Peace, Be Still: Prayers and Affirmations

Peace, Be Still: Prayers and Affirmations

Peace, Be Still: Prayers and Affirmations

Peace, Be Still: Prayers and Affirmations


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There are those to whom we naturally turn for prayer, and Greg Johnson is such a one. Called into ministry with those who carry heavy burden he never fails to find the grace that lives even within the hardest of times. Though this is a gift from God, the ability to receive it is hard-won. No human challenge goes unacknowledged, and no human person unloved, in these prayers and meditations.
-The Rev. Dr. Barbara C. Crafton

How can you carry on when supporting your loved one seems to demand more than you can give at times? Marion Gambardella and Gregory Johnson are two people who know the answer to that question. They have walked the path! Marion Gambardella has blessed me and my family with her love and rich spiritual insights. This book offers us the nourishment that can give us the strength to meet the caregivers demands.
-Rev. Phillip Pierson, former co-host
of the The Best is Yet to Be television program
and vice president of Unity School of Christianity

Peace, Be Still is a deeply religious book - in the best sense of the word. In their intensely compassionate way, Reverends Johnson and Gambardella have provided encouragement and a Divine shoulder on which to lean for those who give so much of themselves to care for loved ones. Even for those who are non-believers, this volume's meditations can focus the mind and provide inspiration for the noble task of caring for a fellow human being. The book ranges from the poetic to the practical by including an essential guide to resources for family caregiving.
-Georgette F. Bennett, Ph.D.
President and Founder
Tanenbaum Center for Interreligious Understanding

Product Details

ISBN-13: 9781452569246
Publisher: Balboa Press
Publication date: 04/29/2013
Pages: 112
Product dimensions: 5.50(w) x 8.50(h) x 0.44(d)

Read an Excerpt

Peace, Be Still

Prayers and Affirmations

By Gregory L. Johnson, Marion A. Gambardella, Lisa Isom

Balboa Press

Copyright © 2013 Rev. Gregory L. Johnson and Rev. Marion A. Gambardella
All rights reserved.
ISBN: 978-1-4525-6922-2



This is the day that the Lord has made. Let us rejoice and be glad in it.

This day is ours. Oh, Divine Spirit let this be our day for caring—for us and for others.

We have no idea what lies ahead. But with You, Father, there is goodness and light. We surrender this day, our loved ones and ourselves to your Divine and blessed care.

We know that all things are possible with You. The whole world is yours. In Divine Spirit we live and move and have our being and the greater world to come for eternity. In truth they are one, for You are one and we are one in You.

I go on my way in the strength of the Lord. And it is so.

Forever and ever, Amen

Today's Affirmations:

* Where there is doubt, I keep the faith.

* In God I trust.

* I am strong and secure in the love of God.

* Through the power of God in me, I now make a new start.

Hebrews 11:1

Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen.


Creator of each and every day, we greet this day with joyous expectation, knowing we are not alone. Thank You for this night of peace and quiet and for continuing life today. Thank You for each and every person we will meet this day, each is a brother and sister known or unknown to us, but all precious in your sight.

Yesterday is gone, tomorrow has not come. Keep us in this day and only in this day. You have promised to give us strength to meet each and every challenge.

We now claim that strength and go forward in joy and courage.

We are your children. You are our Father, our Mother and we trust in your loving protection and strength, now and forever.

And it is so.

Today's Affirmations:

* Each day I thank God for new opportunities.

* Dear Lord, I bless and appreciate this day.

* I recognize and give thanks for unlimited possibilities.

* I give thanks for each opportunity to create growth and achievement

Philippians 4:6

Do not worry about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God.


Today was truly not the success I has hoped for; everything seemed to overwhelm me. I responded again and again in ways that I did not want. I keep feeling angry. What was it? Why? How come?

As I pause and reflect, I come to God for guidance knowing that You have already forgiven me ... Give me grace to do the same. For just a moment, that may be all I can muster. I sit quietly and take long, slow deep breaths, renewing my spirit and love. I begin to be calm and centered.

I begin to see the FEAR that is behind all my actions and reactions. Fear of being alone, fear of letting go, fear of accepting your will for it is very different, strange, new and unfamiliar. When fear comes, I burst out in anger expressed in many ways at others and myself. I respond in ways I do not want to act out.

Oh Father, Mother God.... Thank You for this reality of my humanity, my brokenness and my limitations. Heal me, strengthen me and bless each person against whom I have raged, reacted or behaved inappropriately. I truly am sorry. Help me to forgive myself. Help me to re-center myself in You and know your PEACE.

Help me to grow through this day, through this behavior and through this realization that it is FEAR that underlies so many of my emotions. This is not who You created me to be. Help me to hear your words: BE NOT AFRAID ... FOR I AM YOUR GOD AND WILL STRENGTHEN YOU! I know this is true ... In rest, in peace, I give thanks for love, goodness and serenity. Oh source of all peace ... In God, I trust.

Amen and Amen.

Today's Affirmations:

* I cease to give my thought to the memory of unpleasant experiences of the past and to cease worrying about my future and things that have not happened yet.

* Today is the only time to live and to enjoy all the blessings of God.

* I visualize my good manifesting now in the Present.

* I let go of old thoughts and conditions and let God direct my life.

Joshua 1–9

Be strong and courageous; do not be frightened or dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.


Which way do I turn? There are so many issues before me; I am overwhelmed and afraid. My loved one and I pray for strength, guidance, protection and wisdom to know the next right thing to do.

Keep us mindful that You are in charge. We are not. You are our Father, our Mother and we your children, no matter what our earthly age.

We surrender our fears, confusion, and our weakness to your almighty strength. We pause and hear your Word: "be still and know that I am GOD."

We are reminded that "In the beginning God" and not, "in the beginning me"

And in this truth we release, relax and are restored. And we give You thanks, now and forever more.


Today's Affirmations:

* I agree with God.

* Healing is taking place now.

* I allow the love of God to flow through me.

* All I need is already in me.

2 Timothy 1:7

For God gave us a spirit not of fear but of power and love and self-control.


Come Lord Jesus and be our guest and let these gifts to us be blessed ...

Help us to hear and see this prayer as a daily affirmation of our co-creation and Divine partnership as we pray this prayer of invitation in all our affairs. Come Lord Jesus and be our guest in all we do, say, think and see. Let us practice the presence of the Divine in all we do. Oh Lord, come and be our guest.

And let all of life be gifts: the good and the seemingly difficult, for You are only good and You send only good. It is we who are locked in time and space, caught up in our earthliness, our humanity and our mortality.

Keep us mindful of our Divine nature, of our Oneness with You in whom we live and move and have our being.

Come Lord Jesus and be our guest. And let these gifts to us be blessed.


Today's Affirmations:

* The work of Spirit is done easily and perfectly through me.

* Each day I take time to listen to the still small voice within.

* I am a Wanted, Holy, Beloved Child of God.

* My life is full of promise.

Psalm 54:4

Behold, God is my helper; the Lord is the upholder of my life.


Oh Lord, thank You for the promise that You will never leave me. No matter what is happening, no matter the difficulty, no matter the situation—You are there. Your love surrounds me and all for whom I care.

Underneath are the everlasting arms and into those precious arms I surrender myself and my loved one. Together with You we will walk forward. We will grow through each and every experience, knowing that You are with us through it all.

I will trust and not be afraid for You, Father God, Mother God, are ever near. All I need to do is close my eyes, take a deep breath and reconnect with the precious Gift of Life, the Breath of God with which I was born.

I now claim your Divine presence in my life, in every situation and circumstance and all is well, now and always.


Today's Affirmations:

* Through the power of God in me, I am stronger than my fears.

* Whenever I feel afraid, I pray. I call a loving, accepting and trusting friend.

* The joy of God wells up within me.

* I am experiencing the comfort of God's presence in this moment.

Isaiah 41:10

Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.


Oh Divine Redeemer, give me grace to live in gratitude and surrender. I give thanks for every moment of my life. I thank You for each and every person with whom I have been blessed to walk through life. With some the walk has been long; with others it has been short. Each has been a blessing.

I thank You and I bless your Holy Name, precious Lord and Father.

When the time comes to let go, give me grace to let go with gratitude. Help me accept and to surrender my loved one to You, remembering that surrender is an act of love. It is in truth letting go to receive abundantly.

Oh Divine Friend, Eternal Partner ... With You is life eternal and in You we are all one, now and always. Help me to live in the Eternal now. Heaven now right here on earth. Give me strength to live always in this joyous presence, practicing the presence of the Divine.

For in this there is no fear, no worry. There is only peace, joy and love.

I pray in your name. In you I live and move and have my being, one now and forever more with an attitude of gratitude and surrender.


Today's Affirmations:

* I release self-doubt. I now surrender feelings of insecurity.

* I open my mind to Divine wisdom and all darkness is dispelled.

* I release all painful memories and allow healing to take place.

* God takes my hand and leads me safely through difficult times.

Matthew 11:28

Come to me, all who are weary and heavy-laden, and I will give you rest.


Pray without ceasing and it is so. Pray until every waking moment is a moment of prayer in thought, word, and deed. In everything give thanks.

PUSH: Pray Until Something Happens. And it will.

Pray without ceasing until it brings peace and serenity. Pray until you are one with the Spirit of the Universe. God is ready to help. Pray without ceasing and let the thought of God be the balm for your fears, your worries and your pain. Pray without ceasing until you find healing for your hurts, your feelings and your emotional wounds.

Pray without ceasing until your doubts, fears and insecurities vanish as you affirm: God can and will solve this problem. And it is so ...

And as you pray, let love, peace, joy, assurance, power, clarity and serenity flow within so that in turn, it may be given away. For as we receive, so do we give. With God we can have tolerance and joy to live and let live.

Pray without ceasing, giving thanks always.

Amen and Amen.

Today's Affirmations:

* On the wings of prayer, my soul soars above problems.

* God is the source of all my blessings. I am prospered.

* Today I allow the peace of God to reign in my mind and heart concerning my prayer request.

* Today I remind myself that God and I are in Divine partnership. My success is assured!

Mark 11:24

Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours.


Oh Father God, oh Mother God, I ask for your Divine help. I want to forgive and move on, but resentments, anger and perceived injustices will not leave me. There are times when I seem unable to rise above my own feelings.

Help me not to judge myself or others. Give me willingness to accept that I feel hurt, wounded and resentful.

I surrender each feeling, every resentment and each thought of anger and pain to You.

I am overwhelmed to feel your love. You do not judge my humanity and weakness. You make life perfect in my weakness. You make life holy and truly whole.

Give me wisdom to see my part in each issue, perhaps with the guidance of a trusted friend, a therapist, a clergy person. Teach me the lesson in my feelings that I may grow and be strengthened.

I now give thanks for these feelings. In each challenge I see You; I see your solution and your presence. I rejoice.

Now, I breathe in your love, your grace, your willingness and your peace.

I go on strengthened, renewed and blessed. Lord, make me a blessing to those who seemed a burden, a difficulty, a challenge. Grant this that I may witness your love always.

And it is so.

Today's Affirmations:

* Where there is hatred, I sow love.

* Where there is injury, I forgive.

* Where there is despair, I maintain hope.

* Where there is darkness, I radiate light.

* Where there is sadness, I cultivate joy.

Luke 6:37

Judge not, and you will not be judged; condemn not, and you will not be condemned; forgive, and you will be forgiven.


Oh God of my understanding, help me. I am doing my best. But I am weak and human. Oh Divine Teacher, oh Divine Strength ... Surround me, support me, and help me to be your hands, your eyes, your heart, your love in action. Help me not to waste time judging my success or failure. Help me just to act as if I know how to do this and I trust in You to produce the wisdom, action and the results.

We are, indeed, human beings locked in finite time and space. We are limited. You are eternal, unlimited and forever living. Help me to find that spark of Divine within me and to let it shine forth, not of my doing but of You, the Eternal Now.

Help me to grow one minute at a time, partnering with You and my sisters and brothers here on earth. There are people here and now who can help. They have been caregivers; they have expertise, experiences from which I can learn and find strength. Through them, I can hear your loving voice saying, "Be still and know that I am God. I love you and your care recipient"

Give me, oh God, the grace to hear your voice of peace, courage and strength. Give me the ability to hold the hand of my care recipient until at last I may place that hand into yours for all eternity.

"Oh blest communion, fellowship Divine. We feebly struggle; they in glory shine. Yet, all are one in Thee for all are thine. ALLELUIA."


Today's Affirmations:

* God is greater than anything we may encounter; God's power within me helps eliminate fear.

* The miracle-working power of God is manifesting harmony, guidance, freedom, happiness, peace, prosperity and order in my life.

* God is life, health, perfect action, strength and vitality. I am created in the image and likeness of God.

* I have faith that God is responding to my every prayer.

Matthew 7:7–8

Ask and it will be given to you; search and you will find, knock, and the door will be opened for you. For everyone who asks receives and everyone who searches finds, and for everyone who knocks, the door will be opened.


Fear, at the root of so many of our other emotions, overwhelms and confounds. Is fear: Forget Everything And Run? Or is it: Face Everything And Recover? The choice is mine and yours.

Help me, Oh Father/Mother of us all, to choose the latter. Help me to understand when I am afraid, troubled by circumstances that are beyond me, powerless. Then, aware of my emotional state, let me accept it without judgment. I am human and fear is part of life and at this moment I am afraid. Let me accept this understanding that in awareness and acceptance I can move on to positive, bold, and love-filled action.

I cast out the fear in the name and power of the God of my present understanding or confusion. And so it is so.

Thank You for strength, for the peace that is now washing over me with abundance and assurance. And, I go on. I face everything and recover. I celebrate a life of co-partnership and co-creation; a life walking with my source of all peace, comfort, strength and joy.

Forever and ever. World without end.


Today's Affirmations:

* I release feelings of fear. I give no power to thoughts of apprehension or worry.

* Regardless of appearances, I have faith in the power of God within to heal me on every level of my being.

* The guiding light of the Holy Spirit brightens my way.

* I allow true understanding to have dominion over feelings.

Psalm 27:1

The Lord is my light and my salvation, whom shall I fear?


Oh Father, Mother God, thank You for this reality of my humanity, my brokenness, my limitations. Heal me, strengthen me. Bless each person at whom I have raged, reacted, or behaved inappropriately. I am sorry. Help me to forgive myself. Help me re-center myself in You and know your peace.

I am exhausted and confused. Yet, when I reflect and rest, I know that I must care for myself before I can care for another. In caring for myself, I am preparing to better love and serve my care recipient—and others.

I pledge to "love my neighbor as myself." Today, tomorrow and always.

Oh source of every good and perfect gift, when I feel tired, afraid, overwhelmed, resentful or just out of sorts, please take me in your mighty arms and grant me willingness to surrender. Allow me to let go gently, to receive abundantly.

Lord, I surrender myself, my problems, my loved ones and my future into your hands and I trust in Thee. I remember with thanksgiving that You are infinite wisdom, infinite power, infinite strength.... and I claim with unwavering faith these resources for myself.

Help me to let go. Help me to let You, God, take charge.

Today's Affirmations:

* I am free. I am unlimited. There are no chains that bind me.

* I am master of my thoughts, feelings and actions.

* I am unhurried and unworried. I am at peace.

* I let go and let God manifest in my life as new adventure, unexpected pleasures and unlimited potential.

Jeremiah 17:14

Heal me, O Lord, and I shall be healed; save me, and I shall be saved, for You are my praise.


Oh Lord, thank You. When the pressures, the fears, the distractions of this worldly, material life become too much for me, I can stop, take a few very focused breaths, claim my spiritual being and begin my day all over in partnership with You, oh precious and ever-present God.

I hear You call, "Be still and know that I am God!" I need to hear that message again and again: "Be still and know that I am God."

Yes, You are God and every time I forget, I get into such difficulties physically, emotionally and spiritually. Thus, at this very moment with joy, gratitude, and happiness I begin my day anew.

Amen and Amen.

Today's Affirmations:

* I give thanks for each opportunity to create growth and achievement.

* I allow the spirit of God to nurture my inner self.

* I have all the wealth of the universe available to me.

* The power of God is at work in me and through me.

Romans 12:2

Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.

Excerpted from Peace, Be Still by Gregory L. Johnson, Marion A. Gambardella, Lisa Isom. Copyright © 2013 Rev. Gregory L. Johnson and Rev. Marion A. Gambardella. Excerpted by permission of Balboa Press.
All rights reserved. No part of this excerpt may be reproduced or reprinted without permission in writing from the publisher.
Excerpts are provided by Dial-A-Book Inc. solely for the personal use of visitors to this web site.

Table of Contents


A Note Of Welcome....................     9     

Foreword....................     15     

Faith....................     19     

Gratitude....................     21     

Anger....................     23     

Acceptance....................     26     

Blessings....................     28     

Comfort....................     30     

Surrender....................     32     

Belief....................     34     

Forgiveness....................     36     

Doubt....................     38     

Fear....................     40     

Healing....................     42     

Renewal....................     44     

Support....................     46     

Strength....................     48     

Celebration....................     50     

Reflection....................     52     

Understanding....................     54     

Guidance....................     55     

Honor....................     57     

Thanksgiving....................     59     

Power....................     61     

Rest....................     63     

Compassion....................     65     

Release....................     67     

Appreciation....................     69     

Grace....................     71     

Love....................     73     

Wisdom....................     75     

Peace....................     77     

Family Caregiving Resources....................     79     

Care for the Family Caregiver....................     88     

10 Tips for Family Caregivers....................     90     

Cuidados para el Cuidador de la Familia....................     91     

10 Consejos para los Cuidadores de la Familia....................     93     

Helpful Tips for Family Caregivers....................     97     

Caregiver Health: Taking Care of Yourself....................     101     

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