Just Sex: Students Rewrite the Rules on Sex, Violence, Equality and Activism / Edition 1

Just Sex: Students Rewrite the Rules on Sex, Violence, Equality and Activism / Edition 1

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Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, Inc.
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Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, Inc.
Just Sex: Students Rewrite the Rules on Sex, Violence, Equality and Activism / Edition 1

Just Sex: Students Rewrite the Rules on Sex, Violence, Equality and Activism / Edition 1


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Just Sex chronicles the movement to bring an end to all forms of sexual violence on campus and gives voice not only to rape victims but also to reformed rape perpetrators, who describe the twisted logic through which rape becomes "acceptable" to young males and their peers. Just Sex also gathers testimonials about homosexual rape, minorities and sexual violence, and presents the most complete collection of essays and primary documents on a movement that has altered the sexual landscape of our campuses and communities forever.

Product Details

ISBN-13: 9780847693320
Publisher: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, Inc.
Publication date: 12/22/1999
Edition description: New Edition
Pages: 352
Product dimensions: 6.38(w) x 8.98(h) x 1.03(d)

About the Author

Susan Villari, MPH, is director of health education at the University of Pennsylvania. Since 1989, she has organized student educators and activists including STAAR, Students Together Against Acquaintance Rape which hosted the 1st National Student Conference on Campus Sexual Violence, of which Jodi Gold was the student coordinator. Jodi Gold has spoken at universities and conferences across the continent on student activism and campus sexual violence. She is currently a medical student at the University of Tennessee. Susan and Jodi are also founding members of SpeakOut: The North American Student Coalition Against Sexual Violence.

Table of Contents

Chapter 1 Foreword Part 2 Putting a Name to the Face: From Rape Survivor to Activist Chapter 3 Survivor-Activist in the Movement Against Sexual Violence Chapter 4 The Perfect Rape Victim Chapter 5 Male on Male Rape Chapter 6 Creating a Sacred Space of Our Own Chapter 7 Breaking Silence, Making Laughter: Testimony of an Asian-American Sister Part 8 The Issues that Divide and Conquer: Free Speech, Pornography and a "Kinder, Gentler Feminism" Chapter 9 The Writing on the Wall: Free Speech, Equal Rights and Women's Graffiti Chapter 10 Illusions of Post-Feminism; Victim Feminism; Welfare Mothers and the Race for Heterosexuality Chapter 11 Crime Without Punishment: Pornography in a Rape Culture Part 12 Rewriting the Rules Chapter 13 Asking for Consent is Sexy Chapter 14 The Demands from the Women of Antioch Chapter 15 The Anti-Rape Rules Part 16 Revolutionary Strategies Chapter 17 Peer Education: Student Activism of the 90s Chapter 18 Kicking into Consciousness: Getting Physical in Both Theory and Practice Chapter 19 Because Rape is a Weapon of Oppression, Anti-Rape Must Mean Anti-Oppression Chapter 20 When the Ax Came Into the Forest, the Trees Said "The Handle is One of Us" Part 21 Institutional Change Chapter 22 Rape and the Media: Putting a Face on Rape Chapter 23 Training Camps: Lessons in Masculinity Chapter 24 Sexual Violence: The Legal Front Chapter 25 Afterword
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