Of the People: A History of the United States: Volume I: to 1877

Of the People: A History of the United States: Volume I: to 1877

by James Oakes
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Oxford University Press
Of the People: A History of the United States: Volume I: to 1877

Of the People: A History of the United States: Volume I: to 1877

by James Oakes
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Of the People: A History of the United States not only tells the history of America—of its people and places, of its dealings and ideals—but it also unfolds the story of American democracy, carefully marking how this country's evolution has been anything but certain, from its complex beginnings to its modern challenges.

This comprehensive survey focuses on the social and political lives of people—some famous, some ordinary—revealing the compelling story of America's democracy from an individual perspective, from across the landscapes of diverse communities, and ultimately from within the larger context of the world.

Volume I: to 1877 covers the worlds of the Indian peoples and the arrival of the first Europeans, through emancipation and Reconstruction in the late nineteenth century.

Product Details

ISBN-13: 2900195370941
Publisher: Oxford University Press
Publication date: 12/01/2009
Edition description: Older Edition
Pages: 672
Product dimensions: 6.00(w) x 1.25(h) x 9.00(d)

About the Author

James Oakes is Distinguished Professor of History and Graduate School Humanities Professor at the City University of New York Graduate Center.

Michael McGerr is Paul V. McNutt Professor of History in the College of Arts and Sciences at Indiana University-Bloomington.

Jan Ellen Lewis is Professor of History and Associate Dean of the Faculty of Arts and Sciences at Rutgers University, Newark. She also teaches in the history PhD program at Rutgers, New Brunswick, and was a visiting professor of history at Princeton.

Nick Cullather is a historian of U.S. foreign relations at Indiana University-Bloomington.

The late Jeanne Boydston was Robinson-Edwards Professor of American History at the University of Wisconsin-Madison.

Table of Contents






About the Authors


Chapter 1: Worlds in Motion, 1450-1550

American Portrait: Malinche, Cultural Translator

The World of the Indian Peoples

The Archaic Indians

The Indians of the Eastern Woodlands

The Indians of the Plains

The Indians of the Deserts

The Indians of the Pacific Coast

The Great Civilizations of the Americas

The Worlds of Christopher Columbus

European Nations in the Age of Discovery

The Political Economy of Europe

The World of the West African Peoples

Slavery Before 1500

The Golden Age of Spain

Worlds in Collision

Christopher Columbus Finds a Patron

Columbus Finds a New World

Tainos and Caribs

The Origins of a New World Political Economy

The Requerimiento and the Morality of Conquest

America and the World: Debating the Morality of Conquest

The Biological Consequences of Conquest

Demographic Decline

The Columbian Exchange

Onto the Mainland

The First Florida Ventures

The Conquest of Mexico

American Landscape: Tenochtitlan

The Establishment of a Spanish Empire

Gender and Conquest

The Return to Florida

Coronado and the Pueblo Indians


Chapter 2: Colonial Outposts, 1550-1650

American Portrait: Don Luis de Velasco Finds His Way Home

Pursuing Wealth andGlory Along the North American Shore

European Objectives

The Huge Geographical Barrier

Spanish Outposts

New France: An Outpost in the Global Political Economy

The Indian Background to French Settlement

Champlain Encounters the Hurons

American Landscape: Huronia

Creating a Middle Ground in New France

An Outpost in a Global Political Economy

New Netherland: The Empire of a Trading Nation

Colonization by a Private Company

Slavery and Freedom in New Netherland

The Dutch-Indian Trading Partnership

The Beaver Wars

England Attempts an Empire

The Origins of English Nationalism

Raiding Other Empires

America and the World: The English on the Periphery of Empire

Rehearsal in Ireland

The Roanoke Venture

The Abandoned Colony


Chapter 3: The English Come to Stay, 1600-1660

American Portrait: The Adventures of John Rolfe

The First Chesapeake Colonies

Planning Virginia

Starving Times

Troubled Relations With the Powhatans

Toward a New Political Economy

Toward the Destruction of the Powhatans

A New Colony in Maryland

The Political Economy of Slavery Emerges

The Problem of a Labor Supply

The Origins of Slavery in the Chesapeake

America and the World: Christian Slaves in Muslim Africa

Gender and the Social Order in the Chesapeake

A Bible Commonwealth in the New England Wilderness

The English Origins of the Puritan Movement

What Did the Puritans Believe?

The Pilgrim Colony at Plymouth

The Puritan Colony at Massachusetts Bay

The New England Way

Changing the Land to Fit the Political Economy

American Landscape: New England Settlements

The Puritan Family

Dissension in the Puritan Ranks

Roger Williams and Toleration

Anne Hutchinson and the Equality of Believers

Puritan Indian Policy and the Pequot War


Chapter 4: Continental Empires, 1660-1720

American Portrait: Tituba Shapes Her World and Saves Herself

The Plan of Empire

Turmoil in England

The Political Economy of Mercantilism

New Colonies, New Patterns

New Netherland Becomes New York

American Landscape: New Amsterdam/New York

Diversity and Prosperity in Pennsylvania

Indians and Africans in the Political Economy of Carolina

The Barbados Connection

The Transformation of Virginia

Social Change in Virginia

Bacon's Rebellion and the Abandonment of the Middle Ground

Virginia Becomes a Slave Society

New England Under Assault

Social Prosperity and the Fear of Religious Decline

King Philip's War

Indians and the Empire

The Empire Strikes

The Dominion of New England

The Glorious Revolution in Britain and America

The Rights of Englishmen

Conflict in the Empire

Massachusetts in Crisis

The Social and Cultural Contexts of Witchcraft

Witchcraft at Salem

America and the World: Witchcraft in Global Perspective

The End of Witchcraft

Empires in Collision

France Attempts an Empire

The Spanish Outpost in Florida

Conquest, Revolt, and Reconquest in New Mexico

Native Americans and the Country Between


Chapter 5: The Eighteenth-Century World, 1700-1775

American Portrait: George Whitefield: Evangelist for a Consumer Society

The Population Explosion of the Eighteenth Century

The Dimensions of Population Growth

Bound for America: European Immigrants

Bound for America: African Slaves

American Landscape: The Slave Ship

"The Great Increase of Offspring"

The Transatlantic Political Economy: Producing and Consuming

The Nature of Colonial Economic Growth

The Transformation of the Family Economy

Sources of Regional Prosperity

Merchants and Dependent Laborers in the Transatlantic Economy

Consumer Choices and the Creation of Gentility

America and the World: Consumer Tastes in Global Perspective

The Varieties of Colonial Experience

Creating an Urban Public Sphere

The Diversity of Urban Life

The Maturing of Rural Society

The World That Slavery Made

Georgia: From Frontier Outpost to Plantation Society

The Head and the Heart in America: The Enlightenment and Religious Awakening

The Ideas of the Enlightenment

The Enlightenment and the Study of Political Economy

Enlightened Institutions

Origins of the Great Awakening

The Grand Itinerant

Cultural Conflict and Challenges to Authority

What the Awakening Wrought


Chapter 6: Conflict on the Edge of Empire, 1713-1774

American Portrait: Susannah Willard Johnson Experiences the Empire

The Victory of the British Empire

New War, Old Pattern

The Local Impact of Global War

The French Empire Crumbles From Within

The Virginians Ignite a War

From Local to Imperial War

Problems With British-Colonial Cooperation

The British Gain the Advantage

Enforcing the Empire

Pontiac's Rebellion and Its Aftermath

Paying for the Empire: Sugar and Stamps

America and the World: Paying for War

Rejecting the Empire

An Argument About Rights and Obligations

The Imperial Crisis in Local Context

Contesting the Townshend Duties

A Revolution in the Empire

"Massacre" in Boston

American Landscape: Occupied Boston

The Empire Comes Apart

The First Continental Congress


Chapter 7: Creating a New Nation, 1774-1788

American Portrait: James Madison Helps Make a Nation

The War Begins

The First Battles

Congress Takes the Lead

Military Ardor

Declaring Independence

Creating a National Government

Creating State Governments

Winning the Revolution

Competing Strategies

The British on the Offensive: 1776

American Landscape: The Winter at Jockey Hollow

A Slow War: 1777-1781

America and the World: Mercenaries in Global Perspective

Securing a Place in the World

The Challenge of the Revolution

The Departure of the Loyalists

The Challenge of the Economy

Contesting the New Economy

Can Women Be Citizens?

The Challenge of Slavery

A New Policy in the West

The Indians' Revolution

The End of the Middle Ground

Settling the West

Creating a New National Government

A Crippled Congress

Writing a New Constitution

Ratifying the Constitution: Politics

Ratifying the Constitution: Ideas

Postscript: The Legacy of the Revolution


Chapter 8: Contested Republic, 1789-1800

American Portrait: William Maclay Goes to the Senate

The United States in 1789

Lands and People

Ways of Living

The First Emancipation Movements

American Landscape: Philadelphia

Conflicting Visions of Republican Society

America and the World: Transatlantic talk about the Rights of Women

The Culture of the Early Republic

The Struggle to Form a Government

The States and the Bill of Rights

Congress Begins Its Work

Political Economy and Political Parties

Controlling the Borderlands

America in the Transatlantic Community

Other Revolutions

Between France and England

To the Brink of War

The Administration of John Adams


Chapter 9: A Republic in Transition, 1800-1819

American Portrait: Washington Irving's America

A Politics of Transition

Democratic Republicans in Office

The Louisiana Purchase


The War of 1812

Madison and the War

The Federalist Response

An Economy in Transition

International Markets

America and the World: The United States in China

Crossing the Appalachian Mountains

Invention and Exploration

Early Industrial Society in New England

The Rule of Law and Lawyers

Ways of Life in Flux

Indian Resistance to the Yeoman's Republic

Winners and Losers in the Market Revolution

American Landscape: Religion in the Backcountry: Cane Ridge, Kentucky

The Problem of Trust in a Changing Society

The Panic of 1819


Chapter 10: Slavery and the Nation, 1790-1828

American Portrait: Lucretia Coffin Mott and the Free Produce Movement

Southern Slavery

"Property in Man"

The Domestic Slave Trade

Plantation Slavery

American Landscape: Profit and Loss on an American Plantation

Other Varieties of Slavery

America and the World: The Demand for Raw Cotton

Resistance and Creation among Southern Slaves

Slavery and National Development

Slavery and Industrialization in the Northeast

Slavery and the West

Slavery and the Laws of the Nation

Free Black People in a Republic of Slavery

The Politics of Slavery

The Missouri Compromise

Antislavery in the 1820s


Chapter 11: Jacksonian Democracy, 1820-1840

American Portrait: Harriet Noble

Common People and the Political Economy of Democracy


The Political Economy of Free Labor

Suffrage Reform

Opposition to Special Privilege and Secret Societies

Jackson and the National Republicans

Changes in the Democratic Republican Party

James Monroe and National Republicanism

America and the World: The Monroe Doctrine

The Election of 1824 and the "Corrupt Bargain"

The Adams Presidency and the Gathering forces of Democracy

The Election of 1828

A Policy of Removing Indigenous People

Jackson and Native Peoples

The Removal Act

American Landscape: Liberty and the Land: Cherokee Removal

History, Destiny, and the Disappearing Indian

The Bank War

Jackson's Opposition to the National Bank

Dismembering the Bank

The Specie Act

The Growth of Sectional Tension

The Political Economy of Southern Discontent

South Carolina's Protest

The Nullification Crisis


Chapter 12: Reform and Conflict, 1825-1840

American Portrait: Nat Turner

Perfectionism and the Theology of Human Striving

Millennialism and Communitarians

Urban Revivals

The Benevolent Empire

America and the World: The American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Mission

Reform and the Urban Classes

Wage Dependency and Labor Protest

American Landscape: Freedom and Wage Labor

A New Urban Middle Class

Immigration and Nativism

Internal Migration

Self-Reform and Social Regulation

A Culture of Self-Improvement


The Common School Movement

Penal Reform

Electoral Politics and Moral Reform

Abolition and Women's Rights

Antislavery Becomes Abolition

Abolitionism and Antiabolition Violence

The Gender Limits of Antebellum Activism


Chapter 13: Manifest Destiny, 1836-1848

American Portrait: Mah-i-ti-wo-nee-ni Remembers Life on the Great Plains

The Decline of Jacksonianism

Political Parties in Crisis

Van Buren and the Legacy of Jackson

The Political Economy of the Trans-Mississippi West

Manifest Destiny in Antebellum Culture


American Landscape: Culture and Politics in Manifest Destiny: Tejanos in Texas

Pacific Bound

Nations of the Trans-Mississippi West

Slavery and the Political Economy of Expansion

Log Cabins and Hard Cider: The Election of 1840

And Tyler, too

Occupy Oregon, Annex Texas

War with Mexico

America and the World: Lt. Dilworth in the War with Mexico


Chapter 14: The Politics of Slavery, 1848-1860

American Portrait: Frederick Douglass

The Political Economy of Freedom and Slavery

A Changing Economy in the North

The Slave Economy

The Importance of the West

Slavery Becomes a Political Issue

Wilmot Introduces His Proviso

A Compromise Without Compromises

The Fugitive Slave Act Provokes a Crisis

The Election of 1852 and the Decline of the Whig Party

Nativism and the Origins of the Republican Party

The Nativist Attack on Immigration

The Kansas-Nebraska Act Revives the Slavery Issue

The Expansion of Slavery as a Foreign Policy

America and the World: Slavery as a Foreign Policy

Kansas Begins to Bleed

American Landscape: The Sack of Lawrence, Kansas

A New Political Party Takes Shape

The First Sectional Election

The Labor Problem and the Politics of Slavery

An "Irrepressible" Conflict?

The Lecompton Constitution Splits the Democratic Party

Lincoln and Douglas Debate

The Retreat From Union

John Brown's War Against Slavery

Northerners Elect a President


Chapter 15: A War for Union and Emancipation, 1861-1865

American Portrait: Edmund Ruffin

From Union to Emancipation

The South Secedes

Civilians Demand a Total War

Slaves Take Advantage of the War

Military Strategy and the Shift in War Aims

Mobilizing for War

The Confederate States of America

Union Naval Supremacy

Southern Military Advantages

The Slave Economy in Wartime

What Were Soldiers Fighting For?

The Civil War Becomes a Social Revolution

Union Victories in the West

Southern Military Strength in the East

Emancipation as a Military Necessity

America and the World: The Diplomacy of Emancipation

Emancipation in Practice: Contraband Camps and Black Troops

American Landscape: Freedman's Village, Arlington, Virginia

The War at Home

The Care of Casualties

Northern Reverses and Antiwar Sentiment

Gettysburg and the Justification for War

Discontent in the Confederacy

The War Comes to a Bloody End

Grant Takes Command

The Theory and Practice of Hard War

Sherman Marches and Lee Surrenders

The Meaning of the Civil War


Chapter 16: Reconstructing a Nation, 1865-1877

American Portrait: John Dennett Visits a Freedmen's Bureau Court

Wartime Reconstruction

Experiments with Free Labor in the Lower Mississippi Valley

Lincoln's Ten-Percent Plan Versus the Wade-Davis Bill

The Freed People's Dream of Owning Land

Presidential Reconstruction, 1865-1867

The Political Economy of Contract Labor

Resistance to Presidential Reconstruction

Congress Clashes with the President

Origins of the Fourteenth Amendment

American Landscape: Race Riots in Memphis and New Orleans

Congressional Reconstruction

Origins of the Black Vote

Radical Reconstruction in the South

Achievements and Failures of Radical Government

The Political Economy of Sharecropping

The Retreat from Republican Radicalism

The Impeachment and Trial of Andrew Johnson

Republican Become the Party of Moderation

America and the World: Reconstructing America's Foreign Policy

Reconstructing the North

The Fifteenth Amendment and Nationwide African American Suffrage

Women and Suffrage

The Rise and Fall of the National Labor Union

The End of Reconstruction

Corruption as a National Problem

Liberal Republicans Revolt

A Depression and a Deal "Redeem" the South


Chapter 17: The Triumph of Industrial Capitalism, 1850-1890

American Portrait: Rosa Cassettari

The Political Economy of Global Capitalism

The "Great Depression" of the Late Nineteenth Century

America and the World: The Global Migration of Labor

America Moves to the City

The Rise of Big Business

The Rise of Andrew Carnegie

Carnegie Becomes a Financier

Carnegie Dominates the Steel Industry

Big Business Consolidates

A New Social Order

Lifestyles of the Very Rich

The Consolidation of the New Middle Class

The Industrial Working Class Comes of Age

Sharecropping Becomes Wage Labor

American Landscape: Mining Camps in the West

Clearing the West for Capitalism

The Overland Trail

The Origins of Indian Reservations

The Destruction of Indian Subsistence

The Economic Transformation of the West

Cattlemen: From Drovers to Ranchers

Commercial Farmers Subdue the Plains

Changes in the Land


Chapter 18: Cultural Struggles of Industrial America, 1850-1895

American Portrait: Anthony Comstock's Crusade Against Vice

The Varieties of Urban Culture

Minstrel Shows as Cultural Nostalgia

The Origins of Vaudeville

Sports Become Professional

America and the World: World's Fairs

The Elusive Boundaries of Male and Female

The Victorian Construction of Male and Female

Victorians Who Questioned Traditional Sexual Boundaries

Immigration as a Cultural Problem

Josiah Strong Attacks Immigration

From Immigrants to Ethnic Americans

The Catholic Church and Its Limits in Immigrant Culture

Immigrant Cultures

The Creation of High Culture

High Culture Becomes Sacred

The Emergence of a Cultural Establishment

American Landscape: The Modern University

Social Darwinism and the Growth of Scientific Racism

Artistic Realism Embraces Urban and Industrial America

The Triumph of Literary Realism

Painting Reality

Is Photography Art?


Chapter 19: The Politics of Industrial America, 1870-1892

American Portrait: Luna Kellie and the Farmers' Alliance

Two Political Styles

The Triumph of Party Politics

Masculine Partisanship and Feminine Voluntarism

Critics of Popular Politics

Economic Issues Dominate National Politics

Weak Presidents Oversee a Strong Federal Government

Government Activism and its Limits

Greenbacks and Greenbackers

America and the World: Foreign Policy and Commercial Expansion

Growth of the Central Government

States Regulate; Municipalities Reform

Middle-Class Radicalism

Henry George and the Limits of Producers' Ideology

Edward Bellamy and the Nationalist Clubs

American Landscape: The "Crusade" Against Alcohol

The Woman's Christian Temperance Union

Discontent Among Workers

The Knights of Labor and the Haymarket Disaster

Agrarian Revolt

The Rise of the Populists


Chapter 20: Industry and Empire, 1890-1900

American Portrait: J. P. Morgan

The Crisis of the 1890s

Hard Times

The Overseas Frontier

America and the World: Singer Sewing Machine Company

The Drive for Efficiency

American Landscape: Pullman, Illinois

Progress and Force

Corporate Consolidation

A Modern Economy

Currency and the Tariff

The Cross of Gold

The Battle of the Standards

The Retreat from Politics

The Lure of the Cities

Inventing Jim Crow

The Atlanta Compromise

Disfranchisement and the Decline of Popular Politics

Organized Labor Retreats from Politics

American Diplomacy Enters the Modern World

Sea Power and the Imperial Urge

The Scramble for Empire

War With Spain

The Anti-Imperialists

The Philippine-American War

The Open Door


Chapter 21: A United Body of Action, 1900-1916

American Portrait: Alice Hamilton

Toward a New Politics

The Insecurity of Modern Life

The Decline of Partisan Politics

Social Housekeeping

Evolution or Revolution?

The Progressives

Social Workers and Muckrakers

Dictatorship of the Experts

America and the World: The Calorie

Progressives on the Color Line

Progressives in State and Local Politics

Redesigning the City

Reform Mayors and City Services

Progressivism and the States

The Presidency Becomes "The Administration"

The Executive Branch Against the Trusts

The Square Deal

Conserving Water, Land, and Forests

American Landscape: The Hetch Hetchy Valley

TR and Big Stick Diplomacy

Taft and Dollar Diplomacy

Rival Visions of the Industrial Future

The New Nationalism

The 1912 Election

The New Freedom


Chapter 22: A Global Power, 1914-1919

American Portrait: Walter Lippmann

The Challenge of Revolution

The Mexican Revolution

Bringing Order to the Caribbean

A One-Sided Neutrality

The Lusitania's Last Voyage

The Drift to War

American Landscape: Plattsburg Training Camp

The Election of 1916

The Last Attempts at Peace

War Aims

The Fight in Congress

Mobilizing the Nation and the Economy

Enforcing Patriotism

Regimenting the Economy

The Great Migration

Reforms Become "War Measures"

Over There

Citizens into Soldiers

The Fourteen Points

The Final Offensive

Revolutionary Anxieties

Wilson in Paris

The Senate Rejects the League

America and the World: The Influenza Pandemic of 1918

Red Scare


Chapter 23: A Modern Nation, 1920-1928

American Portrait: "The Queen of the Waves"

A Dynamic Economy

The Development of Industry

The Trend toward Large-Scale Organization

The Transformation of Work and the Workforce

The Defeat of Organized Labor

The Decline of Agriculture

The Urban Nation

A Modern Culture

The Spread of Consumerism

New Pleasures

A Sexual Revolution

Changing Gender Ideals

The Family and Youth

American Landscape: "Flaming Youth" on Campus

The Celebration of the Individual

The Limits of the Modern Culture

The "Lost Generation" of Intellectuals

Fundamentalist Christians and "Old-Time Religion"

Nativists and Immigration Restriction

The Rebirth of the Ku Klux Klan

Mexican Americans

African Americans and the "New Negro"

A "New Era" in Politics and Government

The Modern Political System

The Republican Ascendancy

The Politics of Individualism

Republican Foreign Policy

America and the World: "Jazz-band partout!"

Extending the "New Era"


Chapter 24: Great Depression and a New Deal, 1929-1940

American Portrait: Margaret Mitchell

The Great Depression


Descending into Depression

Hoover Responds

The First New Deal

The Election of 1932

FDR Takes Command

Federal Relief

The Farm Crisis

The Blue Eagle

The Second New Deal

Critics Attack from All Sides

The Second Hundred Days

American Landscape: Angola, Louisiana

Social Security for Some

Labor and the New Deal

The New Deal Coalition

Crisis of the New Deal

Conservatives Counterattack

The Liberal Crisis of Confidence

America and the World: The Global Depression


Chapter 25: The Second World War, 1941-1945

American Portrait: A. Philip Randolph

Island in a Totalitarian Sea

A World of Hostile Blocs

The Good Neighbor

America First?

Means Short of War

Turning the Tide

Midway and Coral Sea

Gone with the Draft

The Winning Weapons

The Second Front

Organizing for Production

A Mixed Economy

Industry Moves South and West

New Jobs in New Places

Women in Industry

Between Idealism and Fear

Japanese Internment

American Landscape: Manzanar

No Shelter from the Holocaust

Closing with the Enemy

Taking the War to Europe

Island Hopping in the Pacific

Building a New World

America and the World: Bretton Woods

The Fruits of Victory


Chapter 26: The Cold War, 1945-1952

American Portrait: Esther and Stephen Brunauer

Origins of the Cold War

Ideological Adversaries

Uneasy Allies

From Allies to Enemies

National Security

The Truman Doctrine


American Landscape: Dhahran

Taking Risks

Global Revolutions

America and the World: Underdevelopment



The Reconversion of American Society

The Postwar Economy

The Challenge of Organized Labor

Opportunities for Women

Civil Rights for African Americans

The Frustrations of Liberalism

The Democrats' Troubles

Truman's Comeback

Fighting the Cold War at Home

Doubts and Fears in the Atomic Age

The Anti-Communist Crusade

The Hunt for Spies

The Rise of McCarthyism


Chapter 27: The Consumer Society, 1945-1961

American Portrait: Gene Ferkauf

Living the Good Life

Economic Prosperity

The Suburban Dream

American Landscape: Levittown, New York

The Pursuit of Pleasure

A Homogeneous Society?

The Discovery of Conformity

The Decline of Class and Ethnicity

The Resurgence of Religion and Family

Maintaining Gender Roles

Persisting Racial Differences

The Survival of Diversity

The Eisenhower Era at Home and Abroad

"Ike" and 1950s America

Modern Republicanism

An Aggressive Cold War Strategy

Avoiding War with the Communist Powers

America and the World: Popular Music as a Cold War Weapon

Crises in the Third World

Challenges to the Consumer Society

Rebellious Youth

The Beat Movement

The Rebirth of Environmentalism

The Struggle for Civil Rights

An Uneasy Mood


Chapter 28: The Rise and Fall of the New Liberalism, 1960-1968

American Portrait: Lt. Fred Downs

New Ideas, New Leaders

Grassroots Activism for Civil Rights

The New Liberalism

The New Conservatism

The New Left

The Presidential Election of 1960

The New Frontier

Style and Substance

Civil Rights

Flexible Response and the Third World

Two Confrontations with the Soviets

Kennedy and Vietnam

The Great Society

Lyndon Johnson's Mandate

"Success Without Squalor"

Preserving Personal Freedom

The Death of Jim Crow

American Landscape: The Long Cool Summer" of Greenville, Mississippi

The American War in Vietnam

Johnson's Decision for War

Fighting a Limited War

The War at Home

The Great Society Comes Apart

The Emergence of Black Power

The Youth Rebellion

The Rebirth of the Women's Movement

Conservative Backlash

1968: A Tumultuous Year

America and the World: International Student Protest, 1968


Chapter 29: Living with Less: 1968-1980

American Portrait: "Fighting Shirley Chisholm"

A New Crisis: Economic Decline

Weakness at Home

The Energy Crisis

Competition Abroad

The Multinationals

America and the World: Carl Gerstacker's Dream

The Impact of Decline

American Landscape: Youngstown, Ohio

Confronting Decline: Nixon's Strategy

A New Foreign Policy

Ending the Vietnam War

Chile and the Middle East

Taming Big Government

An Uncertain Economic Policy

Refusing to Settle for Less: Struggles for Rights

African Americans' Struggle for Racial Justice

Women's Liberation

Mexican Americans and "Brown Power"

Asian American Activism

The Struggle for Native American Rights

Homosexuals and "Gay Power"

Backlash: From Radical Action to Conservative Reaction

"The Movement" and the "Me-Decade"

The Plight of the White Ethnics

The Republican Counterattack

Political Crisis: Three Troubled Presidencies

Watergate: The Fall of Richard Nixon

Gerald Ford and a Skeptical Nation

"Why Not the Best?": Jimmy Carter


Chapter 30: The Triumph of Conservatism: 1980-1991

American Portrait: Linda Chavez

Creating a Conservative Majority

The New Economy

The Rehabilitation of Business

The Rise of the Religious Right

The 1980 Presidential Election

The Reagan Revolution at Home

The Reagan Style

Shrinking Government


The 1984 Presidential Election

The Reagan Revolution Abroad

Restoring American Power

Confronting the "Evil Empire"

The Reagan Doctrine in the Third World

The Middle East and Terrorism

The United States and the World Economy

America and the World: Japanese Management, American Workers

The Battle over Conservative Social Values

Attacking the Legacy of the 1960s

Women's Rights and Abortion

Gays and the AIDS Crisis

African Americans and Racial Inequality

"The Decade of the Hispanic"

American Landscape: San Antonio

From Scandal to Triumph

Business and Religious Scandals

Political Scandals

Setbacks for the Conservative Agenda

A Vulnerable Economy

Reagan's Comeback


Chapter 31: "A Nation Transformed," 1989-2008

American Portrait: Tiger Woods

The Age of Globalization

The Cold War and Globalization

New Communications Technologies

Multinationals and NGOs

Expanding Trade

Moving People

America and the World: Globalization's Final Frontier

The Politics of A New economy

The Information Economy

A Second Economic Revolution?

Boom and Insecurity

The Return of Inequality

The Power of Conservatism

Contesting Globalization

A Changing People

A Diverse Society of Color

African Americans in the Post-Civil Rights Era

Culture Wars

Women in the Post-Feminist Era

Winning Gay and Lesbian Rights

America in the Post-Cold War World

The New World Order

The Persian Gulf War

Retreating from the New World Order

Al Qaeda and 9/11

American Landscape: Gitmo, "The Least Worst Place"

The War on Terror

The Iraq War

America in Crisis

Iraq and Afghanistan in Turmoil

The Economy in Jeopardy

The Presidential Election of 2008



Appendix A: Historical Documents

Declaration of Independence

U.S. Constitution

Lincoln's Gettysburg Address

Appendix B: Historical Facts, Data

U.S. Presidents and Vice Presidents

Admission of States into the Union


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