Love and Respect Workbook: The Love She Most Desires; The Respect He Desperately Needs

Discover the single greatest secret to a successful marriage! The Love & Respect Workbook will help you and your spouse achieve a deeper level of intimacy by stopping the crazy cycle of conflict, initiating energizing change, and enjoying renewed passion.

Cracking the communication code between husband and wife involves understanding one thing: that unconditional respect is as powerful for him as unconditional love is for her. It's the secret to marriage that every couple seeks, and yet few couples ever find. While both men and women deserve both love and respect, in the midst of conflict the driving need for a woman is love and the driving need for a man is respect. When either of these needs isn’t met, things get crazy.

Based on over three decades of counseling, as well as scientific and biblical research, the Love and Respect Workbook is for anyone: those in marital crisis, the happily married, engaged couples, pastors and counselors, and small groups. This dynamic and life-changing message is impacting the world, resulting in the healing and restoration of countless relationships.

In this workbook companion to the original book, you’ll discover:

  • 14 sessions that cover the entire Love & Respect book
  • Scripture studies to guide you in times of meditation and prayer
  • Specific questions for both husband and wife
  • Designed for use by individuals and couples

Use this workbook to refresh and renew your relationship and learn how to deal with conflict quickly, easily, and biblically.

What readers are saying about the Love & Respect phenomenon:

  • "I've been married 35 years and have not heard this taught."
  • "This is the key that I have been missing."
  • "You connected all the dots for me."
  • "As a counselor, I have never been so excited about any material."
  • "You’re on to something huge here."
Love and Respect Workbook: The Love She Most Desires; The Respect He Desperately Needs

Discover the single greatest secret to a successful marriage! The Love & Respect Workbook will help you and your spouse achieve a deeper level of intimacy by stopping the crazy cycle of conflict, initiating energizing change, and enjoying renewed passion.

Cracking the communication code between husband and wife involves understanding one thing: that unconditional respect is as powerful for him as unconditional love is for her. It's the secret to marriage that every couple seeks, and yet few couples ever find. While both men and women deserve both love and respect, in the midst of conflict the driving need for a woman is love and the driving need for a man is respect. When either of these needs isn’t met, things get crazy.

Based on over three decades of counseling, as well as scientific and biblical research, the Love and Respect Workbook is for anyone: those in marital crisis, the happily married, engaged couples, pastors and counselors, and small groups. This dynamic and life-changing message is impacting the world, resulting in the healing and restoration of countless relationships.

In this workbook companion to the original book, you’ll discover:

  • 14 sessions that cover the entire Love & Respect book
  • Scripture studies to guide you in times of meditation and prayer
  • Specific questions for both husband and wife
  • Designed for use by individuals and couples

Use this workbook to refresh and renew your relationship and learn how to deal with conflict quickly, easily, and biblically.

What readers are saying about the Love & Respect phenomenon:

  • "I've been married 35 years and have not heard this taught."
  • "This is the key that I have been missing."
  • "You connected all the dots for me."
  • "As a counselor, I have never been so excited about any material."
  • "You’re on to something huge here."
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Love and Respect Workbook: The Love She Most Desires; The Respect He Desperately Needs

Love and Respect Workbook: The Love She Most Desires; The Respect He Desperately Needs

by Emerson Eggerichs
Love and Respect Workbook: The Love She Most Desires; The Respect He Desperately Needs

Love and Respect Workbook: The Love She Most Desires; The Respect He Desperately Needs

by Emerson Eggerichs



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Discover the single greatest secret to a successful marriage! The Love & Respect Workbook will help you and your spouse achieve a deeper level of intimacy by stopping the crazy cycle of conflict, initiating energizing change, and enjoying renewed passion.

Cracking the communication code between husband and wife involves understanding one thing: that unconditional respect is as powerful for him as unconditional love is for her. It's the secret to marriage that every couple seeks, and yet few couples ever find. While both men and women deserve both love and respect, in the midst of conflict the driving need for a woman is love and the driving need for a man is respect. When either of these needs isn’t met, things get crazy.

Based on over three decades of counseling, as well as scientific and biblical research, the Love and Respect Workbook is for anyone: those in marital crisis, the happily married, engaged couples, pastors and counselors, and small groups. This dynamic and life-changing message is impacting the world, resulting in the healing and restoration of countless relationships.

In this workbook companion to the original book, you’ll discover:

  • 14 sessions that cover the entire Love & Respect book
  • Scripture studies to guide you in times of meditation and prayer
  • Specific questions for both husband and wife
  • Designed for use by individuals and couples

Use this workbook to refresh and renew your relationship and learn how to deal with conflict quickly, easily, and biblically.

What readers are saying about the Love & Respect phenomenon:

  • "I've been married 35 years and have not heard this taught."
  • "This is the key that I have been missing."
  • "You connected all the dots for me."
  • "As a counselor, I have never been so excited about any material."
  • "You’re on to something huge here."

Product Details

ISBN-13: 9781418560980
Publisher: Nelson, Thomas, Inc.
Publication date: 07/30/2005
Sold by: HarperCollins Publishing
Format: eBook
Pages: 240
Sales rank: 159,804
File size: 425 KB

About the Author

Emerson Eggerichs, PhD, is an internationally known communication expert and author of the New York Times bestseller Love & Respect.  Just as Dr. Eggerichs transformed millions of marital relationships with a biblical understanding of love and respect, he also turned these principles to one of the most important relationships of all in Mother & Son:  The Respect Effect.  As a communication expert, Emerson has also spoken to groups such as the NFL, NBA, PGA, US Navy SEALs and members of Congress. He was the senior pastor of Trinity Church in East Lansing, Michigan for almost twenty years.  Emerson holds a PhD in child and family ecology from Michigan State University, a BA in Biblical Studies from Wheaton College, an MA in communications from Wheaton College Graduate School, and an MDiv from the University of Dubuque Theological Seminary. He and his wife Sarah have been married since 1973 and have three adult children.


Read an Excerpt

Love & Respect Workbook

By Emerson Eggerichs Fritz Ridenour

Thomas Nelson

Copyright © 2007 Dr. Emerson Eggerichs with Fritz Ridenour
All right reserved.

ISBN: 978-1-59145-348-2

Chapter One

In preparation for this session, read the Introduction to Love & Respect ("Love Alone Is Not Enough") and Chapter One, "The Simple Secret to a Better Marriage." The following questions are for use in individual study or study by a husband and wife together. Remember to answer all unmarked questions first, then answer questions marked by the male or female icon (whichever applies to you). Finally, answer the questions with the couple icon, if you're studying with your mate. (Suggestions for anyone planning to use this study with a small group are in Workbook Appendix I, page 201.)

Questions for Chapter One

1 On page 1 of Love & Respect, Emerson "absolutely disagrees" with the Beatles' conclusion that "all you need is love." Emerson goes on to say that five out of ten marriages are ending in divorce because love alone is not enough. Love is vital for the wife, but what we have missed is the husband's need for respect. Love & Respect is all about how the wife can fulfill her need to be loved by giving her husband what he needs-respect.

Do you agree or disagree with the paragraph above? Can a wife get the love she needs simply by showing her husband respect? What if he doesn't deserve respect? Do you think Emerson is talking about conditional respect, or unconditional respect? Put down some of your thoughts here:

* Compare what you wrote. Be aware that this very first question in the workbook could possibly be sensitive, so be cautious as you declare your "firm opinion." If you disagree with each other on the answers to the questions above, hold them until later in this session, when they may come up again.

* * *

2 On pages 2-4 of the book are different testimonial statements by wives who have attended a Love & Respect conference, or read Emerson's books:

"I never ever realized how important, how life-giving, respect was to my husband."

"Just a few days ago, I decided to tell my husband that I respect him. It felt so awkward to say the words, but I went for it and the reaction was unbelievable! ... I watched his demeanor change right before my eyes."

"I wrote my husband two letters about why I respected him. I am amazed at how it has softened him in his response to me."

"I GOT IT! God granted me the power of this revelation of respecting my husband ... [it] has changed everything ... my approach, my response, my relationship to God and my husband."

From your point of view as a spouse, what do these statements say to you?

** As a husband I think:

*** As a wife I think:

* Compare your answers and talk about what you have covered so far. Some couples may find it easier to talk than others-do not force it; be sensitive to each other's feelings. Your study is just getting started, and you should have many good sharing times as you get farther into this workbook.

* * *

3 In an introduction to Part One (page 6), Emerson writes:

"I wrote this book out of desperation that was turned into inspiration. As a pastor, I counseled married couples and could not solve their problems. The major problem heard from wives was, 'He doesn't love me.' Wives are made to love, want to love and expect love. Many husbands fail to deliver. But as I kept studying Scripture and counseling couples, I finally saw the other half of the equation. Husbands weren't saying it much, but they were thinking, She doesn't respect me. Husbands are made to be respected, want respect, and expect respect. Many wives fail to deliver. The result is that five out of ten marriages land in divorce court (and that includes evangelical Christians).

"As I wrestled with the problem, I finally saw a connection: without love from him, she reacts without respect; without respect from her, he reacts without love. Around and around it goes. I call it the Crazy Cycle-marital craziness that has thousands of couples in its grip."

You will be learning and talking about the Crazy Cycle a lot more as this study progresses, but for now, understand that Crazy Cycles come in all shapes and sizes, as Emerson's daily mail attests. One man caught in a severe Crazy Cycle wrote:

"We were in the middle of one of our fights.... My wife was saying things that made me fume. She had no respect for me at all. I knew she loved me but her belligerence was too much. Fed up, I turned and went into my computer room. I left her screaming in the kitchen."

Granted, the above letter describes a marriage with the Crazy Cycle out of control. But there are other ways to be on the Crazy Cycle or to start one. Here are three more examples, based on mail Emerson has received:

A husband and wife are looking at jewelry together while shopping. The husband points excitedly and says, "Look, honey, I think those earrings are what you're looking for!" Her condescending response: "No, they aren't! Those are yellow gold and I don't like yellow gold; I want white gold!"

A wife greets her husband as he comes in from work. She wants to share what happened that day while she visited a friend. He cuts her short with: "Don't bother me. Traffic was a nightmare. I just want to kick back and watch the news until dinner."

A husband and wife have had a disagreement (the same one they usually have). She wants to talk about it; he clams up. As she badgers him to share his feelings, he picks up a newspaper and is soon engrossed in the sports page.

Choose one or more of the situations reported above. What is going on? Why could the husband feel disrespected or the wife feel unloved?

* Compare notes on the examples above of how the Crazy Cycle can start up (or just keep going). If you don't seem to have a lot to discuss at this point, move on. You are just getting introduced to what the Crazy Cycle is and how it affects marriages.

* * *

4 What is your response to the term, Crazy Cycle? Does it seem to apply to your marriage-at least some of the time?

___ YES ___ NO ___ MAYBE

I think:

Check any of the following that apply.

I see the Crazy Cycle starting up when:

___ a. My spouse appears unreasonable ___ b. I appear unreasonable ___ c. My spouse doesn't make sense ___ d. I don't make sense ___ e. My spouse is harsh and/or critical ___ f. I am harsh and/or critical ___ g. My spouse is inconsiderate ___ h. I am inconsiderate ___ i. We argue about sex, money, in-laws, or __________________ ___ j. My spouse won't talk ___ k. I won't talk ___ l. My spouse talks too much ___ m. I talk too much ___ n. Other (describe your experience or viewpoint):

* Share your answers. Take note of what each of you has checked, but do not get into a lengthy discussion at this time. The main idea is that you both recognize how either of you could start the Crazy Cycle.

* * *

5 In 1 Corinthians 7:28 the apostle Paul writes: "Those who marry will face many troubles in this life, and I want to spare you this" (NIV). Did you ever stop to think that all married couples will have trouble? In other words, all married couples take a spin on the Crazy Cycle from time to time. Should couples conclude they have a bad marriage simply because they sometimes have troubles and things get a bit crazy? (Additional commentary is available in Workbook Appendix VI.)

* Share ideas on what each of you thinks about Emerson's claim that there will always be "trouble" of some kind to deal with in marriage. It may be small, it may be huge, but trouble is something that does come up from time to time.

* * *

6 In Chapter One, Emerson recounts his early life and first years of marriage as he and Sarah rode the Crazy Cycle. Reread the story of "The Jean Jacket 'Disagreement'" ( pages 9-10) and analyze what Emerson learned. What was Sarah feeling? What was Emerson feeling?

* Compare what you wrote down. Can either of you relate to this story? Have you had similar things happen?

* * *

7 During an argument after attending a Bible study (book pages 10-11), Emerson responds to Sarah's criticisms by saying: "Sarah, you can be right but wrong at the top of your voice." Does this statement ring a bell for you? Is your spouse ever right but wrong at the top of his/her voice? Are you ever right but wrong at the top of your voice? How does this keep the Crazy Cycle spinning?

* As you discuss this question with each other, the wisest approach is not to accuse your spouse, but to confess the times when you may have been "right but wrong at the top of your voice."

* * *

8 Read the story of "And Then I Forgot Her Birthday" (book page 12). Has something like this happened in your marriage? Did you feel unloved or disrespected? Did your spouse? Think back and describe what happened as you remember it.

* Recalling a forgotten birthday may not make much difference to him, but it will to her. If a husband is the one at fault, he would do well to apologize. For more on how important birthdays and anniversaries are to wives, see Session Eight, page 115.

* * *

9 On pages 13-14 Emerson describes a pattern in his marriage of "Loving Times and Spats of Ugliness." He and Sarah love each other, but they still irritate each other in certain ways-even to this day. Can you relate to their experience? In what way?

* This is another question where you should go easy on each other. Try to identify what happens when the positive times turn negative. Are certain words said? Are certain things done or not done? Always remember the key questions: Does she feel loved? Does he feel respected?

* * *

10 In Song of Solomon 2:15, the lovers resolve to "Catch the foxes ... the little foxes that are ruining the vineyards." In other words, they don't want anything to spoil their relationship. What are some "little foxes" that threaten to spoil your marriage and keep the Crazy Cycle rolling along?

Though we will have "trouble" in marriage (1 Corinthians 7:28), that doesn't mean we should assume trouble is always inevitable. Some trouble can be caused because we have not dealt with the "little foxes" that we know are there. What could you do to reduce some of the crazy negativity that causes unnecessary trouble? Write down some different steps you can take to drive out the "little foxes."

* Share ideas on how to go "fox hunting." Each spouse will do well to think of things he or she needs to do, not what the other spouse needs to do.

* * *

11 In "The 'Secret' Hidden in Ephesians 5:33" (book pages 14-15), Emerson explains how God helped him see the secret to defeating the Crazy Cycle. This secret is in Ephesians 5:33 (NIV):

However, each one of you also must love his wife as he loves himself, and the wife must respect her husband.

In "How God Revealed the Love & Respect Connection" (book pages 15-17), Emerson explains how his study of Ephesians 5:33 began to show him a definite link between love and respect. He realized that a husband is to obey the command to love even if his wife does not obey the command to respect, and a wife is to obey the command to respect even if the husband does not obey the command to love. As Emerson saw it, Ephesians 5:33 didn't leave much wiggle room. A husband can't say, "I will love my wife after she respects me." Nor can a wife say, "I will respect my husband after he loves me" (see page 16). A husband's love for his wife must be unconditional, and a wife's respect for her husband must also be unconditional.

What do you think? Is there any "wiggle room" in Ephesians 5:33? Many wives believe (some with good reason) that their husbands don't deserve respect. What is Paul saying to wives who may feel like this deep down? (Additional commentary available in Workbook Appendix VI.)

* Keep in mind each other's comfort zone. (For example, some spouses like discussing the meaning of the Greek more than others.) The key point Emerson is making is Ephesians 5:33 clearly teaches that husbands must unconditionally love their wives and wives must unconditionally respect their husbands. This can be new and striking information for a wife, so the husband should be sensitive to her need to process this idea over time.

* * *

12 For more on the concept of unconditional respect, read "Why Love & Respect Are Primary Needs" (book pages 17-19). See especially pages 18-19, which give additional comment on Ephesians 5:33 and then show how 1 Peter 3:1-2 also teaches unconditional respect for husbands. What kind of a husband is Peter talking about? How can a wife feel respect for a man who does not believe, or who is not treating her lovingly? Is she supposed to feel respect, or is Peter asking her to do something else? Write your thoughts below. (For additional interpretation of 1 Peter 3:1 and its application to husbands, see Workbook Appendix II.)

* As you share answers, you may want to just touch on this question. To go into it in depth (see Workbook Appendix II) may be something you want to do at another time. The key point is that 1 Peter 3:1 is a cross-reference support to Ephesians 5:33. Both passages teach unconditional respect for the husband by the wife.

* * *

13 On page 16 of Love & Respect, Emerson relates that he still did not totally understand the Love & Respect Connection until God guided him to see that it is a connection that can be strained or even broken. Without love she reacts without respect, and without respect, he reacts without love-the Crazy Cycle.

Read pages 15-16 again to be sure you follow Emerson's reasoning. Does it make sense? Why or why not? How do his ideas apply to your marriage? Husband, do you think you understand how to love your wife? Wife, are you certain you understand how to respect your husband? What are some examples of how you believe you are doing this?

** I love my wife by:

*** I respect my husband when I:


Excerpted from Love & Respect Workbook by Emerson Eggerichs Fritz Ridenour Copyright © 2007 by Dr. Emerson Eggerichs with Fritz Ridenour . Excerpted by permission.
All rights reserved. No part of this excerpt may be reproduced or reprinted without permission in writing from the publisher.
Excerpts are provided by Dial-A-Book Inc. solely for the personal use of visitors to this web site.

Table of Contents


Before You Start Your Study of Love and Respect....................6
Introduction Chapter 1 - The Simple Secret to a Better Marriage SESSION TWO....................24
Chapter 2 - To Communicate, Decipher the Code SESSION THREE....................43
Chapter 3 - Why She Won't Respect; Why He Won't Love Chapter 4 - What Men Fear Most Can Keep the Crazy Cycle Spinning SESSION FOUR....................62
Chapter 5 - She Fears Being a Doormat; He's Tired of "Just Not Getting It" Chapter 6 - She Worries About Being a Hypocrite; He Complains, "I Get No Respect!" Chapter 7 - She Thinks She Can't Forgive Him; He Says, "Nobody Can Love That Woman!" PART TWO THE ENERGIZING CYCLE SESSION FIVE....................82
Chapter 8 - C-O-U-P-L-E: How to Spell Love to Your Wife Chapter 9 - Closeness-She Wants You to Be Close SESSION SIX....................96
Chapter 10 - Openness-She Wants You to Open Up to Her Chapter 11 - Understanding-Don't Try to "Fix" Her; Just Listen SESSION SEVEN....................107
Chapter 12 - Peacemaking-She Wants You to Say, "I'm Sorry" SESSION EIGHT....................115
Chapter 13 - Loyalty-She Needs to Know You're Committed Chapter 14 - Esteem-She Wants You to Honor and Cherish Her SESSION NINE....................128
Chapter 15 - C-H-A-I-R-S: How to Spell Respect to Your Husband Chapter 16 - Conquest-Appreciate His Desire to Work and Achieve SESSION TEN....................139
Chapter 17 - Hierarchy-Appreciate His Desire to Protect and Provide Chapter 18 - Authority-Appreciate His Desire to Serve and to Lead SESSION ELEVEN....................153
*Chapter 19 - Insight-Appreciate His Desire to Analyze and Counsel SESSION TWELVE....................163
* Chapter 20 - Relationship-Appreciate His Desire for Shoulder-to-Shoulder Friendship * Chapter 21 - Sexuality-Appreciate His Desire for Sexual Intimacy * Chapter 22 - The Energizing Cycle Will Work If You Do PART THREE THE REWARDED CYCLE SESSION THIRTEEN....................179
* Chapter 23 - The Real Reason to Love and Respect SESSION FOURTEEN....................189
* Chapter 24 - The Truth Can Make You Free, Indeed * Conclusion: Pink and Blue Can Make God's Purple APPENDIX I * Using the Love & Respect Workbook in a Group Setting....................201
APPENDIX II * 1 Peter 3:2: Addressed to God or to Wives?....................205
APPENDIX III * Forgiveness Has Two Levels....................207
APPENDIX IV * Does Ephesians 5:21 Say Wives Don't Have to Submit to Husbands?....................213
APPENDIX V * Sex: Love and Respect First-Then "Just Do It!"....................218
APPENDIX VI * Emerson's Additional Commentary....................223
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