Masculinity and Aspiration in an Era of Neoliberal Education: International Perspectives / Edition 1

Masculinity and Aspiration in an Era of Neoliberal Education: International Perspectives / Edition 1

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Taylor & Francis
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Taylor & Francis
Masculinity and Aspiration in an Era of Neoliberal Education: International Perspectives / Edition 1

Masculinity and Aspiration in an Era of Neoliberal Education: International Perspectives / Edition 1

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This collection investigates the ways in which boys and young men negotiate neoliberal discourse surrounding aspiration and how neoliberalism shapes their identities. Expanding the field of masculinity studies in education, the contributors offer international comparisons of different subgroups of boys and young men in primary, secondary and university settings. A cross-sectional analysis of race, gender, and class theory is employed to illuminate the role of aspiration in shaping boys’ identities, which adds nuance to their complex "identity work" in neoliberal times.

Product Details

ISBN-13: 9781138123038
Publisher: Taylor & Francis
Publication date: 03/16/2017
Series: Routledge Critical Studies in Gender and Sexuality in Education , #3
Pages: 234
Product dimensions: 6.00(w) x 9.00(h) x (d)

About the Author

Garth Stahl is a Lecturer and Researcher in Literacy Education and Sociology at the University of Australia, Australia.

Joseph Nelson is a Visiting Assistant Professor of Educational Studies at Swarthmore College, USA, and a Senior Research Fellow with the Center for the Study of Boys’ and Girls’ Lives at the University of Pennsylvania, USA.

Derron Wallace is an Assistant Professor of Sociology and Education at Brandeis University, USA.

Table of Contents

Introduction Garth Stahl, Joseph Derrick Nelson, Derron O. Wallace Part I 1. Policy Logics, Counter-Narratives, and New Directions: Boys and Schooling in a Neoliberal Age Konstanze Spohrer and Garth Stahl Part II 2. Aspiration Anxieties: Developing Middle-Class Manhood among Black African Boys in London Derron O. Wallace 3. White Working-Class Boys in the Neoliberal Meritocracy: The Pitfalls of the "Aspiration-Raising" Agenda Sam Baars 4. "I’m Not Just One Type of Person": Aspirational Working-Class Belfast Boys and Complex Embodied Performances of Educationally Successful Masculinities Nicola Ingram 5. Coming of Age through the Recession: High School Imaginings of Post-Recession Futures in New York City Patrick Alexander 6. "I want to be a soccer player or a mathematician:" Fifth-grade Black boys' aspirations at a "neoliberal" single-sex school Joseph Derrick Nelson 7. ‘Without my education I can’t be somebody’: Latino Masculinity, School Contexts and Aspiration Mellie Torres 8. (Re)masculinizing "Suzhi Jiaoyu" (Education for Quality): Aspirational Values of Modernity in Neoliberal China Xiaodong Lin and Máirtín Mac an Ghaill 9. ‘Gotta get that laziness out of me’: Negotiating Masculine Aspirational Subjectivities in the Transition from School to University in Australia Sue Nichols and Garth Stahl Part III 10. The Neoliberal Masculine Logic: Skilled Migration, International Students, and the Indian "Other" in Australia Michiel Baas Conclusion: Masculinity and Aspiration in the Era of Neoliberal Education: International Perspectives Garth Stahl, Joseph Derrick Nelson, and Derron Wallace

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