Pro-Life Answers to Pro-Choice Arguments
As politicians, citizens, and families continue the raging national debate on whether it's proper to end human life in the womb, resources like Randy Alcorn's Prolife Answers to Prochoice Arguments have proven invaluable. With over 75,000 copies in print, this revised and updated guide offers timely information and inspiration from a "sanctity of life" perspective. Real answers to real questions about abortion appear in logical and concise form. The final chapter — "Fifty Ways to Help Unborn Babies and Their Mothers"— is worth the price of this book alone!
Pro-Life Answers to Pro-Choice Arguments
As politicians, citizens, and families continue the raging national debate on whether it's proper to end human life in the womb, resources like Randy Alcorn's Prolife Answers to Prochoice Arguments have proven invaluable. With over 75,000 copies in print, this revised and updated guide offers timely information and inspiration from a "sanctity of life" perspective. Real answers to real questions about abortion appear in logical and concise form. The final chapter — "Fifty Ways to Help Unborn Babies and Their Mothers"— is worth the price of this book alone!
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Pro-Life Answers to Pro-Choice Arguments

Pro-Life Answers to Pro-Choice Arguments

by Randy Alcorn
Pro-Life Answers to Pro-Choice Arguments

Pro-Life Answers to Pro-Choice Arguments

by Randy Alcorn


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As politicians, citizens, and families continue the raging national debate on whether it's proper to end human life in the womb, resources like Randy Alcorn's Prolife Answers to Prochoice Arguments have proven invaluable. With over 75,000 copies in print, this revised and updated guide offers timely information and inspiration from a "sanctity of life" perspective. Real answers to real questions about abortion appear in logical and concise form. The final chapter — "Fifty Ways to Help Unborn Babies and Their Mothers"— is worth the price of this book alone!

Product Details

ISBN-13: 9781576737514
Publisher: Random House Publishing Group
Publication date: 11/10/2000
Edition description: Expanded
Pages: 480
Product dimensions: 5.20(w) x 8.25(h) x 1.15(d)

About the Author

Randy Alcorn is the founder and director of Eternal Perspective Ministries. His books include the bestsellers The Treasure Principle, Deadline, Dominion, Lord Foulgrin's Letters, and The Ishbane Conspiracy. He has written seven other nonfiction books. Randy and his wife, Nanci, live in Gresham, Oregon, and have two grown daughters, Karina and Angela.

Table of Contents

Introduction to the Revised Edition25
Why This Book Is Necessary37
Because the stakes are so high in the abortion debate37
Because there is so much tension and uncertainty about abortion39
Because no single issue divides Americans as sharply as the issue of abortion39
Because the educational system does not present both sides of the abortion issue41
Because the media are biased against the prolife position43
Because it is a comprehensive, documented, and accurate presentation of the prolife position45
Because it is an organized, logical, and easily referenced resource offering answers to every major prochoice argument47
Part 1Arguments Concerning Life, Humanity, and Personhood
1."It is uncertain when human life begins; that's a religious question that cannot be answered by science."51
1a.If there is uncertainty about when human life begins, the benefit of the doubt should go to preserving life
1b.Medical textbooks and scientific reference works consistently agree that human life begins at conception
1c.Some of the world's most prominent scientists and physicians testified to a U.S. Senate committee that human life begins at conception
1d.Many other prominent scientists and physicians have likewise affirmed with certainty that human life begins at conception
1e.The possibility of human cloning does nothing to discredit the fact that all humans conceived in the conventional manner began their lives at conception
2."The fetus is just a part of the pregnant woman's body, like her tonsils or appendix. You can't seriously believe a frozen embryo is an actual person."56
2a.A body part is defined by the common genetic code it shares with the rest of its body; the unborn's genetic code differs from his mother's
2b.The child may die and the mother live, or the mother may die and the child live, proving they are two separate individuals
2c.The unborn child takes an active role in his own development, controlling the course of the pregnancy and the time of birth
2d.Being inside something is not the same as being part of something
2e.Human beings should not be discriminated against because of their place of residence
2f.There is substantial scientific reason to believe that frozen embryos are persons and should be granted the same rights as older, larger, and less vulnerable persons
3."The unborn is an embryo or a fetus--just a simple blob of tissue, a product of conception--not a baby. Abortion is terminating a pregnancy, not killing a child."63
3a.Like toddler and adolescent, the terms embryo and fetus do not refer to nonhumans, but to humans at particular stages of development
3b.Semantics affect perceptions, but they do not change realities; a baby is a baby no matter what we call her
3c.From the moment of conception, the unborn is not simple, but very complex
3d.Prior to the earliest abortions, the unborn already has every body part she will ever have
3e.Every abortion stops a beating heart and terminates measurable brain waves
3f.Even in the earliest surgical abortions, the unborn child is clearly human in appearance
3g.Even before the unborn is obviously human in appearance, she is what she is--a human being
3h.No matter how much better it sounds, "terminating a pregnancy" is still terminating a life
4."The fetus may be alive, but so are eggs and sperm. The fetus is a potential human being, not an actual one; it's like a blueprint, not a house; an acorn, not an oak tree."71
4a.The ovum and sperm are each a product of another's body; unlike the conceptus, neither is an independent entity
4b.The physical remains after an abortion indicate the end not of a potential life, but of an actual life
4c.Something nonhuman does not become human by getting older and bigger; whatever is human must be human from the beginning
4d.Comparing preborns and adults to acorns and oaks is dehumanizing and misleading
4e.Even if the analogy were valid, scientifically speaking an acorn is simply a little oak tree, just as an embryo is a little person
5."The unborn isn't a person, with meaningful life. It's only inches in size and can't even think; it's less advanced than an animal, and anyway, who says people have a greater right to live than animals?"74
5a.Personhood is properly defined by membership in the human species, not by stage of development within that species
5b.Personhood is not a matter of size, skill, or degree of intelligence
5c.The unborn's status should be determined on an objective basis, not on subjective or self-serving definitions of personhood
5d.It is a scientific fact that there are thought processes at work in unborn babies
5e.If the unborn's value can be compared to that of an animal, there is no reason not to also compare the value of born people to animals
5f.Even if someone believes that people are no better than animals, why would they abhor the killing of young animals, while advocating the killing of young children?
5g.It is dangerous when people in power are free to determine whether other, less powerful lives are meaningful
5h.Arguments against the personhood of the unborn are shrouded in rationalization and denial
6."A fetus isn't a person until implantation...or until quickening or viability or when it first breathes"83
6a.Implantation is a gauge of personhood only if location, nutrition, and interfacing with others make us human
6b.Quickening is a gauge of personhood only if someone's reality or value depends upon being noticed by ariother
6c.Viability is an arbitrary concept. Why not associate personhood with heartbeat, brain waves, or something else?
6d.The point of viability changes because it depends on technology, not the unborn herself. Eventually babies may be viable from the point of conception
6e.In a broad sense, many born people are not viable because they are incapable of surviving without depending on others
6f.A child's "breathing," her intake of oxygen, begins long before birth
6g.Someone's helplessness or dependency should motivate us to protect her, not to destroy her
7."Obviously life begins at birth. That's why we celebrate birthdays, not conception days, and why we don't have funerals following miscarriages"89
7a.Our recognition of birthdays is cultural, not scientific
7b.Some people do have funerals after a miscarriage
7c.Funerals are an expression of our subjective attachment to those who have died, not a measurement of their true worth
7d.There is nothing about birth that makes a baby essentially different than he was before birth
8."No one can really know that human life begins before birth"91
8a.Children know that human life begins before birth
8b.Pregnant women know that human life begins before birth
8c.Doctors know that human life begins before birth
8d.Abortionists know that human life begins before birth
8e.Prochoice feminists know that human life begins before birth
8f.Society knows that human life begins before birth
8g.The media know that human life begins before birth
8h.Prochoice advocates know that human life begins before birth
8i.If we can't know that human life begins before birth, how can we know whether it begins at birth or later?
Part 2Arguments Concerning Rights and Fairness
9."Even if the unborn are human beings, they have fewer rights than the woman. No one should be expected to donate her body as a life-support system for someone else"103
9a.Once we grant that the unborn are human beings, it should settle the question of their right to live
9b.The right to live doesn't increase with age and size; otherwise toddlers and adolescents have less right to live than adults
9c.The comparison between a baby's rights and a mother's rights is unequal. What is at stake in abortion is the mother's lifestyle, as opposed to the baby's life
9d.It is reasonable for society to expect an adult to live temporarily with an inconvenience if the only alternative is killing a child
10."Every person has the right to choose. It would be unfair to restrict a woman's choice by prohibiting abortion"110
10a.Any civilized society restricts the individual's freedom to choose whenever that choice would harm an innocent person
10b."Freedom to choose" is too vague for meaningful discussion; we must always ask, "Freedom to choose what?"
10c.People who are prochoice about abortion are often not prochoice about other issues with less at stake
10d.The one-time choice of abortion robs someone else of a lifetime of choices and prevents him from ever exercising his rights
10e.Everyone is prochoice when it comes to the choices prior to pregnancy and after birth
10f.Nearly all violations of human rights have been defended on the grounds of the right to choose
11."Every woman should have control over her own body. Reproductive freedom is a basic right"113
11a.Abortion assures that 650,000 females each year do not have control over their bodies
11b.Not all things done with a person's body are right, nor should they all be legally protected
11c.Prolifers consistently affirm true reproductive rights
11d.Even prochoicers must acknowledge that the "right to control one's body" argument has no validity if the unborn is a human being
11e.Too often "the right to control my life" becomes the right to hurt and oppress others for my own advantage
11f.Control over the body can be exercised to prevent pregnancy in the first place
11g.It is demeaning to a woman's body and self-esteem to regard pregnancy as an unnatural, negative, and "out of control" condition
12."Abortion is a decision between a woman and her doctor. It's no one else's business. Everyone has a constitutional right to privacy"116
12a.The Constitution does not contain a right to privacy
12b.Privacy is never an absolute right, but is always governed by other rights
12c.The encouragement or assistance of a doctor does not change the nature, consequences, or morality of abortion
12d.The father of the child is also responsible for the child and should have a part in this decision
12e.The father will often face serious grief and guilt as a result of abortion. Since his life will be significantly affected, shouldn't he have something to say about it?
13."It's unfair for an unmarried woman to have to face the embarrassment of pregnancy or the pain of giving up a child for adoption"120
13a.Pregnancy is not a sin. Society should not condemn and pressure an unmarried mother into abortion, but should help and support her
13b.The poor choice of premarital sex is never compensated for by the far worse choice of killing an innocent human being
13c.One person's unfair or embarrassing circumstances do not justify violating the rights of another person
13d.Adoption is a fine alternative that avoids the burden of child raising, while saving a life and making a family happy; it is tragic that adoption is so infrequently chosen as an alternative to abortion
13e.The reason that adoption may be painful is the same reason that abortion is wrong--a human life is involved
14."Abortion rights are fundamental for the advancement of women. They are essential to having equal rights with men"124
14a.Early feminists were prolife, not prochoice
14b.Some active feminists still vigorously oppose abortion
14c.Women's rights are not inherently linked to the right to abortion
14d.The basic premises of the abortion-rights movement are demeaning to women
14e.Many of the assumptions that connect women's welfare with abortion, the pill, and free sex have proven faulty
14f.Some of the abortion-rights strategies assume female incompetence and subject women to ignorance and exploitation
14g.Abortion has become the most effective means of sexism ever devised, ridding the world of multitudes of unwanted females
15."The circumstances of many women leave them no choice but to have an abortion"129
15a.Saying they have no choice is not being prochoice, but proabortion
15b.Those who are truly prochoice must present a woman with a number of possible choices instead of just selling the choice of abortion
15c."Abortion or misery" is a false portrayal of the options; it keeps women from pursuing--and society from providing--positive alternatives
16."I'm personally against abortion, but I'm still prochoice. It's a legal alternative and we don't have the right to keep it from anyone. Everyone's free to believe what they want, but we shouldn't try to impose it on others"132
16a.To be prochoice about abortion is to be proabortion
16b.The only good reason for being personally against abortion is a reason that demands we be against other people choosing to have abortions
16c.What is legal is not always right
16d.How can we tell people that they are perfectly free to believe abortion is the killing of children but that they are not free to act as if what they believe is really true?
Part 3Arguments Concerning Social Issues
17."'Every child a wanted child.' It's unfair to children to bring them into a world where they're not wanted."139
17a.Every child is wanted by someone; there is no such thing as an unwanted child
17b.There is a difference between an unwanted pregnancy and an unwanted child
17c."Unwanted" describes not a condition of the child, but an attitude of adults
17d.The problem of unwantedness is a good argument for wanting children, but a poor argument for eliminating them
17e.What is most unfair to unwanted children is to kill them
18."Having more unwanted children results in more child abuse."142
18a.Most abused children were wanted by their parents
18b.Child abuse has not decreased since abortion was legalized, but has dramatically increased
18c.If children are viewed as expendable before birth, they will be viewed as expendable after birth
18d.It is illogical to argue that a child is protected from abuse through abortion since abortion is child abuse
19."Restricting abortion would be unfair to the poor and minorities, who need it most."146
19a.It is not unfair for some people to have less opportunity than others to kill the innocent
19b.The rich and white, not the poor and minorities, are most committed to unrestricted abortion
19c.Prochoice advocates want the poor and minorities to have abortions, but oppose requirements that abortion risks and alternatives be explained to them
19d.Planned Parenthood's abortion advocacy was rooted in the eugenics movement and its bias against the mentally and physically handicapped and minorities
20."Abortion helps solve the problem of overpopulation and raises the quality of life."150
20a.The current birthrate in America is less than what is needed to maintain our population level
20b.The dramatic decline in our birthrate will have a disturbing economic effect on America
20c.Overpopulation is frequently blamed for problems with other causes
20d.If there is a population problem that threatens our standard of living, the solution is not to kill off part of the population
20e.Sterilization and abortion as cures to overpopulation could eventually lead to mandatory sterilization and abortion
20f.The "quality of life" concept is breeding a sense of human expendability that has far-reaching social implications
21."Even if abortion were made illegal, there would still be many abortions."157
21a.That harmful acts against the innocent will take place regardless of the law is a poor argument for having no law
21b.The law can guide and educate people to choose better alternatives
21c.Laws concerning abortion have significantly influenced whether women choose to have abortions
22."The antiabortion beliefs of the minority shouldn't be imposed on the majority."159
22a.Major polls clearly indicate that the majority, not the minority, believes that there should be greater restrictions on abortion
22b.Many people's apparent agreement with abortion law stems from their ignorance of what the law really is
22c.Beliefs that abortion should be restricted are embraced by a majority in each major political party
22d.In 1973 the Supreme Court imposed a minority morality on the nation, ignoring the votes of citizens and the decisions of state legislatures
23."The antiabortion position is a religious belief that threatens the vital separation of church and state."165
23a.Many nonreligious people believe that abortion kills children and that it is wrong
23b.Morality must not be rejected just because it is supported by religion
23c.America was founded on a moral base dependent upon principles of the Bible and the Christian religion
23d.Laws related to church and state were intended to assure freedom for religion, not freedom from religion
23e.Religion's waning influence on our society directly accounts for the moral deterioration threatening our future
Part 4Arguments Concerning Health and Safety
24."If abortion is made illegal, tens of thousands of women will again die from back-alley and clothes-hanger abortions."173
24a.For decades prior to its legalization, 90 percent of abortions were done by physicians in their offices, not in back alleys
24b.It is not true that tens of thousands of women were dying from illegal abortions before abortion w
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