How to Tell Anyone Anything: Breakthrough Techniques for Handling Difficult Conversations at Work

No one likes to be criticized, but this book teaches the communication skills needed to successfully get the message across while keeping feelings and relationships intact.

Drawing from the latest in psychology on how best to connect with others, How to Tell Anyone Anything steers you away from the common mistake of providing feedback by focusing on what’s wrong and shows you instead how to provide clear, constructive positive messages that create real behavior and performance change.

You’ll learn how to:

  • be more candid,
  • prioritize relationships,
  • ask important questions,
  • reframe difficult messages,
  • control your emotions,
  • and be graceful when you’re on the receiving end of difficult feedback.

Complete with illuminating examples and a unique step-by-step process, How to Tell Anyone Anything gives you powerful insight into how we all react naturally to criticism--and how to transform interactions that might become verbal tugs-of-war into collaborative problem-solving sessions.

How to Tell Anyone Anything: Breakthrough Techniques for Handling Difficult Conversations at Work

No one likes to be criticized, but this book teaches the communication skills needed to successfully get the message across while keeping feelings and relationships intact.

Drawing from the latest in psychology on how best to connect with others, How to Tell Anyone Anything steers you away from the common mistake of providing feedback by focusing on what’s wrong and shows you instead how to provide clear, constructive positive messages that create real behavior and performance change.

You’ll learn how to:

  • be more candid,
  • prioritize relationships,
  • ask important questions,
  • reframe difficult messages,
  • control your emotions,
  • and be graceful when you’re on the receiving end of difficult feedback.

Complete with illuminating examples and a unique step-by-step process, How to Tell Anyone Anything gives you powerful insight into how we all react naturally to criticism--and how to transform interactions that might become verbal tugs-of-war into collaborative problem-solving sessions.

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How to Tell Anyone Anything: Breakthrough Techniques for Handling Difficult Conversations at Work

How to Tell Anyone Anything: Breakthrough Techniques for Handling Difficult Conversations at Work

by Richard Gallagher
How to Tell Anyone Anything: Breakthrough Techniques for Handling Difficult Conversations at Work

How to Tell Anyone Anything: Breakthrough Techniques for Handling Difficult Conversations at Work

by Richard Gallagher

eBookFirst Edition (First Edition)


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No one likes to be criticized, but this book teaches the communication skills needed to successfully get the message across while keeping feelings and relationships intact.

Drawing from the latest in psychology on how best to connect with others, How to Tell Anyone Anything steers you away from the common mistake of providing feedback by focusing on what’s wrong and shows you instead how to provide clear, constructive positive messages that create real behavior and performance change.

You’ll learn how to:

  • be more candid,
  • prioritize relationships,
  • ask important questions,
  • reframe difficult messages,
  • control your emotions,
  • and be graceful when you’re on the receiving end of difficult feedback.

Complete with illuminating examples and a unique step-by-step process, How to Tell Anyone Anything gives you powerful insight into how we all react naturally to criticism--and how to transform interactions that might become verbal tugs-of-war into collaborative problem-solving sessions.

Product Details

ISBN-13: 9780814410165
Publisher: AMACOM
Publication date: 06/15/2009
Sold by: HarperCollins Publishing
Format: eBook
Pages: 240
File size: 568 KB

About the Author

RICHARD S. GALLAGHER is a former customer support executive, practicing psychotherapist, and author of several books on customer service and communications skills.

Read an Excerpt


A New Way of Looking at Dialogue

“I can’t deal with him anymore!”

This pained outburst, spoken sharply into a cell phone, rose above the din of a crowded Wednesday afternoon at Chicago’s O’Hare Airport, as a well-dressed man wheeled his luggage behind me. Later that same afternoon a settling into my seat at the United Airlines Red Carpet Club, I overheard more cell phone conversations from more successful-looking people with business suits and briefcases—things like:

“She may be the boss, but she doesn’t know how to get along with anyone,”

“Everyone knows that he just isn’t working out, but no one has the guts to tell him,”

“I got so fed up with that man that I walked out of a project with him and got fired!”

These people all have one thing in common: they don’t know how to positively influence the behavior of other people. They struggle with how to talk with their employees, their bosses, and their peers about difficult subjects—or perhaps they have tried airing their grievances and gotten nowhere—so instead, they gripe to others and feel powerless. They don’t realize that the right kind of honest and authentic communication, delivered in a nonthreatening way, could actually change many of these situations for the better. And if this group of elite frequent flyers among America’s best and brightest feel stuck in situations like these a where does that leave the rest of us?

Situations like these lie at the heart and soul of our ability to engage in dialogue, a term the dictionary defines broadly as “an exchange of ideas and opinions”

and more specifically as “a discussion between representatives of parties to a conflict that is aimed at resolution.” In the ideal, dialogue serves as a mechanism to make things right. But in our own experience, it too often has the opposite effect. When we ask people to improve their performance, treat others differently, or even shower more often, the result is frequently anger and resentment—

and far too often, nothing changing. So does this mean we are forever doomed to choose between getting people riled up, or swallowing our pride and accepting the status quo?

In a word: No!

This book presents what, for most people, is a very new and different approach to having difficult conversations in the workplace—one that is remarkably effective in actually getting people to listen to you, negotiate with you, and ultimately make positive changes in their behavior. This approach is easy to learn and put into practice, and is grounded in broader trends that are now changing the way we apply psychology to human situations. Above all, it is designed seemingly to achieve the impossible: to make these conversations painless on both sides of the discussion.

So, is there a catch to this win-win situation? Yes, just one. It will require you to change the way you view and respond to people—and at times, say things that are precisely the opposite of what you might have said in the past. But once you experience the results of this new approach to communicating with people,

I’m betting that you’ll never go back to the old way again. This new, painless approach to dialogue will not only help give you power in situations where most people feel powerless, it will fundamentally change the way you relate to other people in all areas of your life—because the techniques will work just as well with personal as with business contacts.

To give you a taste of where we are heading, let’s jump right in with a realworld example that is all too common in many workplaces:

Now, what would you say to your employee Marcia after hearing this? Let me guess. If you are like most people, I suspect it would fall into one of three categories:

1. You would have some choice words for Marcia that you probably wouldn’t say in church.

2. You would gravely intone about your company’s service standards a how Marcia’s behavior doesn’t meet these standards, and how she needs to improve.

3. You would try to avoid a confrontation by dodging the subject entirely a but make a mental note of it for her next performance review.

Next question: how do you think Marcia will react to any of these approaches?

Will she express joy and thankfulness at being shown how to do her job better?

Will she enthusiastically commit to meeting standards of excellent customer service in the future? In fact, is she likely to make any positive long-term changes at all, particularly the next time you’re out of earshot?

I didn’t think so—and that’s where this book comes in. Whenever I’ve been in situations like these (and as someone who spent much of his career managing call center operations, trust me, I have), here is how I have handled them a using the approach that forms the basis of this book:

Service with a Slam!

You are the manager of a telephone customer service center, and once in a while you like to walk the floor and hear what people on your team are saying to customers. Today, as you approach Marcia’s cubicle, you can hear what she is saying from 20 feet away:

“This is the fourth time I’ve tried to explain this to you, and all you do is keep asking more stupid questions! I’ve already spent way to much time trying to help you with this problem. You need to go find someone who knows what they are talking about. Goodbye!” As you walk by, you can hear her slam the receiver down and sigh deeply.

• I would come to Marcia with a smile on my face, observe that this customer was getting under her skin, and ask her to tell me about it.

• As she responds to me, I would acknowledge and validate everything that she says. (“You’re right. Customers who don’t read the manual and take up your time are really frustrating. I hate being in situations like that too.”)
• Next, I would offer to help make this situation better in a way that benefits her. (“Would you like to learn how I handle situations like these?”)
• Finally, I would role-play better ways to handle the situation with her a and have fun with it. (“Marcia, here is a way to tell someone they are stupid without ever using the word ‘stupid’ in the sentence: talk about what happened when you made the same mistakes.”)

What you are seeing here are the mechanics of a totally new way of having a difficult conversation—a positive, criticism-free process that never puts the listener on the defensive, even in difficult or sensitive situations. The results of this approach?

Consistently, over and over, I’ve watched people with so-called “bad attitudes”

blossom into top-rated employees, some of whom even garnered awards and leadership roles.

But for some of you reading this, I believe that I can read your mind right now. “Oh, come on, you’re just being nice to a rude employee. You aren’t holding her accountable. She isn’t experiencing any consequences for her behavior!”

If you work with people in the real world, these all sound like legitimate concerns—so let’s look critically at each of them:

“You’re just being nice to a rude employee.” Actually, what you are seeing here is a very formal, scripted process that has nothing to do with my attitude.

It is, in fact, a thoughtfully planned and composed performance.

More important, this isn’t something that I or anyone else just made up off the top of our heads, but rather a process based on very specific principles of human behavior. As you read through this book, you will learn exactly what I said at each step of this process, and why I am saying it.

“You aren’t holding her accountable.” Actually, if you read this carefully, a am holding her very much accountable: I am coaching her. And I will keep coaching her, again and again if needed, until her performance meets my expectations. What I think you really mean to say is that I am not criticizing her, and on that point you are precisely correct.

Listen carefully. I have never accepted people giving less than their very best at their jobs, and I have the management track record to prove it, including creating near-perfect customer satisfaction ratings, near-zero external turnover, and high growth. Anyone who has worked for me for more than ten minutes knows that I have extremely high expectations for how people treat our customers, our organization, and each other.

And at the end of the day, I use a painless approach to communications skills for a very selfish reason: it gets me much more of the behavior that a want in situations like these.

“She isn’t experiencing any consequences for her behavior.” What you are really saying is that she isn’t experiencing any punishment for her behavior.

Again, you are correct. I am 100% focused on changing how she responds to customers in the future, rather than making her feel bad about how she responded to them in the past.

One of the things you will learn as you work your way through this book is that while our natural reaction is often to lash out at people who disappoint us a criticism and punishment are almost always the least effective way to change performance. If you want things like sullen compliance, resentment, turnover a and sabotage, negative feedback will certainly get you there. But I want something much better for you: I want you to be able to help people grow and change.


Picture an important peer in your life: perhaps your spouse or partner, a good friend, or one of your co-workers. Now, I have a question for you: have you ever tried to change his or her behavior? When I ask this question to audiences at my training programs, nearly every hand goes up (including mine). But then when a ask another equally simple question—did it work?—suddenly no one’s hand is raised.

The reason for this is that most of us naturally practice “deficit-based”

communications, where we point out another person’s faults and try to correct them. Deficit-based feedback is simple and logical—and almost never works.

Why? Because human beings are inherently programmed to fight back against criticism, no matter how “right” it is.

But there is a new approach in psychology—it’s called a strength-based approach—that will dramatically change your ability to influence people in any situation. It isn’t a gimmick, nor is it a random assortment of verbal techniques that you will need to memorize and pull out on command. Instead, it is a proven approach that is based on one simple but powerful idea:

Always speak to the other person’s strengths and interests—even in difficult situations.

It is the key to effective, painless communication on any subject. Sounds simple enough, right? So why isn’t everyone practicing strength-based communication already? The problem is, when we go into the real world and run headon into challenging situations, strength-based feedback is the last thing on earth we want to do. Here is why:
• When an employee is late again, the last thing you want to do is

“understand” it.

• When you feel someone is dead wrong, the last thing you want to do is explore the benefits of her approach.

• When someone is rude and abrasive, the last thing we want to ask is what frustrates him.

But that last thing you want to do is exactly what will keep another person in dialogue, and more often than not, change their behavior. Here is why:
• When you acknowledge the feelings and frustrations of the late employee a you can much more effectively coach him—or even discipline him.

• When another person feels you understand the benefits of her approach a it becomes much easier for them to listen to your concerns.

• When you connect with another person’s frustrations, it opens the door to showing him more productive ways to handle them.

Using numerous real-life examples, this book will show you how to fundamentally change your ability to influence other people’s behavior, using a simple process that creates honest, authentic dialogue that benefits everyone concerned.

As I mentioned before, these powerful new communication skills have their roots in psychology; if you are interested in learning more about the psychological underpinnings of these techniques, read Appendix B. Meanwhile, let’s start by looking in detail at why difficult conversations are so hard for most of us.

Table of Contents

Acknowledgments ix

Introduction: A New Way of Looking at Dialogue xi

Section I The Basics

Chapter 1 Why We Stink at Difficult Conversations-And How We Can Change 3

Chapter 2 How to Have Painless Conversations: The CANDID Approach 13

Section II The CANDID Approach in Detail

Chapter 3 Compartmentalize Your Message: The Neutral Zone 31

Chapter 4 Ask Questions: From Furious to Curious 48

Chapter 5 Normalize: It's OK, Really 59

Chapter 6 Discuss the Issue: Just the Facts 68

Chapter 7 Incentivize: It's All About Them 77

Chapter 8 Disengage from the Discussion: Making a Good Last Impression 92

Section III The Advanced Course

Chapter 9 Reframing: Making Difficult Messages Painless 101

Chapter 10 Managing the Dialogue: Response and Counter-Response 111

Chapter 11 You Don't Say: Phrases to Avoid 123

Chapter 12 How to Receive Feedback 140

Section IV Putting It into Practice

Chapter 13 Case Studies: Creating Painless Discussions in Real Life 155

Chapter 14 Troubleshooting the Mechanics 172

Epilogue: Summing It All Up 189

Appendix A The Painless Conversation Worksheet 195

Appendix B Strength-Based Psychology: The Basis of Painless Communication 201

Index 205

About the Author 217

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