Og Mandino's University of Success: The Greatest Self-Help Author in the World Presents the Ultimate Success Book
The greatest success authorities in the world share their most treasured success secrets.
Each powerful lesson will bring you closer to your life’s goals: • How to conquer the ten most common causes of failure • How to make the most of your abilities • How to find the courage to take risks • How to stop putting things off • How to build your financial nest egg • How to look like a winner • How to take charge of your life • And much more in fifty memorable presentations by the greatest success authorities.
Dean of this unique University of Success is Og Mandino, the most acclaimed self-help writer of this generation. The faculty he has assembled includes such celebrities as Dr. Wayne W. Dyer, Dale Carnegie, W. Clement Stone, Napoleon Hill, George S. Clason, Nena and George O’Neil, Dr. Joyce Brothers, Michael Korda, Lord Beaverbrook, Dr. Norman Vincent Peale, and many more winners in life.
Og Mandino's University of Success: The Greatest Self-Help Author in the World Presents the Ultimate Success Book
The greatest success authorities in the world share their most treasured success secrets.
Each powerful lesson will bring you closer to your life’s goals: • How to conquer the ten most common causes of failure • How to make the most of your abilities • How to find the courage to take risks • How to stop putting things off • How to build your financial nest egg • How to look like a winner • How to take charge of your life • And much more in fifty memorable presentations by the greatest success authorities.
Dean of this unique University of Success is Og Mandino, the most acclaimed self-help writer of this generation. The faculty he has assembled includes such celebrities as Dr. Wayne W. Dyer, Dale Carnegie, W. Clement Stone, Napoleon Hill, George S. Clason, Nena and George O’Neil, Dr. Joyce Brothers, Michael Korda, Lord Beaverbrook, Dr. Norman Vincent Peale, and many more winners in life.
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Og Mandino's University of Success: The Greatest Self-Help Author in the World Presents the Ultimate Success Book

Og Mandino's University of Success: The Greatest Self-Help Author in the World Presents the Ultimate Success Book

by Og Mandino
Og Mandino's University of Success: The Greatest Self-Help Author in the World Presents the Ultimate Success Book

Og Mandino's University of Success: The Greatest Self-Help Author in the World Presents the Ultimate Success Book

by Og Mandino


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The greatest success authorities in the world share their most treasured success secrets.
Each powerful lesson will bring you closer to your life’s goals: • How to conquer the ten most common causes of failure • How to make the most of your abilities • How to find the courage to take risks • How to stop putting things off • How to build your financial nest egg • How to look like a winner • How to take charge of your life • And much more in fifty memorable presentations by the greatest success authorities.
Dean of this unique University of Success is Og Mandino, the most acclaimed self-help writer of this generation. The faculty he has assembled includes such celebrities as Dr. Wayne W. Dyer, Dale Carnegie, W. Clement Stone, Napoleon Hill, George S. Clason, Nena and George O’Neil, Dr. Joyce Brothers, Michael Korda, Lord Beaverbrook, Dr. Norman Vincent Peale, and many more winners in life.

Product Details

ISBN-13: 9780553345353
Publisher: Random House Publishing Group
Publication date: 11/01/1983
Edition description: Reissue
Pages: 544
Sales rank: 477,076
Product dimensions: 5.27(w) x 8.23(h) x 1.16(d)

About the Author

Og Mandino is one of the most widely read inspirational and self help authors in the world. Former president of Success Unlimited magazine, Mandino was the first recipient of the Napoleon Hill Gold Medal for literary achievement. Og Mandino was a member of the International Speakers Hall of Fame and honored with the Masters of Influence by the National Speakers Association. Og Mandino died in 1996, but his books continue to inspire countless thousands all over the world.

Read an Excerpt

The University of Success
If you have been wearily attending the “school of hard knocks” up to now, I have great news for you.
You have just been transferred!
Your life is about to change—for the better!
Forget yesterday and last month and last year, with their gloomy diary of failures and disappointments. All that is in the past. This is the day you were beginning to believe would never arrive and yet it is here! This is the day you begin to turn your life around. This is the day you commence learning the greatest secrets of success from experts and, more important, how to use what you learn to make a better world for yourself and those you love.
Henry David Thoreau once wrote, “It is time that we had uncommon schools, that we did not leave off our education when we begin to be men and women.” Through the pages of this book you are about to enter an “uncommon school,” one designed to provide you with valuable information that will fill a large gap in your life and your instructors are, without question, the greatest faculty ever assembled to teach the subject of success and how to achieve it.
Dale Carnegie, J. Paul Getty, Dr. Maxwell Maltz, Napoleon Hill, P. T. Barnum, Norman Vincent Peale, Dr. Wayne W. Dyer, W. Clement Stone, Dorothea Brande, Richard DeVos, Benjamin Franklin, Lord Beaverbrook, Joyce Brothers—these are only some of the fifty brilliant minds who have been gathered together for the first time in history in the fulfillment of a dream I have had for many years—to publish the ultimate success book where only the acknowledged masters of that subject were made available to counsel and teach and guide you.
Undoubtedly those years you spent in school taught you many things. But during all those hours spent in all those classes, never, not even for a single fifty-minute period, were you taught or shown how to apply what you were learning in order to achieve a life filled with happiness, accomplishment, and success. That is the sole purpose of this book and with your potential we will succeed together.
Success! Such a magical word—like gold or love or Shangri-la, it conjures up different but always enticing visions in the minds of all of us. Has it been missing from your life? Even if it has, you still daydream don’t you, about how wonderful things might be if only fate would smile in your direction and bestow upon you a more generous portion of money, position, power, freedom, and perhaps even a touch of fame?
We are, each of us, a miracle. Within every one of us, the pilot light of hope never dies. Mechanics, executives, salespeople, students, models, writers, carpenters, computer operators, store owners, entrepreneurs, fruit pickers, stockbrokers, housewives—all of us, to some degree, indulge in the same dreams and wishes—to be free from want, to live in a finer home, to owe no one, to drive that sleek new automobile, to eat in an elegant restaurant now and then, to vacation in exotic places, to have a few items of designer clothing in our wardrobe, to send our children to the best of schools.
Why not? Haven’t we been told, since birth, that we live in a land of unlimited opportunity?
Why not? The answer is obvious, but painful. The vast majority of us have absolutely no idea how to begin to make our dreams come true! Undoubtedly you already have all the tools necessary to create a magnificent life, but what good are they … if you don’t know how to use them? And how can you build a life worth living without any plans or blueprints?
Not once—neither in primary school nor junior high school nor high school, not even in the most hallowed halls of higher learning—were you ever instructed on the simple techniques of setting goals, of motivating yourself and others, of dealing with adversity, of eliminating self-defeating habits, of using time profitably, of practicing the power of choice, of developing self-confidence, of doing the things you are afraid to do, of generating enthusiasm at will, of organizing your life, of accumulating wealth, of getting people to give you what you want, of looking like a winner, of guiding your children, of handling stress, of counting your blessings … and so much more. That you have managed to survive at all is a tribute to your courage and faith.
And yet, though we hang on, our shortcomings haunt us. We are made vividly and painfully aware of them every time we turn on a television set or pick up a newspaper or magazine. Bravely we try to ignore the affluence and success of so many others but we are forced to admit, if only in our darkest moments of introspection, that Hendrik van Loon was correct when he wrote, “In history as in life, it is success that counts.”
Well—is it too late for you to reach for that brass ring or make a run for the roses? Should you crawl into your dusty little corner of self-pity and just let the world pass you by? No! Never!
Let us take inventory. Did you possibly learn anything during those formative years of schooling that might help you to change your life for the better, if you were to begin today, regardless of your age, your skills, your background, your color, your financial condition, or your opinion of yourself? Just one thing, if you stop to think about it and that one thing may be all you need!
Listen carefully as the great English essayist, historian, biographer, and philosopher, Thomas Carlyle, explains.
If we think about it, all that a university or final highest school can do for us, is still but what the first school began doing—teach us to read. We learn to read in various languages, in various sciences; we learn the alphabet and letters of all manners of books. But the place where we are to get knowledge, even theoretic knowledge, is the books themselves. It depends on what we read, after all manners of professors have done their best for us. The true university of these days is a collection of books!
According to Carlyle’s specifications this volume you are holding is a “university of success” since it contains a choice collection of the wisdom, techniques, and principles from the greatest books in the world of success literature. Here you will discover nuggets of pure gold, waiting only for you to reach out and claim them as your own. Here you will be taught by men and women whose messages have withstood the tests of time and practicality and whose principles work.
Please remember, you need not accept or attempt to use all of the hundreds of success ideas and techniques you are about to learn. Just one may be all you need to work wonders in your life and career. All that is required of you, in this place of learning, is an ability to read plus—a burning desire to make something more of your life. And don’t even be too concerned if the flames of that desire give off little heat as you begin your studies. Their temperature will rise, gradually, as you begin to realize how much you can still accomplish in the years ahead.
Read it from beginning to end. Do not skip any of the lessons. They were arranged in the order they are presented, after much deliberation, in order to assist you in making a gradual transition from the person you are today to the person you can become.
Because you are about to be exposed to a wealth of knowledge, it might be easier for you to assimilate if you take it in small bites. For maximum effect I would suggest that you read only one lesson each day, and try to make that reading as close to your bedtime as possible. Marvelous things happen when you put your subconscious mind to work, and when you awake you will be amazed at how much of the material you have retained. Don’t hurry. You will be guided patiently through eight semesters, as in a normal university career, plus two additional semesters of graduate work so that you will even be able to cope with success, once you have it.
If you are a woman, an overemphasis of the masculine tense in a few of the lessons may disturb you. Don’t let that prevent you from extracting the good in each. Usually those particular segments were written long before the happy emancipation that has taken place in the second half of this century. Just remind yourself that the bias, if it shows at all, was an innocent product of another age. Success is no longer restricted, thank God, to either gender.
One more thing. Avoid, if at all possible, falling into the trap of reading this book in the same casual manner that you might read most volumes of fiction or even nonfiction. Your teachers are all highly motivated and dynamic individuals and there is an ever-present danger that you may become fascinated by their personalities, delivery, and charm, enjoy their words as entertainment, and forget that your main purpose for being here, attending these lectures, is to acquire the tools necessary for success.
How do you avoid this danger? Simple. Whenever you open this book, be certain that you have a pen or pencil in your hand. When you read a line or paragraph that is meaningful to you—underline it! This simple act, alone, will triple your retention of that thought or principle and also make it easier for you to find it again, later on. You might also wish to draw a star next to certain powerful suggestions or methods that catch your fancy, or an exclamation mark, or a question mark if you don’t agree. After all, this is your own personal textbook for a brighter tomorrow.
Unlike most higher schools of learning, this university will have no graduation ceremonies, no diplomas signifying you have survived the system, nor will there be any final exams or degrees conferred. The only reward you will receive, because of your efforts here, will be how much you manage to change your life for the better—in terms of peace and contentment and pride as well as material gain.
History is filled with stories of individuals who dated a new era in their lives from the reading of a single book. May your name eventually be added to that already impressive and glorious list. But—it’s all up to you. No one else can live your life for you. No one else can succeed for you!
It’s your move.
Og Mandino 

Table of Contents

Semester 1
How to Look Back on Where You Have Been3
How to Fashion Your Own Brand of Success9
How to Count Your Blessings17
How to Recognize Your Failure Symptoms25
How to Conquer the Ten Most Common Causes of Failure35
Semester 2
How to Accept the Challenge of Success51
How to Give Your Dreams a Chance to Come True65
How to Develop Your Strength to Seize Opportunities73
How to Make the Most of Your Abilities85
How to Grow and Prosper in Your Own Acre of Diamonds95
Semester 3
How to Transform Your Thoughts into Reality107
How to Use Your Greatest Power to Change Your Life113
How to Raise Your Self-Esteem and Develop Self-Confidence119
How to Win Your War Against Negative Feelings131
How to Benefit From the Art of Expectation145
Semester 4
How to Find the Courage to Take Risks159
How to Become a Self-Motivator169
How to Program Yourself for Success177
How to Become Enthusiastic and Stay that Way187
How to Eliminate Your Bad Habits191
Semester 5
How to Stop Putting Things Off201
How to Cherish and Use the Magic of Time213
How to Make the Most of Your Priorities219
How to Get Yourself Organized227
How to Use the Law of Increasing Returns241
Semester 6
How to Become a Money-Getter257
How to Turn Your Desires into Gold267
How to Build Your Financial Nest Egg281
How to Attract Success291
How to Increase Your Value301
Semester 7
How to Gather Honey Instead of Bee Stings319
How to Get People to Help You Succeed329
How to Take Charge of Your Life339
How to Find Success in the Fast Lane347
How to Look Like a Winner357
Semester 8
How to Live with Tension373
How to Avoid the Trap of Competition383
How to Make Your Own Luck391
How to Use Life's Options Wisely395
How to Swap a Losing Strategy407
Semester 9
How to Enjoy the Best Things in Life419
How to Handle Every Assignment429
How to Separate the Possible From the Impossible435
How to Control Your Enemies445
How to Bounce Back From Failure449
Semester 10
How to Prevent Your Success From Turning into Ashes461
How to Strive for Excellence477
How to Let Your Kids Find Their Own Success485
How to Have a Happy Life499
How to Keep the Flame of Success Shining Brightly517
The Faculty523
The Source Material524
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