Quick and Healthy Keto Zone Cookbook: The Holistic Lifestyle for Losing Weight, Increasing Energy, and Feeling Great

Quick and Healthy Keto Zone Cookbook: The Holistic Lifestyle for Losing Weight, Increasing Energy, and Feeling Great

by Don Colbert MD
Quick and Healthy Keto Zone Cookbook: The Holistic Lifestyle for Losing Weight, Increasing Energy, and Feeling Great

Quick and Healthy Keto Zone Cookbook: The Holistic Lifestyle for Losing Weight, Increasing Energy, and Feeling Great

by Don Colbert MD


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Finding quick and healthy recipes that fit your busy lifestyle is challenging. Dr. Colbert tackled this challenge and created his Quick and Healthy Keto Zone Cookbook that follows his proven Keto Zone diet. Not only can you quickly cook wonderful meals, but the meals you eat will help you lose weight, increase your eneregy, and help you feel great! Dr. Colbert shares his best tips for getting into the Keto Zone, provides a shopping list, and a simple meal plan to follow to help you stay in the Keto Zone no matter your schedule. The best bonus is you'll enjoy what you're eating too!

Product Details

ISBN-13: 9780594173533
Publisher: Worthy
Publication date: 01/08/2019
Pages: 224
Sales rank: 1,044,600
Product dimensions: 7.20(w) x 9.10(h) x 0.80(d)

About the Author

Dr. Don Colbert has been board-certified in Family Practice, Anti-aging and Integrative medicine for over twenty-five years. He is an Amazon and New York Times bestselling author of books such as The Seven Pillars of Health, What Would Jesus Eat, What You Don't Know May be Killing You, and many more with over ten million books sold. He is the Medical Director of the Divine Health Wellness Center where he has treated over 50,000 patients. He is also an internationally known expert and prolific speaker on Integrative Medicine. He and his wife, Mary, reside in Orlando, Florida and Dallas, Texas.

Read an Excerpt



My wife, Mary, is my greatest fan as well as my toughest critic. She is always honest and tells it like it is. I knew if she could do the Keto Zone diet, then anyone could.

Within six weeks, she had lost about twenty pounds, and her goal is twenty-five more pounds of weight loss.

"I had no hunger cravings, no sugar or carb cravings, and no light-headedness. Quite honestly, it was far easier than I expected," she said.

Like most people, Mary lost four to five pounds the first week, most of which was water that the body naturally stores. After the first week, she lost one to two pounds of fat a week. We added in some exercise (brisk walking, thirty minutes a day, five days a week) to her routine, and she increased the fat-burning rate to two to three pounds a week. Even if you only lost a single pound per week, in a year that would be fifty-two pounds. Nobody would object to that! What is more, that type of gradual weight loss shows the person is on track and staying in the Keto Zone, which is peak fat-burning mode.

Typically, the simple act of walking fifteen to thirty minutes a day will turn up the burn to about two pounds of weight loss per week.

"In addition to always being hungry, most people on a diet are not sure what they can and cannot eat, so I had Don tell me what to eat, how to shop, and how to do this in the real world," Mary explained.

We worked together to clear out our pantry of foods that would bump us out of the Keto Zone. All the processed foods in boxes were the first to go. We then bought the right ingredients and began to cook differently. Living in the Keto Zone was easier than she first expected.

Not long ago while we were traveling, she took pictures of food in restaurants that she could eat and still remain in the Keto Zone. It helped prove the point that if you want to stay in the zone, you can do it, even if you are eating out.

As for you, there are many questions you may have about foods:

What can I eat? ... that is coming soon.

What can I not eat? ... coming soon.

How do I shop? ... coming soon.

Are there delicious meals and recipes to make? ... coming soon.

The Keto Zone diet is a unique program. You lose weight without starving yourself to death. But that is not all. On the Keto Zone diet, you can expect the following, usually:

• Virtually no hunger cravings

• Full appetite control

• A loss of 1 to 3 pounds per week

• Feelings of happiness

• Significant weight loss

• Plenty of energy

• Improved memory

• No brain fog

• No complaints there!


Test after test, study upon study, bit by bit, I kept breaking down the parts of every ketogenic diet I could get my hands on. If I was going to prescribe it, I was going to understand it. I was going to know how it worked and why. And if I needed to tweak something for a patient or if a question arose, I needed to be able to respond accurately.

After much study and research, I felt it was time to begin implementing the ketogenic diet first with my advanced cancer patients. Admittedly, I still had some questions, but I knew that some questions were best answered by doing rather than by studying. Back to practicing medicine!

In case you are worried at this point, let me reassure you by explaining that I live on the ketogenic diet myself. I have a strong reason why: my dad died of Alzheimer's disease. I did genetic testing years ago on myself and found that I have the risk factor gene for Alzheimer's disease, which is the APOE4 gene. The risk of Alzheimer's is approximately ten times higher in those with the double variant of the gene. Fortunately, I have the single variant of the gene, but still, I am going to do everything I can to prevent getting Alzheimer's. For me, staying on the ketogenic diet is a strong preventative measure. If I start eating a lot of sugars and carbohydrates, I could eventually develop Alzheimer's based on my genetic makeup. I do not want to go down that path. Instead, I control those genes by what I eat, and so can other people. For me, that is my compelling reason to stay in the Keto Zone, my version of a ketogenic diet.

As cancer patients came in for their exams, I recommended they follow a revised ketogenic diet. Even though a cancer specialist had once told me "nobody can stick to a ketogenic diet," I'm telling you, a cancer patient with a one- or two-year life expectancy will do almost anything to live!

The patients followed the diet. It was low-carb, high-fat, and low- to moderate-protein. They carefully monitored their intake of carbohydrates, sugars, proteins, and fats. They gave up some of their comforts and habits, such as ice cream, diet sodas, breads, and alcohol. Together we created menu plans, and I had my patients write out their menus as well as their carb intake, calorie intake, and ketone status and e-mail me their meal plans each week.

One adjustment I made along the way was in the area of animal proteins. There was conflicting research at the time about excessive animal proteins being associated with cancers. I lowered animal protein intake for my patients, but now we know it is mainly the processed animal proteins (such as salami, sausage, pepperoni, hotdogs, and bacon) that are more closely associated with cancer, not so much the unprocessed meats.

Grass-fed meats, I later learned, are much healthier than grain-fed meats. In fact, grass-fed meats have more of all the healthy fats, minerals, and nutrients that our bodies need. A small fatty piece of steak, such as a rib eye from a grass-fed cow, is actually very healthy for you. Of course, we are talking about moderate amounts of protein, as we will discuss later.

It was not long before some of my cancer patients' lives changed dramatically. They got their energy back. They were happier. They lost belly fat. And most importantly, we were able to treat their end-stage cancer as a chronic disease. The diet slowed the cancer growth rates, and for some it was dramatic, by taking away what was fueling the cancer in the first place.

No, not every patient was able to bounce back. Many of the advanced cancer patients did die. The ketogenic diet did not cure their cancer, but for many it went from a highly invasive form to a more commensal state where instead of the cancer thriving, it shifted into more of a survival mode. In other words, for some, thanks to the ketogenic diet that limits sugar and starches, their cancer became much less aggressive. (Appendix D is for advanced-cancer patients.)

A great thing happened: many of my patients were living longer. I started checking their cholesterol levels. After all, they were on a low-carb, high-fat diet. And guess what? Their cholesterol levels usually improved. The HDL (good cholesterol) numbers usually went up, and the LDL (bad cholesterol) numbers typically went down. Here was further proof that the high-fat diet was not killing them.

Thanks to the ketogenic diet, we were also quenching inflammation, which was one of the reasons the diet worked against cancer.

As I focused on trying to help my patients beat or coexist with their cancer, I could not help but notice the other tremendous health benefits of the diet. People were losing weight, especially belly fat, which is the most inflammatory fat in our bodies, but it was much more than weight loss. As the years went by, the list of ailments, diseases, symptoms, and health markers positively affected by the ketogenic diet continued to grow. Here is what I found with most of my patients:

• Sleep disorders usually improved

• Migraines usually improved

• Type 2 diabetes usually improved or reversed

• ADHD and ADD usually improved

• Metabolic function usually restored

• Blood pressure usually lowered

• Fatty liver usually cured

• Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) usually improved

• Dementia (mild to moderate) usually improved and for some cleared up

• Parkinson's (mild to moderate) usually improved and for some cleared up

• Chronic fatigue usually improved

• Energy levels significantly increased for many

• Mental illness, including schizophrenia and bipolar disorder, usually improved

• Fibromyalgia usually improved or cleared up

• Acne many times cleared up or improved

• Autoimmune diseases usually improved or occasionally were sent into remission

• Arthritis (mild, moderate, and even severe) usually improved or was managed, and for some completely cleared up

• Heartburn usually gone or improved

• Enlarged prostate usually improved or reduced to normal

• Gout usually cured, managed, or improved

• Gallstones usually cleared up or improved

• Erectile dysfunction (ED) usually improved or resolved

• Immune system strengthened

• Aging process slowed down

• Joint aches usually improved or eliminated

• Hormones usually balanced or improved

• Polycystic ovary syndrome usually improved or managed

One more thing I noticed with my patients: they had tremendous hope! That alone was worth every effort to push them closer toward a healthy lifestyle.

I knew what I needed to do: Open it up to the rest of the world! I believe the Keto Zone diet is the healthiest diet in the world. The diet, in my opinion, is more important than any medicine, exercise, or supplements. The food that is the diet is what makes it work. Nothing else compares for weight loss, for overcoming or managing sicknesses and disease, and for creating a healthy and balanced lifestyle going forward.

If you have loved ones who have struggled with weight loss or who may have cancer, type 2 diabetes, Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, autoimmune disorder, obesity, heart disease, or another ailment, you may now have a very real answer for them.

As you know, I cannot say the Keto Zone diet will cure every disease. I could get sued for that. But I will boldly state that the Keto Zone diet will go a long way in helping treat, manage, reverse, and sometimes cure many diseases.

And if you are looking to lose weight, the Keto Zone diet is ideal. It works incredibly well. And the positive side effects are off the charts.


On the Keto Zone diet, we lower your daily carb intake to around 20 grams per day, boost your healthy fat intake, and maintain a moderate protein intake. That causes your body to shift to burning fat rather than using the usual sugar as fuel. You have just shifted into the Keto Zone or your fat-burning zone! You are now burning fat as your main fuel and not sugar.

Your insulin numbers come completely under your control at this point, and you can lose as much weight as you want. Carb sensitivity is not an issue because you have temporarily lowered your carb intake below your body's carbohydrate threshold for weight gain, and insulin levels drop dramatically, programming you for weight loss.

When you have reached your ideal weight, you dial up the carbohydrates from 20 grams to around 50 to 100 grams, and you are set. Lean body, healthy, and no more weight gain.

That is how it works. That is the Keto Zone diet in a nutshell. It sounds so simple, and it really is.


When your body is in this fat-burning mode, you are technically in the state of ketosis. Often misunderstood, the word ketosis is admittedly very scary sounding, which is one of the reasons why ketogenic diets as a whole have received such negative press. Scary! Bad! Dangerous! Unsafe! Deadly!

In truth, ketosis is the natural, safe condition where your body is burning fat rather than sugar as its primary fuel source.

You actually come close to ketosis when you sleep. If you eat dinner around 6 p.m. and drink only water before eating breakfast at 6 a.m., your body is very close to the ketosis state after twelve hours of fasting. Fasting longer than twelve hours does the same thing, even more so.

But after you eat breakfast or break your fast, your body usually does not return to ketosis again all day. That is because your body is busy digesting the food you have eaten and breaking down carbs and starches into sugar. If what you ate is the normal low-fat, high-carb diet, burning sugar is all that your body can do for the rest of the day.

Imagine instead if your body was burning fat all day long! Even better, imagine feeling full and satisfied, sharp and alert, with boundless energy and no food cravings for the entire day!

That is what typically happens to your body when you are in the Keto Zone.


There are three foundational health truths that each one of us needs to understand in today's culture. Armed with that reality, we can navigate through life and achieve the results we want with greater ease.

We need to do things differently.


See Sugar and Excessive Carbohydrates as the Enemy

Recognize that we are not just talking about table sugar or candy. The excess carbohydrates and starches we eat are eventually broken down to sugar. Carbs also come in the forms of fruits, bread, certain vegetables (especially potatoes), pasta, beverages, sauces, condiments, most dairy products, canned goods, desserts, yogurt, cereals, grains (wheat, corn, rice, oats), juices, and much more.

Yes, exactly; sugar is in virtually everything we eat.

Carbohydrates in the form of wheat, corn, rice, and potatoes are the most consumed sources of carbs. Our bodies convert these carbs and starches to sugar, which spikes insulin levels, and then usually store any extra calories as fat. Sweets invite disease in and are the enemy of weight loss. Once the sugar (in its various forms, such as breads, pasta, juice, and cereal) gets into our bodies, it creates a chain of events that causes untold damage.

If you are wondering if we are doomed to a life of bland food, know that we are not.

Or maybe we are doomed to a life of sickness? No to that as well.

As for sugars and sweeteners for beverages and cooking, there are several forms of natural sweeteners that are safe. I recommend stevia, monk fruit, and sweet alcohols such as erythritol and xylitol. These are healthy and have a low calorie count, which make them ideal for healthy living and weight loss in the Keto Zone diet. Stevia and monk fruit are both in powder or liquid forms, though liquid is a bit better. (Be careful not to use excessive amounts of xylitol since it can cause gastrointestinal disturbances.)

What about regular sugar, candy, syrup, honey, juices, cookies, breads, pasta, pies, cakes, and all the other countless forms of "sweets" that we grew up on and do not want to leave behind? The answer is to avoid them for now and start making healthy desserts that help push you toward your weight-loss goals.


Know That All Fat Is NOT Your Enemy

I used to think that saturated fat was bad. Come on, everybody has been taught that, right? But is it true? Consider this:

Once you understand and start eating healthy fats, you will control appetite, tame hunger, lose weight, eliminate inflammation, and find your body will usually start to heal itself.

That is a proven fact. And that is healthy. It is also a bit of a mental jump!

To start with, know that we are talking about choosing the right combination of fish oil, healthy monounsaturated fats, and healthy saturated fats; minimizing polyunsaturated fats and choosing healthy ones (for example, walnuts and cold-pressed oil such as grape-seed oil); and never cooking with polyunsaturated fats.

Admittedly, it may take awhile for the new reality — that certain fats are indeed good for you — to sink in and even longer for that reality to become a natural part of life.

Yes, it goes against much of what we have been taught, but it is impossible to argue that our current recommended low-fat, high-carb diet we have followed for generations is actually making us healthier. Quite the opposite is true!

How does eating healthy fats play a part in the Keto Zone diet? And how does it help you lose weight? In a nutshell (and completely explained in the pages to come), this is what happens when your body is in the Keto Zone:

Your body burns stored excess fat as fuel when you reduce your carb intake enough. The healthy fats aid in the fat burning, increased metabolism, appetite control, reduced food cravings, increased energy, feelings of happiness, and clear thinking.

Eating a moderate amount of protein, along with the healthy fats and reduced carbohydrates, turns your body into a fat-burning machine. It is not only natural and healthy; it is really incredible to experience.

For now, know that fat is not your enemy.


Accept the Rules Have Changed

The third foundational health truth is for many the biggest "ah-ha" moment in their understanding of what the Keto Zone diet is, because it helps them understand how it works. When they understand this, all the other pieces of the puzzle seem to fall into place. That is because the rules have changed.

To set the stage, consider this question you may have asked yourself: Why can't I eat what I used to and get away with it?

My patients ask me this all the time. They are shocked and genuinely angry that their bodies cannot keep up with the foods and drinks they are used to consuming. All was fine back when they were younger, so where did these muffin tops, love handles, potbellies, menopots, and more come from?


Excerpted from "Quick and Healthy Keto Zone Cookbook"
by .
Copyright © 2018 Don Colbert.
Excerpted by permission of Worthy Publishing Group.
All rights reserved. No part of this excerpt may be reproduced or reprinted without permission in writing from the publisher.
Excerpts are provided by Dial-A-Book Inc. solely for the personal use of visitors to this web site.

Table of Contents

Introduction, 1,
Part One: What the Keto Diet Is, 3,
Part Two: Why the Keto Zone Diet Works, 13,
Part Three: The Recipes, 17,
Appendices, 175,
Recipe Index, 179,

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