Master-E: Epic Space and Time Travel into Parallel Dimensions: An Entanglement of Fantasy, Science Fiction and Physics

Master-E: Epic Space and Time Travel into Parallel Dimensions: An Entanglement of Fantasy, Science Fiction and Physics

by A.E. Beck
Master-E: Epic Space and Time Travel into Parallel Dimensions: An Entanglement of Fantasy, Science Fiction and Physics

Master-E: Epic Space and Time Travel into Parallel Dimensions: An Entanglement of Fantasy, Science Fiction and Physics

by A.E. Beck


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Power-hungry male government officials of eleven planets had created eleven black holes by imploding their planets and jettisoning ruling-class members to free zones created on the other sides of the black holes. By isolating themselves in these free zones, the officials believed they would obtain the power of creation. These arrogant men theorized that they could replace the Great Oneness, the life force of the E, and the vortex of energy known to all as the Ancient One, thus creating a New World Order.

The officials found out, however, that the black holes were portals that allowed passage back into dimensions that were parallel to those that they destroyed. The officials theorized that they needed to destroy these parallel dimensions to attain ultimate power.  A plot was therefore devised to implode planet Clarion and jettison its ruling-class members to a free zone on the other side of a twelfth black hole while simultaneously imploding the parallel dimensions associated with the eleven previously formed free zones. 

E-Masters, whose duty was to maintain balance in the universe, met to discuss the impending plot. The E-Masters were told that the Ancient One had placed an evolutionary leap of awareness within a boy named MZ, who was born in hiding on planet Clarion. The E-Masters recognized that MZ must develop mastership to avert universal disaster caused by the impending implosions of Clarion and the eleven black holes.

E-Master Traveler Z was working to prepare MZ for his E-Master development and his escape from Clarion. It was hoped that instruction received at mystery temples and during his travels, along with guidance from Traveler Z, would allow MZ to pass tests of Master-E and attain mastership before it was too late.


Product Details

ISBN-13: 9781449029876
Publisher: AuthorHouse
Publication date: 10/07/2009
Sold by: Barnes & Noble
Format: eBook
File size: 1 MB

Read an Excerpt

Master-E: Epic Space and Time Travel into Parallel Dimensions

An Entanglement of Fantasy, Science Fiction and Physics
By A.E. Beck


Copyright © 2009 A.E. Beck
All right reserved.

ISBN: 978-1-4490-2985-2

Chapter One

Waking Dream

The Endless ...

There was a great forgetfulness that passed over all planetary beings when they arrived in these dimensions, which are the here and now.

I am now aware of me-part of a sparkling sea of light, the center of which is enormous and expanding outward into the endlessness.

Searching inside myself, I find there is also a knowing that I am not alone. I feel homesick, but what "home" is, or where it is, I guess I have forgotten in my sleep.

I am picturing myself as a spark of energy in an endless grouping of the exact same individualized sparks of cosmic energy. Our sparks form an endless sea of self-awareness. There is much that remains unclear inside me, yet I can say with conviction that, viewed together, we are an Allness that is part of a Great Oneness.

Yawning and rubbing his eyes, the sixteen-year-old mumbled to himself, "Wow, what a dream." Purring in his ear was his Grandmother Ulima's wake-up call messenger, a twenty-five-pound male tabby cat. "Thumbs, no mouse this time?" No time to eat anyway. Glancing at the time alert on the wall, he leaped out of bed and dashed for the bodycleanser unit down the hall.

Ulima was coming into the kitchen from her garden with a fresh cluster of succulent purple and violet honeyberry fruit to keep her grandson calm in his long day of class. Smiling, she welcomed an ant clinging to the bunch of low-hanging berries placed on the counter. "Traveler Rub, my heart is touched with your quick response to my inner call for aid. My grandson has need of your counsel. MZ told me yesterday that, in a class teaching Remote Viewing, the professor gave a plain visual hologram of a black door with orders to pass the exercise by opening it. Upon hearing the stern voice of the instructor's call on [80082008.sup.63], the male registration number assigned to MZ at birth by the government, he told the truth. Aware of a roadway where there were three paths, he chose the middle one. The professor announced to the class that [80082008.sup.63] had failed to follow the exercise, and this was an example to all of how to fail the test. As for the next exercise, he ordered everyone to Remote View the door and open it-or fail the Remote Viewing course."

The black ant scanned MZ's inner thoughts to fill in information about this dimension's rules and regulations. "I find your grandson holds awareness of the E far beyond his male peers. The boy exhibits knowing what battles are not worth fighting. He knows his given name is MZ and has the wisdom to accept without dispute [80082008.sup.63], the mandated number assigned to him at birth registration, which the Planetary Council imposes on male citizens. MZ, at present, does not know the mysterious gift carried in his name."

Ulima nodded and spoke: "Traveler Z knew gradual awareness through lifetimes would lead to MZ taking notice of inner vibrations. It has been my pleasure to witness him, in mid-sentence, stop and listen to vibrating sounds few hear. The strings of this boy's heart are so coiled and curved, he exists within untold vibrating string dimensions. Both of us hold the awareness of the E, so we appreciate the razor's edge MZ walks to maintain inner balance. Fortunately, the elite of Planet Clarion have protected MZ's inherent power from being discovered, by discouraging physical touch among males. Female touch is simply ignored activity by males, for the perceived inert energy transmitted. MZ's touch transmits quantum potential coiled energy, and the E controls the shared vibrations. KD is a female companion who has walked, holding MZ's hand, and she respects the gentle shared vibrations. KD has confided in me that she finds MZ mysterious, as do many of her friends. A key factor in her attraction to MZ is a kind of musical, joyous feeling she can't quite put her finger on. KD decided that she just likes him 'cause he's nice."

The ant asked Ulima, "Does MZ speak of hearing the inner musical vibrations common to all life?"

Ulima replied, "Yes, he describes a flowing sound current, which is, at times, elusive and, at other times, titanic. The ebb and flow of life he describes with respect to the Allness, the source, which MZ knows is the E."

The ant savant was pleased with Ulima's grandson's youthful awareness of the primal cause, the Allness. "Traveler Z has spoken to both of us of the momentous tasks ahead for MZ. Let us proceed to review his understanding. Mind-thought scan reveals that MZ describes his home planet, Clarion, as one of billions of other celestial bodies formed out of what was known as the Great Oneness. These inner thoughts say much, as you'll agree. Everyone knew this was an inner remembering, waking up in the individual body unit. The universal life force, E, is the 'audible life current' that sustains all life. The E is also mixed up in the personal recall of one's self. As the body unit matures, it becomes less important in managing day-to-day life. MZ speaks here of his own level of self-awareness and his keen observation of individual freedom. Mastership is an inner calling, difficult to put in words but easy to notice in those called to serve. MZ will grow into his calling to become a coworker with the E, as this is Master-E."

A gentle smile graced the grandmother's face, hearing MZ's declared reverence to the Great Oneness. "My ant friend, Cosimia, MZ's mother named her son in full awareness of his future life's calling to serve the E. She told the officer of names that MZ was the known star coordinates of her husband's ship at the moment of MZ's birth. Many of her girlfriends chose to use the same method, to freely name their children after beloved E-Masters and Travelers. To her death, Cosimia exposed MZ to girls his age, to strengthen an inner defense against the male indoctrination by the government. Rub, has your mind-thought scan touched on MZ's feelings regarding male education training? I ask this because of my concern about MZ's upcoming male class to again perform Remote Viewing. I cautioned MZ not to reveal his ability to uncoil the Calabi-Yau spaces, freely traveling desired prior instants in time. The CollectiV practices an elementary form of Remote Viewing by turning the mind's eye to look backward to the single prior instant. They taught boys how to stop time, to screen those boys with talent to Remote View. Actually, the professors fooled themselves, as time was only slowed down to the point where they lost track of time! The professors lack experience further than this theoretical awareness of the time curves. Theorists inside the CollectiV actively seek a boy exhibiting natural skill to Remote View and explore untouched, curled-up time dimensions. In essence, a born explorer, able to provide the theorists with views of the hidden curves. Girls are natural Remote Viewers, which is a well hidden secret from the Clarion ruling class. Thank goodness, the E has blessed this genius on girls and selected boys. My grandson is one of the gifted genius youths born to deal on the inside, in order to herald change on Clarion.

"Rub, there is one thing that disturbed me. There is an insider born by one of the Clarion elite who has natural ability to explore the Calabi-Yau spaces. Naming her daughter Tau, after one of the ghost particles ejected from the sun, the mother died from cause unknown. Raised by her father to be a boy, Tau prized her innate ability to think like a male, earning her rank of General over Counter-Intelligence. Brutal self-assessment exposed her natural ability to Remote View, but she lacked free thought to uncoil the time spaces. Tau had gained awareness of an unknown boy during her travel one instant back in time, walking randomly past her viewpoint. He appeared to crack the time coil, with an indifference to her scrutiny. As head of Counter-Intelligence, it was Tau's top priority to identify and control this mysterious boy before eleven male governments hidden in Black Holes, currently in power negotiations with Clarion elites, found out about him. There was no love loss between many of the arrogant CollectiV and Tau's military team of crack professionals. Her staff was quietly laying groundwork for a coup. The General, via Remote View, saw that the boy was a tipping point, key for her own team to gain leverage over the powers amassing. Frustrated by her inability to view forward in the time curve, this Counter-Intelligence professional suspected the boy moved at will freely back and forward, beyond the time curve of her present vantage point. Tau feared this was not missed by the others plotting to gain the lead, ruling a new time and space. Rub, in your mind-thought scan, do you sense MZ's awareness of crossing the view of Tau? Do you find any evidence of MZ forming a firm foundation to choose freedom over male power?"

The savant ant responded: "Interesting is the bulk of information one finds in a teenager's fertile mind. Inner thought scan reveals MZ passed what he identified as a feminine thought form wrapped around a heavy electron, hiding its location behind a slowly vibrating coil in time. Your grandson was perceptive to the inner conflict emitted from this heavy thought string. Mysterious was the prescient quality that General Tau chose to accurately profile the boy. She will be haunted by the vibrating strings of memory, albeit brief in time, when their energy crossed the Calabi-Yau spaces."

Ulima was amazed by the intrigue that existed, but until now she did not appreciate the unknown and innocent role her grandson played in Tau's growing conspiracy. "Rub, can you foresee if MZ has been provided sufficient training for this new wrinkle in the fabric of time? I did teach MZ how to tread so softly through the thought spaces of others, to go virtually unnoticed. I am positive MZ was observing this civil respect when he traversed Tau's tiny loop of vibrating strings. He is pure of heart, seeking to treat all with the reverence he believes is due to fellow sparks of the is-ness of life."

"In a word, yes, my dear E-Traveler. Review of MZ's favorite thoughts reveals that you wisely told MZ stories as a young child of his lineage not being from Clarion. He was told this because of the faint E birthmark on his forehead. Mothers whispered that most babies born in the last million years had this mark of mastership. In school, young men were counseled to view this gossip as common silliness of the female that is best disregarded. But MZ and many of his buddies secretly remembered more than was allowed and enjoyed listening to women. I must say, teenagers can be quite entertaining."

The ant sage continued. "Ulima, your grandson appreciates history as we transverse further into his perceptions of life. The girls said that the mark of the E was from the root race of the planet Seres. Story was that Serians were highly evolved space travelers who seeded Clarion untold millions of years ago. The earned mark of the E was a sign of these latent traits surfacing in the youth again. What the mark symbolized in terms of individual power, why MZ or any other male in his class was granted this mark, or how someone earned this mark were not as yet remembered among the ladies in MZ's circle of confidants. MZ and his buddies wanted to know more, but where to find this knowledge was unclear."

Genuinely moved to comment further, the ant said, "It does please me that MZ is asking himself what Master-E is. This is evidence that MZ knows where to look, which is a good start. Mastership is not taught in class but caught. MZ is hungry for truth, as are many of his male friends. I read in MZ's mind-thoughts that boys of Clarion were educated along a different life purpose track than the girls. In school, all attended the same core classes of math, science, and planetary and dimensional history. Then, the girls learned the secrets to their unique skill sets, and the boys were taught the solemn duty required of all Clarion males. This grave act involved complete surrender to the cause and merging with the planet's collective consciousness. This was a mandated agreement to narrow group awareness to one point, and, to date, compliance was unanimous with no questions permitted. MZ's attention is moved not by the CollectiV, but captured by the vibrating strings."

Traveler Rub paused the scan to say "Ulima, these next few mind-thought scans highlight MZ's deep awareness of the mind-agreement technique being quietly employed on these boys. The Clarion elite will soon discover that hypnotic suggestion fails to capture MZ, as we found in MZ's mind-thoughts." Rub continued MZ's mind-thought scan: "The collective awareness, known to all boys as the CollectiV, was essential in keeping the dimension in order. The daily class on learning male secrets was basically to teach boys how to clear all sense of individual self from structured thinking. MZ was a top student in his classes, but with this CollectiV mind meld, he could already sense most guys were going to be better at it than he, and, for once, MZ didn't care! MZ told his mother about it, and she said it was wrong to talk openly about this in a room where men gathered. Secretly, MZ wished he had been born a girl; they didn't have to lose themselves to simply hang out with the guys. Ulima, your grandson has yet to learn the evolutionary leap of awareness, gifted him by the Ancient One. MZ's boyish reluctance will evaporate as he hears the inner roar, known by all called to serve. For now, we wait."

Ulima understood now, the underlying, disquieted energy coming out in MZ. Taking in a deep sigh, the concerned grandmother spoke: "In light of pressure exerted at CollectiV class, last week I told MZ to escape via inner daydreaming, while the other guys jump into their studies of the CollectiV. One kid cutting class would not be noticed, because of the sheer number of boys in relation to the girls of this generation."

Traveler Rub, via a deeper mind-thought scan, confirmed Ulima's counsel had proved essential in MZ's maintaining a sense of independence. "Daydreams are his secret enjoyment, and MZ often travels to distant worlds and attends interesting lectures on techniques to expand self-awareness. This learning path is, as MZ realized, leading further and deeper into himself. The CollectiV is going in the opposite direction, but MZ doesn't care; he's really having fun exploring the ancient time track. MZ wants out of CollectiV class permanently, so he constructs fantasies of slipping past the planetary gatekeepers to another space and time. Ulima, you told him of Seres travelers who did this very thing at will, and he wants out now. MZ remembers you encouraged him to act 'as if,' which is a Seres awareness technique of mind expansion. Ulima, you wisely taught MZ that, because of his advanced mental abilities, which were known to your family, his age of sixteen was, in truth, not reflective of his genius level. MZ has the mysterious gift of the E. MZ finds comfort in learning that you share his genius skills and point the way to the emerging skill of 'as if.' Now, it's MZ's intention to elude the gatekeepers and act 'as if.' Yet, my mind-thought scan fails to show if MZ grasps who the gatekeepers are, along with any other men in this dimension."

Chuckling at Rub's observation of the true state of the Clarion male-controlled government, Ulima replied, "Thankfully, yes. The CollectiV labeled any mention of gatekeepers as a myth of old women. The boys are taught that proof of possessing atomic energy propelled spaceships not halted by mystical fantasy gatekeepers, proves the unstoppable power of the Clarion space fleet. We privately teach all girls to observe the secret not known by men in most galaxies. When a spaceship whose male passengers have the group belief, approaches a planet, the craft has traveled into an alternate dimension, and the gatekeepers restrict travel to the exterior boundary of the planet. Dimensional travel is denied the male power brokers, as seeking power alone fails to earn freedom to access dimensions within the Great Oneness."


Excerpted from Master-E: Epic Space and Time Travel into Parallel Dimensions by A.E. Beck Copyright © 2009 by A.E. Beck. Excerpted by permission.
All rights reserved. No part of this excerpt may be reproduced or reprinted without permission in writing from the publisher.
Excerpts are provided by Dial-A-Book Inc. solely for the personal use of visitors to this web site.

Table of Contents


Author's Note....................ix
Chapter 1: Waking Dream....................1
Chapter 2: Remote Viewing....................15
Chapter 3: Breakthrough....................21
Chapter 4: She's Endearing....................27
Chapter 5: Old Friend....................31
Chapter 6: The Race....................35
Chapter 7: Rarefied Air....................39
Chapter 8: August Body....................43
Chapter 9: The Mission....................49
Chapter 10: Choices Made....................55
Chapter 11: Followers of the Mystery Schools....................61
Chapter 12: Tree of Life....................67
Chapter 13: Wisdom Bridge....................77
Chapter 14: Starlight....................83
Chapter 15: Mistaken Mishaps....................89
Chapter 16: Wise Lord Justice....................97
Chapter 17: Janitress....................103
Chapter 19: Golf Course....................115
Chapter 20: Fairy Queen Chepi....................123
Chapter 21: Deva Classroom....................129
Chapter 22: Divine Round of Golf....................135
Chapter 23: Nessie of Loch Ness....................141
Chapter 24: The Ancient One....................147
Recommended Reading....................159
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