Reclaiming the Strike Zone: Do it American

Reclaiming the Strike Zone: Do it American

by Victor Alexander Baltov, Jr.
Reclaiming the Strike Zone: Do it American

Reclaiming the Strike Zone: Do it American

by Victor Alexander Baltov, Jr.


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America has steadily regressed from a Republic under the Sign of the Cross towards a mobacracy under the Sign of the Scorpion. Social responsibility and the ethics of conscience have vacated the Field of Dreams like a Baroid tater -- an “all about me” cult of celebrity has evolved. Reclaiming the Strike Zone traces the metaphorical cleat marks through “forbidden” history. The Inside Baseball version of the Soviet Socialist Paradise and Nazi Germany is pitched “shekel free.” Sub-systems of the American superstructure featuring education, entertainment, youth activities and family are explored in-depth. The search for something that has been lost -- the secret of the American Dream and American Exceptionalism -- is pursued. All base paths lead to the Christian Church and Jewish Nation. Wise Christian philosophy has been Billy-Goated off the playing field -- secular humanism has taken The Hill. Karl Marx and Sigmund Freud have taken a turn at-bat and gone long. Red tide has been harnessed into Economic Determinism by the F&F Boys. The hidden ball trick has been pulled on the sheeple. Disciples of General Zod lack American patriotism. Time is of the essence to restore what has been taken -- it’s the bottom of the 9th with two away. DO IT AMERICAN and “don’t give up the ship” are battle cries. Intellectual Millenials must step up to the plate and reclaim what their baby booming Spock baby parents baptized in Dewey waters booted. Identifying the proton pseudos and resetting is the task. Restoring sub-systems [especially education] while playing small ball is the answer. Truth and patriotic leadership are catalysts. A burning desire to be an American -- free and independent -- without getting JFK’d is the secret. There is a happy ending -- it is certain. The Good News delivers that promise.

Product Details

ISBN-13: 9781477254868
Publisher: AuthorHouse
Publication date: 09/18/2012
Sold by: Barnes & Noble
Format: eBook
File size: 803 KB

Read an Excerpt

Reclaiming the Strike Zone

Do it American
By Victor Alexander Baltov, Jr.


Copyright © 2012 Victor Alexander Baltov, Jr.
All right reserved.

ISBN: 978-1-4772-5488-2

Chapter One

Game Summary

"Be sure to put your feet in the right place, then stand firm." - Abraham Lincoln.

Paralleling the late October 1991 north Atlantic voyage of the Andrea Gail, America has lost its way [as a Constitutional Republic] - or its mind. Metaphorically, it's located at coordinates 44N 56.4W steaming west - straight into hell! Say it ain't so. The essence of the American way, its Whitfield-Christian backbone and soul, is nonexistent in either expression or psyche. The reason for America's mere existence has methodically surrendered to amoral General Zod.

Max Mercy Media, as shameless influence peddlers, are playing fiddles [big megaphones] as Rome burns, either because they hate what Rome represents or they want to keep people calm and entertained. And to think Governor Morris, one of the most important Founding Fathers, believed that the U.S. Constitution would not work for France because the French had low moral character.

A Child of Baseball, born into the Glory Days of New York baseball, laments: "How can this be?" Whether it's the sub-systems of family, youth activities, government, education, entertainment or business, Marxian amoral secular-humanist tenets have replaced sage Christian principles and values in day-to-day living. They collectively shape Economic Determinism of the Synthetic Era. Karl Marx in his 1848 Communist Manifesto said, "The Communists disdain to conceal their views and aims."

Inclusiveness is substituted for decency - a pretty bad trade from a baseball perspective where the integrity of the game has traditionally been its trademark. Synthetic Era Realty TV shows such as Keeping up with the Kardashians or Hogan Knows Best signify humanist "upgrades" to Leave It to Beaver and Father Knows Best. The Lilith effect has spawned the Synthetic Era "new man" of the house to be nothing but a schlum starring in his metaphorical reality show titled Father Knows Nothing.

Middle Ages Catholic humanist Niccolo Machiavelli described the "if ya can't beat 'em, join 'em" phenomena best in his infamous book The Prince - the handbook for gangsters. He stated there is nothing wrong with living a moral life [in the Catholic/Christian philosophy context], but it only works in an environment where everyone is moral; otherwise it is a path to poverty where nice guys finish last. The American Dream within the framework of Ben Franklin's gift of the Constitutional Republic - entrenched in liberty and natural law, designed only for a moral and religious people - allows for nice guys, like Joe DiMaggio, to finish first.

I believe something has been lost; an American way of life based upon Whitfield-Christian founding philosophy responsible for a noble country. What is needed is progressive "American" change, not deceptive reversal Darwinist Freudian-Marxian change. America got off to a great start in the wake of George Washington and the Spirit of '76 but encountered stiff headwinds during the Dead Ball Era. The liberal-fascist tyrant - Wilson, The Petticoat President - set the Marxian ball in motion with his progressive agenda marked by red-shield induced WWI [for the sport of it] and the appointment of Oliver Wendell Holmes to the Supreme Court in 1920.

Reclaiming the Strike Zone requires an internal medicine approach to cure a very sick and toxic American superstructure. The prescription for a clean bill of health requires removal of toxins causing the disease, painstakingly, one sub-system at a time. That means following George Washington and the Spirit of '76 supported by Biblical Christian principles and values instead of George Soros and the Masonic spirit of secularism supported by humanist tenets.

The American psyche and soul has fallen victim to a classic Marxian deceptive reversal. Jews for centuries were unwanted in the European Christian culture. Societies were guarded against toxic nature without the Good News ingrained in their consciousness.

Important sub-systems of the Synthetic Era American superstructure forbid straight talk. Only political correctness supported by the State religion of secular humanism is allowed. It mirrors the Nekum pitch tossed by the Judeo-Masonic Bolsheviks that de-Christianized Russia in 1917. Instead of Manhattan Jewish Bolsheviks de-Christianizing Russia, Manhattan secular humanists have spearheaded de-Christianizing America. Metaphorical pitch recognition reveals an eerie irony to the orchestrated plot. The same high-minded Christian element facing extermination on American soil hated by non-religious Jews is the same component that saved Jews in Europe from synthetic extinction!

A distinction must be made between religious and non-religious Jews, both of which are anti-Semitic towards each other. A dramatic difference between the two is self-evident by the little known fact that they have had very little communication or association with one another in the State of Israel. The religious group views the other group as toxic and the non- religious group views the other group as extreme and judgmental.

The Jewish Question that dominated European Christian psyche for centuries needs to be answered by American Millenials. The American Jew is allowed to be, first and foremost, a Jew with first allegiance to General Zod, instead of a melting pot American citizen. Anybody daring to challenge receives a classic Marxian deceptive reversal, the metaphorical gas chambers. "That's how it goes ... Everybody knows." - Leonard Cohen. The Millenials must also sort out the economic mess created by their baby booming Spock baby parents [baptized in Dewey Waters and confirmed in the streets of San Francisco during the '67 Summer of Love and at Woodstock on Yagur's farm in '69].

Growing up in the Garden State, I encountered two very distinct competing philosophical cultures: Catholic [aligned with the founders] and Jewish [more closely aligned with Marx], with Catholic predominating due to greater mass supporting the Economic Determinism of the era. Synthetic Era America has experienced a decisive shift in favor of the minority social ruling class dictating Economic Determinism without understanding the dynamics. Americans practice secular-humanist principles and values enforced by political correctness due to preference for hubris [as a virtue], pleasure, and freedom "from" responsibility.

Secular humanism subtly promotes shameless replacement-theology tenets that Billy-Goat individual personal responsibility and social responsibility - a Christian thing that is "so yesterday." Instead of fighting the good fight, many churches have succumbed to Marxian Reformation - becoming passive facilitators of secular humanism by preaching nothing but love, community [collectivism], tolerance and prosperity. The opposite of love can be indifference. Playing within the founding strike zone of traditional Biblical principles and values has become politically incorrect and downright loony. It has forced adaptation to a more Masonic Marxian strike zone tailor-made for the secular-humanist.

More than three score years and a century ago, a bushy-headed pair of bearded radical material minded revolutionaries set out to de-Christianize the Western world by offering an alternative playbook for living. Instead of the Old and New Testament, it was the Communist Manifesto and Das Capital. Militant atheist and vicious anti-Christian, Karl Marx, was born into a European-Christian culture ingrained for centuries. The Holy Roman Empire had been entrenched in day-to-day life for 1,000 years when Marx was born into the world in the Germanic Kingdom of Prussia in 1818. For centuries, the plight of the "wandering" Jew in European Christian culture ranged from "totally unwanted" to that of a second class citizen.

A great Protestant Christian religious revival had swept Europe during the 1700s led by John Wesley and George Whitfield [the Johnny Appleseed of the gospel in America]. Marx was Jewish and the world he lived in was very uncomfortable and annoying. He hated it so much that he devoted his entire lifetime to its de-Christianization. Marx thought atheism, or cousins such as secular humanism, would cure injustices caused by Christian philosophy supporting the class system. He was wrong. It deceptively reverses the injustice problem by making the traditional Biblical Christians receptors of injustice. Baseball is a perfect example of The Fix in economic favor of the material-minded secular-humanist.

The physically-repulsive community-organizing Karl Marx set out to change a European-Christian way of life he despised as a developing child. As a Jew, he abhorred being forced to adapt to straight talk not instinctively inherent. While a young boy, the mandate that his father convert to Christianity to practice law in his native Kingdom of Prussia lit a fire under him to change an unjust world. Along with sidekick, Fredrick Engels, it was posited that the root problem was capitalism and religion supporting the class system for generations. The Catholic Church and the 1000-year reign of Holy Roman Empire, and the Orthodox Christian Church in Russia with the 200+-year reign of the Czars were prime examples of the dominant European religious presence.

Marx theorized that people gravitated to religion out of a need for comfort and security. It empowered individuals to project themselves into a much better [make believe] place than the actual harsh and barbaric surroundings they lived in. He concluded that any person seeking and praying to a hiding God had to be delusional - clinically insane. To explain how all the intelligently designed, perfectly calibrated [for human existence] material stuff in the world actually got here in the first place, a history of the world based totally on material explanations with no god was manufactured. The design, construction, rotation and orbit of planet earth inhabited by diverse self-renewing life forms dependent upon the sun and its positioning is just one example of intelligent design. He coined his "witches brew" of ideas dialectical materialism, which was full of inconsistencies and hypocrisy.

To solve the problem of lack of truth and contradictions, Marx simply engaged in a new form of communication that only intelligent liberal elites [like him] could understand - dialectical mumbo jumbo. Fellow Big League Scorpion, Vladimir Lenin, would harness Marx's theories and communication method to instigate the Russian revolution. It served to de-Christianize Russia by overthrowing and murdering its religious symbol, the Czar and his Royal Family. A small group of atheistic humanist Marxist thugs filled the ruling void.

The goal of global Marxism, a.k.a. Utopia, Trotskyism, One Global Family, One World Order, New World Order, is to de-Christianize moral backbone. Sheeple can then be easily rounded up and controlled. Metaphorically, the song lyrics from Rawhide are playing in the background. De-Christianizing methods include Communism in Russia, Fabian secular Socialism in Great Britain, and secular humanism in America. All three are nothing but distant cousins of paganism from the Roman Empire.

The global progressive march employs the REDRUM-007 spitball [as needed] to restrain pitchers from throwing inside to batters. Such unfairness encourages hitters to hang over the plate and attack the strike zone with anti-Christian rips. Instead of Christian-based religion, sex, drugs and entertainment have filled the void for comfort and fulfillment.

The American culture has been heated up and had its Christian roots hammered away at. It has been getting roughed up by Darwinist Freudian-Marxian forces with names like Dewey, Bernays, Adorno, Spock, Counts, Rugg, Kohlberg, Simon, Alinsky and Soros to produce the Zionist Humanist States of Babylonian Entertainment, a.k.a. Kramerica. In the wake of intense liberal fascism, a question begs an answer: Is America still a "free" society and will the remnants of Western Culture survive? This is a very big deal when examining anemic batting average stats for liberty posted by "team mankind" during recorded history: .050. Ninety- five percent of the time, mankind has lived in some kind of a slavery or bondage environment!

Since the Garden of Eden approximately 6,000 years ago, a continuous struggle between forces of righteousness and evil has existed. Good men from every generation, time and place have fought the good fight against the serpent. Vicious intentions have been restrained and defeated so that mankind might prosper in a free society motivated by individual religious concepts.

Synthetic Era America is very different. Good people would rather preserve economic livelihood and prestige. They engage in political correctness instead of passionately battling Marxian forces of change during every at-bat. Similar to the days prior to the fall of the Roman Empire, Christians [tied closely in ideology to that of America's founding] have been driven to the catacombs. Religious practice is nothing but rituals, a place to mingle with the folks, eat food and perform service work similar to a blue lodge.

Americans are surrendering to George Soros and the One World Order without a battle. They are caught in a riptide of unprecedented historical economic prosperity and feeling good without being good. The Economic Determinism of the Synthetic Era has created a mad race to accumulate material stuff bringing momentary happiness that is fleeting - completely void of joy which is permanent. Satan's main Synthetic Era target is America. His task is to enslave all mankind in a godless bondage state of hopelessness.

The complete secularization of society has precipitated liberalism in schools and churches, Socialism in government, and humanism in overall day-to-day activities. Good people have ignored relentless liberal fascism. They fear engaging in battle affecting livelihood - or they are simply indifferent, which can be worse than hate. Evil is a big-time winner due to "we the people" seeking satisfaction through Desperate Housewives, Jersey Shore and The Apprentice, made possible by the firm support of Viagra/ Cialis/Levitra/Extenz commercials. Say it ain't so.

Over fifty years have passed since Martin Luther King Jr. was grilled on the April 17, 1960 edition of Meet the Press and walked the steps of the Lincoln Memorial on August 28 of that same year. As a man with black skin, Reverend King lived in an American system that was simply un- American. If the founders were men of God [which they were] and their Declaration of Independence clearly stated that "All Men are Created Equal," then why were black Americans being deprived of freedom and the pursuit of happiness? The simple answer lies in the Marxian concept of Economic Determinism!

The "character" of Dr. King revealed a man of deep genuine Christian faith void of Marxian Reformation. It served as his "high road" approach, declaring: "When man's law is in conflict with God's law, man has an obligation to peacefully protest," and "I have a dream that one day all men will be judged by the content of their character and not the color of their skin."

M. L. King Jr. would not rest until fulfilling his mission to cause America to live up to the true meaning of its creed in spite of the Economic Determinism of his era. Black people reside in a totally different Synthetic Era America than what existed in 1960, however, man's law remains in total conflict with God's law. People are not judged by the content of their "American" character whatsoever, but by their secular-humanist degree of tolerance and relativeness that political correctness affords. American character is distinguished by the relentless pursuit of "unattainable" perfection within the rule of law, while "genuinely" accepting both individual personal responsibility and social responsibility. Indifference is never the American way.

More than 100 years before, Europe had an extremely obsessive man who was also determined to bridge the gap between unequal classes. While luck of the draw at birth determined one's place in society in Marx's world, the source of unequal justice was not race but social status. While Marx and Dr. King championed the class struggle to cure injustice, their ideologies were polar opposites. Dr. King relied on God, the Old and New Testaments and the "peaceful protest" ideology off ered by Russian novelist Leo Tolstoy and disciple Mahatma Gandhi. Marx bet on man alone to cause change, with violence a necessary means to achieve a desired end.


Excerpted from Reclaiming the Strike Zone by Victor Alexander Baltov, Jr. Copyright © 2012 by Victor Alexander Baltov, Jr.. Excerpted by permission of AuthorHouse. All rights reserved. No part of this excerpt may be reproduced or reprinted without permission in writing from the publisher.
Excerpts are provided by Dial-A-Book Inc. solely for the personal use of visitors to this web site.

Table of Contents


Chapter 1 Game Summary....................1
Chapter 2 Joltin' Joe Has Left And Gone Away! What Happened?....................17
Chapter 3 Give Me The Youth For One Generation....................35
Chapter 4 Pre-Synthetic Era Education Testimonials....................51
Chapter 5 Who Was Karl Marx?....................74
Chapter 6 Foundation of The Progressive Movement....................89
Chapter 7 The Overseas Progressive New World Order....................106
Chapter 8 The Final Progressive Push in America....................130
Chapter 9 Life Is A Cabaret....................153
Chapter 10 Making Of A Man: Male Youth Activities....................178
Chapter 11 The First Human Social Unit....................205
Chapter 12 Content Of Character....................213
Chapter 13 Politically Correct Cheating (Cheat Responsibly)....................240
Chapter 14 Reclaiming The Strike Zone Through Baseball....................251
Chapter 15 Taking Back America: Truth and Reset....................260
Chapter 16 Taking Back America Through Millenial Education And Action....................275
Chapter 17 Bottom of The Ninth, Two Out, Nobody On ....................294
End Notes....................337
Glossary of Terms....................371
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