Investing 101
People wanting basic advice about stocks, bonds, mutual funds, retirement planning, and tax strategies are often frustrated by information overload. Picking the right book seems as daunting as deciding what to do with their savings and investments.

Investing 101: Updated and Expanded removes both roadblocks, putting people on a path that they can understand and stick with. Kristof is renowned for taking the mystery and anxiety out of investing by keeping choices manageable.

Kristof walks readers through the entire investment cycle and the way they think of their financial lives, rather than presenting stand-alone concepts like stocks and real estate. This expanded edition has new information about 529 college savings plans, annuities, Roth IRAs, reverse mortgages, and why declining markets can be good for you. It includes a cautionary look at home mortgages as investments. There's even a portfolio for the lazy investor.

Kristof's loyal readership and the success of this book's first edition demonstrate that she understands what's on the minds of investors as intimately as she knows what’s happening in financial markets.

Winner: Cover and Interior Design, The Bookbinders Guild of New York/2009 New York Book Show Awards

Investing 101
People wanting basic advice about stocks, bonds, mutual funds, retirement planning, and tax strategies are often frustrated by information overload. Picking the right book seems as daunting as deciding what to do with their savings and investments.

Investing 101: Updated and Expanded removes both roadblocks, putting people on a path that they can understand and stick with. Kristof is renowned for taking the mystery and anxiety out of investing by keeping choices manageable.

Kristof walks readers through the entire investment cycle and the way they think of their financial lives, rather than presenting stand-alone concepts like stocks and real estate. This expanded edition has new information about 529 college savings plans, annuities, Roth IRAs, reverse mortgages, and why declining markets can be good for you. It includes a cautionary look at home mortgages as investments. There's even a portfolio for the lazy investor.

Kristof's loyal readership and the success of this book's first edition demonstrate that she understands what's on the minds of investors as intimately as she knows what’s happening in financial markets.

Winner: Cover and Interior Design, The Bookbinders Guild of New York/2009 New York Book Show Awards

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Investing 101

Investing 101

by Kathy Kristof
Investing 101

Investing 101

by Kathy Kristof

eBookUpdated and Expanded Edition (Updated and Expanded Edition)


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People wanting basic advice about stocks, bonds, mutual funds, retirement planning, and tax strategies are often frustrated by information overload. Picking the right book seems as daunting as deciding what to do with their savings and investments.

Investing 101: Updated and Expanded removes both roadblocks, putting people on a path that they can understand and stick with. Kristof is renowned for taking the mystery and anxiety out of investing by keeping choices manageable.

Kristof walks readers through the entire investment cycle and the way they think of their financial lives, rather than presenting stand-alone concepts like stocks and real estate. This expanded edition has new information about 529 college savings plans, annuities, Roth IRAs, reverse mortgages, and why declining markets can be good for you. It includes a cautionary look at home mortgages as investments. There's even a portfolio for the lazy investor.

Kristof's loyal readership and the success of this book's first edition demonstrate that she understands what's on the minds of investors as intimately as she knows what’s happening in financial markets.

Winner: Cover and Interior Design, The Bookbinders Guild of New York/2009 New York Book Show Awards

Product Details

ISBN-13: 9780470885314
Publisher: Wiley
Publication date: 05/13/2010
Series: Bloomberg , #27
Format: eBook
Pages: 256
Sales rank: 208,992
File size: 1 MB

About the Author

Business writer Kathy Kristof is nationally known for her weekly syndicated personal finance column in the LA Times, which reaches 40 million readers online through more than thirty major newspapers. Cited as “maybe the best reporter of all the personal finance columnists" in the TJFR 1999 Blue Chip Newsroom ranking of the top 100 American business journalists, she has received numerous writing awards and honors, including the title of 1998 Consumer Advocate of the Year by the California Alliance for Consumer Education. She is a sought-after speaker for investment conferences and appears regularly on radio and television news programs. Kathy lives in Los Angeles with her two children.

Read an Excerpt

Chapter One

Exorcising Your

This book is going to tell you how to invest wisely. It's simple. It's straightforward. You'll get step-by-step instructions. Anyone who reads and follows the directions will find it's easy to do.

    But following even the most logical instructions may be difficult if, like many people, you've developed a bad habit or two over time. In fact, we all have our demons—our little psychological hurdles that stop us from doing the things that we know to be logical, reasonable, and smart.

    Some of these hurdles are caused by our upbringing or culture; some seem to strike men and not women—or women and not men. But no matter the cause, we need to get over them if we're to have any hope of investing wisely enough to have more money than regrets in our old age.

    I'm not a psychologist, so you shouldn't expect that buying this book is going to save you from a lifetime of therapy expenses. In fact, I don't know what particular complex or syndrome or shortcoming affects you. But following the adage that "recognizing the problem is the first step to fixing it," I can tell you some problems that I've seen frequently over the years and whom they usually seem to strike, as well as a few simple moves you can make to overcome each obstacle.

* * *


By and large, women start investing later in life than men, set less money aside, and invest more conservatively. That has the unpleasant effect of leaving them poor in theirold age. Some 80 percent of the elderly people living in poverty are women. So what's their excuse?

   [] The poor girl: "I would invest, but I just don't have the money," says the perfectly coiffed twenty-five-year-old as she slams the door of her BMW in the mall parking lot. "I'm going to start just as soon as I get a raise."

   OK. That was a slight exaggeration. And we all know that women do earn less, on average, than men. It would be easier to save if you earned more money. But sometimes life is just not fair. Get over it.

    Now, be fair with yourself and answer honestly: When was the last time you bought lunch or dinner at a restaurant instead of going for the cheaper alternative of packing a sack lunch or making your own dinner? When was the last time you bought a suit, sweater, skirt, or pair of shoes that you knew you didn't need? (And if you said "Never," just how exactly did you define the word need? Did you need it because you wanted it really, really bad? Or because it was on sale and you might need it before it was next on sale?)

    If you have a job that pays a decent wage—that's anything that keeps you above the poverty line—you can afford to invest. Spend $2 less per day—that's the cost of one less Starbucks coffee or one less soda and crackers from the junk-food machines—and you've got $60 a month. That's enough to plop into an automatic investment plan with a mutual fund.

    Still think it's a matter of poverty, not spending? Do this: Start carrying a notebook around with you. Jot down every expense, from the $1 coffee to the $25 you spend filling up your car. Review your notebook after a month. Add up the things that weren't necessities. Vow to cut those by half (or, if you couldn't stand the deprivation, by one-quarter). Put the amount you're no longer spending into savings. Voilà.

    [] The substitution shopper: Speaking of shopping, is this what you do when you have a fight with your boss or your spouse? Do you find that you "need" a good shop whenever you're feeling down, as a way of boosting your spirits?

    The bad news is your credit card balance is likely to rise faster than your spirits. As a result, you're sentencing yourself to a life of servitude—working harder or more hours to pay your debts, which makes you all the more depressed.

    If you need to get rid of your boss or your spouse, stop spending and start saving. What will make you happy now and forever is knowing that you've become financially independent enough to tell whoever is bugging you to shove off.

    But shopping really does make you happy? OK, shop. But leave the credit cards at home. Shopping may make you happy, but overspending makes you poor.

    [] The martyr: "How can I save for myself when Johnny needs a new soccer uniform and we haven't even gotten close to funding Susie's college account?" you whine. Heavens to Betsy, your honeybunch is wearing a gravy-spotted tie, and you just know that he would be happier and more successful at work if you just sacrificed a little more to get him some nicer duds.

    Certainly, it would be nice to think of yourself once in a while, you admit, but how can you when you're so busy being the family caregiver? After all, somebody has to take care of the rest of the family, and no one else has stepped up to the plate to do it. So all of your worldly concerns are going to be put on the back burner until you take care of theirs—today, tomorrow, and forever. Right?

    Consider this: if you are strong physically and financially, you can solve a lot more problems for your family than if you're weak. That's precisely why young moms need to balance their long-term financial needs with the pressing day-to-day expenses of managing a young family.

    Vow to set some priorities, and make your retirement account one of them. If you are working and have access to a company 401(k) plan, contribute to it. It is, hands down, the best way to save for your retirement needs. If you don't have a 401(k)—if you don't even have a paying job—set up an automatic savings account with a mutual fund (see Chapter 12). Even if all you're saving is $50 a month, you'll have started taking care of yourself and making yourself financially strong. You owe that to yourself and to your kids.

    [] The princess: Why save and invest yourself when there's always been someone willing to take care of you? First there was Dad. Then there was your husband. Both of them are kind and thoughtful and wonderful providers.

    But what happens if they both predecease you? Women usually live longer than men.

    Then there's that other uncomfortable fact of life: About half of marriages end in divorce. Are you prepared to take care of yourself if you're forced to because of death or divorce? Roughly 90 percent of women are going to need to take care of themselves economically at some point in their lives. Think about it.

    Then start reading about investments. Put a toe in the market by joining an investment club or starting a monthly investment program with a mutual fund. You can learn about mutual funds in Chapter 8. If you want to join an investment club, you can find information on the Web at

* * *


Although men usually have more money than women, they still make some surprising mistakes. Sometimes they invest too aggressively; sometimes they worry too much, second-guessing their best judgment; sometimes they get so caught up in saving and investing that they forget what the money is for. By and large, it appears that the bulk of their problems stem from one thought: This is a game. I've got to win, either for the pure competition or for the spoils. Such thinking produces the following types of investors.

    [] The unrealistic pessimist: You go to a cocktail party and start talking to some guy. He's wearing a nice suit, he's confident, and he starts telling you that he's making a killing in the stock market. "Yeah, I doubled my money on in three months," he brags. "Then I bought this little penny stock, and whammo! It tripled in value!"

    You stand there quietly, wondering why you've been doing it so wrong. Here you are investing in companies with track records, earnings, sales, and supposedly skilled managers, and what is your portfolio earning? A paltry 10 percent to 15 percent per year, you grouse. "What kind of loser am I? Why didn't I buy that penny stock?" you think. You begin to question your whole investing strategy. You need to be more like that guy ... that cocktail-party guy.

    You go home, and you buy some of that guy's stock. Maybe you sell some of your boring stocks and mutual funds. When you lose money on those new investments, you know that it's your fault. You're a loser—not a winner like that cocktail-party guy.

    Naturally, what the cocktail-party guy didn't mention was that two weeks before he met you, he was downtrodden because his portfolio had declined in value by half, and he was wondering whether he'd have enough cash to make his mortgage. Why didn't he tell you about that? Well, it's not really cocktail-party chatter, is it?

    But you should know that anyone who makes a fortune overnight can also lose a fortune overnight. Risk and reward go hand in hand in the financial markets.

    If you have thought out a reasonable investment strategy, stick with it. Don't be derailed by a big talker.

    [] The unrealistic optimist: You bought a stock figuring that it was going to go to $50. Then lo and behold, it popped up to $65. Based on all of your market knowledge, this is an incredibly high price for this stock. Its price/earnings ratio (see Chapter 5) has never been this high, and you can't imagine why it might be now. And yet, if it went to $65, it could go to $70, right? Maybe you ought to hang on just a little longer and see.

    The fact is, the stock could go higher. Or it could go much, much lower. Every time you buy a stock, you should have a target—a price at which you would either sell the stock or reevaluate its prospects before you decide to leave it in your portfolio (see Chapter 6). Don't let emotion—regardless of whether that emotion is fear, greed, or hope—rule your actions.

    Financial markets are mathematical. Do the math. Make the evaluation. Live with the idea that you may never sell at the peak. That's OK, as long as you also don't sell at the nadir.

   [] The ostrich: You don't have a loss until you sell. Sure, the market price may have dropped, but until you sell, there's hope that the company and the stock will recover, and you will be safe to brag at cocktail parties again. For this reason, many a man holds onto a money-losing stock until it loses everything but its wallpaper value.

    Evaluate your stocks once a year. Make reasonable decisions about whether each one is a buy, a hold, or a sell. If you realize that you wouldn't buy a stock today given its future prospects and that there are better opportunities out there, sell it. Take the tax deduction. You'll lose less money and less sleep in the end.

   [] The tinkerer: You saw it on Tool Time. You do it in your portfolio. Here you have a perfectly functioning item, be it a lawn mower or a stock. But you know that if you just fiddle with it a little bit, you could make it better.

    When you're dealing with tools, the worst thing that can happen is you'll have to replace them. When you're dealing with your portfolio, the stakes are considerably higher. But now that you can check your stocks on the Web—and trade for just a few bucks a pop—it's particularly tough to leave well enough alone.

    Many tinkerers are particularly apt to sell stocks when they've got a bit of a profit. "Lock that in," they say. Naturally, if the stock keeps rising, they've missed out. Worse still, every time you sell a stock at a profit in a taxable account, you not only have to pay a trading fee, you also pay tax on the gain. If you held the stock for more than a year, that tax will be at capital gains rates, which max out at 20 percent; if you've held it for less than a year, the gain is taxed at your ordinary income tax rates, which are sure to be higher. Either way, to make up for the taxes you pay, you'll have to earn more than a 20 percent return on your next stock purchase just to break even. Don't trade just because you can.

    [] The believer: On Wall Street they call some companies "story stocks." They're companies without track records of good sales and earnings, but their managers have a great tale to tell. They've got prospects. It's easy for almost anyone to get caught up in the euphoria—to imagine that this twenty-seven-year-old wunderkind will be the next Bill Gates, capable of carrying you into the realm of the rich and famous. But at some point you've got to look at the numbers. If the numbers don't support the story, you've got to ask yourself whether this stock belongs in your portfolio, regardless of how much faith you have in the tale.

    How do you do that? Frankly, it's tough. But plowing along oblivious to the numbers is the investment equivalent of failing to stop and ask directions. If you are not certain how to evaluate a story stock, seek out information on that industry. Read everything you can. Consult experts. If your story stock happens to be in the technology industry, check out Chapter 5. It's got some tips on how to survive and profit in an industry full of fish stories.

    [] The money-lover: You invest every dime, often scrimping and saving to do it. And thanks to this superfrugality, you have a lot of money saved and invested. But it's not enough, you theorize. It's never enough. So you work extra hours; you skip vacations; you urge your spouse to do the same. All the while, your riches are growing bigger, and you are growing older.

    Before you postpone one more vacation or miss one more baseball game, stop and consider what all this money is for. What are the things in life that you hold precious? Have you saved enough to buy those things? (You can answer that by completing the worksheets in Chapter 3.) In fact, is your emphasis on saving robbing you of enjoying these things? If so, slow down. Step back. Reevaluate your actions.

    Too many men work themselves into ulcers, heart attacks, or divorces in a quest to get something that they already had but were too busy working to notice. Evaluate how much money you need for your personal goals. Figure out how close you are to accumulating that amount of money. Then, once you have more than enough, relax. Enjoy it. Spend your time with your family and friends rather than your portfolio. That's what the money is for.

   [] The fool for love: OK, you were in that last category. And you know it probably cost you your first marriage. But you also know that your current wealth is the reason all those beautiful young model types are interested in you. You've got to keep it up so this gorgeous girl, twenty years your junior, will agree to marry you and let you buy her a three-carat diamond and a Porsche.

    I'm not going to tell you you're wrong. There are definitely women who marry for money. Women who won't marry for money like to call the women who will marry for money "bimbos." It saves us time. After all, the term "women who will marry for money" is so wordy.

    So let's say you do get to marry a bimbo. You go home at night and admire her perfect hair, her manicured nails, her sculptured figure. You know you're the most envied man in the room when you walk into a party with her on your arm. You love how she doesn't interrupt when you tell her a long story about your latest success at work. And when you ask her a question, you think it's so cute the way her lips purse before she says, "Huh?"

    But keep in mind a few words of wisdom about bimbo Darwinism: While you know twice as much as she does about business and investing, she knows twice as much as you do about the community property laws in your state.

    As your mother used to say, "Be careful what you wish for."

Table of Contents

Introduction xi

1 Fixing Money Problems 2
Finding and fixing the psychological ills that keep us from investing wisely.

2 Risk and Reward 16
The basics about how taking a few risks can reap long-term benefits.

3 The Starting Point 30
How to allocate your assets based on your goals.

4 Diversification 54
Dividing your assets among different investment categories is easier when you think about what different types of investments can do for you, rather than what they are. When you boil things down that way, there are just five investment categories, each of which offers an array of specific investments. Here are the categories and the choices within them.

5 Picking Individual Stocks 86
Using fundamental indicators of value to pick good stocks.

6 Tough Sell 108
How to figure out when it's time to call it quits with an investment.

7 Investing in Bonds 118
Where to put bonds in your portfolio and which bonds to choose.

8 Mutual Funds 126
A primer on mutual funds, from what they are to where to find one that suits your needs.

9 Socially Responsible Investing 150
What socially responsible investing is about and how to find socially conscious mutual funds.

10 Real Estate Investment Trusts 156
REITs allow individuals to invest in commercial real estate to diversify their portfolio and stabilize investment returns.

11 International Investing 162
The basics on investing outside of the United States.

12 Tax-Favored Investing 172
Uncle Sam gives Americans lots of ways to defer taxes while we save. Using these tax-favored vehicles can give your portfolio a boost. Here are your choices and what they can do for you.

13 Starting Small 190
Think you can't invest because you don't have a pile of cash to start? Never fear. There are several choices for people with as little as $20 or $25 a month.

14 The Lazy Investor's Portfolio Planner 198
The quintessential hands-off portfolio for the wise investor with very little time on his hands. You can do well quickly and easily with only a few hours a year.

15 How to Fix Your Broken Records 218
Record keeping is one of the most important—and widely ignored—steps in wise investing. But good records can help you monitor your portfolio and help you determine when to buy and sell. They can also save you a small fortune in taxes.

16 Getting Help 224
Read it all, but still don't want to go it alone? Here’s a quick guide on how to hire someone to help you.

Glossary 234
Definitions for commonly used jargon so you can interpret Wall Street speak.

Index 237

Worksheet Reference

Monthly Budget 6

Risk Quiz: How Much Risk Can You Take? 23

College Cost Calculator 48

Is It a Buy 93

Calculating the Tax Implications of Selling Too Soon 116

Picking a Fund That Suits You 143

Determining What You Have.

Cash 201

Income Investments 201

Growth Investments 203

Real Estate 204

Debt 204

Keeping Tabs on Your Investments 221

What People are Saying About This

From the Publisher

"Investing 101 is a sensible, well-written, and comprehensive guide to investor options. I learned much from this book and am certain you can too."
Stephen Brobeck, Executive Director, Consumer Federation of America

Praise for the first edition:

"In Investing 101, Kathy Kristof skillfully guides the novice investor, step-by-step, along the path to investment success. It's an ideal primer for anyone who wants to enter the financial world and would like a helping hand."
Myron Kandel, Founding Financial Editor, CNN

"Too many of us give too little thought to the underpinnings of investing: how much risk to shoulder, when to sell, etc. Kathy Kristof explains these basics in language we all can understand. Investing 101 is sure to become a great reference guide for novices and longtime investors alike."
—Steve Dinnen, Personal Finance Columnist, The Des Moines Register

"Kathy Kristof knows investing inside and out. She can take even the most complicated information and make it easy to understand—and entertaining."
Ilyce R. Glink, National Syndicated Columnist, Author of 100 Questions You Should Ask about Your Personal Finances

"If you're just getting started in the investing world, this is the book you need. Kathy Kristof's smart, sensible advice demystifies the markets and shows you exactly what you need to know to achieve your financial goals. Investing 101 offers a road map to financial success without gimmicks or secret formulas—and it's a whole lot of fun to read, besides."
Liz Pulliam Weston, Personal Finance Columnist, Los Angeles Times

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