KING of GLORY: The Bible's Story & Message in 70 Scenes

KING of GLORY: The Bible's Story & Message in 70 Scenes

KING of GLORY: The Bible's Story & Message in 70 Scenes

KING of GLORY: The Bible's Story & Message in 70 Scenes


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History's original story of romance and rescue, as recorded in the Bible, is broken down into 70 scenes with simple but not superficial text alongside bright and bold paintings. This big-picture, chronological narrative about the King of the universe and His plan to rescue His rebellious subjects provides a mind-bending and heart-warming experience for readers of all ages. With its large format, full-page illustrations, scene review questions, endnotes, and high tech PUR glue binding (spine bends all the way back without breaking), this is also a distinctive tool for sharing the King's message in homes, classrooms, and small group settings.

Product Details

ISBN-13: 9781620410028
Publisher: ROCK International
Publication date: 01/01/2012
Sold by: Barnes & Noble
Format: eBook
Pages: 176
File size: 5 MB
Age Range: 5 Years

About the Author

P.D. Bramsen is the author of the 100-episode radio series THE WAY OF RIGHTEOUSNESS (in about 100 languages) and the book ONE GOD ONE MESSAGE (in 12 languages). He has spent much of his life in Senegal, West Africa. His writings flow from a passion for the biblical Scriptures and from thousands of conversations with Muslim friends and acquaintances around the world. Arminda San Martín is a professional illustrator who currently works for a number of publishing houses. She writes, "Ever since I can remember, I have been drawing. All my God-given skills have been poured into painting KING OF GLORY. For me, this project is a dream come true, a once in a lifetime chance."

Read an Excerpt

King of Glory

His Kingdom was Seized, But He's Taking It Back

By P. D. Bramsen, Arminda San Martín

Rock International

Copyright © 2012 ROCK International
All rights reserved.
ISBN: 978-1-62041-002-8


Scene 1

The King and His Kingdom

Long, long before the world began, there was a king, the King of glory.

This King was far, far above and beyond anyone or anything you or I could imagine. In the endlessness of eternity He was the only King, and His kingdom the only kingdom, a realm of perfect wisdom, love, joy, and peace. The kingdom had no need of sun or stars, for the King Himself was its light.

While the kingdom was limitless in its size, it was limited in its subjects. Some say the King had no subjects at all.

Or did He?

One of the early mysteries of this King was that even when He alone existed, He was never alone.

Still, He wanted to share His life with other intelligent beings.

So this good and wise King made a heavenly province with millions of dazzling, super-intelligent spirit beings called angels. He knew them all by name and He wanted them to know Him too. Life with the King was non-stop adventure.

But the King wanted more than angels. So He created a realm of time, space, and matter — a mind-boggling universe with a sparkling planet that would become home to a community of amazing creatures called humans.

Different from the angels, the human family began with just two beings, a man and a woman. As with the angels, the King wanted to share His life with them too.

Then something happened, something terrible. Rebellion arose in the kingdom, first in heaven, then on earth.

A rebel angel seized the kingdom of earth by capturing its humans. But the King was not taken by surprise.

Deep in the heart of the King was a rescue plan so great, so mysterious, so extravagant, so far-reaching, that He would take thousands and thousands of years to fulfill it.

What else would you expect from the King of eternity?

He lives above time.


Scene 2

The King and His Prophets

To know the King and His plan, you must know His book.

Over more than 15 centuries the King chose about 40 people to record His story and message. They were called prophets. The King gave them His words, which they wrote on scrolls to be copied, circulated, and kept for future generations. Though most of the prophets never knew each other, their writings tell one consistent story and message.

The writings of the prophets are called the Holy Scriptures. Without the Scriptures we could only guess where we came from, why we are here, and where we are going. To know the correct answers we need the King's book.

About 3,500 years ago, the King inspired a prophet by the name of Moses to write,

Man does not live on bread alone but on every word that comes from the mouth of the LORD. (Deuteronomy 8:3)

Today the King's words are collected in one book, the Holy Bible. Holy means pure or set apart from all others. Bible means book or collection of books. The Bible is the world's best seller and most translated book. Thousands of papyrus and leather scrolls show it to be the best preserved of all ancient texts.

The Scriptures have two main parts.

The first part is the Old Testament (Torah, Psalms, etc.) where the King foretells His plan.

The second part is the New Testament (Gospels, Acts, etc.) where the King fulfills His plan.

Testament means covenant, contract, or agreement. The Old Testament foretells what God planned to do. The New Testament records the fulfilment of His plan. Only God can write history before it happens.

The difference between the Old and New Testaments is the difference between having a great king send you letters and photos — and having that king come visit you in person.

The Scriptures came first to the Middle East, Africa, Asia, and Europe, then later to the Americas and beyond. The prophets came from the Middle East, but the story and message they wrote is for every nation. For every family. For every person.

For you.


Scene 3

The King and His Universe

If we could travel back through time and space,



way back,

before there were people, planets, or stars, we would witness the power and glory behind the first words of Scripture:

In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. (Genesis 1:1)

Today, many people think the world and its wonders came to exist apart from an all-wise Creator. But their theories do not adequately explain the complex design and predictable order of the universe.

In His book, the King says,

The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands. (Psalm 19:1)

Speaking of hands, look at your own. Wiggle your thumbs. Try to hold a book, broom, or hammer without them. Notice the fingernails, joints, and skin. Think of some important things you do with your hands. Who but a master craftsman could design such tools?

What kind of wisdom and power would be required to make a billion galaxies? Or to create a living cell with its millions of complex parts? Or knit together the cell's microscopic coiled threads with the genetic codes that make you you?

Some three thousand years ago, a prophet and king named David wrote,

You knit me together in my mother's womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made. (Psalm 139:13-14)

Would you like to meet the One who formed you? Would you like to live forever with the Maker and Master of the galaxies? You can. He has revealed Himself. He wants you to know Him. He wants your family and community to know Him too. He invites you to understand His plan, experience His love, behold His majesty, submit to His rule, and live for His glory. But He will not force you to be His subject.

After all, He is not just a king. He is the King. The King of glory.

This is His story.


Scene 4

The First Day

God's book begins in a way worthy of a king. He tells us what He wants us to know and nothing more.

In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. (Genesis 1:1)

Everything we can see and touch has a beginning, but the Creator and Owner of the universe has no beginning or end. He is the invisible, eternal Spirit who can be everywhere at once. He sees and knows everything.

Do you know His name? God has many names, but His most famous name is the LORD. In the original language of God's book, His name is Yahweh, which means The One Who IS, or simply I AM.

The creation story continues with the King's description of the original earth.

Now the earth was formless and empty, darkness was over the surface of the deep, and the Spirit of God was hovering over the waters. (Genesis 1:2)

It was time to prepare the planet for people.

And God said, "Let there be light," and there was light.

God saw that the light was good, and He separated the light from the darkness. God called the light "day," and the darkness he called "night." And there was evening, and there was morning — the first day. (Genesis 1:3-5)

What did God do on the first day of creation? He commanded light to pierce the darkness. Later the sun would shine on Earth, but not on Day One. God wants us to know that He is the Source of light.

God is light; in him there is no darkness at all. (1 John 1:5) God is pure, like light. He cannot be defiled. Even when light shines on very dirty things, it is pure. God is perfect. God is holy.

Did you notice who was there with God at the creation site? His Holy Spirit was there, hovering over the waters. His Word was there too, speaking.

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was with God in the beginning. Through him all things were made. ... (John 1:1-3) The Holy Spirit of God and the Word have always been with the one true God. That is why it can be said of the King:

Even when He alone existed, He was never alone.


Scene 5

A Perfect World

In six orderly days, the King created a beautiful, wonderful world. God simply spoke, and perfectly-designed marvels appeared.

On the first day God said, "Let there be light!" and there was light.

On the second day God made Earth's atmosphere with the blue sky we see and the invisible air we breathe. God designed the sky with a perfect mix of life-supporting gases, such as oxygen and nitrogen.

On the third day God said, "Let dry ground appear!" And that is what happened. Then God said, "Let the land produce vegetation!" Instantly, grass, plants, flowers, and fruit began to grow, each with its own seed.

On day four God commanded the sun and moon to shine and to mark Earth's years, months, and days. He also made the stars.

On day five God said, "Let the waters swarm with fish and other life!

Let the skies be filled with birds of every kind!" And that is what happened.

On the sixth day God said, "Let the earth bring forth every kind of animal — livestock, small animals, and wildlife!" God made each living creature able to reproduce offspring of the same kind and to care for its young.

God saw that it was good. (Genesis 1:25)

Peace reigned. In the beginning all the animals were friendly. They did not kill and eat each other. The plants supplied their food.

Order reigned. Like clockwork, the sun would keep the right distance from Earth. The moon would change from new moon to full moon. The earth would recycle its air, water, and waste. If ruled well, the kingdom of earth would never lack any good thing. It would be the ideal home for mankind.

Each day of creation gives us a clue as to what God is like.

Day 1 shows us that God is holy. He is perfect and pure, like light.

Day 2. God is all-powerful. He made and maintains the atmosphere.

Day 3. God is good. He created thousands of plants and foods for us.

Day 4. God is faithful. The sun and the moon stay in their orbits.

Day 5. God is life. He put fish in the sea and birds in the sky.

Day 6. God is love. After God created the animals, it was time to form the creatures upon whom He would pour out His love.

It was time to create the special beings who could reflect His holiness, power, goodness, faithfulness, life, and love.


Scene 6

The First Man

On the sixth day of creation, the King conversed within Himself (God, His Holy Spirit, and His Word), saying,

"Let us make man in our image, in our likeness, and let them rule ... over all the earth, and over all the creatures...."

So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them.(Genesis 1:26-27)

When the Scripture says that God created people in His own image, it does not mean that God is just like us. It means that we are to reflect His nature and personality. As Roman coins were later stamped with the emperor's image, so God's image was stamped on mankind. The first man and woman were created with the ability to think, love, and speak like their Creator so that they could enjoy a close relationship with Him. People were not made to be God's slaves, but God's friends.

In creating humans in His own likeness, God gave them dominion. People were to care for and to rule the earth for God, to discover its secrets and use its resources wisely. Such capacities set mankind apart from the animal kingdom.

To animals, God gave two dimensions: body and soul.

To humans, God gave three dimensions: body, soul, and spirit.

The LORD God formed the man from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living being. (Genesis 2:7)

The body was merely the house, or tent, into which God breathed man's soul and spirit.

The soul was man's personal intellect, emotions, and will, which made it possible for man to think, feel, and choose.

The spirit connected man to God. While the body equipped man to connect with the visible world, the spirit equipped man to connect with the invisible God. The LORD wanted humans to know Him.

People would be God's special treasure. Since God made them, He was not only their Creator, but also their Owner.

The LORD God named the first man Adam, meaning Of the Earth, or simply Man. Later God would form the first woman, but before that there were some preparations to make.

Adam needed a home and a job.


Scene 7

A Perfect Home

After making the first human body from dust and breathing life into it, God planted a garden in Eden, somewhere in the Middle East.

A crystal-clear river flowed through the garden.

And the LORD God made all kinds of trees grow out of the ground — trees that were pleasing to the eye and good for food. In the middle of the garden were the tree of life and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.

The LORD God took the man and put him in the Garden of Eden to work it and take care of it. (Genesis 2:9,15)

The LORD God did not ask Adam if he wanted to live in Eden. God was man's Creator-Owner. He knew what was best for man.

Adam's garden home was filled with endless delights — things to see, hear, smell, touch, and taste. Sparkling streams. Singing birds. Fragrant flowers. Furry creatures. Juicy fruits. Crunchy vegetables. Sweet berries. Mysterious forests. Colorful rocks. Fascinating bugs. And a trillion other wonders waiting to be discovered.

But man was made for more than exploring and eating. God made Adam to be head of the human race. God wanted Adam and his family to reign with Him forever. But only those who can be trusted with small tasks can be given big tasks.

So God gave Adam his first job: Care for the garden.

This garden was a perfect place. It had no thorns or weeds or bad insects. The climate was ideal and the soil was rich, yet it never rained. Instead, a mist came up from the earth and watered the ground.

God also gave Adam another job: Name the animals.

The LORD brought the creatures to him to see what he would call them. Imagine the scene. A pair of animals with flowing manes and powerful legs gallop up. Adam studies them, strokes their backs, and names them horses. At the Creator's call, a huge bird with hooked beak and broad wings swoops down. "Eagle!" says Adam. Next, a beast in an orange coat with black stripes goes by. What do you think Adam called it?

So the man gave names to all the livestock, the birds in the sky and all the wild animals. (Genesis 2:20) Eden was the perfect place for man to get to know his Creator.

It was time to give Adam a test.


Scene 8

The Law of Sin And Death

From the start, God and man were friends, but that friendship needed to be tested. The King of the universe would not fill His kingdom with subjects who were forced to submit to Him.

God loved Adam and had awesome plans for him and his future family. Because God wanted people and not puppets, He gave Adam one rule to obey.

The LORD God commanded the man, "You are free to eat from any tree in the garden; but you must not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, for when you eat of it you will surely die." (Genesis 2:16-17)

This was not a difficult command. Adam could eat any of the fruits in the garden except one. By obeying this simple rule, Adam could show that he trusted his Creator to know what was best for him.

What did God say would happen to Adam if he broke this rule?

Did God tell Adam that if he ate the forbidden fruit he must begin to do religious rituals, use prayer beads, fast, give alms, go to a church, synagogue, or mosque, and try to do enough good deeds to balance out his bad deeds? Is that what God said?

No, that is not what God said.

God told Adam, "When you eat of it you will surely die".

Disobedience to God's law is called sin.

The penalty for breaking God's rule would be death.

In His book, the King calls this "the law of sin and death"(Romans 8:2).

The King's law says that sin must be punished with death.

Death means separation. If Adam disobeyed God's one rule, he would become like a broken branch which begins to wither and die the instant it is separated from its source of life.

If Adam decided to do what he wanted to do instead of what the King of the universe told him to do, that would be an act of rebellion; that would be sin.

Sin would end man's friendship with God.

Sin would cause man's body to grow old and die.

Sin would separate man's spirit, soul, and body from God forever.

Sin is deadly.


Excerpted from King of Glory by P. D. Bramsen, Arminda San Martín. Copyright © 2012 ROCK International. Excerpted by permission of Rock International.
All rights reserved. No part of this excerpt may be reproduced or reprinted without permission in writing from the publisher.
Excerpts are provided by Dial-A-Book Inc. solely for the personal use of visitors to this web site.

Table of Contents


Behind the Scenes,
1 • The King and His Kingdom,
2 • The King and His Prophets,
3 • The King and His Universe,
Part 1 - The King Foretells His Plan,
4 • The First Day Genesis 1,
5 • A Perfect World Genesis 1-2,
6 • The First Man Genesis 1-2,
7 • A Perfect Home Genesis 2,
8 • The Law of Sin and Death Genesis 2,
9 • The First Woman Genesis 2,
10 • The Kingdom of Light Revelation 4-5,
11 • The Kingdom of Darkness Isaiah 14; Ezekiel 28,
12 • The Serpent Genesis 3,
13 • The Choice Genesis 3,
14 • Sin and Shame Genesis 3,
15 • Spiritually Dead Genesis 3,
16 • The Curse Genesis 3,
17 • The Promise Genesis 3,
18 • The First Sacrifice Genesis 3,
19 • Banished Genesis 3,
20 • The First Children Genesis 4,
21 • Sinners Worship Genesis 4,
22 • The Law of the Sin Offering Genesis 4,
23 • Accepted and Rejected Genesis 4,
24 • The First Murder Genesis 4-5,
25 • Patience and Judgment Genesis 6-7,
26 • A Fresh Start Genesis 8-9,
27 • The Tower of Pride Genesis 11,
28 • God Calls Abraham Genesis 12,
29 • The Promise Keeper Genesis 15,
30 • The Ultimate Test Genesis 22,
31 • The Condemned Son Genesis 22,
32 • Pictures and Prophecies Genesis 22,
33 • A Faithful and Holy God Exodus 19-20,
34 • The Ten Commandments Exodus 20,
35 • More Pictures Exodus 20, 24,
36 • More Prophecies Psalms & Prophets,
Part 2 - The King Fulfills His Plan,
37 • The King's Story Continues Matthew 1,
38 • Mary's Story Luke 1,
39 • Joseph's Story Matthew 1,
40 • The Arrival Luke 2,
41 • The Shepherds' Story Luke 2,
42 • The Magi's Story Matthew 2,
43 • The Perfect Child Luke 2,
44 • The Lamb of God John 1,
45 • The Perfect Son Matthew 3,
46 • The Second Man Matthew 4,
47 • The Messiah-King Luke 4,
48 • Dominion over Demons and Disease Luke 4,
49 • Dominion over Wind and Waves Mark 4,
50 • Dominion over Sin Mark 2,
51 • Dominion over Death Luke 7; John 11,
52 • The Provider John 6,
53 • The Teacher Matthew 5-7,
54 • His Majesty Matthew 17,
55 • His Mission Matthew 16, 20,
56 • The King Enters Jerusalem Mark 11,
57 • The King is Questioned Luke 20,
58 • The King is Arrested Mark 14,
59 • The King is Condemned John 18,
60 • The King is Crowned Matthew 27,
61 • The King is Crucified Luke 23,
62 • The Savior-King Luke 23,
63 • The Final Sacrifice Matthew 27,
64 • The King is Buried Matthew 27,
65 • The Empty Tomb Matthew 28,
66 • The Message of the Prophets Luke 24,
67 • A Transformed Body John 20,
68 • The Departure Acts 1,
69 • The Victory Celebration Psalm 24; Revelation 5,
70 • The King is Coming Back Revelation 19-22,
• Happily Ever After?,
• Bad News,
• Good News,
• Your Response to the King,
Bonus Features,
• Scene Review Questions,
• Endnotes,
• Going Deeper,

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