Nelson's Foundational Bible Concordance with the King James Version Bible

Nelson's Foundational Bible Concordance with the King James Version Bible

by Thomas Nelson
Nelson's Foundational Bible Concordance with the King James Version Bible

Nelson's Foundational Bible Concordance with the King James Version Bible

by Thomas Nelson


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Nelson's Foundational Bible Concordance is prepared with immediacy, simplicity, thoroughness, and accuracy in mind. Every passage of scripture can be located quickly and with ease. The most helpful tools have been included to aid in pronunciation, distinguishing multiple persons or places, and to understand actual meaning. Nelson's Foundational Bible Concordance includes the most likely places for the user to find every verse in the Bible. By eliminating common and non-distinctive words, references to more distinctive words within a given verse are easily located.

Features include:

  • An easy-to-use method for locating scripture passages quickly
  • Tools to aid in pronunciation, differentiation between multiple persons with the same name, and understanding of the actual meaning
In addition to thefull Concordance materials, the eBook version of Nelson’s Foundational Bible Concordance also contains an appendixof the full text of the King James Version Bible. All verse references in theConcordance are linked to that verse in the Bible so that you can easilynavigate between the Concordance and Bible text.

Product Details

ISBN-13: 9780529106315
Publisher: Nelson, Thomas, Inc.
Publication date: 06/10/2014
Pages: 800
Sales rank: 640,540
Product dimensions: 6.40(w) x 9.20(h) x 2.20(d)

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Nelson's Foundational Bible Concordance

By World Publishing Company

Thomas Nelson

Copyright © 2004 World Publishing
All rights reserved.
ISBN: 978-0-529-10631-5




AARON(a'-ur-un) See Aaron's, Aaronites. First High Priest of Israel; brother of Moses.

Ex 4:14 Is not A the Levite thy brother
Ex 4:27 And the Lord said to A, Go into
Ex 4:30 A spake all the words which the
Ex 5:1 A went in, and told Pharaoh, Thus
Ex 5:4 them, Wherefore do ye, Moses and A
Ex 7:2 A thy brother shall speak unto
Ex 7:6 A did as the Lord commanded them,
Ex 7:7 A fourscore and three years old,
Ex 8:5 Lord spake unto Moses, Say unto A
Ex 8:6 A stretched out his hand over the
Ex 11:10 A did all these wonders before
Ex 15:20 the prophetess, the sister of A
Ex 16:2 Moses and A in the wilderness
Ex 16:6 A said unto all the children of
Ex 17:12 and A and Hur stayed up his hands,
Ex 28:35 And it shall be upon A to minister
Ex 28:38 that A may bear the iniquity of
Ex 29:20 the tip of the right ear of A Ex 29:32 And A and his sons shall eat the
Ex 32:35 they made the calf, which A made
Ex 34:30 And when A and all the children of
Lev 8:6 And Moses brought A and his sons,
Lev 8:14 and A and his sons laid their hands
Lev 8:30 the altar, and sprinkled it upon A Lev 8:30 and sanctified A, and his garments,
Lev 10:1 And Nadab and Abihu, the sons of A
Lev 10:4 the sons of Uzziel the uncle of A
Lev 16:1 the death of the two sons of A
Lev 16:6 A shall offer his bullock of the
Lev 16:8 A shall cast lots upon the two
Lev 22:4 of the seed of A is a leper
Lev 22:18 Speak unto A, and to his sons, and
Num 3:1 also are the generations of A
Num 4:16 office of Eleazar the son of A
Num 6:23 Speak unto A and unto his sons,
Num 7:8 Ithamar the son of A the priest
Num 8:21 A made an atonement for them to
Num 8:22 of the congregation before A
Num 12:10 A looked upon Miriam, and, behold,
Num 12:11 A said unto Moses, Alas, my lord,
Num 13:26 went and came to Moses, and to A
Num 14:2 against Moses and against A
Num 14:5 A fell on their faces before all
Num 20:24 A shall be gathered unto his
Num 20:25 Take A and Eleazar his son, and
Num 20:26 strip A of his garments, and put
Num 20:28 A died there in the top of the
Num 20:29 congregation saw that A was dead
Num 20:29 they mourned for A thirty days
Num 33:39 A was an hundred and twenty and
Josh 21:19 the cities of the children of A 1Chr 6:50 And these are the sons of A
Ps 115:12 he will bless the house of A
Ps 118:3 Let the house of A now say
Ps 135:19 bless the Lord, O house of A
Mic 6:4 and I sent before thee Moses, A
Lk 1:5 wife was of the daughters of A
Acts 7:40 Saying unto A, Make us gods to go
Heb 5:4 that is called of God, as was A
Heb 7:11 be called after the order of A

AARONITES(a'-ur-un-ites) Priests; Aaron's descendants.

1Chr 12:27 Jehoiada was the leader of the A
1Chr 27:17 of the A, Zadok

ABADDON(ab-ad'-dun) Angel of the Abyss.

Rev 9:11 name in the Hebrew tongue is A

ABAGTHA(ab-ag'-thah) Servant of King Ahaseurus.

Est 1:10 Biztha, Harbona, Bigtha, and A

ABANA(ab-ay'-nah) A river in Syria.

2Kin 5:12 Are not A and Pharpar, rivers of

ABARIM(ab'-ar-im) See Ije-Abarim. A mountain range in Moab.

Num 27:12 Get thee up into this mount A
Num 33:47 and pitched in the mountains of A
Num 33:48 departed from the mountains of A
Deut 32:49 Get thee up into this mountain A


Job 40:11 every one that is proud, and a him
Is 31:4 nor a himself for the noise of
Eze 21:26 is low, and a him that is high
Dan 4:37 walk in pride he is able to a


Mt 23:12 shall exalt himself shall be a
Lk 14:11 exalteth himself shall be a
Lk 18:14 that exalteth himself shall be a
Phil 4:12 I know both how to be a, and I


2Cor 11:7 Have I committed an offence in a


Gen 8:3 and fifty days the waters were a
Gen 8:8 to see if the waters were a from
Gen 8:11 waters were a from off the earth
Lev 27:18 it shall be a from thy estimation
Deut 34:7 not dim, nor his natural force a
Judg 8:3 Then their anger was a toward him

ABBA(ab'-bah) Aramaic for "Father."

Mk 14:36 And he said, A, Father, all things
Rom 8:15 of adoption, whereby we cry, A
Gal 4:6 Son into your hearts, crying, A


1. Father of Adoniram.

1Kin 4:6 Adoniram the son of A was over

2. A chief Levite after the exile.

Neh 11:17 A the son of Shammua, the son of

ABDEEL(ab'-de-el) Father of Shelemiah.

Jer 36:26 Azriel, and Shelemiah the son of A


1. Levite grandfather of Ethan.

1Chr 6:44 the son of Kishi, the son of A
2Chr 29:12 sons of Merari, Kish the son of A

2. Married a foreigner while in exile.

Ezr 10:26 Zechariah, and Jehiel, and A

ABDIEL(ab'-de-el) Son of Guni.

1Chr 5:15 Ahi the son of A, the son of Guni


1. Levitical city in Asher.

Josh 21:30 her suburbs, A with her suburbs,
1Chr 6:74 suburbs, and A with her suburbs,

2. A judge of Israel.

Judg 12:13 after him A the son of Hillel, a
Judg 12:15 And A the son of Hillel the

3. A Benjamite in Jerusalem.

1Chr 8:23 And A, and Zichri, and Hanan,

4. Son of Jehiel.

1Chr 8:30 And his firstborn son A, and Zur,
1Chr 9:36 And his firstborn son A, then Zur,

5. Son of Micah.

2Chr 34:20 A the son of Micah, and Shaphan

ABED-NEGO(ab-ed'-ne-go) A companion of Daniel in captivity.

Dan 1:7 and to Azariah, of A
Dan 2:49 and he set Shadrach, Meshach, and A
Dan 3:12 Babylon, Shadrach, Meshach, and A
Dan 3:16 Shadrach, Meshach, and A, answered
Dan 3:20 to bind Shadrach, Meshach, and A
Dan 3:26 Then Shadrach, Meshach, and A


1. Second son of Adam.

Gen 4:2 And she again bare his brother A
Gen 4:4 And the Lord had respect unto A
Gen 4:8 And Cain talked with A his brother
Gen 4:9 unto Cain, Where is A thy brother
Gen 4:25 me another seed instead of A
Mt 23:35 from the blood of righteous A
Lk 11:51 From the blood of A unto the
Heb 11:4 By faith A offered unto God a
Heb 12:24 better things than that of A

2. Great stone near Beth-shemesh.

1Sa 6:18 even unto the great stone of A

3. A city in Naphtali.

2Sa 20:14 all the tribes of Israel unto A
2Sa 20:15 besieged him in A of Beth-maachah
2Sa 20:18 shall surely ask counsel at A

ABEL ACACIA GROVE See Abelshittim.

ABEL-BETH-MAACHAH(a'-bel-beth-ma'a-kah) A city in northern Israel.

1Kin 15:20 and smote Ijon, and Dan, and A
2Kin 15:29 of Assyria, and took Ijon, and A

ABEL-MAIM(a'-bel-ma'-im) Another name for Abel-beth-maachah.

2Chr 16:4 and they smote Ijon, and Dan, and A

ABEL-MEHOLAH(a'-bel-me-ho'-lah) A city in Issachar.

Judg 7:22 Zererath, and to the border of A
1Kin 4:12 Jezreel, from Beth-shean to A
1Kin 19:16 Elisha the son of Shaphat of A

ABEL-MIZRAIM(a'-bel-miz'-ra-im) A place east of the Jordan River.

Gen 50:11 the name of it was called A

ABEL-SHITTIM(a'-bel-shit'-tim) A place in Moab.

Num 33:49 even unto A in the plains of Moab

ABEZ(a'-bez) A place in Issachar.

Josh 19:20 And Rabbith, and Kishion, and A


Lev 26:11 and my soul shall not a you
Lev 26:15 or if your soul a my judgments
Lev 26:30 idols, and my soul shall a you
Lev 26:44 them away, neither will I a them
Deut 7:26 it, and thou shalt utterly a it
Deut 23:7 Thou shalt not a an Edomite
1Sa 27:12 people Israel utterly to a him
Job 9:31 and mine own clothes shall a me
Job 30:10 They a me, they flee far from me,
Job 42:6 Wherefore I a myself, and repent
Ps 5:6 the Lord will a the bloody
Ps 119:163 I hate and a lying
Prov 24:24 people curse, nations shall a him
Jer 14:21 Do not a us, for thy name's sake,
Amos 5:10 gate, and they a him that speaketh
Amos 6:8 I a the excellency of Jacob, and
Mic 3:9 that a judgment, and pervert all
Rom 12:9 A that which is evil


Ex 5:21 to be a in the eyes of Pharaoh
Lev 20:23 things, and therefore I a them
Lev 26:43 because their soul a my statutes
Deut 32:19 he a them, because of the
1Sa 2:17 for men a the offering of the
2Sa 16:21 that thou art a of thy father
1Kin 11:25 he a Israel, and reigned over
Job 19:19 All my inward friends a me
Ps 22:24 For he hath not despised nor a
Ps 78:59 he was wroth, and greatly a Israel
Ps 89:38 But thou hast cast off and a
Ps 106:40 insomuch that he a his own
Prov 22:14 he that is a of the Lord shall
Lam 2:7 he hath a his sanctuary, he hath
Eze 16:25 and hast made thy beauty to be a
Zec 11:8 them, and their soul also a me


Is 7:16 the land that thou a shall be
Rom 2:22 thou that a idols, dost thou


Job 33:20 So that his life a bread, and his
Ps 10:3 the covetous, whom the Lord a
Ps 36:4 he a not evil
Ps 107:18 Their soul a all manner of meat
Is 49:7 to him whom the nation a


Is 66:24 they shall be an a unto all flesh

ABI(a'-bi) See Abi-Ablon, Abi-Ezer. Mother of King Hezekiah.

2Kin 18:2 His mother's name also was A

ABIA(ab-i'-ah) See Abiah, Abijah, Abijam.

1. A son of Rehoboam.

1Chr 3:10 Rehoboam, A his son, Asa his son,
Mt 1:7 and Roboam begat A

2. A priest.

Lk 1:5 Zacharias, of the course of A

ABIAH(ab-i'-ah) See Abia.

1. A son of Samuel.

1Sa 8:2 and the name of his second, A
1Chr 6:28 the firstborn Vashni, and A

2. Mother of Ashur.

1Chr 2:24 then A Hezron's wife bare him

3. Son of Becher.

1Chr 7:8 and Omri, and Jerimoth, and A

ABI-ALBON(ab'-i-al'-bun) A "mighty man" of David.

2Sa 23:31 A the Arbathite, Azmaveth the

ABIASAPH(ab-i'-as-af) See Ebiasaph. A son of Korah.

Ex 6:24 Assir, and Elkanah, and A

ABIATHAR(ab-i'-uth-ur) See Abithar's. High Priest during David's reign.

1Sa 22:21 A shewed David that Saul had
1Sa 23:6 when A the son of Ahimelech fled
1Sa 30:7 And David said to A the priest
2Sa 8:17 Ahitub, and Ahimelech the son of A
2Sa 15:24 A went up, until all the people
2Sa 15:27 thy son, and Jonathan the son of A
2Sa 15:29 A carried the ark of God again to
2Sa 20:25 and Zadok and A were the priests
1Kin 1:7 of Zeruiah, and with A the priest
1Kin 1:19 A the priest, and Joab the captain
1Kin 1:25 of the host, and A the priest
1Kin 2:22 for A the priest, and for Joab the
1Kin 2:27 So Solomon thrust out A from
1Kin 4:4 and Zadok and A were the priests
1Chr 15:11 A the priests, and for the Levites
1Chr 18:16 Ahitub, and Abimelech the son of A
1Chr 24:6 priest, and Ahimelech the son of A
1Chr 27:34 Jehoiada the son of Benaiah, and A
Mk 2:26 in the days of A the high priest


2Sa 15:36 Zadok's son, and Jonathan A son

ABIB(a'-bib) See TEL-ABIB. First month of the Hebrew year.

Ex 13:4 day came ye out in the month A
Ex 23:15 the time appointed of the month A
Ex 34:18 thee, in the time of the month A
Deut 16:1 Observe the month of A, and keep

ABIDA(ab'-id-ah) See Abidah. A son of Midian.

1Chr 1:33 Ephah, and Epher, and Henoch, and A

ABIDAH(ab'-id-ah) See Abida. Same as Abida.

Gen 25:4 Ephah, and Epher, and Hanoch, and A

ABIDAN(ab'-id-an) Son of Gideoni.

Num 1:11 A the son of Gideoni
Num 2:22 shall be A the son of Gideoni
Num 7:60 On the ninth day A the son of
Num 7:65 offering of A the son of Gideoni
Num 10:24 Benjamin was A the son of Gideoni


Gen 19:2 but we will a in the street all
Gen 22:5 young men, A ye here with the ass
Gen 24:55 Let the damsel a with us a few
Gen 29:19 a with me
Gen 44:33 let thy servant a instead of the
Ex 16:29 a ye every man in his place, let
Lev 8:35 Therefore shall ye a at the door
Lev 19:13 a with thee all night until the
Num 22:5 earth, and they a over against me
Num 31:19 do ye a without the camp seven
Num 31:23 Every thing that may a the fire
Num 35:25 he shall a in it unto the death
Deut 3:19 shall a in your cities which I
Josh 18:5 Judah shall a in their coast on
Ruth 2:8 but a here fast by my maidens
1Sa 1:22 the Lord, and there a for ever
1Sa 5:7 God of Israel shall not a with us
1Sa 19:2 a in a secret place, and hide
1Sa 22:5 unto David, A not in the hold
1Sa 22:23 A thou with me, fear not
1Sa 30:21 made also to a at the brook Besor
2Sa 11:11 and Israel, and Judah, a in tents
2Sa 15:19 to thy place, and a with the king
2Sa 16:18 will I be, and with him will I a
1Kin 8:13 place for thee to a in for ever
2Chr 25:19 a now at home
2Chr 32:10 that ye a in the siege in
Job 24:13 nor a in the paths thereof
Job 38:40 a in the covert to lie in wait
Job 39:9 to serve thee, or a by thy crib
Ps 15:1 who shall a in thy tabernacle
Ps 61:4 I will a in thy tabernacle for
Ps 61:7 He shall a before God for ever
Ps 91:1 shall a under the shadow of the
Prov 7:11 her feet a not in her house
Prov 19:23 he that hath it shall a satisfied
Eccl 8:15 for that shall a with him of his
Jer 10:10 not be able to a his indignation
Jer 42:10 If ye will still a in this land
Jer 49:18 the LORD, no man shall a there
Jer 49:33 there shall no man a there
Jer 50:40 so shall no man a there, neither
Hos 3:3 Thou shalt a for me many days
Hos 3:4 shall a many days without a king
Hos 11:6 the sword shall a on his cities


Excerpted from Nelson's Foundational Bible Concordance by World Publishing Company. Copyright © 2004 World Publishing. Excerpted by permission of Thomas Nelson.
All rights reserved. No part of this excerpt may be reproduced or reprinted without permission in writing from the publisher.
Excerpts are provided by Dial-A-Book Inc. solely for the personal use of visitors to this web site.

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