My Demon's Kiss
The first novel in a seductive new medieval romance series
A valiant warrior...
Wearied by the violence of the Crusades, Simon, Knight of Lyan, is returning home to Ireland when he is attacked by a vampire and transformed into a creature of the night. His only chance for redemption is to find an ancient treasure of legend -- the power of which can restore his humanity.
A brilliant beauty...
Young Isabel of the Castle Charmot knows that her freedom and the preservation of her family's estate depend not only on her comeliness, but on an intricate deception of her own design. Thus far, her ruse has kept potential enemies and amorous suitors at bay -- until the mysterious visitor appears at her door, asking to explore the catacombs of her keep.
A desperate desire...
In each other, Simon and Isabel find the comfort and trust to share their separate secrets -- and a shared passion they never thought possible. But when the sinister creature that cursed Simon to darkness arises once more, the doomed knight must choose between saving his immortal soul and claiming the heart of the only woman he's ever loved....
My Demon's Kiss
The first novel in a seductive new medieval romance series
A valiant warrior...
Wearied by the violence of the Crusades, Simon, Knight of Lyan, is returning home to Ireland when he is attacked by a vampire and transformed into a creature of the night. His only chance for redemption is to find an ancient treasure of legend -- the power of which can restore his humanity.
A brilliant beauty...
Young Isabel of the Castle Charmot knows that her freedom and the preservation of her family's estate depend not only on her comeliness, but on an intricate deception of her own design. Thus far, her ruse has kept potential enemies and amorous suitors at bay -- until the mysterious visitor appears at her door, asking to explore the catacombs of her keep.
A desperate desire...
In each other, Simon and Isabel find the comfort and trust to share their separate secrets -- and a shared passion they never thought possible. But when the sinister creature that cursed Simon to darkness arises once more, the doomed knight must choose between saving his immortal soul and claiming the heart of the only woman he's ever loved....
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My Demon's Kiss

My Demon's Kiss

by Lucy Blue
My Demon's Kiss

My Demon's Kiss

by Lucy Blue



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The first novel in a seductive new medieval romance series
A valiant warrior...
Wearied by the violence of the Crusades, Simon, Knight of Lyan, is returning home to Ireland when he is attacked by a vampire and transformed into a creature of the night. His only chance for redemption is to find an ancient treasure of legend -- the power of which can restore his humanity.
A brilliant beauty...
Young Isabel of the Castle Charmot knows that her freedom and the preservation of her family's estate depend not only on her comeliness, but on an intricate deception of her own design. Thus far, her ruse has kept potential enemies and amorous suitors at bay -- until the mysterious visitor appears at her door, asking to explore the catacombs of her keep.
A desperate desire...
In each other, Simon and Isabel find the comfort and trust to share their separate secrets -- and a shared passion they never thought possible. But when the sinister creature that cursed Simon to darkness arises once more, the doomed knight must choose between saving his immortal soul and claiming the heart of the only woman he's ever loved....

Product Details

ISBN-13: 9781416500070
Publisher: Pocket Books
Publication date: 01/01/2005
Series: Bound in Darkness , #1
Format: eBook
Pages: 384
File size: 298 KB

About the Author

Lucy Blue's Bound in Darkness medieval vampire series also includes My Demon's Kiss and The Devil's Knight, both available from Pocket Books. She holds an M.A. degree in English literature, and is addicted to chocolate, red meat, Jack Daniel's whiskey, driving too fast for conditions, and the Internet. She lives in a small town in South Carolina.

Visit her website at

Read an Excerpt


Simon stood at the edge of the cliff, shivering in the wind, awestruck by the beauty of the sunset. The burning desert they had crossed just yesterday now lay what seemed a hundred miles below the spot where he now stood, its folds and valleys painted red and purple by the dying sun. Behind him rose the Urals, a range of cruel, cold mountains that seemed to climb forever. Mist curled around his boots, rising from the mossy turf and clinging to the rocks that fell off sharply just in front of him. "Well, Sascha, this is it," he said, smiling at the joke. "We've come to the end of the world."

"No, boy, we have not," his companion grumbled as he fumbled through his pack, obviously unimpressed by the view. "The world goes on forever." He pulled out a bottle and uncorked it with his teeth. "You find the end, the damned thing starts all over," he finished, taking a long swallow.

"Do you think?" Sascha was a Russian, a seasoned mercenary hired by Simon's lord, Francis, the duke of Lyan, in Damascus to assist his English army in their latest, and hopefully last, Crusader's quest. Sascha's accent was so thick, Simon was the only one of the duke's men who even bothered trying to understand him. But then Simon was a foreigner himself.

"You're very wise, I'm sure," he said now to the Russian as the sun disappeared behind the faraway dunes. Flopping down on the grass beside him, he took the bottle and had a drink. "Still, when I was keeping cows in Ireland, I never thought to see a caliph's garden or a desert either."

Born an Irish slave to a Saxon chieftain, six-year-old Simon had rejoiced to see his master slaughtered by a Norman knight of the great bastard king, William. That knight, Sir Francis, had been made a duke for his success and rewarded with the Irish estate, and in turn he had made Simon's father, Seamus, his castellan. Simon himself had been made a squire of the duke at the age of twelve, and at sixteen he had been knighted for his service in the wars against the Saxon hordes that still raided the Irish coastline. Now, at twenty-six, he was a Crusader in the Holy Land because that was what the duke wished him to be. He was a Norman in his habits but still Irish in his heart. "Black Irish," the girls at home all called him for his dark brown hair and eyes, but his skin was so pale it still glowed white even after three years in the desert.

"None of us should be here," Sascha said. He took off his ragged boot and shook it, emptying pebbles. "That duke of yours is mad."

"Now why would you say that?" Simon said with a grin. "An entire province to be won to Christ without bloodshed -- I call that wisdom indeed." He handed Sascha back his bottle. "And Francis is fifty-five years old, you know. It's time he was taking a wife." He looked back at the caliph's mountain fortress and tried to see it as a cheerful home, but it was quite a stretch. Hunched against the cliffside with its windows glowing yellow in the gloom, it looked more like a mausoleum. "Heathen or not."

"A heathen bride is no great burden," Sascha spat, relacing his boot. "Every woman is a heathen in her heart." He looked back at the palace as well, its jagged towers black against the purple sky. "But there is evil in this place, these mountains -- there are stories." He broke off, seeing Simon's face, and laughed. "You think me an old woman, don't you, boy?"

"Aye, I do," Simon answered, smiling back. "I always have." But Sascha's words had awakened a doubt that had been sleeping in his mind ever since they left Damascus. Why should such a powerful caliph as Lucan Kivar have offered the duke his own daughter in marriage, offered to make this foreigner, this heathen in his eyes, heir to his rich estate? "But tell me anyway -- what is wrong with these mountains?"

"Simon!" Alan, one of the duke's other knights, was calling to him from the terrace. "Come! It's time."

The main hall of the caliph's palace was so fine it stole the breath, a cavernous room bursting with treasures. A double row of columns down the center were twisted to look like vines. They were painted gold and studded floor to ceiling with precious stones arranged to look like flowers, ruby red and sapphire blue with leaves of glittering emerald. Rich hangings of velvet hung from the windows that lined both sides of the hall, their golden shutters thrown open to let in the cool evening breeze. Golden sconces held torches between each window, the light they cast dancing and writhing on the gold and jewels until the eyes were dazzled. Simon saw Francis at the dais, gazing around at this splendor with the smile of a man in a dream, and he knew what his lord must be thinking. By midnight, all of these treasures would be his. But Simon still couldn't shake the feeling of dread Sascha's mutterings outside had given him. What sort of marriage rite was celebrated only after dark?

All the other English knights were smiling -- after Damascus and the desert, this hall must seem like paradise indeed. The caliph's household was present as well, men in rich robes, some in turbans like men of the East, some bareheaded and pale as the English, and women veiled in brightly colored silks drifted among them, graceful and silent. Tables were laid with a banquet as yet untouched, and incense burned among the columns, filling the room with its intoxicating scent. But as he took his place among the English, Simon could have sworn he smelled something far more foul beneath the smoke, a thick, wet stench of decay. He turned to speak to Alan, to ask him if he smelled it, too, but suddenly a ripple of silver bells rang out from the dais, and the whole crowd turned as one.

The caliph emerged from the curtains, as magnificently dressed as his hall. His people broke into applause, and some of the Englishmen joined in, caught up in the moment. Tall and thin, their host wore cloth of gold that shimmered in the torchlight, its folds embroidered all over in red, queer symbols Simon did not recognize. "Welcome, friends," he said, smiling on the crowd. "I am Lucan Kivar." His head was bare, revealing pale red hair that fell past his shoulders, and he wore a mustache and beard, long and narrow, trailing over his chin. His eyes were brilliant blue.

"He doesn't look much like an Arab, does he?" one of the squires murmured.

"He isn't an Arab, idiot," Alan hissed back. "The heathens in these mountains are as white as you are."

"Well met, my lord," the duke was saying as he stepped up onto the dais. "I am Francis, duke of Lyan."

"Your grace." The caliph nodded, making a deep bow. "You honor us by your presence and your mercy."

A door slammed somewhere behind them, making Simon turn with his hand on the hilt of his sword. "Release me!" a woman was shouting, a black-haired beauty in a blood-red gown who struggled in the grasp of a pair of guards who seemed intent on dragging her down the aisle. "What is this?" she demanded as the crowd parted before them, her eyes meeting Simon's for barely a moment as they passed. "What have you done?" she demanded as they reached the dais.

"Your grace, I present you your bride," the caliph said with a thin, amused smile.

"No," the girl said, shaking her head. "I never agreed to this." She looked around at the English knights, horror dawning in her dark, brown eyes. "I will not. I cannot."

"You will." Kivar cut her off. He looked toward an alcove to one side, and for the first time, Simon noticed a small boy dressed in white satin standing there watching the dais. "You must, Roxanna." Another guard stood behind the boy, and at this, he put a heavy hand on his shoulder.

"Roxanna," the duke repeated in an over-hearty tone, oblivious to the child. He was staring at the girl the same way he had stared at the jewels, as if he couldn't believe his good fortune. "What a beautiful name." He held out his hand, and glancing once at Kivar, she took it, her guards letting her go. "You must not be afraid," the duke said kindly. "Whatever you may think of Christians or Englishmen, I promise you will never be abused."

"You are too good, Christian," she said, looking at her father, who still smiled his thin little smile. "I am not afraid."

I am, Simon thought with bitter humor, his heart beating faster. The girl feared her father, not the duke; the little boy was a hostage. But why did Kivar threaten his own daughter? He moved closer to the dais, pushing past his companions, trying to reach his lord.

"Your letter offered full surrender," Francis, the duke of Lyan, was saying.

"And so you shall have it," the caliph agreed. "You see that my guards are unarmed." He looked down at Simon as he drew closer and smiled. "Unlike your own."

Another figure slipped from behind the draperies -- another child, Simon first thought. But while this one stood no taller than the boy in the corner, he was still a man, with a bearded face and thickly muscled arms. From the look of him, he was older than Simon was himself, much older. He hung back in the shadows as if he didn't care to be seen, but when Simon caught his eye, he winked as if they shared a secret.

"Have you brought your Christian priest, as I requested?" Kivar asked the duke.

"Yes, of course," he answered, still watching Roxanna. The wizened friar they'd found in Damascus hurried forward, his black robes fluttering around his skinny ankles. The bride looked horrified, her dark eyes going darker, taking on a reddish cast that made Simon's flesh crawl with a sickening fear. She was crying, he realized, but the tears that spilled down her cheeks were not clear; they were red. Her tears were blood.

"Shall we begin?" the priest said, opening his prayer book.

"No!" Simon took the last step forward and grabbed the duke by the arm. "Your Grace, look at her -- look at her face!"

The duke turned to him, obviously angry, but before he could speak, his expression went blank, his eyes wider but empty. Blood trickled from the corner of his mouth as he fell forward into Simon's arms. "Forgive me," Roxanna said softly, the bloody dagger still clutched in her fist.

"Your Grace!" Simon shouted, sinking to his knees beneath the duke's dead weight as chaos erupted in the hall. "Francis!" But the duke was past all hearing.

"Stupid girl," Kivar said, slapping Roxanna as behind them his subjects attacked the English knights. Simon dropped the duke and lunged back to his feet just as a heathen guardsmen lunged at him. The man's lips curled back, and Simon saw his cruel teeth, long and curved like the fangs of a wolf. He clutched at Simon's throat, still coming even as the Irish knight plunged a sword into his side.

"The head!" Roxanna was shouting. "You must take off the head!" The creature laid a hand under Simon's chin to push his head back, exposing his throat as Simon hacked at him with his sword, clumsy but determined. The blade finally made contact with the monster's throat just as it drew back to bite him, cleaving his head from his shoulders.

"Kill him!" the caliph roared as Simon straightened up again, and the knight turned quickly, ready for a new attack. But Kivar had other prey in mind. The guard who held the little boy snatched the child up in a grotesque parody of an embrace, baring his fangs to tear into the tiny throat.

"No!" Roxanna screamed, and Simon saw she had fangs like the others, and her eyes glowed just as red as she turned on Kivar. "Monster! You promised!"

"You betrayed me," the caliph answered, moving toward her, stepping over the fallen duke with barely a ripple of his gold and scarlet robe. "You left me no choice."

For a moment, Simon was paralyzed, a man trapped in a nightmare, powerless. His lord, the man who'd raised him and his father up from slavery to knighthood, lay dead and bleeding at his feet; his sworn companions were being slaughtered all around him, their throats torn out by red-eyed demons from hell. Even the priest was dying, gasping, on his knees, blood gushing through his fingers as he clutched at the wound in his throat. A vampire in a woman's shape crawled toward him, fangs exposed, her torn veil soaked with blood. She caught hold of the cleric's robe and climbed him like a cat, lapping the blood from his skin as she held him, his eyes glazed and desperate with fright.

"No!" Simon barely heard the roar from his own throat, barely realized what he meant to do as he moved toward them, raising his sword. He beheaded the creature with a single stroke, the blade passing through her to cleave the priest as well, but the man of God barely shivered, his broken body sinking to the floor, dead as the duke.

Lucan Kivar was laughing, a high-pitched, lunatic giggle that carried to every corner of the hall over the screams of the dying. "Did I not promise you, my children?" he cried out, arms spread wide. "Behold, I provide you fresh blood!"

Simon felt a snap inside his head, one final shred of reason giving way. He raised his sword like a man in a trance, moving through the pandemonium, and though inside his head he seemed to barely move at all, in truth, he struck like lightning. The guard who fed on the boy looked up, blood smeared across his mouth, and Simon cut him like a blade of grass, his torso falling, split in two, then his head flying upward with another deadly stroke. Barely seeing, Simon whirled around, his blade stabbing up into the belly of another monster, female this time, as she sprang at him, hands outstretched like claws. This one screamed as Simon butchered her, the blood she had just stolen from an English knight bathing them both. Her lips drew back, exposing her fangs, and Simon jerked his broadsword free, pushing her back with his knee. The vampire staggered, clutching her belly, and he brought the blade down like an executioner's axe, slicing off her head.

"That one," Kivar said, laughing with delight as he pointed at Simon. "Forget the others; that's the one I want."

"Then come and take me!" Simon shouted back, his voice hoarse in his ears. "Or must I come to you?" He advanced on the caliph, cutting through the others as they struck at him, barely slowing. One sank her fangs into his wrist, and pain shot up his arm, a freezing fire.

"Take him, children!" the ruler of these undead monsters ordered, laughing still. "Take all but his heart!" Simon struck the head from the woman feeding from his wrist, and another creature clamped on to his leg, teeth tearing through his leather leggings to reach his flesh. Looking down, he saw the boy the guard had killed, his baby's mouth stretched in a leer.

"Holy Christ," Simon said, breathless with horror, frozen at the sight.

"No!" Roxanna struck the child first with her open hand, and he let Simon go with an offended cry, then she struck his tender throat with her dagger, cleaving off his head. "Don't stop," she ordered Simon, her own eyes glowing scarlet like the others but tears of blood still streaming down her cheeks. "Kill us all -- pierce the heart with wood or take the head." One of the other women leapt at her with a scream, and the two of them went rolling, fighting like cats. His paralysis broken, Simon raised his sword again, cutting through the vampires like a reaper cuts through wheat, his own blood flowing from a half a dozen gashes in his flesh.

Their leader was not laughing anymore. His pale blue eyes glowed red, then green, as his own fangs were exposed. They were longer than the others and more deadly, more like the fangs of a poisonous snake than of any warm-blooded creature. Simon stepped onto the dais, tossing his sword into the air and catching it upside down, his hands wrapped tightly around the hilt, the tip pointed downward. "You wanted me," he said through gritted teeth, driving it with all his strength straight into the vampire's heart. "Here I am."

Kivar smiled, fangs glistening ivory white. "So you are." He seized the knight by the shoulders, his fingers like talons as they dug into his flesh, and as the sword plunged deeper, he yanked Simon closer in a deadly embrace. Simon twisted the blade, and Kivar screamed in pain, but his eyes still glowed with triumph. Smiling as they fell together, he plunged his fangs deep into Simon's throat.

Sudden thunder roared inside Simon's ears, and for a moment he couldn't think what it was. Then he realized it was the pounding of his own heart. Agony like nothing he had ever felt engulfed him, spreading from his throat so quickly that in an instant he could barely sense himself at all. His body, the shape of his limbs, or his consciousness, these things meant nothing; all he knew was pain, both fire and ice. He willed his grip to tighten on the sword, but he could no longer feel its hilt between his hands or see it as he pulled it from the vampire's chest -- all the world was blinding, blood-red light and pounding heart and pain. Only when he raised the blade did consciousness return. Kivar released him from the bite and raised his head, Simon's own blood dripping from his mouth. "No," he snarled, a serpent's hiss. "Not yet." Grabbing the cowl of Simon's tunic in his clawlike fist, he crushed him close again and kissed him full on the mouth.

Revulsion struck the knight like a wave, but another feeling followed hard upon it, a joyous warmth that raced along his veins, more potent than the strongest wine. All his sadness, all his fury, all his fear, seemed to evaporate at once. He would not have known the duke if he had seen him, could not have told a stranger his own name. Strong arms enfolded him, lifting him up like a child, and for that moment he allowed it, too weak to resist. He felt the fire leave his lips, and he moaned, bereft, his vision beginning to clear. Then another, purer source was pressed against his mouth, ecstasy poured down his throat, and he fed eagerly, sucking like an infant at his mother's breast. Visions rose before his eyes, a village in flames, and suddenly his fury was returning. Rage without a purpose pounded through him, an overwhelming need to hurt, to kill, to feel the suffering of living souls, consume them as he now consumed this blood.

"Stop, warrior!" The girl, Roxanna, was clutching at his shoulders, tearing at his clothes. "Stop it! You must fight!"

Simon raised his face from Kivar's throat, the rage still coursing through him, stronger still in shame. The creature was a ravaged husk, thin as a skeleton within his robe, his chest and throat ripped open and bleeding, his face dry and wrinkled like some dead thing buried in the sand. But his eyes were bright and knowing, and his ruined lips were twisted in a smile around his fangs. "Mine," he whispered, the rasp of the wind in the trees. "You are mine."

Simon raised his sword again and struck. The skull-like head flew backward, spinning end over end as the body crumpled to the floor. Roxanna rushed forward with a wooden stake, the handle broken from some Englishman's pike, and plunged it into the wasted vampire's breast. A rushing wind swept through the hall, and a wail went up from the monsters still remaining, screams of fear and grief. "Kill us," she was begging as she thrust the stake in again. "Kill us all." Vile-smelling mist rose all around the ruined corpse, and a viscous fluid poured across the dais from the golden robe, the shape of the body and head dissolving.

Another vampire cried out, "Master!" and Simon turned, the sword still trailing from his hand. The hall was thick with corpses, all of his companions dead, but he could not seem to weep for them, could not seem to feel anything at all. A numbing cold was spreading outward from his heart, a stiffness stealing through his limbs as if he were falling asleep. He lifted up his sword, still coated with the creature's blood, and his minions scuttled back in horror, scattering like insects and breaking through the windows to escape.

"You are their master now," Roxanna said behind him, sprawled on the floor. "You are one of us." She looked up at him with pity in her eyes, the dark brown eyes of a woman again. Even smeared with blood, her face was lovely, framed with long, black hair -- the duke had found her beautiful. But Simon felt only revulsion, remembering the truth of what she was. "You are a vampire," she said with a sad, fragile smile.

"A vampire," he repeated. "And what is that?"

Her smile turned bitter as she looked around the room at the creatures that were pouring from the hall. "What you have killed," she answered, turning back to him. "What you see before you now."

"No!" He raised the sword to her this time, and the dwarf he had seen before Kivar's attack rushed forward, putting himself between them with another wooden stake held out before him. "You lie," Simon murmured, dropping the sword, suddenly too weak to hold it. The dwarf bent over the girl on the floor, soothing her with words the knight could not understand, stroking her hair. He turned and trudged away from them, past the ruined corpses staring up at him, their faces still frozen in shock.

The gardens were as awful as the hall. Every living creature had been slaughtered, soldiers, horses, even the goats the cook had kept for milk. All lay bloodless on the grass, eyes staring without seeing at the moon. Simon crumpled to his knees, dry sobs wracking through him. He wanted to be sick; his guts were twisting like a nest of vipers, but his body refused to obey. He looked down at the wound in his arm where the female vampire had bitten him, or rather, the spot on his arm where a wound ought to have been. His sleeve was torn, the edges bloodied, but the flesh underneath was unmarked -- no tearing in the skin, no bruise from the blow, remained. It wasn't even sore anymore. With dizzy horror, he realized the rest of his wounds were the same, even his throat -- he pressed a hand to the spot where Kivar had bitten him and found it whole.

"Boy! Simon!" Sascha came staggering toward him, limping from a deep, bloody gash in his thigh. "Thank Christ, you are alive." Simon climbed back to his feet, and the Russian embraced him like a long-lost brother. "Come." Leaning on Simon for support, he led him toward the garden's high stone gate. "We must leave here now."

"Yes." The roar of thunder filled his ears again as it had when Kivar had bitten him, the deafening drum of a heartbeat. "We have to go home." He tried to think of Ireland, the green fields and the salt wind from the sea. But the heartbeat's thunder filled his consciousness, not from himself this time but from Sascha, and a terrible thirst grew inside him, a hunger that consumed his every thought. "I want to go home."

"I know, boy," Sascha said, patting his cheek, smiling though his face was slick with sweat as if he were in pain. "So you will." He stopped to lean on the gate, panting with exertion, and Simon could smell him, his sweat and his fear as delicious and inviting as the smell of roast venison after a long day's fast. "Just give me one more moment."

"It's all right," Simon answered, his own voice hollow in his ears. "I am all right." The hunger was like a sword piercing his belly -- he had never felt such hunger in his life. "I can carry you."

"No," Sascha said, waving him off -- or so he thought Sascha must have said; it was becoming hard to hear anything over the pounding rhythm. He felt dizzy and drunk, but a strange, exhilarating strength was rushing through him, too. Indeed, he could have ripped the trees up by the roots, he felt so powerful.

"You are whole?" The Russian was staring at him in wonder. "How can that be?" Dear Sascha, his friend...he must save him. He put a hand on Sascha's arm to hold him up, to support him. He was his only friend, the only other man left alive of their company; he must save him.

"I killed them," he told Sascha. He could feel the life in his friend's flesh through his thick leather jacket, the heat of his living blood, and he wanted it, wanted to feed from him as he had seen the others feed from his friends in the hall; he was desperate to taste the blood, to take possession of the pounding heart. But he would not; he would not be this monster, this vampire. He heaved the Russian's arm over his shoulder, headed for the forest. "I killed Lucan Kivar." And Lucan Kivar killed me, he thought as the pain in his belly writhed harder, burning like molten lead. A wolf let out a howl in the distance, an evil, mocking sound that cut through the roar of Sascha's blood, the pounding of the still-beating heart. "These mountains," Simon whispered, looking up, feeling the fangs grow sharp against his tongue. He wanted to resist it, wanted to be what he had always been, but the blood would not be silent, the hunger would not let him go. Vampire...he was a vampire. " were right."

He flung his friend against the gate with killing force -- he heard bones breaking in his back and shoulders, the ripe thud of his skull against the stones. For one clear moment, he saw Sascha's face, saw sadness in his eyes, and his heart cried out in horror. But the demon hunger would not be denied. Snarling like the beast he had become, he sank his teeth into the Russian's throat, his vampire fangs tearing through the vein to reach the hot, sweet blood. His mind reeled, sick with shame, but suddenly his body was in ecstasy again, the same mad joy he'd felt before but better, somehow, warmer and more real. Only when the heartbeat stopped, when Sascha went limp as a rag in his arms, did he stop. Drawing back in horror, he saw Sascha's head lolled on his shoulders, his eyes dead and staring like the rest.

"The first time is always the worst." The dwarf was standing in the shadows, watching. "The need for blood will never be so strong again. Or so I have been told."

Simon stared at him for a moment, the feeling that all of this must surely be a dream taking hold of him again. Then he looked down at Sascha, and the truth made him tremble so violently he thought he must surely collapse. "What am I?" he said, letting the body drop. "Who are you?"

"My lady told you, you are a vampire," the dwarf said, coming closer. He covered Sascha's face with his mantle, a kindly, graceful gesture. "And I am Orlando."

"Orlando," Simon repeated. "And who is that?"

"My lady's servant." He offered Simon a cloth, gesturing toward his own face, and Simon took it, wiping the blood from his mouth as if this were the natural thing to do. "Her father was the caliph here, but Lucan Kivar killed him long ago."

"And the child?"

"Her younger brother." He reached into his pocket and took out a bottle, its glass red as a ruby in the moonlight. "Kivar promised he would let him live to manhood if she did his will," he explained, gazing at it. "But she betrayed him."

Simon remembered the look on her face as Francis fell dead at her feet, the dagger that killed him still clutched in her fist. "She murdered my lord -- "

"For a mercy," Orlando said, cutting him off. "Would you rather your lord be like you are?" Simon looked away, unable to answer. "Come, warrior." The dwarf reached up and touched his arm, his head barely reaching Simon's elbow. "We have much to discuss before morning." A crash rang out from the direction of the palace, and Orlando smiled, putting the bottle back into his pocket. "My lady awaits."

The girl was hacking down the shutters in the hall with an axe that should have been much too heavy for her to pick up, much less wield with such vigor. "Orlando, seal the catacombs," she said as they came in. "Most of the others will take shelter in the caves, but some will still be stupid enough to come back."

"The others?" Simon said. She swung the axe again, shattering another window frame.

"The other vampires." She dropped the axe to rip down the draperies. "The sunlight will destroy them -- kill all of us." She looked back at Simon. "Unless you kill me first."

"No!" Once again, Orlando hurried to put himself between them. "You can be saved, my lady, you know it -- both of you can be absolved of your crimes. The Chalice -- "

"The Chalice is a foolish superstition," Roxanna cut him off.

"How can you say so?" he retorted. "How can you speak of superstition, standing here, in this hall, a vampire yourself -- "

"A monster," she agreed.

"In body, yes, but not of your own will or your own making," the dwarf insisted. "I swear to you, you can be saved. I have seen it. This warrior -- "

"Simon," Simon interrupted, barely listening. The duke still lay where he had fallen. A pair of bluish purple wounds had been torn in his throat, delicate by comparison to the gashes the other corpses wore. "My name is Simon." He knelt beside the body. "Who bit him?"

"I did," Roxanna answered. "We can feed from the dead if we choose."

"And you?" Simon said to Orlando, turning from the girl, unable to so much as look at her. "You are a vampire, too?"

"No, Simon, not me," Orlando said. "Kivar thought me a monster in my own right because of my stature, unworthy of his blood."

"Would that all of us had been the same," Roxanna said, turning away.

"You were not chosen by accident, Simon," Orlando continued, coming to him. "Kivar wanted English knights -- he needed English soldiers."

"We don't have time for this," Roxanna said, picking up her axe.

"He knew the Chalice was in England," Orlando continued. "He knew it could destroy him -- "

"He is destroyed!" the girl insisted.

"You think so?" Orlando demanded, turning back to her. He snatched up Kivar's empty robe, still dripping with noxious, black-green filth. "You think Lucan Kivar, a creature older than the mountains where we stand, has been reduced to this?" Roxanna didn't answer, but Simon could see from her face that she did not, as dearly as she longed to believe it. "No, my lady, my beloved," the dwarf said, dropping the robe. "He is gone, but he is not destroyed. In my visions, I have dreamed of his return."

"Orlando fancies himself a wizard," Roxanne explained with a brittle, bitter smile. "He came here as a conjurer when I was just a child."

"Wherever he is, whatever he may have become, Kivar will not rest until the Chalice is his, until he has destroyed it," the dwarf said to Simon. "He knows its power; for a thousand years, he has craved it." He looked around at the slaughtered knights. "When he heard of your duke, an English noble, laying siege to a palace already within his control, he knew that his moment had come."

Roxanna had been watching the corpses as well. Suddenly she lunged forward with her axe, and Simon, turning, saw Sir Alan rising from the floor, looking dazed and unhappy. Before he could speak, Roxanna had lopped off his head. "No!" Simon shouted, horrified. "He was alive -- "

"He was not, idiot," she shot back, staking the headless stump. "No more alive than you or me or my brother, Alexi -- remember what happened to him?" She turned back to Simon, dropping the stake and brushing the hair back from her forehead, her face once more spattered with gore. "He was a vampire." Behind her, Alan's body was dissolving as Kivar's had done, and Simon saw other streaks of the same sort of slime smeared all over the polished floor.

"All of them?" he said weakly, feeling sick again.

"No," she answered, softening her tone. "Most are dead already, their souls released. The victim must consume the monster's blood to become undead himself." She picked up the axe again, then let it fall as if she were suddenly too tired to hold it any longer. "I'm sorry, warrior."

"Simon, you must find the Chalice," Orlando said. "Kivar misjudged you -- he could never have expected you to be able to destroy even so much of him as you have. You can destroy him utterly, and in so doing, save yourself and Roxanna. The Chalice is your salvation; drink from it, and you will be restored."

"Orlando, enough," Roxanna said, this stranger who was now his sister in cursed blood. "Leave him alone."

"The Chalice?" Simon repeated, barely hearing her. "You really mean the Holy Grail?" He almost laughed aloud. The son of a bard, he had grown up on tales of Arthur and his knights, of their quest for Christ's last drinking goblet, the vessel of first communion. But Simon was a real knight, not a mythical creature of chivalry; he knew what a real knight was, and he had seen enough so-called holy relics in his day to know what they were, too. "I'm no Galahad, Orlando," he said with a bitter grin.

"Your Holy Grail is a story, a tale told by your priests," Orlando scoffed. "But the Chalice is real." He drew a scroll from his conjurer's cloak and unrolled it. "This belonged to Kivar himself, an ancient text stolen from the tomb of a holy saint. When Kivar found it, he knew the Chalice had indeed gone to England, just as the legends say."

Simon looked down at the rough map of what could have been Britain, he supposed, its shape surrounded on every side by writing, the same queer symbols as on Kivar's ruined robe. In one corner was a drawing of a plain, undecorated wine cup with lines drawn coming out of it as if to represent God's light. Below it was a cross made from a sword and a rough stake of wood. "If this Chalice is real, it is a holy thing," he said, handing the scroll back to Orlando. "Only the purest of knights could ever find it, the most blessed -- "

"Another fairy tale," Orlando scoffed. "Are you not a warrior? Are you not on a quest?"

"I was a warrior for him!" He pointed to the duke's dead body, suddenly choking with grief. "I came here only because he wished it -- I would gladly have followed him to hell." His vision clouded over red again, this time with tears of blood. "And so I have."

"You are blessed, Simon," Orlando said, smiling. "Think of what just happened in this hall. Look at your companions, all dead -- none of them even bothered to fight." He picked up Simon's fallen sword and offered it to him. "You are blessed, sir knight."

"He is right," Roxanna admitted. "A thousand of my father's men could not do what you did." A blood tear of her own slid down her cheek. "Perhaps this chalice does exist; perhaps it still may save you. But not me." She took the sword from Orlando and offered it herself. "If you are a knight, I ask for your help as a woman, a damsel under a curse. Finish me before you go."

Simon took the sword, uncertain what he meant to do, and Orlando flung himself in front of the girl. "You will not," he insisted, his whole manner turning to fury. "You will need my help to find the Chalice, and if she dies, I will never help you."

"I never said I wanted to find your Chalice," Simon protested, but neither of them heard him.

"Wizard, let me go," Roxanna begged, falling to her knees before Orlando. "I only lived so long to save Alexi; you know that." She touched his bearded cheek. "Now he is dead."

"But you can live," the dwarf insisted. "You can be as you were once before, before the monster came -- "

"I cannot!" She framed his face in her hands, forcing him to look into her eyes. "Even if my soul were restored to me, even if I could once more walk in the light, I could never be the maid that I was then. I have many, not just because Kivar forced me to do it but because of my own thirst. You want to call me blameless, but I know in my heart I am not. I have tasted blood." Her tears flowed like an open wound. "Please, don't make me do it anymore."

"No," Orlando promised, taking her hands in his. "I promise I will not." He drew something from his pocket, the ruby-colored bottle Simon had seen him take out in the garden. "Trust me, beloved," he said, taking out the stopper. "I will keep you safe."

She looked first at the bottle, then at Simon. "And if he should fail?"

"I will do as you wish," the dwarf said, holding it out to her.

Simon expected her to take it, to drink some potion it held. But slowly she began to fade, her form turning transparent in the flickering light. As Simon watched in wonder, the vampire melted into mist. A sweet scent filled the air for a moment as the vapor flowed into the bottle. Then suddenly both vapor and perfume were gone, and Orlando put in the stopper.


"She is safe," Orlando said, putting the bottle away in his cloak. "It's a vampire trick; you can do it, too, and more besides." He turned back to Simon. "You have three choices, sir knight." Outside a lark began to sing, a harbinger of the dawn. "You can live as the undead, feeding on the living with no greater purpose. You can wait for the sun to consume you." He held out the scroll again. "Or you can embark on your quest."

Simon took the map with its drawing of this Chalice, this magical prize the wizard spoke of with such faith. In a thousand years, he could never hope to claim it. But he had to try. He wanted to go home.

Copyright © 2005 by Jayel Wylie

Chapter 1

Isabel hurried through the cellar, ignoring the voices of her household calling after her. She was as frightened and worried as anyone in the castle; she had no answers to give.

She lit a torch from her candle and pushed open the ironclad door hidden behind the baskets of new potatoes. Dust danced in the flickering light, rose in little clouds with every step she took down the circular stairway beyond. At its foot stood another door, this one covered so thickly with cobwebs she could barely see the carving that adorned it, the figure of an ancient monk. Only his nose was still clearly visible, sharp and crooked as a falcon's beak.

"Well met, Joseph," she said, giving it a tweak, paying no mind to the dirt. As a child she had studied this carving for hours, holding conversations with the long-dead cleric while her father worked in his study on the other side of the open door. "Have you nothing to say to me?" She took the key from her pocket and fitted it into the lock. "In faith, I need your counsel." Using both hands, she finally forced the key to turn with a grinding squeal. "I fear we may be doomed, the both of us." She shoved at the door with her shoulder, shuddering just a little as a spider raced down her arm and back into the web just over the door. It opened with a screech to reveal her father's study, once her favorite room in the castle, abandoned for the past ten years. It was still as clean and neat as it had always been, as if her father had just that moment left it for the night. Stone coffers were stacked along the walls, sealed shut with covers too heavy for Isabel to lift, but she knew what was inside. She had seen the ancient parchments many times, traced a finger down the pages, studying the writing in a language no one now living could read. Her father's desk was covered with newer scrolls, each neatly tied with a ribbon, and a candle stood waiting to be lit.

Her father had found the castle when he was already long past forty. The ruined keep on an overgrown island, seemingly forgotten, had seemed like paradise on earth to a knight grown weary of battle. He had built a proper motte-and-bailey fortress over the ancient stones and taken a wife from one of the villages nearby, a maid of seventeen with the flame-red hair and green eyes of a Celt. No one had expected their union to produce a child, least of all Sir Gabriel himself. All he wanted was comfort in his waning years, a companion of spirit and good common sense to share his sanctuary.

But late in their first year together, just after his castle was finally completed, his pretty young bride had conceived. Nine months later, Isabel was born, a tiny, red-haired daughter, and his wife was dead.

"There must be something here," the grown-up Isabel muttered, lighting the second candle and settling into her father's chair. She was grasping at straws, she knew, desperately clinging to phantoms in her fear. But she could think of no better choice. Sir Gabriel had explored the texts in all these coffers, and she knew he had learned to read the language of the druids who had first hidden them there. She had always suspected he had even learned some of their magic, though he would never have admitted it. But he had told her many tales of wonder he had read in the ancient scrolls, tales that suggested he had known more than he was willing to say. "I need a conjure, Papa," she said now, untying one of his own scrolls, forbidden to her eyes when he was alive. "Something that can save Charmot." She used the ribbon to tie back her hair and opened the scroll on the desk.

There is no such thing as magic, 'Bella, she could almost hear him answer, the same thing he had always said. No magic but God's grace.

"Where is God's grace now, Papa?" she asked the empty air as her eyes searched the page. "Where was He when you died?" For seventeen years, Sir Gabriel had kept his Charmot fortress at his own expense with no help whatsoever from his king. But before his body had grown cold in its tomb, the king had been ready to claim it. Apprised of Isabel's inheritance, His Majesty had sent a royal herald.

"Make ready, my lady," this stranger had told her, sketching an elegant bow. "Your noble husband will arrive anon." Sixteen years old, still veiled in mourning for her father, sick with grief, she had stared at the herald in wonder, unable to credit her ears. Her husband? What did she need with a husband? As she remembered that moment now, a full ten years later, her jaw still clenched in fury.

"Never mind, poppet," Brautus, the giant captain of her father's guard, had soothed when the herald had gone. "Let him come."

And thus the Black Knight had been born. When the king's chosen favorite had arrived to claim her and Castle Charmot, he had found a demon already in residence, a mountain dressed in chain mail with a coal-black helmet like a devil's head. Brautus had not been a young man even then, but his skills had been more than a match for the puffed-up courtier King Henry had chosen to rule this isolated, mostly profitless manor. Indeed, he had beaten the poor knight so easily, Isabel had been hard pressed not to laugh, watching from the battlements in her best white gown, the perfect damsel in distress. "Save me, sir knight," she had shouted as the poor sot's squires dragged him, broken and addled, back over the natural bridge that almost joined the island to the mainland. "Save me from this monster." But King Henry's man had seen enough of her and her castle already. As soon as he was hoisted on his horse, he had ridden off without a backward glance.

Others had come to challenge the Black Knight, enough to cause a legend to spring up. In the first years, most of the knights who came were as pitiful as the first, the desperate younger sons of minor nobles looking to win a manor of their own, or older men fallen into disgrace hoping to win sanctuary. But as time passed, the true nobles had lost interest in Isabel and her castle, as both proved to be more trouble than they were worth. Mercenaries and villains had begun to come in their place, evil men with little interest in damsels or castles, men who were looking to make a name as a killer even more lethal than the Black Knight of Charmot. And all the while Brautus grew older. Now past sixty, his heart was still as strong, but his limbs were growing weaker by the day. So far he had still managed to vanquish every challenger who came, but victory was less assured with every fight. The month before, his shoulder had been broken in a skirmish with a Flemish mercenary half his age and of nearly the same giant size. Now another challenger was coming, a Frenchman named Michel.

"A cure for fever -- useful, Papa, but not what I need." She dropped the first scroll and opened up another. Her father had compiled much of the druids' ancient medicine from his reading in the caverns in a book she kept upstairs. "I need a miracle." Her father would tell her to consult a priest, no doubt, but in faith, she already had. Father Colin from the Chapel of Saint Joseph had been the messenger of her doom. Charmot did not have a village of its own, but it was the only fortress in the region, the only refuge in times of unrest, and the common folk all knew Isabel and pitied her in her plight. They made a kind of spy network on her behalf, watching every road for knights coming to claim her so she and Brautus would always be ready to send them away. That morning, Father Colin had made a rare pilgrimage from his church to tell her he had heard of a blackguard knight newly landed from France, coming with an entourage and boasting of his villainy all the way.

This second scroll was nothing but notes, no coherent narrative -- part of her father's research. The corner was decorated with the queer code Sir Gabriel had used to catalog his writings, a mixture of Greek letters and the same Celtic symbols carved into the stone coffers in this study and the walls of the caverns beyond. "Teach me, Papa," she had begged him often, but he had always refused.

"Such matters are not for the innocent, 'Bella," he would say sternly, sending her upstairs to play. But how innocent would she be if this Frenchman should capture her castle?

"Didn't those druids ever require a champion?" she said aloud now. "Who protected their great treasure from the Romans?" She turned another page, an account in Latin of the harvest the year she'd turned ten. She read Latin easily, and French, and some Greek -- useless gifts for a woman, perhaps, but it had amused her father to teach her. "Couldn't they call up a demon from hell if they needed one?" The idea had first come to her when Father Colin had told her his news.

"You should flee, my lady," the priest had advised. "Take your womenfolk with you, escape into the forest, take refuge in one of the villages. Leave them the castle; it's all they really want."

"No," she had told him without a second thought. Charmot was her father's castle, his dream; these people were her family. She would not leave them to a villain's rule. And besides, if she should abandon Charmot, what would happen to the druids' scrolls, to dead Saint Joseph and his catacombs? Somehow she felt the need to protect these things as strongly as she needed to protect the castle and its people. They were sacred to her because they had been important to her father, even if he had never really explained to her why. "Brautus will protect us as he always has, or I will conjure a real devil to fight in his stead," she had joked to Father Colin.

"Blasphemy, my lady," the priest had scolded her with a frown. "You must not even jest of such a thing."

But in faith, had she been jesting? The more she had thought about it, the more dark magic had seemed like the perfect solution. If she had been a witch, she would have done it in an instant, blasphemy or not. She would call up every demon in hell if it meant saving Charmot. But her father said magic wasn't real. "Send me a demon," she whispered to the candle's flame, willing the spirits that surely must still haunt these caves to hear her. "Send me a true Black Knight." The candle flickered, and for a moment, she thought she heard a breath of wind, an eerie, groaning sigh.

"My lady." Susannah, one of the castle maids, was standing in the doorway. "One of the woodsmen from the river town has come. He says those Frenchmen have stopped in the tavern and drunk themselves into a stupor. They will not make it so far as Charmot tonight."

"May God be praised," Isabel answered, gathering up her father's scrolls as if that had been her purpose all along. She had found nothing of use in them, but perhaps she still might. "At least we shall have one more night."

The Chapel of Saint Joseph looked like just the sort of place a magical cup might be found, a Roman temple half crumbled to ruins in the middle of a misty English plain. All the clues and signs Simon and Orlando had found over ten years of searching the world had brought them to this spot. But the Chalice wasn't there.

"The Saxons raided the church many times," the priest who kept the chapel explained, holding up his torch to show them the scorch marks on the cracked plaster walls. "Anything of value here was stolen long ago." He gave Simon a piercing look. "What is it you seek, my lord?"

Salvation, Simon almost said, but what would be the point? The priest -- Father Colin -- had barely blinked an eye to see a knight with armor and a dwarvish squire but no horse standing in his dooryard after dark. Indeed, he had just been returning to the church himself; perhaps he thought they'd been waiting all afternoon.

"Knowledge, Father," Simon told him now. He took a few steps closer to the altar, staring at the cross mounted behind it. Ten years ago, the very sight would have caused his eyes to burn and weep tears of blood. But now he could face it without flinching, at least for a moment, the only pain he felt a cold ache in the hollow that had once held his heart. Crosses could harm him; so could holy water and any relic that had been blessed by a priest. Orlando attributed this to Simon's own faith over any genuine power contained within the objects themselves; either way, he had learned not to risk it. "I am a scholar."

The altarpiece was painted directly on the wall, its colors now faded and flaking away. But he could still make out the empty tomb and the disembodied faces of the angels gathered above it, their robes now crumbled to dust. "A scholar and a knight," he finished, touching the wall.

"My lord has traveled in the Holy Land," Orlando explained. "He has seen many portents of some great power hidden in this place."

"A pilgrim from Our Lord's own lands?" the priest said with awe in his tone.

"From Ireland originally, Father," Simon said, turning back to him with his most winning smile. "But aye." The sky outside the window was almost black now, a deep twilight. "I have seen Jerusalem." He had not fed for fear of frightening the keeper of the church.'Twas an oddly comic feature of his curse that he should appear most demonic just after he was sated, his eyes aglow with devil's fire. When he was starved and therefore dangerous, he could easily pass for a man. "So will you tell me, Father? Is there holy treasure here?"

"Not here, my lord." Father Colin lit another torch. "But there is a castle." He motioned to a bench beside the window, and Simon sat down. "Another scholar, Sir Gabriel of Charmot, built it on an ancient ruin many years ago. This castle may hold what you seek."

"The castle Charmot?" Simon exchanged a glance with Orlando. They had read the name Charmot in many texts in their travels, but they had thought it was a person, not a place, one of the Chalice's ancient protectors.

"Just so," the priest agreed. "Sir Gabriel was a godly man; I knew him well. He told me there were catacombs beneath the castle, an endless labyrinth of tunnels." He was smiling at Simon with such a look of speculation, the vampire wondered suddenly if the old man might be mad. "If your quest is righteous, perhaps God will lead you to the prize you seek."

Before Simon could form an answer, the bell at the gate rang out. "Another visitor so late?" Father Colin frowned. "I am much blessed tonight." He took up his torch. "Wait here, my lord, may it please you. I would speak with you further on this matter."

"As you wish," Simon answered, rising as the priest went out.

"We should leave this church," Orlando said as soon as he was gone. "We will go to this Castle Charmot, see what they can tell us there."

"Aye, wizard, we will." In their first nights together, Simon had been grateful for Orlando's guidance. But now that he began to understand the demon that he was, he was far less willing to be scolded like a child. "But we still have business here." He had sensed something as soon as the gate bell rang, a scent he had learned to pick out from a thousand others, be they in the multilayered stench of Venice or the clean, cold wind of this plain. He smelled evil. He smelled prey.

"You should give me tithe to stay here, old man." A drunken voice was laughing in the corridor outside. "I am a righteous champion." The door was flung open hard enough to crack against the wall, and a man in armor came in. The knight, if he could rightly hold such title, looked like many of the brigands they had seen in England, more robber than protector. Nearly as tall as Simon but twice as broad, he had the swollen, blotchy face of a longtime drunkard and the swaying gait to match, but his small, pale eyes glittered with wakeful malice. "Tomorrow I fight the Black Knight." He was followed by two other men in leather armor, as dirty and drunk as himself, and a smaller creature swathed head to toe in a stained green mantle -- a woman.

The leader saw Simon. "But who are you, sirrah?" His eyes narrowed as he took in his costume, the clothes of a true knight. "What is your business here?"

Simon smiled. "A traveler like yourself."

"Master, I beseech you." Orlando tugged at his sleeve. "We are looked for at another house this night."

"God's helmet, look at that!" the brigand knight exclaimed, his entire manner changing in an instant. "C'est un nain, mes amies -- voilà!"

"You are all welcome, my lords," Father Colin interrupted. "Come, sit down -- I will go inside and make our supper." He paused beside the woman as if to speak to her, then seemed to think better of it. Glancing once more between Simon and the brigand knight, he hurried away to his lodging.

"Where did you get it?" the brigand knight demanded, still gaping at Orlando like an idiot. "Has it always been so small?"

"Smaller, I would imagine, or hope for the sake of his mother," Simon answered. "But when I met Orlando, he was already full grown."

"Full grown," the knight repeated with a chuckle. His eyes moved to Simon, sizing him up now. "What will you take for him?" Simon felt the dwarf grow tense beside him, and he put his hand on his shoulder. "I am near to acquiring a castle," the Frenchman continued. "I will need a fool. Does it sing?"

"Not that I have heard," Simon answered, trying not to smile. If Orlando had harbored any misgivings about the vampire's intentions, no doubt they were fading away. "My servant is not for sale."

The brigand's smile faded. "Do not be so quick to say it, traveler," he said. "You, come here." He grabbed the woman by the arm and pushed her forward. "I will give you this in trade." He yanked away the mantle, and she let out a shriek of indignation, fighting for it a moment before her arms fell back to her sides. She was barely more than a child with golden hair -- a pretty thing when they'd taken her, no doubt. Now her mouth and eye were swollen and bruised, and the thin shift that was her only garment torn and stained with what Simon willfully decided must be mud. She looked at the vampire for barely a moment before looking back down at the floor, but Simon thought he saw the ghost of a smile on her lips, a glimmer of hope in her eyes.

"Your offer is tempting, my lord," Simon said, giving the title an emphasis that was unmistakably ironic. But in truth, he could barely hear his own voice, so loud was the roar of his hunger and the pounding of the brigand's heart in his ears. "But I must decline."

"You must decline?" the man repeated, and his men laughed, coming closer. "I must insist you accept." He put his hand on his sword hilt, and his henchmen followed suit.

"You would fight me in the church?" Orlando took a step away, and Simon gave him a wink. You see? he seemed to tell the dwarf. The idiot leaves me no choice. "Before the very cross?"

"Fight you? No, traveler." The brigand smiled, showing rotten teeth. "We will kill you." He unsheathed his sword.

Simon drew his sword as well, so quickly his opponents could barely have seen him do it. One moment he was easy prey, a single fighter standing at rest; the next he was the demon. The brigand's henchmen lunged at him first, one armed with mace and dagger, the other with a sword. Simon killed the swordsman first, parrying his blow like lightning before slicing off his head. The second stabbed him in the back, plunging in the dagger to the hilt, but the vampire barely felt it. He whirled around as the villain raised his mace and caught him by the wrist, twisting the arm in its socket like a mortal man might break a winter twig. The henchman screamed, his eyes rolling wild, and Simon snarled, sinking his fangs into the henchman's throat.

"Un diable," their master was saying, his face shiny with sweat. "Tu es Satan." He clutched his broadsword in both hands, but his body was stinking with fear.

Simon raised his mouth from his first prey's fountain of blood. "You speak as if you know me." He twisted the henchman's head to one side with a snap, cutting off whatever life might still linger inside him. "Are we friends?" He let the corpse fall to the floor.

"Stay away!" The brigand knight dropped his sword and crossed himself. "In the name of Christ, stay back!"

"You dare?" A new rage coursed through Simon, feeding him more surely than the blood now coursing through his veins. "Villain that you are, you call on Christ to save you?" His tongue burned at the mention of the holy name. If he were to wear the cross that hung around this brigand's neck, his cursed flesh would burn with holy fire. "You prey upon the innocent," he said, moving closer. "You would defile His holy church, abuse His priest, and yet you have that right." The injustice was more powerful than any hunger; the rage would no longer be contained. He sprang upon the brigand like a wolf, the two of them rolling together as one as his teeth tore into his heart. The brigand struck him again and again, begging for mercy even as he slashed him with his dagger, but Simon barely heard him, barely felt the pain. All that mattered was the blood, hot and sweet, still laced with the wine this man had drunk and thick with the evil in his heart. This was the food Simon had learned to crave above any other in his ten years as a vampire, the blood of men already damned.

"My holy God..." Father Colin had returned. He stood in the doorway, staring in horror at the vampire feeding at the altar of his God. "Merciful Christ..." He clutched his rosary for strength, holding his ground as Simon let the dead man fall and rose to his feet. The vampire knew from experience how he appeared, the way his black eyes shone with a devil's flame, the scarlet stain of blood upon his mouth. But the priest did not cower in fear. "Be gone from His church, child of Satan," he ordered. "In God's holy name, I command it."

"You cannot command me, Father," Simon said, though in truth the priest's words did affect him, make him feel a powerful compulsion to obey. This was a truly righteous man, a true priest of the Christ. "You cannot see what you have seen," the vampire said sadly. "You cannot remember this night."

"This night," the priest repeated, his eyes going dim in the trance. Of all the gifts his cursed state had given him, Simon liked this one the least and used it the least often, the power to sway mortal minds. The more innocent his victim, the more easily and deeply he could entrance them, bending their thoughts to his will. "The Black Knight," Father Colin said, understanding dawning in his eyes. "You are Isabel's Black Knight."

"Yes," Simon answered, though in truth he didn't have the slightest notion what the old man meant. Sometimes this happened; a victim's mind would find its own solution, its own way of explaining away the evil it had witnessed. "I am her Black Knight."

"Come," Orlando ordered, bringing Simon his sword. "You must away. The Father and I will take care of this mess." He looked the vampire up and down with a wry smile. "And find you something to wear." Simon looked down at his tunic, slashed and soaked with blood. "Go, warrior," the dwarf repeated, giving him a push.

Outside, it was full dark. Simon stood among the fallen stones of the old Roman temple and closed his eyes, breathing in the cool, misty air as if his body still required it. His flesh was tingling with life, but it was an illusion, vitality stolen from his victim's blood. For a few precious hours after feeding, he would feel almost himself again, a man with a heart and a soul. He would remember Ireland and the dreams he had once held so dear, see the green fields, remember the warmth of the sun on his back. With a dead man's blood still flowing in his veins, he would remember how it had felt to be alive, to yearn for love and home.

But come the morning, he would die again. The blood of the kill would be absorbed by his endless hunger, the only life that was real. He was a beast, a predator that killed for no greater purpose but to rise and kill again. All that was left was the blood and his quest, this endless search for a relic he still could not believe would save him. With every night his cursed body walked, he passed more deeply into the shadow, further from God's grace. Why should this magical Chalice accept him, even if it should exist and somehow he could find it?

Sometimes he envied Roxanna, his sister in cursed blood, sleeping in another world for all these ten years past, a vapor in a bottle. Past all knowledge or control, she no longer felt this yearning he felt now, this illusion of life. If she hungered, Simon did not know and did not care.

The horses of the French knight and his men were tethered just outside the abbey wall. They each looked up at his silent approach, velvet ears laid back as they nickered and chortled in alarm. "You need not fear," he murmured, holding out his hand. "This wolf means you no harm." As a man, he had loved horses as only an Irishman could; there was no mount he could not ride, no stallion he could not tame. "Your master is dead." The largest of the three, a dark brown destrier in armor, planted its hooves and tossed its head, whinnying a warning. "I cannot believe you will mourn him." Almost close enough to touch the velvet nose, he reached for the horse's bridle.

But just as his fingertips made contact, the horse reared up and screamed, flailing the air with its hooves, and its fellows did the same. The first two broke their tethers easily and fled, the destrier shattering the abbey's wooden gates. But the third, a smaller gray mare, was trapped. Eyes rolling white with terror, she twisted and contorted, desperate to escape, but her tether would not break.

"I'm sorry," Simon said, almost pleading, as he drew the knife from his belt. "I swear, love, it's all right." Dodging the flailing hooves, he cut the tether with a snap, and the mare reared away so violently she flung herself onto her back. "No!" he shouted, horrified, certain the horse would be crippled, but she struggled back to her feet. Shrieking once more at the vampire, she galloped away, soaring over the broken gate.

"I'm sorry," Simon repeated, watching as she faded into the night.

"The horses fear you," a voice spoke softly behind him. The girl the French knight had abused was coming toward him, picking her way between the stones of the ruin. "But I do not." In the moonlight, he could barely see her bruises; he saw her for the pretty thing she was or once had been. She stopped before him, letting her mantle fall. "I am not afraid."

"Why are you not?" He touched her cheek with the back of his hand, and she tilted her head, closing her eyes as she leaned into the caress. "You should be frightened, darling." Even his voice sounded like the old Simon, the lilting poet's brogue. "You saw clear enough what I am."

"Yes." She opened her eyes again. "I saw you." She smiled. "But I am yours now."

"No," he said, shaking his head.

"I can do things," she promised. "I can take care of you, and you can keep me safe." She touched his cheek with her fingertips, tracing through the tears of blood. "Why do you weep?"

He smiled. "I weep for you." He took her hand and kissed it before putting it away. "I don't need a cook, little one."

"Good," she answered, moving closer. "I didn't mean cooking."

Her arms came up around his neck as he kissed her, eager for his embrace, and he groaned, despairing and amused. Such sport was but a comfort for the moment, but he ached for the girl even so, the warmth of her body, the parody of love. He pushed her down among the stones, opening her mouth to his to taste her hot little tongue. Her hands slipped up and down his arms, over his shoulders as he lifted her flimsy skirt. The cleft of her sex was as warm as her mouth, as eager to take him inside. He let sensation take him, closing his eyes as he lost himself in her embrace. The bloodlust he felt now was but a little thing after his feeding before, another nagging hunger like the throbbing in his sex, as easily satisfied. When his pretty comforter cried out, he kissed her throat, finding the vein. With both fists clenched tightly in his hair, she arched her hips to meet him, and he bit her, barely piercing her delicate skin, barely feeding as her climax shivered through her, tasting satisfaction in her blood.

He lifted his head and moved faster, looking down into her eyes. "You will forget me." Her lips moved in denial, but she could not speak; she could not look away. "You will forget." He drove into her deeper, holding her pinned to the ground.

"Yes." She gasped as his climax exploded, trembling again. "I will forget."

He kissed her cheek as he withdrew, let her go as her body went slack. He tugged her shift back down, and she sighed, rolling onto her side. "Sleep, sweet darling," he whispered, and she obeyed, as peaceful as a child. Looking up, he saw Orlando coming toward him, smiling and shaking his head.

"Father Colin is sleeping as well now," the dwarf said when he reached him. "Your spell was very powerful tonight." He looked down at the girl on the ground. "He's too old to be much help anyway."

"I'll do it," Simon answered. In the past ten years, he must have dug hundreds of graves; three more shouldn't take him long. "Give me the purse." He took out a handful of coins and gave them back to Orlando, then tucked the purse under the sleeping girl's arm. "Perhaps she can find her way home."

"The good Father will help her." Simon spread the girl's mantle over her like a blanket, tucking in the corners, and his companion smiled. "Come, warrior. I think I have a plan."

Isabel tied off the bindings on Brautus's shoulder and sat back. "Better?"

"Aye, poppet." The aged giant leaned back against the pillows, the lines of pain on his brow giving the lie away. " 'Tis all but mended." He took her hand and squeezed it. "Let this Frenchman come."

"Tomorrow." She made herself smile. "He will come tomorrow." This great hand had protected her all of her life; this knight was as dear to her as a father. "Maybe he won't be so bad." If Brautus tried to fight the Frenchman, he would die. "Maybe I should let him marry me without fighting."

"No." His bearded face turned serious, and tears rose in her eyes. "You will not."

"No," she promised, standing up to kiss his cheek. "I will not."

Outside the window, the moon was out, a cold, white sliver. She thought of her father's study, three stories below her now, and the druid's scrolls, full of magic that she could not read, wisdom she could not use. Send me my devil, dear wizards, she thought again, a pagan's silent prayer. Send my true Black Knight.

Copyright © 2005 by Jayel Wylie

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