Learn to Speak Portuguese for German Speakers
good day
how are you?
I am fine. thank you, and you?
you are welcome
what is your name?
my name is Nam
nice to meet you
see you later

Open the online book and try to write each word, phrase, expression and sentence down at least once, but preferably three times for a higher success rate. This will help you remember the words, sentences, etc. at a great pace and this will also help you remember the language.

Open the online book, listen and repeat each word, phrase, expression and sentence from the audio. If you have a chance, make sure to purchase the audio, it will help you learn at a faster pace.

This online book contains 6382 mix words, phrases, expressions, and sentences. There are 64 audio units for this book. Each audio unit contains 100 mixed words, phrases, expressions, and sentences.

If you are mastering the first 75 pages of this book while listening to the audio, you can get through any situation during your trip abroad. If you are mastering 150 pages or more of this book while listening to the audio, you can live and work in that country without any problems!

A thank you to my wonderful wife Beth (Griffo) Nguyen & my amazing sons Taylor Nguyen and Ashton Nguyen for all their love and support, without their emotional support and help, none of these educational language eBooks and audios would be possible.

bom dia
como voc� est�?
Eu estou bem . obrigado, e voc� ?
voc� � bem-vindo
qual � o seu nome?
meu nome � Nam
Prazer em conhec�- lo
at� logo
por favor

Abra o livro on-line e tentar escrever cada palavra, frase, express�o e frase para baixo , pelo menos uma vez, mas de prefer�ncia tr�s vezes para uma maior taxa de sucesso . Isso ajudar� voc� a se lembrar das palavras, frases , etc em um grande ritmo e isso tamb�m vai ajudar voc� a lembrar o idioma.

Abra o livro online , ouvir e repetir cada palavra, frase, express�o e frase do �udio. Se voc� tiver a chance , n�o deixe de comprar o �udio , ele ir� ajud�-lo a aprender a um ritmo mais r�pido.

Este livro on-line cont�m 6.382 palavras mix , frases , express�es e frases. Existem 64 unidades de �udio para este livro . Cada unidade de �udio cont�m 100 palavras misturadas , frases , express�es e frases.

Se voc� est� dominando as primeiras 75 p�ginas deste livro enquanto ouve o �udio, voc� pode passar por qualquer situa��o durante a sua viagem ao exterior. Se voc� est� dominando 150 p�ginas ou mais deste livro enquanto ouve o �udio , voc� poder� viver e trabalhar no pa�s sem problemas !

Um obrigado � minha maravilhosa esposa Beth ( Griffo ) Nguyen & meus filhos incr�veis Taylor Nguyen e Ashton Nguyen para todo o seu amor e apoio, sem o seu apoio emocional e ajuda , nenhum destes eBooks linguagem educativa e �udios seria poss�vel.

guten Tag
wie geht es dir ?
Ich bin in Ordnung. danke, und dir?
Sie sind herzlich willkommen
was ist Ihr Name?
mein Name ist Nam
sch�n, Sie kennenzulernen
bis sp�ter

�ffnen Sie das Online-Buch und versuchen, jedes Wort, eine Phrase , Ausdruck und Urteil mindestens einmal schreiben, aber vorzugsweise dreimal f�r eine h�here Erfolgsquote. Dies wird Ihnen helfen, an die Worte , S�tze, usw. in hohem Tempo , und das wird auch helfen, die Sprache zu erinnern.

�ffnen Sie das Online-Buch , h�ren und wiederholen jedes Wort , Satz , Ausdruck und Satz aus der Audio. Wenn Sie eine Chance haben , stellen Sie sicher , um die Audio kaufen, wird es Ihnen helfen, lernen in einem schnelleren Tempo .

Dieses Online- Buch enth�lt 6382 Mix W�rter, S�tze , Ausdr�cke und S�tze. Es gibt 64 Audioeinheitenf�r dieses Buch. Jeder Audioeinheitenth�lt 100 gemischte W�rter, S�tze , Ausdr�cke und S�tze.

Wenn Sie die Beherrschung der ersten 75 Seiten dieses Buches beim H�ren der Audio- , k�nnen Sie durch jede Situation w�hrend der Reise im Ausland zu bekommen. Wenn Sie meistern 150 Seiten oder mehr von diesem Buch beim H�ren der Audio-, Sie leben und arbeiten in diesem Land ohne Probleme !

Ein Dankesch�n an meine wunderbare Frau Beth ( Griffo ) Nguyen & my amazing S�hne Taylor Nguyen Nguyen und Ashton f�r all ihre Liebe und Unterst�tzung , ohne ihre emotionale Unterst�tzung und Hilfe, keine dieser Bildungs Sprache eBooks und Audios m�glich w�re.

Learn to Speak Portuguese for German Speakers
good day
how are you?
I am fine. thank you, and you?
you are welcome
what is your name?
my name is Nam
nice to meet you
see you later

Open the online book and try to write each word, phrase, expression and sentence down at least once, but preferably three times for a higher success rate. This will help you remember the words, sentences, etc. at a great pace and this will also help you remember the language.

Open the online book, listen and repeat each word, phrase, expression and sentence from the audio. If you have a chance, make sure to purchase the audio, it will help you learn at a faster pace.

This online book contains 6382 mix words, phrases, expressions, and sentences. There are 64 audio units for this book. Each audio unit contains 100 mixed words, phrases, expressions, and sentences.

If you are mastering the first 75 pages of this book while listening to the audio, you can get through any situation during your trip abroad. If you are mastering 150 pages or more of this book while listening to the audio, you can live and work in that country without any problems!

A thank you to my wonderful wife Beth (Griffo) Nguyen & my amazing sons Taylor Nguyen and Ashton Nguyen for all their love and support, without their emotional support and help, none of these educational language eBooks and audios would be possible.

bom dia
como voc� est�?
Eu estou bem . obrigado, e voc� ?
voc� � bem-vindo
qual � o seu nome?
meu nome � Nam
Prazer em conhec�- lo
at� logo
por favor

Abra o livro on-line e tentar escrever cada palavra, frase, express�o e frase para baixo , pelo menos uma vez, mas de prefer�ncia tr�s vezes para uma maior taxa de sucesso . Isso ajudar� voc� a se lembrar das palavras, frases , etc em um grande ritmo e isso tamb�m vai ajudar voc� a lembrar o idioma.

Abra o livro online , ouvir e repetir cada palavra, frase, express�o e frase do �udio. Se voc� tiver a chance , n�o deixe de comprar o �udio , ele ir� ajud�-lo a aprender a um ritmo mais r�pido.

Este livro on-line cont�m 6.382 palavras mix , frases , express�es e frases. Existem 64 unidades de �udio para este livro . Cada unidade de �udio cont�m 100 palavras misturadas , frases , express�es e frases.

Se voc� est� dominando as primeiras 75 p�ginas deste livro enquanto ouve o �udio, voc� pode passar por qualquer situa��o durante a sua viagem ao exterior. Se voc� est� dominando 150 p�ginas ou mais deste livro enquanto ouve o �udio , voc� poder� viver e trabalhar no pa�s sem problemas !

Um obrigado � minha maravilhosa esposa Beth ( Griffo ) Nguyen & meus filhos incr�veis Taylor Nguyen e Ashton Nguyen para todo o seu amor e apoio, sem o seu apoio emocional e ajuda , nenhum destes eBooks linguagem educativa e �udios seria poss�vel.

guten Tag
wie geht es dir ?
Ich bin in Ordnung. danke, und dir?
Sie sind herzlich willkommen
was ist Ihr Name?
mein Name ist Nam
sch�n, Sie kennenzulernen
bis sp�ter

�ffnen Sie das Online-Buch und versuchen, jedes Wort, eine Phrase , Ausdruck und Urteil mindestens einmal schreiben, aber vorzugsweise dreimal f�r eine h�here Erfolgsquote. Dies wird Ihnen helfen, an die Worte , S�tze, usw. in hohem Tempo , und das wird auch helfen, die Sprache zu erinnern.

�ffnen Sie das Online-Buch , h�ren und wiederholen jedes Wort , Satz , Ausdruck und Satz aus der Audio. Wenn Sie eine Chance haben , stellen Sie sicher , um die Audio kaufen, wird es Ihnen helfen, lernen in einem schnelleren Tempo .

Dieses Online- Buch enth�lt 6382 Mix W�rter, S�tze , Ausdr�cke und S�tze. Es gibt 64 Audioeinheitenf�r dieses Buch. Jeder Audioeinheitenth�lt 100 gemischte W�rter, S�tze , Ausdr�cke und S�tze.

Wenn Sie die Beherrschung der ersten 75 Seiten dieses Buches beim H�ren der Audio- , k�nnen Sie durch jede Situation w�hrend der Reise im Ausland zu bekommen. Wenn Sie meistern 150 Seiten oder mehr von diesem Buch beim H�ren der Audio-, Sie leben und arbeiten in diesem Land ohne Probleme !

Ein Dankesch�n an meine wunderbare Frau Beth ( Griffo ) Nguyen & my amazing S�hne Taylor Nguyen Nguyen und Ashton f�r all ihre Liebe und Unterst�tzung , ohne ihre emotionale Unterst�tzung und Hilfe, keine dieser Bildungs Sprache eBooks und Audios m�glich w�re.

4.99 In Stock
Learn to Speak Portuguese for German Speakers

Learn to Speak Portuguese for German Speakers

by Nam Nguyen
Learn to Speak Portuguese for German Speakers

Learn to Speak Portuguese for German Speakers

by Nam Nguyen



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good day
how are you?
I am fine. thank you, and you?
you are welcome
what is your name?
my name is Nam
nice to meet you
see you later

Open the online book and try to write each word, phrase, expression and sentence down at least once, but preferably three times for a higher success rate. This will help you remember the words, sentences, etc. at a great pace and this will also help you remember the language.

Open the online book, listen and repeat each word, phrase, expression and sentence from the audio. If you have a chance, make sure to purchase the audio, it will help you learn at a faster pace.

This online book contains 6382 mix words, phrases, expressions, and sentences. There are 64 audio units for this book. Each audio unit contains 100 mixed words, phrases, expressions, and sentences.

If you are mastering the first 75 pages of this book while listening to the audio, you can get through any situation during your trip abroad. If you are mastering 150 pages or more of this book while listening to the audio, you can live and work in that country without any problems!

A thank you to my wonderful wife Beth (Griffo) Nguyen & my amazing sons Taylor Nguyen and Ashton Nguyen for all their love and support, without their emotional support and help, none of these educational language eBooks and audios would be possible.

bom dia
como voc� est�?
Eu estou bem . obrigado, e voc� ?
voc� � bem-vindo
qual � o seu nome?
meu nome � Nam
Prazer em conhec�- lo
at� logo
por favor

Abra o livro on-line e tentar escrever cada palavra, frase, express�o e frase para baixo , pelo menos uma vez, mas de prefer�ncia tr�s vezes para uma maior taxa de sucesso . Isso ajudar� voc� a se lembrar das palavras, frases , etc em um grande ritmo e isso tamb�m vai ajudar voc� a lembrar o idioma.

Abra o livro online , ouvir e repetir cada palavra, frase, express�o e frase do �udio. Se voc� tiver a chance , n�o deixe de comprar o �udio , ele ir� ajud�-lo a aprender a um ritmo mais r�pido.

Este livro on-line cont�m 6.382 palavras mix , frases , express�es e frases. Existem 64 unidades de �udio para este livro . Cada unidade de �udio cont�m 100 palavras misturadas , frases , express�es e frases.

Se voc� est� dominando as primeiras 75 p�ginas deste livro enquanto ouve o �udio, voc� pode passar por qualquer situa��o durante a sua viagem ao exterior. Se voc� est� dominando 150 p�ginas ou mais deste livro enquanto ouve o �udio , voc� poder� viver e trabalhar no pa�s sem problemas !

Um obrigado � minha maravilhosa esposa Beth ( Griffo ) Nguyen & meus filhos incr�veis Taylor Nguyen e Ashton Nguyen para todo o seu amor e apoio, sem o seu apoio emocional e ajuda , nenhum destes eBooks linguagem educativa e �udios seria poss�vel.

guten Tag
wie geht es dir ?
Ich bin in Ordnung. danke, und dir?
Sie sind herzlich willkommen
was ist Ihr Name?
mein Name ist Nam
sch�n, Sie kennenzulernen
bis sp�ter

�ffnen Sie das Online-Buch und versuchen, jedes Wort, eine Phrase , Ausdruck und Urteil mindestens einmal schreiben, aber vorzugsweise dreimal f�r eine h�here Erfolgsquote. Dies wird Ihnen helfen, an die Worte , S�tze, usw. in hohem Tempo , und das wird auch helfen, die Sprache zu erinnern.

�ffnen Sie das Online-Buch , h�ren und wiederholen jedes Wort , Satz , Ausdruck und Satz aus der Audio. Wenn Sie eine Chance haben , stellen Sie sicher , um die Audio kaufen, wird es Ihnen helfen, lernen in einem schnelleren Tempo .

Dieses Online- Buch enth�lt 6382 Mix W�rter, S�tze , Ausdr�cke und S�tze. Es gibt 64 Audioeinheitenf�r dieses Buch. Jeder Audioeinheitenth�lt 100 gemischte W�rter, S�tze , Ausdr�cke und S�tze.

Wenn Sie die Beherrschung der ersten 75 Seiten dieses Buches beim H�ren der Audio- , k�nnen Sie durch jede Situation w�hrend der Reise im Ausland zu bekommen. Wenn Sie meistern 150 Seiten oder mehr von diesem Buch beim H�ren der Audio-, Sie leben und arbeiten in diesem Land ohne Probleme !

Ein Dankesch�n an meine wunderbare Frau Beth ( Griffo ) Nguyen & my amazing S�hne Taylor Nguyen Nguyen und Ashton f�r all ihre Liebe und Unterst�tzung , ohne ihre emotionale Unterst�tzung und Hilfe, keine dieser Bildungs Sprache eBooks und Audios m�glich w�re.

Product Details

BN ID: 2940150618480
Publisher: Nam Nguyen
Publication date: 08/17/2014
Sold by: Barnes & Noble
Format: eBook
File size: 219 KB
Language: Portuguese
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