Night Shifters Iii: The Great War
As war approaches, tribes are gathering from across the globe to join in the fight against the Suhnoyee Wah. Kyle must protect his family and those around him. The more he discovers the powers he has, the stronger he becomes. Good versus evil-who will live, and who will die?
Night Shifters Iii: The Great War
As war approaches, tribes are gathering from across the globe to join in the fight against the Suhnoyee Wah. Kyle must protect his family and those around him. The more he discovers the powers he has, the stronger he becomes. Good versus evil-who will live, and who will die?
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Night Shifters Iii: The Great War

Night Shifters Iii: The Great War

by Cheryl Lee
Night Shifters Iii: The Great War

Night Shifters Iii: The Great War

by Cheryl Lee


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As war approaches, tribes are gathering from across the globe to join in the fight against the Suhnoyee Wah. Kyle must protect his family and those around him. The more he discovers the powers he has, the stronger he becomes. Good versus evil-who will live, and who will die?

Product Details

ISBN-13: 9781490792057
Publisher: Trafford Publishing
Publication date: 11/19/2018
Pages: 164
Product dimensions: 6.00(w) x 9.00(h) x 0.44(d)

Read an Excerpt


Daring Rescue

Running as fast as we could, I could see a line forming up a head. Eyes peeking through the night I knew we were headed right into danger. Then with in an instant our bodies shifted becoming one with then night. Eric transformed into some kind of night warrior. Not only was he transforming, I transformed as well.

Strong power surges ran through my body, me feet were not even touching the ground. I don't know how we plowed through the shifters, but we did, others joined in with us.

A fast-moving white mist guided us deeper into the woods where we could hear loud screaming. Sounds of wolves growling and howling, was all around us. We came to a part of the woods near a huge rock near tall shrubs and hid behind them.

We watched as people were dancing around a fire, singing out to a warrior of the night.

Nai'okah was lying on a flat slab of rock that appeared to be a sacrificial table. Her arms were bleeding and her blood dripped into bowls beneath her. Just as I saw in my vision two white eyes emerged from the darkness only they were painted on a man's chest. He wore huge bear skin and the head was like a mask covering his face.

"Who is this mysterious man?"

I asked myself.

Then it hit me.

"Jeremy Hawk!"

My blood boiled and burned deep within me as I watched this ritual. Jeremy walks up to up to Nai'okah staring down at her. She was terrified, both Eric and I were ready to make our move when a huge white wolf came and stood between us. It was the biggest wolf I had ever seen. But there was something about this wolf that seemed quite different.

Looking deep into my eyes it spoke to me, telling me to wait. I looked over at Eric; his hand gripped a huge knife on his side. I cautioned him to wait. We watched in horror as this man stood over her picking up one of the bowls. Holding it up into the air he called upon a spirit but not just any spirit a very evil one.

"Great spirit of the night, I call upon you to accept my sacrifice, Oh dark and powerful one I offer up her blood and her soul to you."

The white wolf next me growled deeply, I watched as it clutched the earth with its huge paws. Never taking its eyes off Jeremy we watched a mist of darkness circled above Jeremy's head. He invited the evil spirit to rest in his body as he prepared to drink Nai'okah's blood.

By this time more wolves joined us and were ready for battle. Sounds of growls, and cracking sounds like bones breaking was all around us. Once Jeremy swallowed her blood the dark mist consumed his body. He screamed as if he was in pain, but then Jeremy was no longer Jeremy he was someone else or perhaps I should say something.

The people around him fell to the ground worshipping the night shifter, I had a gut feeling I knew what the wolves were waiting for. As soon as the creature takes human form they will strike. I could see the silhouette of a man's body inside the dark mist. Once the creature was fully formed using Jeremy's body the sound of growling increased around me.

Picking up the bowl of blood the night shifter proceeded to drink Nai'okah's blood. Looking down at her it spoke.

"Your blood line is very strong, rich and full of power, you will do well."

Picking up a huge knife, he raised it above his head, spoke in a native language and before he could carry out his attack on her life. The wolves sprang into action. One by one they attacked. Pouncing on the shifter like a ton of bricks. The dark mist quickly exited the Jeremy's body. The wolves ripped him into pieces, I dared not to look.

Eric and I rushed over to Nai'okah's side; she was unconscious and still bleeding. We had to act fast; there was no way I could shift with her like this. We carried her as we ran as fast as we could through the woods, the smell of her blood was attracting more than just shifters, but something else.

There was no time to look back, only forward. A pack of wolves acted as our escorts but something hovered over us.

Then one by one the wolves disappeared, swallowed by the night the battle raged on. I remembered in my vision how I pulled something out of my pouch. Looking around I could see wolves half revealed, fighting the darkness.

Eric and I kept running but I had to do something. We had to act in seconds in order to create a barrier between us and the shifter. However, carrying Nai'okah made it very difficult.

The wolves were fighting as hard as they could, when more joined in the fight, we used it to our advantage. With only seconds to spare, I told Eric to create a barrier, just as I saw in my vision, he quickly drew a circle around us and then dropped sacred stones on the ground. I held Nai'okah in my arms until he was finished.

Then we switched off and I took powder from my pouch tossing it into the air. It sizzled, and then the smell of burnt flesh hit my nose. Although the wolves fought hard, some of them never returned from the darkness. The night seemed to bleed and spill on the ground.

Once we were covered, it was time get moving again, I held Nai'okah while Eric dropped stones on the ground. We were covered by an invisible barrier that protected us. Covered in Nai'okah's blood, it was hard to keep away any hungry beast. She started to moan a little, which was a good sign; uttering only a few words I could feel her will to live.

We were only moments away from the clearing when we saw a pack of wolves up ahead. One by one they appeared, side by side they stood. Eric and I kept going and did not stop.

It was hard to tell if they were on our side or not, at this point I didn't care. Nai'okah needed medical treatment and fast, so Eric and I pressed on and headed straight for them.

The closer we got to the edge the more the wolves moved in, my heart fluttered and the smell of burnt flesh was very strong in the air. We pushed our bodies as far as they could go. Keeping our stride together, Eric and I held on to Nai'okah with all our might.

Then out of know where something pushed us, and down we went. Nai'okah's body hit the ground hard.

A strong force moved in between us forcing us to drop her, as we looked up dark ripples in the night hovered above us. Just as it got closer the wolves moved in, I thought for sure this was going to be the end of us. Surely these massive beasts were going to have their way with us.

Then the appearance huge claw like hands came out from beyond the darkness to pick up Nai'okah. And just as it did, the wolves attacked. Tearing off a limb of the beast.

Although we were surrounded; we hurried to get to Nai'okah out, the wolves fought to keep the evil away from us.

Trying to get to our pouches as we ran, I yelled out to Eric.

"We must get to the clearing and fast."

Eric agreed. Just when he reached for his pouch, something grabbed his legs from behind. He screamed out for help, I tried to get to him before the darkness could swallow him up. I leaped as far as I could and grabbed hold of his hands.

"Brother, don't let me go!"

Eric screamed.

"Hold on tight and don't let go!"

I pulled and pulled until we were holding on to each other's shoulders, Eric kept screaming, as the dark entity pulled him deeper, there was no time I had to do something to save my brother.

I quickly reached into his pouch pulled out the sacred stones and tossed them into the darkness. Bright lights shot out like firecrackers, the shifter began to go from a dark mist, to a hideous looking wolf, and its body sizzled loud as it was burning. The sound it made pierced my ears.

Once it let go of Eric, I could see inside of it somehow, I could not take my eyes off of it. Eric pulled on my arm telling me to go. Looking into the eyes of the beast it was paralyzing. Even though I saw deep within its soul, I also saw what used to be a man. A man whose life was overtaken by a dark entity, consumed then transformed.

The more I stared, Eric pulled on me, then I felt massive arms yanked me away from what I was deeply caught up into. Shaking my head, trying to snap out of it, Big John spoke to me.

"Come on son we must leave now!"

Once we reached the edge of the woods, others greeted us. They quickly took Nai'okah away, while we were taken to the council of the Elders. I thanked Big John for saving me, and then Eric thanked me for saving his life. Big John told us to thank him later; there was no time to talk.

Chief Spearhorn was waiting for us, he told me that my friends were safe, and were taken home. I looked around for my uncle Benjamin but could not see him, Chief Spearhorn stated that my uncle was safe, and he had asked him to take care of Tony and Elsha. Chief Spearhorn was full of gratitude, but I was full of questions.

"What am I?"

I did not want to waste any more time with riddles, parables or puzzles. And to my surprise Chief Spearhorn said neither did he.

Once we were inside the council building, two men were posted outside of the door. Chief Spearhorn began to talk about the horrific event that took place. First the Chief looked at me and then Eric, examining us with his eyes. Then he sat down and a told us that we are favored among the spirit guides.

I felt my blood began to boil again so I questioned him once more.

"What the hell am I!"

Chief Spearhorn quickly responded.

"Centuries ago there were many like you, when I was a young boy my father told me of a story about a very powerful being sent by the spirit guides to protect our people. Some called them night angel, because he had the ability to transform himself and blend with the night."

I wondered how he became to be that way, but Chief Spearhorn went on explaining.

"My ancestors called him night angel, one who walks with the night. Although no one knows how he came to be but my father described him as tall, broad shoulder, hair black very silky. His features are brown skinned, dark brown eyes. Legend says he blends with the elements of earth, a gift from the spirit guides."



Chief Spearhorn went on telling us how some believed this night angel was good and others thought of him as evil. There had been talks that he could be a skin walker. No one really knew, then Eric stepped forward scolding the Elders.

"Was this another one of your tests, to prove that we are brave enough for you? Why give us these pouches and tell us to use them when we felt the urge to!"

Chief Spearhorn quickly responded in a very stern voice.

"You are who you are; there are things I don't need to tell you because you already know. Both of you possess powers that are beyond this world, none that no one has ever seen. You would have not believed me if I would have told you."

"The only way was for both of you to join and let destiny take its course. I had faith in both of you that one day you would figure it out. I didn't want it to be face to face with danger."

Then Chief Spearhorn requested that Eric and I be taken to his cabin, I was so tired of all of the games, and the waiting was killing me. Eric was very upset; I think he was just as tired as I was.

Sitting in Chief Spearhorn's cabin was not the place I wanted to be. Eric stared out of the window motionless as I paced the floor. I wanted to see my friends but not before I got some answers.

My mind was filled with such confusion, I could hardly think straight. As we waited for the Chief, I tried to grab hold of who I was, but the real question is what and not who. I thought about Nai'okah and wondered how she was doing.

Her life will never be the same again; come to think of it all of us are different now. Eric stayed close to the window, I got a little curious

As I walked toward him, I wanted to see why he was staring out of the window.

He spoke softly spoke.

"Someone is coming, I can't tell who it is, but I know she's female."

I wondered how he knew, because it was so dark outside. But my instincts told me as well. There came a knock at the door.

We both looked at each other, walking toward the door. Ms. Creed entered. She had a look of relief on face.

"Boys I'm glad to see both of you are safe."

She hugged us both, as she shook nervously. I gave her some assurance.

"We are good, how are you?"

She took off her coat, and said she was a total wreck. Eric asked if she heard anything, she said only that Chief Spearhorn asked her to wait here with us.

Eric and I couldn't wait for the Chief, so we started asking Ms. Creed questions about what she heard or saw. She seemed quite disturbed, but as strong as she was, she kept her composure.

Ms. Creed said there had been some strange sightings around the reservation tonight, she was kept in one of the buildings with Elsha and Tony which she told me they were safe and how they left hours ago. She continued telling us that we must remain on the reservation until further notice. I didn't like it.

"So, what are we prisoners now? What about my family?"

Ms. Creed assured me that they were fine, but for me not to worry. Ms. Creed continued to explain to us how strange sounds came from the woods began to frighten those around her. Not knowing what was going on men stood on guard at the door. The wind picked up strong as if a storm was brewing. Ms. Creed stated she heard a commotion and went to ask but of course Elsha was right by her side.

Ms. Creed told her story.

"As I sat with the children, Elsha was doing a good job by telling them stories, and Tony was very entertaining as well being silly with them. I wanted to know what was happening outside, so I stepped out into the hall. One of the men named Donavon told me I would be safer if I remained inside. When I asked him what he meant by safe he said they found the missing girl, but her capturer was still on the loose."

Eric and I looked at each other we knew that couldn't be true because we saw him die. Ms. Creed continued......

"Just as Donavon was talking, I stared over his shoulder to see a young woman carried on a stretcher, her blood-soaked clothes startled me. Donavon told me to stay inside and not to come out. As I waited until he was gone, I did some investigating on my own. I wanted to know where they took her, so I followed the trail of blood."

Eric and I both wanted to know her status. Ms. Creed said she was alive but unconscious. The tribal doctors and nurses were working on her when something weird happened. Eric shifted in his seat.

"What do you mean by weird?"

Ms. Creed paused for a moment, the she continued ...

"Keeping my distance, I stepped into an adjourning room where I could see her, then she started choking, I saw her body shake, as the nurses tried cleaning her wounds. Nai'okah screamed. He father was talking to her encouraging her to hold on. He was later escorted out, to a nearby waiting room. She was given a shot to relax her. Once she calmed, everyone left, and I went in. She appeared to be sleeping so when I got closer to her, she opened her eyes"

At this point she couldn't continue the look in her face was very grim. While in his chair, Eric leaned forward asking her.

"What did you see?"

Ms. Creed took a deep breath and replied.

"Death, she had death in her eyes."

A cold chill came over me; I looked at Ms. Creed to inquire more.

"What was the color of her eyes?"

Ms. Creed gasped for air, and then she softly responded.

"Black, they were black."

Clutching her silver stone, she leaned back, and sighed. Then she looked at me asking me a question that brought back horrifying memories.

"What was it like? Do you remember anything after your rescue?"

I hesitated to answer her, but I did anyway.

"You lay in the balance between heaven and earth, the spirit guides are with you, but evil is there also, Nai'okah said she felt she was being followed and she wanted me to help her. I will never get over the fear she had in her eyes."

Eric was tired of waiting for the Chief to arrive, I asked Ms. Creed if she had any updates on Nai'okah and she hesitated to speak again. By this time Eric asked if there was anything else that happened in the room Ms. Creed looked at me with tears almost streaming down her face.

"Will she survive it, whatever has her I fear she gone past this world. She's still alive last I heard but her eyes were like a dark hole, I struggled to tear myself away from looking at her. I couldn't stop staring at her; the only thing that broke my trance was a noise on the other side of the door. She just laid there still so I ran out through another door."

I think it is time we all came pretty clear with each other, as Ms. Creed spoke, I thought about the darkness when Eric was pulled half way into it. I saw deep inside the shifter, then I saw him as a man. Within seconds I saw his life and his death. He was once a warrior that defied Liwanu, because of that he was killed, his soul devoured, and he was transformed into a hideous beast. His soul bound to evil for all eternity. As for Ms. Creed's question Eric gave her the answer.

"She will survive if she is one of the chosen, unfortunately he has tasted her blood, and she will have to endure total darkness. If she survives her blood will return natural, but if it doesn't, she will now be an enemy."


Excerpted from "Night Shifters III"
by .
Copyright © 2018 Cheryl Lee.
Excerpted by permission of Trafford Publishing.
All rights reserved. No part of this excerpt may be reproduced or reprinted without permission in writing from the publisher.
Excerpts are provided by Dial-A-Book Inc. solely for the personal use of visitors to this web site.

Table of Contents

Chapter 1 Daring Rescue, 1,
Chapter 2 Descendants, 6,
Chapter 3 Darker Secrets, 11,
Chapter 4 Locked In, 19,
Chapter 5 Night Cries, 27,
Chapter 6 Transitions, 34,
Chapter 7 Silent Prayers, 42,
Chapter 8 Distress Call, 49,
Chapter 9 Dark Ghost, 55,
Chapter 10 Night Visitor, 61,
Chapter 11 Dark Silhouettes, 66,
Chapter 12 Disturbance, 72,
Chapter 13 Signs, 79,
Chapter 14 The Reading, 88,
Chapter 15 Blood Ritual, 94,
Chapter 16 Dangerous Ground, 100,
Chapter 17 The Cleansing, 108,
Chapter 18 The Pack, 115,
Chapter 19 The Movement, 121,
Chapter 20 Marked, 126,
Chapter 21 Past Reflections, 130,
Chapter 22 Born in the Blood, 135,
Chapter 23 The Blood Pool, 141,
Chapter 24 The Great War, 147,

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