Practical Vulnerability Management: A Strategic Approach to Managing Cyber Risk

Practical Vulnerability Management: A Strategic Approach to Managing Cyber Risk

by Andrew Magnusson
Practical Vulnerability Management: A Strategic Approach to Managing Cyber Risk

Practical Vulnerability Management: A Strategic Approach to Managing Cyber Risk

by Andrew Magnusson


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Practical Vulnerability Management shows you how to weed out system security weaknesses and squash cyber threats in their tracks.

Bugs: they're everywhere. Software, firmware, hardware — they all have them. Bugs even live in the cloud. And when one of these bugs is leveraged to wreak havoc or steal sensitive information, a company's prized technology assets suddenly become serious liabilities.

Fortunately, exploitable security weaknesses are entirely preventable; you just have to find them before the bad guys do. Practical Vulnerability Management will help you achieve this goal on a budget, with a proactive process for detecting bugs and squashing the threat they pose.

The book starts by introducing the practice of vulnerability management, its tools and components, and detailing the ways it improves an enterprise's overall security posture. Then it's time to get your hands dirty! As the content shifts from conceptual to practical, you're guided through creating a vulnerability-management system from the ground up, using open-source software.

Along the way, you'll learn how to:
  • Generate accurate and usable vulnerability intelligence
  • Scan your networked systems to identify and assess bugs and vulnerabilities
  • Prioritize and respond to various security risks
  • Automate scans, data analysis, reporting, and other repetitive tasks
  • Customize the provided scripts to adapt them to your own needs

  • Playing whack-a-bug won't cut it against today's advanced adversaries. Use this book to set up, maintain, and enhance an effective vulnerability management system, and ensure your organization is always a step ahead of hacks and attacks.

    Product Details

    ISBN-13: 9781593279882
    Publisher: No Starch Press
    Publication date: 10/06/2020
    Pages: 192
    Sales rank: 1,042,454
    Product dimensions: 6.90(w) x 9.10(h) x 0.60(d)

    About the Author

    Andrew Magnusson has been working in the information security field since 2002, in areas ranging from firewall configuration to security consulting to managing SOC2 compliance. As a consultant deploying enterprise vulnerability management tools he has seen how an organization's vulnerability management practices, or lack thereof, affects their overall information security posture.

    Read an Excerpt


    It’s human nature to pay attention to the problems that are big and flashy, attracting lots of interest, such as advanced persistent threat (APT) groups—state-sponsored attackers. APT-linked attackers have compromised major retailers, financial institutions, and even government networks. But when we focus all of our attention on APTs and other headline-generating activity, we miss basic issues. Even though you have new firewalls protecting your system and powerful traffic-monitoring devices, if you don’t keep up with the bread and butter of your security responsibilities, you’re leaving many chinks in your system’s armor. Neglecting the basics, like keeping your systems updated, can lead to serious consequences.

    Consider this example: suppose you’re an information security manager at a medium-sized e-commerce business. You’ve set up firewalls to block incoming traffic except for traffic to internet-facing services on systems in your demilitarized zone (DMZ). You’ve turned on egress filtering to block unauthorized exit traffic. An antivirus is on the endpoints, and you’ve hardened your servers. You believe your system is safe. 

    But an old web service is running on an outdated version of Tomcat on a Linux server in the DMZ. It’s a relic from an ill-advised foray into selling some of your company’s valuable proprietary data to selected business partners. The initiative failed, but because you made some sales, you had a contractual obligation to keep that server up for another year. At the end of the year, the project was quietly shuttered, but the server is still running. Everyone has forgotten about it. But someone on the outside notices it. An attack comes in from a compromised server in Moldova, and your unpatched Tomcat server is vulnerable to a five-year-old Java issue. Now the attacker has a foothold in your network, and all your protections couldn’t stop it. Where did you fail?

    This guide demonstrates the value of strong information security fundamentals. These are the most important components of a successful information security program. Unfortunately, they’re regularly neglected in favor of sexier topics, such as traffic analysis and automated malware sandboxing. Don’t get me wrong; these are great advances in the state of the art of information security. But without a strong grasp of the fundamentals, investment in more advanced tools and techniques is futile. 

    Who This Book Is For

    This book is for security practitioners tasked with defending their organization on a small budget and looking for ways to replicate functionality from commercially available vulnerability management tools. If you’re familiar with vulnerability management as a process, you’ll have a head start. To build your own vulnerability management system, you should be familiar with Linux and database concepts and have some experience in a programming language like Python. The scripts in this book are written in Python, but you can functionally re-create them in whichever modern scripting or programming language you prefer.

    Back to Basics

    You can consider a number of security topics as foundational, such as authentication management, network design, and asset management. Although these elements might not be exciting or interesting for an analyst to work on, they’re of critical importance. 

    Vulnerability management is one of the foundational concepts of information security. A perfectly written and configured software package doesn’t exist. Bugs are an inevitable part of software, and many bugs have security implications. Dealing with these software vulnerabilities is a perennial issue in information security; the practice of vulnerability management is required for a baseline level of security that can serve as a trusted foundation upon which to deploy more advanced and specialized tools.

    Vulnerabilities affect an organization’s IT infrastructure at all levels, so vulnerability management affects all aspects of an IT security program. Endpoint security relies on workstations and servers being up-to-date with the latest software versions to minimize the attack surface. Zero-day vulnerabilities are always a concern. But removing the low-hanging fruit of known (and sometimes long-standing) vulnerabilities makes it more difficult for attackers to compromise an endpoint and gain a foothold in your environment. Network security does its best to ensure that only necessary traffic passes among internal network segments and to and from the internet. But if systems or network devices contain known vulnerabilities, even otherwise legitimate traffic might contain network-based attacks using known and trusted protocols. Identity and access management (IAM) restricts users to the specific systems and data to which they’re entitled. But if the identity systems are vulnerable, attackers can simply sidestep them. 

    If your environment has a baseline level of security, any countermeasures you put in place can’t be easily bypassed by exploiting known vulnerabilities. Let’s consider an analogy: after World War I, France tried to protect itself from Germany by building a long line of forts and entrenchments along its German border. It was named the Maginot Line after the French minister of war. But when World War II began, the Germans ignored the barrier by simply going around it, invading France across the Belgian border instead. All of that expensive defensive infrastructure was irrelevant. The same goes for your environment. If it doesn’t have a foundational level of security, any additional countermeasures are no more than a Maginot Line. Attackers can easily avoid them because there is an easier path elsewhere. But by establishing a vulnerability management baseline and maintaining it via an active vulnerability management program, you can trust that additional security measures will add real value to your security program.

    Vulnerability Management Is Not Patch Management

    Patch management, perhaps in conjunction with a full software configuration management (SCM) system, keeps track of the versions and patch levels of servers and endpoints across an enterprise. It can push patches remotely to keep systems up-to-date. But although traditional patch management and vulnerability management (as described in this guide) share many similarities, the underlying assumptions are very different. 

    Patch management assumes that patches are available, a patch management system can manage all the devices on the network that need patches, and there is enough time and manpower to apply all patches. But in real environments, it’s very rare for all of these conditions to hold. Devices exist that aren’t managed by the SCM: for example, network devices like routers and firewalls, test machines, abandoned servers, and devices running operating systems that aren’t compatible with SCM agents. All these components are invisible to a typical SCM deployment and could easily become out-of-date without anyone noticing. Even if automated patching is practicable for endpoints, often you must handle servers and network devices manually, because automatically patching a server might lead to downtime when the organization can least afford it. On the other hand, manually patching servers and network devices takes time that overworked IT staff often can’t spare.

    Vulnerability management takes a more pragmatic approach. Instead of asking, “How can we apply all of these patches?” vulnerability management asks, “Given our limited resources, how can we best improve our security posture by addressing the most important vulnerabilities?” Vulnerability management looks at the problem through a risk management lens. We start with the full domain of vulnerabilities that exist on networked devices—managed and unmanaged—and determine which of these vulnerabilities present the highest risk to the organization’s security. Once we’ve gathered that data, we have enough information to prioritize patching and remediation activities. If after this process is complete we have the capacity to apply more updates and remediation, so much the better. But by looking at the highest-risk issues first and using our limited time and resources wisely, we can improve the system’s security posture significantly with comparatively little effort. 

    Main Topics Covered

    This technical guide is divided into two main parts: conceptual and practical. In the first part, you’ll learn about the concepts and components of the vulnerability management process. In the second and larger part, you’ll look at a practical approach to building a free or low-cost vulnerability management system. Although you can follow the guide exactly, it’s most important for you to understand the concepts behind each script to adapt it to your own needs. Toward the end of the book, you’ll explore topics you might want to tackle once your vulnerability management system is up and running. One of those topics is purchasing a commercial tool to improve your vulnerability management program when you have the budget to do so.

    Table of Contents

    Acknowledgments xvii

    Introduction xix

    Who This Book Is For xx

    Back to Basics xx

    Vulnerability Management Is Not Patch Management xxi

    Main Topics Covered xxii

    How This Book Is Organized xxii

    Outcomes xxiii

    Get the Code xxiv

    Important Disclaimer xxiv

    Part I Vulnerability Management Basics 1

    1 Basic Concepts 3

    The CIA Triad and Vulnerabilities 4

    What Is Vulnerability Management? 4

    Collecting Data 5

    Analyzing Data 7

    Applying Cull-Rank to a Real-World Example 8

    Making Recommendations 9

    Implementing Recommendations 9

    Vulnerability Management and Risk Management 10

    Summary 11

    2 Sources of Information 13

    Asset Information 13

    Vulnerability Information 14

    Exploit Data 15

    Advanced Data Sources 16

    Summary 17

    3 Vulnerability Scanners 19

    What Vulnerability Scanners Do 19

    How Vulnerability Scanners Work 20

    How to Deploy Vulnerability Scanners 21

    Ensuring the Scanner Has Access 21

    Choosing Your OS and Hardware 22

    Configuring Your Scanner 22

    Getting Results 24

    Summary 24

    4 Automating Vulnerability Management 25

    Understanding the Automation Process 25

    Data Collection 26

    Automating Scans and Updates 27

    Exploiting Your System's Vulnerabilities 28

    Summary 29

    5 Dealing with Vulnerabilities 31

    Security Measures 32

    Patching 32

    Mitigation 32

    Systemic Measures 33

    Accept the Risk 34

    Defense in Depth 34

    Validating Controls 34

    Summary 35

    6 Organizational Support and Office Politics 37

    Balancing Competing Priorities 38

    Gaining Support 39

    Empathy 39

    Involve Stakeholders Early 40

    Understand Office Politics 40

    Speak Their Language 40

    Find a Champion 41

    Argue for Risk Management 41

    Summary 43

    Part III Hands-On Vulnerability Management 45

    7 Setting Up Your Environment 47

    Setting Up the System 47

    Installing the OS and Packages 48

    Customize If 49

    Installing the Tools 49

    Setting Up OpenVAS 49

    Setting Up eve-search 50

    Setting Up Metasploit 52

    Customize It 53

    Keeping the System Updated 53

    Writing a Script for Automatic Updates 53

    Running the Script Automatically 55

    Customize It 55

    Summary 55

    8 Using the Data Collection Tools 57

    An Introduction to the Tools 58

    Nmap 58

    OpenVAS 58

    Cve-search 59

    Getting Started with Nmap Scanning 60

    Running a Basic Scan 61

    Using Nmap Flags 62

    Customize It 66

    Getting Started with OpenVAS 67

    Running a Basic OpenVAS Scan with the Web GUI 67

    Running a Basic Scan from the Command Line 72

    Customize It 75

    Getting Started with eve-search 75

    Searching for CVE IDs 75

    Finding Out More About a CVE 76

    Text Searching the CVE Database 77

    Customize It 78

    Summary 78

    9 Creating an Asset and Vulnerability Database 79

    Preparing the Database 80

    Understanding the Database Structure 81

    Customize It 86

    Getting Nmap into the Database 86

    Defining the Requirements 87

    Building the Script 88

    Customize it 90

    Getting OpenVAS into the Database 91

    Defining the Requirements 91

    Mapping Vulnerabilities to Hosts 92

    Building the Script 93

    Customize It 96

    Summary 96

    10 Maintaining the Database 97

    Defining Database Indexes 97

    Setting Indexes 98

    Testing Indexes 98

    Customize It 99

    Keeping the Data Fresh 100

    Determining the Cleanup Parameters 100

    Cleaning Up Your Database with Python 101

    Customize if 101

    Summary 102

    11 Generating Asset and Vulnerability Reports 103

    Asset Reports 104

    Planning Your Report 104

    Getting the Data 105

    Script Listing 107

    Customize It 109

    Vulnerability Reports 109

    Planning Your Report 109

    Getting the Data 110

    Script listing 111

    Customize It 112

    Summary 113

    12 Automating Scans and Reporting 115

    Visualizing the Automation Process 116

    Collect Data 116

    Analyze Data 117

    Maintain the Database 117

    Planning the Script 117

    Assembling the Script 117

    Running Nmap and OpenVAS 119

    Scheduling the Script 119

    Script Listings 119

    Customize It 121

    Summary 122

    13 Advanced Reporting 123

    Detailed Asset Reporting 123

    Planning the Script 124

    Script Listing 125

    Customize It 126

    Detailed Vulnerability Reporting 131

    Planning the Script 133

    Script Listing 133

    Customize It 136

    Exploitable Vulnerability Reporting 136

    Preparation 136

    Modifying the Old Script 137

    Customize It 138

    Summary 138

    14 Advanced Topics 139

    Building a Simple REST API 140

    An Introduction to APIs and REST 140

    Designing the API Structure 141

    Implementing the API 142

    Getting the API Running 145

    Customize It 146

    Automating Vulnerability Exploitation 147

    Pros and Cons 147

    Automating Metasploit 148

    Bringing the System into the Cloud 149

    Cloud Architecture 150

    Cloud and Network Ranges 150

    Other Implementation Considerations 151

    Summary 152

    15 Conclusion 155

    A Look Back 155

    Designing and Building 156

    Maintaining the System 156

    Commercial Vulnerability Management Products 157

    Commercial Scanners 157

    Commercial Vulnerability Management Systems 158

    An Incomplete List of Commercial Options 159

    Coming Trends in Information Security 159

    Clouds and Containers Revisited 159

    Zero-Trust Networking 160

    In Closing 161

    Index 163

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