Nbbc, Joshua: A Commentary in the Wesleyan Tradition

Nbbc, Joshua: A Commentary in the Wesleyan Tradition

by Stephen J Lennox
Nbbc, Joshua: A Commentary in the Wesleyan Tradition

Nbbc, Joshua: A Commentary in the Wesleyan Tradition

by Stephen J Lennox


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Engaging, perceptive, and academically thorough, the New Beacon Bible Commentary will expand your understanding and deepen your appreciation for the meaning and message of each book of the Bible. Written from the Wesleyan theological perspective, this indispensable commentary provides pastors, professional scholars, teachers, and Bible students with a critical, relevant, and inspiring interpretation of the Word of God in the 21st century. Each Volume Features, Contemporary scholarships from notable experts in the Wesleyan theological tradition, Convenient introductory material, including information on authorship, date, history, audience, sociological/cultural issues, purpose, literary features, theological themes, and hermeneutical issues, Clear verse-by-verse explanations, which offer a contemporary, Wesleyan-based understanding derived from the biblical text in its original language, Comprehensive annotation divided into three sections, which cover background elements behind the text; verse-by-verse details and meanings found in the text; and significance, relevance, intertextuality, and application from the text, Helpful sidebars, which provide deeper insight into theological issues, word meanings, archeological connections, historical relevance, and cultural customs, An expanded bibliography for further study of historical elements, additional interpretations, and theological themes

Product Details

ISBN-13: 9780834134928
Publisher: Beacon Hill Press of Kansas City
Publication date: 04/28/2015
Series: New Beacon Bible Commentary
Pages: 304
Product dimensions: 5.90(w) x 8.90(h) x 0.80(d)

Table of Contents

General Editors' Preface 13

Acknowledgments 15

Abbreviations 16

Bibliography 19

Introduction 29

A History of Interpretation 30

1 Inner-Biblical and Intertestamental Readings 30

2 Joshua in the New Testament and Early Church 31

3 Joshua in Rabbinic Thought 31

4 Joshua in the Modern Period 31

a Source Criticism 32

b History and Archaeology 35

c Literary Approaches 37

d Cultural Factors Shaping the Interpretation of Joshua 38

e Joshua as Christian Scripture 40

5 Conclusion 40

B Interpreting Joshua Today 41

1 Introduction 41

2 Joshua as Ancient History 41

3 The Evidence for a Historical Conquest 42

4 Authorship and Dating of the Book of Joshua 45

5 Reading Joshua as Christian Scripture 47

C Theology of the Book of Joshua 47

1 God Keeps His Promises 47

2 God Fights for His People 49

3 God Works through Humans 50

D Excursus on the Violence in the Book of Joshua 53

1 Read This Book in Its Historical Context 55

2 Read This Book in Light of God's Revealed Character 57

3 Read This Book in Light of God's Revealed Plan 60

E Overview 63

F Purpose 65

G Outline for Joshua 65

Commentary 67

I Joshua I 67

A God's Marching Orders for Invasion (1:1-9) 68

1 Command to Invade and Promise of Victory (1:1-5) 68

2 Counsels Courage and Obedience to Law (1:6-9) 70

B Joshua's Marching Orders for Invasion (1:10-18) 72

1 Command to Leaders of People (1:10-11) 72

2 Command to Transjordan Tribes (1:12-15) 73

3 People's Response (1:16-18) 74

II Joshua 2 77

A Joshua Instructs Spies to Explore the Land (2:1) 78

B Discovery Avoided by Deception (2:2-7) 80

C Rooftop Confession of Yahweh's Sovereignty (2:8-14) 81

D Escape-with an Oath of Honesty (2:15-23) 85

E Report to Joshua: YHWH Has Given Whole Land to Us (2:24) 86

III Joshua 3 89

A In Camp on East Side of the Jordan (3:1-5) 91

B Joshua Instructs Priests to Carry Ark Down to Jordan (3:6-8) 93

C Yahweh Stops Jordan and People Begin to Cross (3:9-17) 93

IV Joshua 4 97

A Erection of Memorial Stones (4:1-9) 99

B People Finish Crossing While Jordan Is Stopped (4:10-13) 100

C Joshua Instructs Priests to Carry Ark Up Out of Jordan (4:14-18) 101

D Encamped West of the Jordan (4:19-24) 102

V Joshua 5 107

A Introduction (5:1) 108

B Circumcision (5:2-9) 108

C Passover (5:10-12) 112

D Encounter with Commander of Yahweh's Army (5:13-15) 114

VI Joshua 6 119

A God's Instructions to Joshua (6:1-5) 120

B Joshua Delivers instructions to Priests and People (6:6-7) 123

C Day One (6:8-11) 123

D Days Two through Six (6:12-14) 124

E Day Seven (6.15-21) 124

F Aftermath (6:22-27) 125

VII Joshua 7 129

A Sin and Its Consequences (7:1-5) 129

1 Achan's Sin (7:1) (29

2 First Attack on Ai (7:2-5) 130

B Removal of Sin (7:6-26) 131

1 Israel's Response to Military Defeat (7:6-9) 131

2 God's Explanation and Instructions (7:10-15) 132

3 Israel Follows God's Instructions (7:16-26) 134

VIII Joshua 8 139

A Second Battle with Ai (8:1-29) 139

1 Preparations for the Battle (8:1-13) 139

2 The Battle (8:14-23) 142

3 Destruction of Ai (8:24-29) 143

B Covenant Renewal at Mount Ebal (8:30-35) 145

IX Joshua 9 149

A Gibeon's Response to Israel's Victories (9:1-15) 150

1 Coalition of Kings Responds to Ai (9:1-2) 150

2 Gibeonites' Response (9:3-15) 151

B Punishment of Gibeonites for Their Deceit (9:16-27) 153

1 Israel's Response (9:16-23) 153

2 Gibeonites' Submission (9:24-25) 155

3 Summary (9:26-27) 155

X Joshua 10 159

A Central Campaign (10:1-27) 160

1 Coalition against Gibeon (10:1-5) 160

2 Israel's Defense of Gibeon (10:6-15) 162

3 Ceremony at Makkedah (10:16-27) 167

B Southern Campaign (10:28-39) 169

C Summary of Both Campaigns (10:40-43) 171

XI Joshua 11 175

A Northern Campaign (11:1-15) 177

1 Very Large Coafition against Israel (11:1-5) 177

2 Joshua's Response (11:6-15) 179

B Summary of Conquest (11:16-23) 181

1 Conquest of Entire Land (11:16-20) 181

2 Defeat of the Anakites (11:21-22) 182

3 Summary of Conquest and Rest from War (11:23) 183

XII Joshua 12 185

A Conquest of the Transjordan (12:1-6) 186

1 Introduction (12:1) 186

2 King Sihon of the Amorites and King Og of the Bashanites (12:2-5) 187

3 Moses Conquered and Gave to Transjordan Tribes (12:6) 188

B Conquest of Canaan (12:7-24) 188

1 Introduction (12:7-8) 188

2 List of Kings (12:9-24) 189

XIII Joshua 13 197

A Introduction to Land Remaining (13:1-7) 199

B Land Remaining East of Jordan (13:8-33) 201

1 Boundaries (13:8-14) 201

2 Inheritance of Reubenites (13:15-23) 202

3 Inheritance of the Gadites (13:24-28) 203

4 Inheritance of the Half-tribe of Manasseh (13:29-31) 203

5 Summary of Transjordan Allotment (13:32-33) 204

XIV Joshua 14 207

A Introduction to the Division of the Land West of the Jordan (14:1-5) 208

1 Introduction (14:1) 208

2 Assignment by Lot to Nine and a Half Tribes (14:2) 209

3 Previous Allotment to Two and a Half Tribes and Explanation of How There Came to Be Twelve Tribes (14:3-4) 210

4 Allotment of Land as Commanded to Moses (14:5) 210

B Hebron Given to Caleb (14:6-15) 210

1 Caleb Requests Land from Joshua (14:6-12) 210

2 Joshua Grants Caleb's Request (14:13-15) 213

XV Joshua 15 217

A Boundaries around Judah (15:1-12) 219

1 Introduction and Southern Boundary (15:1-4) 219

2 Eastern Boundary and Northern Boundary (15:5-11) 219

3 Western Boundary (15:12) 220

B Caleb's Inheritance (15:13-20) 220

1 Expulsion of Anakites from Vicinity of Hebron (15:13-17) 220

2 Land Grant Narrative for Aksah (15:18-19) 221

3 Summary (15:20) 222

C Towns within Judah (15:21-63) 222

1 Negev Region (15:21-32) 222

2 Western Foothills (15:33-47) 223

3 Hill Country (15:48-60) 224

4 Desert (15:61-62) 225

5 Unable to Dislodge the Jebusites (15:63) 225

XVI Joshua 16-17 229

A Overview of Allotment for Cisjordan Josephite Tribes (16:1-4) 230

1 Southern Boundary (16:1-3) 230

2 Summary (16:4) 231

B Allotment for Ephraim (16:5-10) 231

1 Boundary for Ephraim's Territory (16:5-9) 231

2 Boundary Lacunae (16:10) 232

C Allotment for Manasseh (17:1-13) 233

1 Introduction (17:1-2) 233

2 Daughters of Zelophehad (17:3-6) 233

3 Boundary for Manasseh's Territory (17:7-10) 234

4 Manasseh's Cities within Other Tribes (17:11) 235

5 Boundary Lacunae (17:12-13) 236

D Josephite Desire for More Land (17:14-18) 236

1 Appeal (17:14) 236

2 Joshua's Response (17:15) 237

3 Further Protest (17:16) 237

4 Joshua's Second Response (17:17-18) 237

XVII Joshua 18?19 239

A Survey and Allotment of the Land (18:1-10) 243

1 Introduction (18:1-2) 243

2 Joshua's Instructions to AH Israelites (18:3-7) 244

3 Joshua's Instructions to Surveyors (18:8-9) 245

4 Land Distributed (18:10) 245

B Allotment to Benjamin (18:11-28) 245

1 Introduction (18:11-20) 245

2 Town List (18:21-28) 246

C Allotment for Simeon (19:1-9) 246

1 Introduction (19:1) 246

2 Towns in Simeon (19:2-8a) 247

3 Summary (19:8b-9) 247

D Allotment for Zebulun (19:10-16) 247

1 Introduction and Boundary List (19:10-14) 247

2 Town List and Summary (19:15-16) 248

E Allotment for Issachar (19:17-23) 248

F Allotment for Asher (19:24-31) 248

G Allotment for Naphtali (19:32-39) 249

H Allotment for Dan (19:40-48) 250

1 Introduction and Town List (19:40 46) 250

2 Explanation for Relocation and Summary (19:47-48) 250

I Allotment for Joshua (19:49-50) 251

1 Land Grant to Joshua as Yahweh Commanded (19:49-50a) 251

2 Grant of Timnath Serah in Ephralm (19:50b) 251

J Summary of Final Allotment (19:51) 251

XVIII Joshua 20 253

A God's Command to Joshua (20:1-6) 254

1 Introduction (20:1) 254

2 Command to Joshua (20:2) 254

3 Purpose of Cities (20:3) 254

4 Procedure (20:4-6) 256

B Designation of Cities of Refuge (20:7-9) 257

1 Cities in Cisjordan (20:7) 257

2 Cities in Transjordan (20:8) 258

3 Purpose of Cities Summarized (20:9) 258

XIX Joshua 21 259

A Introduction (21:1-3) 261

B Summary of Allocation (21:4-8) 262

1 Lot for the Kohathitos (21:4-5) 262

2 Lot for the Gershonites (21:6) 263

3 Lot for the Merarites (21:7) 263

4 Summary (21:8) 263

C Towns Allotted by Clan (21:9-42) 263

1 Kohathites (21:9-26) 263

2 Gershonites (21:27-33) 265

3 Merarites (21:34-40) 266

4 Summary (21:41-42) 266

D Section Summary (21:43-45) 266

XX Joshua 22 271

A Dismissal (22:1-8) 273

1 Joshua Dismisses the Transjordan Tribes with a Call to Remain Faithful (22:1-5) 273

2 Joshua's Blessing on the Transjordan Tribes (22:6-8) 274

B Transjordan Tribes Build an Altar (22:9-10) 275

C Israel's Reaction to the Altar (22:11-20) 277

1 Israelites Learn of Altar and Muster Army (22:11-12) 277

2 Israelites Send Delegation to Inquire (22:13-20) 277

D Transjordan Tribes Defend Their Actions (22:21-29) 279

1 Altar Not Built in Rebellion (22:21-23) 279

2 Altar Built in Fear of Future Alienation (22:24-29) 279

E Israel Accepts Explanation (22:30-33) 280

1 Phinehas and Others Respond (22:30-31) 280

2 Phinehas and Others Report Back to Israelites (22:32-33) 281

F Naming of Altar (22:34) 281

XXI Joshua 23 283

A Past Successes and Future Victories (23:1-5) 284

1 Introduction (23:1-2a) 284

2 Past Successes (23:2b-4) 285

3 Future Victories (23:5) 287

B Call to Remain Loyal to Yahweh (23:6-8) 287

C Past Success Should Lead to Future Loyalty (23:9-11) 288

D Warning against Disloyalty to Yahweh (23:12-13) 289

E Past Successes Ensure Future Justice (23:14-16) 289

XXII Joshua 24 293

A Joshua's Farewell Speech (24:1-15) 294

1 Preamble (24:1) 294

2 Historical Prologue (24:2-13) 295

3 Fear Yahweh (24:14-15) 298

B Response (24:16-24) 299

1 People: We Will Serve Him (24:16-18) 299

2 Joshua: You Are Not Able to Serve Him (24:19-20) 299

3 People: Yes. We Will (24:21) 299

4 Joshua: Are You Sure? (24:22a) 300

5 People: We Are Sure (24:22b) 300

6 Joshua: Reject Idolatry and Serve Yahweh (24:23) 300

7 People: We Will Serve Yahweh (24:24) 300

C Renewal of Covenant (24:25-28) 300

D Final Matters (24:29-33) 302

1 Death and Burial of Joshua (24:29-30) 302

2 Israel's Obedience (24:31) 302

3 Joseph's Burial (24:32) 302

4 Eleazar's Death (24:33) 303

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