Merlin's War: The Battle Between the Family of Light and the Family of Dark

Merlin's War: The Battle Between the Family of Light and the Family of Dark

by Margaret Doner
Merlin's War: The Battle Between the Family of Light and the Family of Dark

Merlin's War: The Battle Between the Family of Light and the Family of Dark

by Margaret Doner


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Merlin’s War: The Battle between the Family of Light and the Family of Dark examines the fact that the history of the human race has been manipulated by a being so clever that we have had no idea he exists. In fact, he has hidden behind Lucifer—but Lucifer is not our devil. Much of what has been told to the human race has been designed to keep the truth at bay. Whose purpose did it serve to keep the human race unaware of its own origins and ignoring huge pieces of obvious evidence because there is no logical explanation for it? It certainly did not serve the human race. Merlin is thought of by most humans as a simple embodiment of the wizard. Merlin’s War reveals that he is much more; he is a powerful Creator God who is responsible for creating the human template and seeding life on the Earth. Moreover, Dracula is thought of as a fictional vampire, when he is, in fact, the being we call Satan, responsible for creating war and chaos on Earth and in other galaxies. There are two points of view to this story, and in order to be fair author Margaret Doner has agreed to tell both sides. Merlin’s War posits that it is time for the playing field to be evened out. The Family of Dark has been in control for too long; it’s time for the Family of Light to move beyond the fear that has kept them enslaved.

Product Details

ISBN-13: 9781475906592
Publisher: iUniverse, Incorporated
Publication date: 04/17/2012
Sold by: Barnes & Noble
Format: eBook
Pages: 180
File size: 1 MB

About the Author

Margaret Doner is the author of numerous books, including Archangels Speak, Wisdom of the Archangels, and Infinite Darkness/Infinite Light. She has been a licensed massage therapist since 1990 and a past life regression therapist since 1996. She and her husband own the healing center Partners in Massage in Hyde Park, New York.

Read an Excerpt

Merlin's War

The Battle between the Family of Light and the Family of Dark
By Margaret Doner

iUniverse, Inc.

Copyright © 2012 Margaret Doner
All right reserved.

ISBN: 978-1-4759-0658-5

Chapter One


The Battle Between the Family of Light and the Family of Dark

This information is not given to you as Truth, but to stimulate the truth that lies within you. Only you can decide what truth is for you. That is what makes you Masters and not victims.

I have been working as a channel for the angelic realm for many years and I am the author of Archangels Speak, and Wisdom of the Archangels. In 1996 I became a certified past life regression therapist, having trained with Roger Woolger, PhD, and have had the great good fortune to assist many people to remember and integrate lives not only on this planet, but also on other planets. I have also aided those who suffered from alien abduction trauma to heal from fear and reclaim their soul fragments. Through these experiences I have come to understand, at much deeper levels, the drama that is being played out on the planet Earth, the drama that many people refer to as the battle between good and evil.

Like so many I have become aware of an enormous amount of assistance the human race receives from both extraterrestrial and extradimensional beings. Whether they are Pleiadians, Arcturians, and Andromedans, or Archangel Michael, Gabriel and Raphael, these beings are available to help those of us willing to seek them out. Many of us relate to these beings as "family," and we call them the Family of Light. Simultaneously I have also become aware of a force of resistance that many of us encounter as well. This oppositional force we call the Family of Dark. It is my intention, in this book, to give voice to leaders from these opposing families; Merlin who represents the Family of Light and Vlad Dracula who represents the Family of Dark.

Merlin is thought of by most humans as a simple embodiment of the wizard. In this book he is much more. He is a powerful Creator God who is responsible for creating the human template and seeding life on the Earth. Dracula is thought of as a simple vampire. In this book he is much more. He is the being we call Satan, and he is responsible for creating war and chaos on Earth and in other galaxies.

The one thing both these beings agree on is that the human race has been completely unaware of its own reality. According to Merlin the history of the human race has been manipulated by a being so clever, so "in the background," that human beings have had no idea he exists. In fact, he has hidden behind Lucifer, but Lucifer is not your devil. Merlin wishes you to understand the battle he has waged with the being you call Dracula, the being who really is the devil. Most people are aware that there lived an actual historical figure named Vlad Dracula or Vlad the Impaler. As a past life therapist I have removed the energetic residue of his impalement stakes from many clients, not only freeing the physical body from pain but helping to free my client's emotional body from the fear that Dracula's gruesome death imprinted upon them.

Dracula believes that Merlin is at fault and that he is the rightful ruler of all creation. Dracula believes that his creation, the reptilians, are superior, and he has set out to prove this to Merlin and to all of us. So, presented here are two points of view, and to be fair I have agreed to tell both sides.

It is my belief that without both points of view there would be no truth, for as always truth is held in the consciousness of the beholder. To find truth you must look at all sides of an issue. The world has been polarized for too long, and it is my intention to serve as a bridge between the Family of Light and the Family of Dark and assist them to find harmony. Do not treat this as your Truth, but utilize it to stimulate the truth within you. Only when you can look at the other side without fear can you become empowered. It is time for the playing field to be evened out. The Family of Dark has been in control for too long, and it's time for the Family of Light to climb out of the fear that has kept them enslaved.

Fear creates the shadow that blocks love—love releases us from fear. Not love, but Love. Love that is so all encompassing it is capable of holding both dark and light in its embrace.


What follows is channeled material. It has been gathered directly from Merlin and Vlad. I receive my information through "knowing," not by hearing voices. Dracula's intentions were allowed to be known to me; but I was protected from direct contact with his energy during the writing of this book.

This book is designed to provoke. It is also designed to stimulate you to define your own beliefs about the nature of good and evil. As a teacher this is Merlin's style. He will challenge you to state your truth in what might appear (to some) as confrontational ways. In other words, sometimes Merlin believes you get to your own truth faster by disagreeing with someone than by agreeing with them. He feels that this approach forces the student to declare who they are and as a result enables them to climb into their own mastery.

The following material expresses multi–dimensional reality by blending what some would consider fiction with what others consider truth. Again, that is up to you to decide. It is a dialogue between Dracula and Merlin and it tells the story of their war and its impact upon all of us.

There was no fall. Not as you have been told. Nobody got kicked out of heaven by God; but many beings created hell. There is a difference. Forget everything you think you know. Forget it. It hasn't served you, and it has misled you. Be willing to let go of everything. What do you know? What knowledge is your knowledge; inherent within you? You have never owned anything except your feelings.

Everything else you have either read in books, been told in church, by your parents, or your government. What do you really know?

Once upon a time you knew the world was flat. Now you know it's round. But, you don't. You know nothing about outer space or about the Earth. Even today there are those who believe that the Earth is hollow, and there are entrances into the inner Earth at both ends, and portals into the inner Earth at various "power points." They will swear that the Earth contains a sun inside&madash;a light source of great magnitude&madash;and strange creatures live within the Earth. There are those who will swear that is the talk of dreamers and idiots. This is happening right here and now. This is your home planet, and you still don't all agree where you live. Not even close.

So, here I am to tell you another story. A story that shakes everything you've been told. For some of you it will resonate as truth, and to others it will appear fiction. The choice is yours, of course.

Let us begin at what I am going to call, for convenience sake, the beginning. God. None of us know what's before God. So, it is as good a place to start as any. For the romantic souls I will say God impulsed Love and created life. For those with cruder tastes I will say God belched. Your scientists call it the Big Bang. Did God perceive himself, and then react in response to the perception; or did God react and then perceive himself? That is up to you to decide. What came first, the chicken or the egg? Either way it was when God perceived himself that consciousness became aware of creation. In the beginning creation was innocent. It was free floating particles of energy bubbles. That level of creation is pretty uninteresting so I won't waste words on that. Soon enough, however, the energy bubbles began to coalesce and the act of one "bubble" uniting with another "bubble" created enough "other" that true awareness began. You see, awareness cannot begin until there is an "other" to compare the self to. It's as if you don't know you exist until you see another, and when the other becomes evident you know there is a you.

In the beginning consciousness was content to gaze at the other, and at the self, and merely to experience the new sensation of "other" and "me." But as more and more of these bubbles began to merge, and more and more of them began to gain this new level of awareness, The Source of Creation became self aware. God gazed upon these bubbles and noticed them; She was aware that they were both her and not her. (God will be referred to in both the masculine and feminine in order to remain gender neutral.) "Is this me?" asked God.

Early on the bubbles began to take more and more sophisticated shape. In the beginning was the Word. What that means is that in the beginning pure consciousness (or vibration) created reality&madash;and instantly. A bubble would bump into another bubble, and feel the presence of that bubble, which would stimulate consciousness, and creation would take place. Suddenly there is the awareness of a long oblong bubble, and creation is on its way.

As creation became more and more sophisticated, the angelic realm emerged. The angelic realm is the realm closest to God or the Source, closest to pure creational energy, yet still self-aware and differentiated. Self-awareness grew among the angels. They began to develop what you would call personalities. The angelic world was simple in the beginning, but gaining quickly in sophistication, because the angelic world, in its earliest stages, was quite co-operational. They hadn't yet discovered conflict. Perhaps it would be best for me to suggest the idea of cherubs. The earliest beings were cherubs. The baby angels, if you will.

Cherubs were the first ones to discover how to play with the bubbles, and create things with them. They enjoyed playing with the bubbles and making shapes. They began creation by moving this energy called God into form. Even today this is true; cherubs take the energy directly from God and move it outward so that other beings, called Creator Gods, can make more and more sophisticated creations from the energy.

God doesn't create directly. God supplies the energy of creation and is aware of the creations made from His energy; but God does not mold the energy himself. She passes it on, or belches it out, and allows us to create with it. Play with it. Express ourselves with it. We are all God, of course. Where else would we come from? As Gods yourselves you are given the opportunity to create reality, and this is what is meant by the idea that you are all Co-Creator Gods.

All of this, of course, took eons of time. As the energy shifted and changed the creational realms began to separate out, and dimensions were created. Every dimension is vibrationally determined; creation is like a multi-layered sandwich, the densest layers, which are low vibration, are on the bottom and the lightest layers are on the top.

Each of these vibrational layers holds consciousness. In essence you cannot separate consciousness from dimension; they are aligned.

The angelic realms are multi-layered too. You have called these Principalities, Dominions, Cherubs, Seraphim, Thrones, Virtues, Archangels and so forth. Each of these realms has a home and a manner of expressing itself. Creation has been around long enough now for these "homes" to have developed into quite profound levels of sophistication.

The question has always been, however, when did matter become dense enough to create life as humans know it? There are planets where matter is not dense, where life shimmers and floats much as you think angels do. Planets exist where consciousness has not created such levels of fear that matter hardens into immoveable form. For it is fear that creates the density you understand as life. It is fear that has become master in the universe where you reside.


Once creation became conscious it wasn't long before it began to play. And once it began to play, and develop, it wasn't long before one creational being would look at another creational being and ask, "How did you do that?" Shortly after that question was asked, other beings would gather around the best and finest creators and want to be taught how to make more sophisticated creational forms themselves. Thus, my school began. It is a school for those who create life from the energy called God. This first school of creation is called the School for Seekers. I am the headmaster and a Master at creating life. You call me Merlin, the Wizard, because you don't have a vocabulary in which to express the truth of my existence. I'm okay with wizard, but I do far more than pull rabbits out of a hat.

My students are called Seekers. They are curious, adventurous and ambitious as a rule.

The Earth was created as a playground for the Seekers. Those who wish to create life and play with form were given this exquisite planet (which I created, by the way) to experiment with life. Like any school there are students of all types. There are ones who sit in the front of the classroom, and listen attentively, wanting to be the best they can be, and please the teacher. There are those who like to show off and entertain the class with their tricks and antics, getting attention away from the teacher and onto themselves with funny remarks and deeds. There are those who no one notices, they sit quietly at the back of the classroom, afraid to express themselves, unsure of the answers. There are those who are arrogant, resisting the teacher's knowledge, wanting the glory before they have earned it. It is this final type of student who is the creator of the hell realm you know currently as life on the Earth. His name is Vlad Dracula. Because of him the most important rules in my school today revolve around integrity and humility. Being humble in service to God is the basis for all Seekers, and these days if a student shows signs of arrogance I quickly eliminate them because of what Vlad Dracula taught me. I was foolish to let him move all the way up the ladder, and I was too lenient with him.

Creator Gods are like very high-level angels. That might be the easiest way for you all to understand this. As I said before we all come from angelic energy because they were the first beings to be created out of the Source. Since then there are many, many, many categories and expressions of the Source, but everything can be traced back to the first beings to separate out of the Oneness. You call these beings angels, and so then will I.

In my school there are many steps to becoming a Creator God and it is a very long process. There are many steps of initiation and many who are enrolled in the school drop-out, get kicked out, or just decide to specialize in a particular area and stop their training at that point. For example, someone may decide that they like making flowers, and they will work to assist a Creator God as a flower creator, but have no inclination to continue their studies so far as to become responsible for an entire galaxy!


Excerpted from Merlin's War by Margaret Doner Copyright © 2012 by Margaret Doner. Excerpted by permission of iUniverse, Inc.. All rights reserved. No part of this excerpt may be reproduced or reprinted without permission in writing from the publisher.
Excerpts are provided by Dial-A-Book Inc. solely for the personal use of visitors to this web site.

Table of Contents


PART I The Battle Between the Family of Light and the Family of Dark....................1
MERLIN: THE BEGINNING....................5
VLAD DRACULA RESPONDS....................11
MERLIN: CREATION EVOLVES....................13
VLAD DRACULA: THE DINOSAURS....................16
MERLIN: EVOLVING THE DINOSAURS....................18
VLAD DRACULA: THE LIE OF CAMELOT....................26
MERLIN: VLAD THE IMPALER....................29
VLAD DRACULA: I AM THE TRUE LEADER....................31
MERLIN: JESUS AND VLAD....................34
MERLIN: THE ORION WARS CONTINUE....................46
MERLIN: THE GAME OF LIFE....................50
VLAD DRACULA: MERLIN AS THE EVIL GOD....................54
MERLIN: FALLEN ANGEL GODS....................56
VLAD DRACULA: THE CENTAURS....................66
VLAD DRACULA: THE DEMONICS....................72
MERLIN: MORE ON THE NEPHILIM....................84
MERLIN: ESCAPING FROM THE MATRIX....................91
VLAD DRACULA: MATRIX PROGRAM # 10....................94
MERLIN: WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO DO ABOUT IT?....................102
VLAD DRACULA: I AM THE DRAGON GOD....................105
MERLIN:THE TEMPLATE WAR....................107
VLAD DRACULA: THE WAR ON MARS....................118
VLAD DRACULA: THE END OF DAYS....................130
MERLIN: COPING WITH THE WAKE-UP CALL....................131
PART II The Human Journey: My Journey....................141
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