Language of the Soul: When the Soul Speaks: The signs and symbols Spirit uses to help us heal

We live in a society that has lost most, if not all, of its mysticism, dreams, and hopes. However, there is a shift taking place, a realization that we are more than our physical bodies. There's a on-physical law that guides us and moves us. My wish for you is for you to recognize your greatness as an eternal spirit and to reclaim your power by tapping into this mysterious force that is guiding and moving us all. Spirit is continuously trying to communicate with you. And they have much to teach you, if you listen. Learn to recognize the signs and this force energy that is all around you, and use it to pursue the life of your dreams; the life you were intended to live during your brief physical incarnation here on earth. You are a magnificent soul and this handbook is your guide to living your life on purpose. You are a beautiful eternal Soul! You are limitless!"

Language of the Soul: When the Soul Speaks: The signs and symbols Spirit uses to help us heal

We live in a society that has lost most, if not all, of its mysticism, dreams, and hopes. However, there is a shift taking place, a realization that we are more than our physical bodies. There's a on-physical law that guides us and moves us. My wish for you is for you to recognize your greatness as an eternal spirit and to reclaim your power by tapping into this mysterious force that is guiding and moving us all. Spirit is continuously trying to communicate with you. And they have much to teach you, if you listen. Learn to recognize the signs and this force energy that is all around you, and use it to pursue the life of your dreams; the life you were intended to live during your brief physical incarnation here on earth. You are a magnificent soul and this handbook is your guide to living your life on purpose. You are a beautiful eternal Soul! You are limitless!"

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Language of the Soul: When the Soul Speaks: The signs and symbols Spirit uses to help us heal

Language of the Soul: When the Soul Speaks: The signs and symbols Spirit uses to help us heal

by Lucianne Henry
Language of the Soul: When the Soul Speaks: The signs and symbols Spirit uses to help us heal

Language of the Soul: When the Soul Speaks: The signs and symbols Spirit uses to help us heal

by Lucianne Henry


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We live in a society that has lost most, if not all, of its mysticism, dreams, and hopes. However, there is a shift taking place, a realization that we are more than our physical bodies. There's a on-physical law that guides us and moves us. My wish for you is for you to recognize your greatness as an eternal spirit and to reclaim your power by tapping into this mysterious force that is guiding and moving us all. Spirit is continuously trying to communicate with you. And they have much to teach you, if you listen. Learn to recognize the signs and this force energy that is all around you, and use it to pursue the life of your dreams; the life you were intended to live during your brief physical incarnation here on earth. You are a magnificent soul and this handbook is your guide to living your life on purpose. You are a beautiful eternal Soul! You are limitless!"

Product Details

ISBN-13: 9781504380683
Publisher: Balboa Press
Publication date: 06/09/2017
Pages: 108
Sales rank: 660,982
Product dimensions: 5.50(w) x 8.50(h) x 0.22(d)

About the Author

Trained in Psychology, Hypnotherapy and Counselling, Lucianne has worked in related fields for most of her career. One of her greatest interest has been the pursuit spiritual awareness and personal development. She has been fortunate to travel to many places around the world to be trained by some of the best spiritual and motivational leaders such as Bob Proctor, Chris Widener, Michael Losier, Wayne Dyer, and more.

Lucianne receives tremendous joy hearing from others who are also on a journey of spiritual consciousness. Lucianne presently lives in Fredericton with her husband Andrew, their beautiful young daughter Maya and their furry four legged friends Joey and Daisy.

Read an Excerpt


Why People Struggle About Talking About Spirit

I've always been bewildered by the fact that we all find it easier to talk about spirit when we are going through trying times in our lives. After the death of a loved one or a difficult separation or whatever the situation is, I'll often hear some people say: "This just happened, do you think it's a sign?" Even in an organized church setting, there is much mention of spirit. At funerals we find comfort in saying: "They're now free" or "They're in a better place now". Well, where is this place? And why do we still find it so difficult to talk about it? In our day-to- day lives, the very mention of the word "Spirit" is still very taboo. In fact I was chastised by my own church during the writing of this book by the mere fact that it's about spirit. Something I didn't think was still happening in this day in age. Which is absurd to me, God himself is a spirit we pray to. If we tell other's their loved ones are with God when they pass from this world, does that not mean they're spirit too? If we talk to God and he hears us, do they not hear us too?" It makes me wonder, are we spiritual beings only half of the time? Why is it ok to just talk about in some settings but not others?

That being said, there seems to be a shift in the world towards spiritual awareness and consciousness. However, there's still a lot of work to be done in this area. There are a growing number of spiritual leaders merging the spiritual world into our everyday living. There's a collective awareness taking place. However, what's missing are more platforms for people to be able to discuss the topic of spirituality more freely and openly. I know for me It's always been natural, I have always seen myself and others as a spiritual beings first.


What It Means to Recognize When Spirit Speaks to Us

Recognizing the signs from spirit is like a compass; it helps guide us through our lives. When we are going through struggles in our lives, these are often the times where we are more open to recognizing these cues. I've heard myself and other people say: "Wow, I wonder if that was a sign?" or "I wonder what that meant?" When we can learn to recognize these symbols, it helps us find the comfort we need. It reassures us that we are not alone in this classroom called life. There is confidence in that. Sometimes I'll just ask out there in the ether: "What should I do about this situation?" Especially if it's a situation that I'm struggling with or a decision I'm grappling with. At that exact same time there will be a very clear sign that will come to me, and I'll be like: "Thank you.

That's the push I needed to make the decision". Although you can't see them, your loved ones are always around you waiting to guide and help you, but they can't help you if you don't ask, I believe there are many people in the world feeling lost, without direction. I've seen so many feeling depressed, unsure about their futures, doubting themselves and questioning their next steps.

Even the people who claim to "have faith" have so little confidence in themselves and the Universe around them. If you are one of them, I want you to realize that there is something else out there than what is happening in front of your eyes. I want you to regain confidence in the things that you used to believe in. I want you to reclaim your own power, and regain confidence in your own judgement. If you believe that what you're seeing or hearing is a manifestation from spirit then it is, stop doubting it and start trusting in yourself. After all you are a spiritual being living a human existence and not the other way around. You have a "knowing" inside you that is more powerful than anything else in this physical world. This "internal knowing" was entrusted in you by your creator, whatever you may call him, and it is "all knowing". You have to learn to trust in it.


How to Recognize the Signs and Symbols Spirit Uses to Help Us Heal

Over the years I've identified symbols or signs that spirit uses when trying to communicate with us. There are definitely more, but these are the ones that keep recurring in my life and many of the lives of my loved ones. See if any of these resonate with you.



"Synchronicity or Coincidence is really divine intelligence acting upon our thoughts".

~James Van Praagh

I call the first type of sign synchronicity. This can also be called serendipity, just like the 2001 movie with John Cusack and Kate Beckinsale. Another word for synchronicity is coincidence. But I don't believe in coincidences. I believe there are only synchronistic events. I believe every encounter in our lives is predestined and happens to teach us something. For example, a lot of times I'll be thinking of someone I haven't thought about in a while — and I know this happens to a lot of people — and that person ends up calling me or I'll run into them, even if it's been a long time since I've seen them or heard from them. I've also heard stories where for some reason a person is running late or they take a different route and they find out later that there's been an accident on the street they usually take. I suspect it wasn't a coincidence at all that they ended up taking a different route. I believe that a spiritual intervention took place and they were meant to avoid that accident

Often times when we notice a synchronicity, a lot of us will brush it off and say: "Oh, wow, that was a coincidence!" I think that where we get empowered is when we recognize and affirm that there is an actual force out there that we can't explain. That maybe it isn't a coincidence, maybe we are being spiritually guided. That's where we find our power. It's in the comfort of knowing that we're not alone. We are always being guided and we need to learn to recognize it.

My friend Sylvie shared this account with me: "In 2012, we found a lump on my breast. From there I had to go for a Mammogram then a biopsy. The toughest part for me was waiting for the results. It took about a month from the time we found the lump to my appointment for my results. You can imagine the emotions that goes threw your mind. So when the day finally came to find out, I was sitting in the waiting room with Ray my fiancé, when a man came and sat right in front of us. There were very few people in this large waiting room but this man chose to sit right in front of us. If I didn't know any better, I would have thought it was my Dad. My Dad died of emphysema, so for a long time he had trouble breathing. And the way he would breathe and position himself was the exact same way this man was breathing. I was in shock. I took out my phone and texted Ray who was right next to me because the man was that close I didn't want to talk out loud. I said to him ... OMG BABE, I think my Dad is here. He looked at me a bit confused then I looked at the man. He knew exactly what I meant even if he had never met my Dad. The man didn't have my dad's looks but his breathing, posture, body type ... I could of closed my eyes and swear it was him. That's when I knew. ... I had Cancer. I was going to get really bad news but I was going to be ok. It was my dad's way of letting me know he was with me and I was going to be OK. Just then, the nurses called me in the office. My hunch proved correct, I had Cancer. But I wasn't scared, I felt my dad's presence that day and I somehow knew I was going to be ok. I've been Cancer free for 5 years now."

Let me share with you a personal experience that happened after Craig, my fiancé, passed. The weeks following his funeral I stayed with my parents. My mom was convinced I was moving back home. But I decided I needed to face life head on so I decided to return to the home Craig and I used to share. One of the first mornings I woke up in the apartment was probably one of the lowest moments in my life. I felt very depressed and alone. At that very moment, the telephone rang. It was a good friend of mine. She asked me to go for breakfast. Not only was the idea of her calling me to go for breakfast or calling me at all very out of the ordinary for her, but I've come to realize that it was an intervention from somewhere else, somewhere that I can't explain. I instinctively knew that her call that morning wasn't a coincidence. In some way she saved me that morning.

Here's another story to help illustrate this point. One week before Craig's passing, the pastor who was set to officiate at our wedding called us. He told us that he was being transferred to another church and he wouldn't be able to officiate at our wedding. He gave us the name of the new pastor that would be performing our wedding ceremony. He told us that we would hear from this new pastor in the next few weeks to set up an appointment to meet with us. As fate would have it, that call never came.

The morning of Craig's accident, I was sitting in the hospital chapel praying that he would survive the accident. A nurse came in and asked me If I wanted a chaplain to come pray with me. I agreed and the chaplain walked in and introduced himself. When he said his name I nearly fainted. He was the "new" Pastor who was to officiate at our wedding. He sat down next to me and said "You know, I never do chaplaincy at this hospital, but they called me this morning because they were stuck and really needed someone."

Was it a coincidence that they called this particular Pastor? I'll let you decide. But immediately I knew it was Craig's way of saying goodbye to me. I realized at that moment that he wasn't going to survive the accident. In fact, just a few minutes later the surgeons walked into the chapel to tell me he wasn't going to make it. I didn't need the doctors' confirmation ... I already knew.

As odd as this may sound to you, this "Coincidence" actually brought me comfort because I knew there was a higher power in all of this, more than I could ever understand. Being more aware of where there may be synchronicities in your life will help you realize that you are not alone on this plane we call Earth. By being aware of how spirit works, you will hopefully be able to understand that these fateful occurrences have always been at work in your life, you just needed to be more open to them.

Four days prior to Craig's accident, we were enjoying a family BBQ at my aunt and uncle's cottage. As we were just sitting down to eat, we heard a vey loud crashing sound on the water and people screaming. Two boats had collided together on the river. Craig, my brother-in-law and my cousin's boyfriend had run down in the river to help. Later that night, I found out that instinctively, Craig had jumped in the water and had given CPR to one of the injured people floating in the water. He had never had to give anyone CPR before and was profoundly affected by it. The person ended up passing. He didn't sleep well that night or the following three nights and on the fourth day his own faithful day came. The ironic thing is, his burial site is right beside one of the people who passed in that boating accident, whom he tried to help.

Towards that end, here's another example of synchronicity. Craig always aspired to be a firefighter. Becoming a firefighter was what he wanted the most in his heart of hearts. Sometime after his passing, a mutual friend of ours, who is a firefighter, invited me to a gathering. This is where I met my present husband, who you guessed it. ... happens to be a firefighter. I remember the next day calling my mother to tell her I had met someone and that he was a firefighter. She became emotional and, under her breath said: "Craig sent you your firefighter." That really touched me because my mom is not an openly spiritual person. I knew that our meeting was not "by chance". But for my mother to recognize it was very special to me.

I must add that I have a special connection to that particular friend who introduced me to my present husband. He came to me in tears 6 months after Craig's passing and needed to talk to me. As mentioned previously, he's a firefighter. As a first responder, he wanted to tell me that he was the first on the scene at Craig's motorcycle accident on that faithful day. He told me that at the accident, he held Craig's head in his lap to stabilize it until the ambulance arrived. Since Craig was wearing a helmet, he did not realize it was his friend's head he was holding until the next morning when he read his obituary. The fact that he did not recognize his own friend that day affected him deeply. However, I was happy he was there with Craig during these last waking minutes of his life. I told him that if he had known, maybe he wouldn't have been able to do his job to the best of his ability that day. He told me that at the very time he was reading the obituary the next day while sitting in his car, two doves landed on the hood of his car in front of him. Surely a sign from Craig thanking him for helping him and reassuring him. I couldn't think of a better person introducing me to my present husband. Coincidence? I doubt it.

Speaking of Coincidences ... or as I call them synchronicities, here's another one for you. I was always afraid of Craig's motorcycle. Not because I thought he was an irresponsible driver, but just the sheer number of motorcycle accidents alone are staggering. I was often on his case about getting rid of the bike, especially since our wedding was coming and we needed the money to help pay for it. On the day of his accident, I learned that Craig was actually on his way to the motorcycle shop to put the motorcycle up for sale. He never made it. He told his brother that morning that he was going to surprise me that evening and tell me he got rid of the motorcycle. Do you see the web of events or synchronicities that kept unfolding during this tragic time in my life?



"The Soul would have no rainbow if the eyes had no tears"

~ Native American Proverb

Rainbows are the most common sign from spirit reported by individuals, especially immediately following the death of a loved one. Rainbows represent Divinity, good luck and oneness. Their arch shape symbolizes "The Gateway to Heaven". The evening we received friends, family and loved ones for visitation during Craig's Funeral, many people attending reported to me that there was a rainbow appearing what seemed to be directly above the Funeral Home. I remember it bringing me such solace during that difficult time. I don't have an intelligent explanation of how spirit materializes a rainbow for their loved ones. Nonetheless, I had a strong "knowing" that he somehow made it happen that evening.

In September 2015, a Memorial was held in Florida for one of my greatest teachers, Dr. Wayne Dyer. There were many reports of a rainbow arching above the convention centre, where the memorial was held that evening. Dr. Dyer was such a ray of hope for many during his life here on Earth, it would only be fitting that he would make his presence known in such a beautiful way on that special evening.

I've had numerous friends tell me they feel Rainbows signify a special connection to their loved ones.


Music and Voices

"The soul has been given its own ears to hear things that the mind does not understand" ~Rumi

I'm sure this has happened to you as it happens to a multitude of people. You'll get in your car and a song will start playing on the radio and you think: "I was just thinking of that song." Or you'll be thinking of someone, and then a song will come on that reminds you of that person. Maybe it's "your" song or it's a song that was playing at the time that you were creating memories together. I believe music is a medium used by spirit to communicate with us.

In the weeks following Craig's accident, there was a song that I just couldn't get away from. Everywhere I went: if I got in my car, if I turned the radio on in my home, if I was in a public place the song Stuck in a Moment, by U2 played everywhere. It happened so much so that at one point I looked up the lyrics to the song because I felt someone was trying to tell me something. For me, that was definitely a sign from spirit. They were the perfectly encouraging words I needed at exactly the right time in my life. Here are just a few paragraphs of that song so you can judge for yourself:

I never thought you were a fool But darling look at you You've got stand up straight carry your own weight These tears are going nowhere baby

You've got to get yourself together You've got stuck in a moment and now you can't get out of it

Not long ago, I met this sweet lady who recently lost her husband of many years. We had a long heartfelt conversation and she shared with me personal occurrences that had been happening since his passing. She was a religious lady and had not shared any of these with anyone out of fear of judgment. Having had my share of judgment since the release of my book from my own church and some family members, I identified with her more than she knew. ...


Excerpted from "Language Of The Soul"
by .
Copyright © 2017 Lucianne Henry.
Excerpted by permission of Balboa Press.
All rights reserved. No part of this excerpt may be reproduced or reprinted without permission in writing from the publisher.
Excerpts are provided by Dial-A-Book Inc. solely for the personal use of visitors to this web site.

Table of Contents

Introduction, vii,
Why People Struggle About Talking About Spirit, 1,
What It Means to Recognize When Spirit Speaks to Us, 3,
How to Recognize the Signs and Symbols Spirit Uses to Help Us Heal, 5,
Synchronicity, 7,
Rainbows, 13,
Music and Voices, 15,
Media/Electronic Devices, 19,
Butterflies, 23,
Birds, 27,
Insects/Flowers, 29,
Coins and Feathers, 33,
Scents, 41,
Animal Instinct, 43,
Numbers, 47,
Clouds and Heart Formations, 53,
Past Lives, 57,
Dreams, 63,
Near Death Experiences (NDE), 69,
Children, 73,
Orbs, 75,
In Memory of, 79,
Bibliography, 81,
About the Author, 83,
My greatest wish for you, 85,
Notes, 87,

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