what I am calling about to anyone else who may answer the phone – it could be that the client has not told anyone that they have consulted me or what they have consulted for.


In this book I will relate many case histories, obviously altered to protect client confidentiality but accurate in essence. There are several good reasons for sharing these case histories. They will help you understand the workings of the mind and are used to emphasise the point being made in the teachings.

Case histories are valuable in helping you to put the knowledge gained from this book into practice.

If you have ever fancied yourself as a detective like Sherlock Holmes you will derive much satisfaction from case histories because the twists and turns and unexpected found in cases of the mind will provide a great deal of intellectual stimulation. This is even truer when conducting your own analytical work


Before you are in a good position to help yourself and others it is essential to understand how the mind works, a good understanding will make it easier to know what you are doing and why you are doing it.

You will also have a better understanding of why you have a particular problem, condition or issue which will help you in deciding the best likely approach to reaching a resolution.

This is certainly not a waste of time and in fact I believe you will find it interesting and fascinating in its own right.

To practice self-hypnosis it is only necessary to consider the mind as simply consisting of the conscious and subconscious parts.


Out of curiosity I once attended a lecture given by an eminent psychiatrist, he began by stating that we only use 10% of our brain. At risk of upsetting him and the audience I jumped up and asked what do we do with the other 27%. What the psychiatrist meant was that the conscious mind takes up only about 10% of the brain, the remaining 90% being the subconscious.

When you consider what can be done with that 10% conscious mind you begin to get an idea of what the 90% subconscious is capable of.

It is a fact that the conscious mind can only hold one thought at a time, if we attempt to hold a more the one new simply replaces the other. This is a useful trait, imagine you have knocked your ankle and it hurts and you focus on it, if you make yourself think of something else, preferably something pleasant, your conscious mind cannot focus on the ankle therefore you will not be aware of the pain.

The conscious could be described as a 'part-time' mind, working when we are awake and shutting down when we are asleep, it also partly shuts down when we go on 'automatic pilot' as we often do when driving long distances, watching television, reading, carrying out repetitive functions and, I suspect, when doing all this typing. A partial shut-down also occurs in times of daydreaming, 'away with the fairies', stress, anxiety and emotional or dangerous experiences. Quite often we are surprised to realise what we have done or achieved during this partial shut-down or automatic state and in extreme cases of danger we may not even remember what we did.

When fully awake the conscious mind is discriminating, selective, rational, objective and decisive. It is the analytical part of the human mind, the part which holds our conscious thought, chooses actions and takes information from around us and intellectually analyses it. While doing these things the conscious is assisted by the subconscious using memories of past experiences which were similar or connected to the current situation.

If the subconscious has a memory that calls for specific action or reaction it will normally succeed in directing the action or reaction to the present situation. In other words a past experience memory will suggest action or reaction to the current situation being intellectualised by the conscious mind, sometimes overriding the conscious mind by taking over where the situation demands, this is because the conscious mind is relatively slow compared to the speed of thought processes of the subconscious.

Perhaps surprisingly the conscious mind has virtually no memory capacity. In everyday routine activities, the conscious relies on the subconscious to provide memories of previously stored information to assist us with the current situation.

The ability to retrieve information from the subconscious is called recall, and unlike memory which is perfect, the ability to recall varies widely within individuals.

When appropriate the subconscious can spontaneously project the memory of previously stored thoughts and ideas into the conscious mind. This faculty is known as inspiration. In the inspirational experience we may suddenly come upon an amazing solution to a problem – a 'eureka' moment. Occasionally ideas and thought will come to the conscious mind seemingly out of context with the present, for instance, we may have been talking about a person or place and could not remember the name then hours later when we are doing something else the name suddenly pops up.

One very useful aspect of this inspirational faculty is that we can use it to analyse and examine the mind itself, bringing about some self-revelation. This is also the mechanism that brings about the release of subconscious anxiety during analysis in hypnotherapy by returning the memory of an original negative experience (the causal event) that caused the anxiety.

This presents the conscious mind with the opportunity to resolve the negative effects of the experience through re-evaluation and intellectualisation. The recall of such repressed memories is known as an abreaction. The release of the anxiety or problem through the abreaction is known as the catharsis or healing.

A feature of the conscious mind is that we know what it is thinking; therefore the conscious mind is us. One thing the conscious mind can do for us that the subconscious cannot do very well is to deal with an original situation with creative imagination in a rational and intellectual way.

In its thinking the subconscious is only the total sum of all our past experiences that have passed through the conscious mind and have become an accepted programme in the subconscious, whether vetted or not by the conscious mind.

Unless seriously distracted by external events the conscious mind is continually chattering or talking to itself, this is a natural function and is part of its intellectualising and analytical process.

Occasionally with some people this internal self-chatting will be vocalised and where this becomes more habitual the subconscious will join in, given sufficient subconscious anxiety vocalising self-chatting can become more habitual and pronounced and can then be considered as neurotic behaviour.

Under some extreme circumstances the subconscious may take over this self-communication as if the subconscious is dealing with a problem by producing or imagining a 'second person' to talk to. This secondary person is never consciously 'invented', it just becomes taken for granted that the 'second person' exists. This secondary person will share his views and encourage him to talk to it more and more, ultimately leading to psychotic withdrawal.


Way back in time of our evolution the subconscious was the only mind we had, slowly as our evolution progressed the intelligent conscious mind was developed to assist the subconscious. During this process, using a commercial company as a metaphor, it is as though the subconscious appointed our conscious as the managing director while retaining the position of chairman and holding 90% of the shares.

The subconscious has no actual intelligence and that is why the conscious mind evolved to give us this additional resource. The subconscious is our programme; it runs the entire body as well as our spontaneous mental reactions and inclinations. It is wholly animalistic, having no regard for moral right or wrong, it depends on our conscious mind to make such judgements. The subconscious works relentlessly to its programme.

The subconscious works full time, every moment of every day, even during sleep the subconscious continues to direct the processes of digestion, repair and maintenance of the body and carries out thousands of functions simultaneously. Unlike the conscious mind the subconscious can process information at supersonic speed and is able to pick up and accept information and facts about what is going on around us as flashed messages too brief and fast for our conscious mind to be aware of.

These 'flashed' messages are referred to as subliminal and can become instantly accepted by the subconscious without the benefit of analysis or intellectualisation through the conscious mind. This is the reason why subliminal therapy recordings can work and help people who use them even though the volume is turned down so that the recording is inaudible.

In the USA an experiment was conducted where near the end of a movie an advertisement for popcorn was very briefly flashed on the screen, too fast to be registered by the conscious mind. As a result of this the sales of popcorn immediately rose by eight hundred percent. This sort of advertising is now illegal.

The ability of the subconscious to respond to subliminal messages is a vital part of our self-preservation, picking up on body language or sensing that something is wrong or not as it should be. Some people are highly developed in this way, often referred to as having a good sixth sense; it also gives rise to what we commonly call gut feelings or instinct.

Although it lacks in intelligence the subconscious is brilliantly clever as it remembers everything that we have seen, heard, felt or experienced since before our actual birth and has constant access to all this information. The subconscious memory is perfect and during therapy I have been able to help a client recall what was said by his parents before he was actually born and in many instances I have had clients accurately describe the events, feelings and sounds experienced during the birth process which have later been verified as true and accurate. You will learn how to do this later in the book, it can often be the original cause of the problems a client comes to you with.

This ability of the subconscious to remember everything and forget nothing often proves useful when helping a person succeed in exams and such because we know that the subconscious remembers everything the person has studied towards the exam and it is only nerves or lack of confidence that prevents them from recalling the information. In hypnosis we can ask the subconscious to ensure the person does recall whatever information he needs to answer the examination questions.

We have no conscious knowledge of the thought processes of the subconscious, we only experience the results of it, however, we do get a brief glimpse of the workings of the subconscious through dreams.

The subconscious is very reluctant to use words because language is the product of our conscious mind. The subconscious works almost entirely in pictures (this point should be well remembered because in inducing self-hypnosis and hypnosis in others it is wise to use words in such a way as to lead the subconscious to create pictures or an image of whatever it is you need it to think about).

During sleep, when the intelligent conscious mind is inactive, ideas and thoughts are manifested in dreams and can be depicted as distorted images and bizarre sequences. The subconscious will suddenly change scenes in a totally illogical way or produce ideas completely out of context; we can even 'see' ourselves doing miraculous things like breathing under water or flying around the world like superman.


Excerpted from RESOLVING SEXUAL ISSUES with Creative Mindpower Techniques by Frank W. Lea Copyright © 2011 by Dr. Frank W. Lea, DD, Dip.NLP(Master Practitioner), RPHH, APHP. Excerpted by permission of Trafford Publishing. All rights reserved. No part of this excerpt may be reproduced or reprinted without permission in writing from the publisher.
Excerpts are provided by Dial-A-Book Inc. solely for the personal use of visitors to this web site.

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