"Heart's Desserts"

by Michelle Rene

"Heart's Desserts"

by Michelle Rene


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After the sudden death of her husband, Tessa Barnes finds herself examining a life without her best friend and soul mate. A strong faith in God, a passion to bake, and memories of Great-Grandmother Heart inspire her to open a unique dessert boutique where sharing the love of sweets with that special someone is the chef’s special.

As Tessa’s dream comes true, her home and heart are filled with new friends and experiences she never imagined. She watches her daughter go off to college and her brother find love. Through her strength and sharing her love of God, Tessa encourages others to examine their own faith and life’s purpose as they provide support at the trial of the man who killed her husband and assist with bringing “Heart’s Desserts” to life.

As opening night draws near, Tessa and her loved ones find themselves in a flurry of fun and laughter while they work day and night. When tragedy strikes again, the future of the boutique and a loved one are at stake. But through love and faith, family and friends prove that anything is possible when the “Heart” is at the center of what truly matters.

Heart’s Desserts is book one in the Heart’s trilogy, in which God, Grammy Heart, and her family inspire others to follow their passion in finding life’s true purpose.

Product Details

ISBN-13: 9781452566597
Publisher: Balboa Press
Publication date: 02/25/2013
Pages: 232
Product dimensions: 6.00(w) x 9.00(h) x 0.69(d)

Read an Excerpt

"Heart's Desserts"

By Michelle Rene

Balboa Press

Copyright © 2013 Michelle Rene Schafer
All rights reserved.
ISBN: 978-1-4525-6661-0



"Marni, you were amazing today," Andrew said to his daughter as they drove home from her final high school volleyball game.

"Thank you, Daddy," Marni said. "It was so much fun. I can't believe we finally won the State Finals after four years. Did you see the look on Coach's face? It was like he couldn't believe we had finally done it.

"We are so proud of you and all your friends," Tessa said. "That last point was one for the books. Those giant girls from the other team were helpless as you hit that ball out of nowhere off the net. The crowd was cheering so loudly no one could hear the final call. The referee had to blow his whistle for at least two minutes before the crowd settled down long enough to get the word out that the ball was in. Everyone knew you were going to win it." Tessa looked back at her daughter with a huge smile on her face as she reached over and squeezed Andrew's shoulder.

"Well I think this calls for take-out Sushi and some of Mom's homemade peach ice cream I know is in the freezer. What do you think Marni?" Andrew asked as he looked in the rearview mirror and smiled at Marni in the back seat.

"Sounds good ... Daddy, watch out!" Marni screamed as she watched a car tear through the red light heading straight for Andrew's side of the car.

Waking in a cold sweat Tessa shook from the nightmare. As it had the past few nights, the dream started out wonderful with the three of them chatting about Marni's state volleyball finals. The team had won and as all the girls were seniors it was an extra special way for them to end their high school years. They were heading home to celebrate when the accident happened, killing Andrew on impact and leaving Tessa and Marni alone. That was three nights ago and Tessa had just gotten released from the hospital the evening before.

Tessa got up from her bed and went to the bathroom for a drink of water and to cool her face. Her arm was in a cast and the bruises were starting to yellow as they healed. With a heavy heart she looked at the alarm clock. It was three o'clock in the morning. Andrew's funeral would be held in several hours. Tessa still couldn't believe that she was going to bury her best friend and soul mate.

They had known each other for five years before they got married. Andrew was a senior the year they met. He was a year ahead of Luke in school and they played on the varsity baseball team together. Luke had brought Andrew home for one of their mother's famous "Sunday Dinners" where everyone was invited and you never knew who was going to show up. When Luke introduced Andrew to Tessa she instantly became tongue tied. She had met many of Luke's friends, and even had a crush on a few, but there was something special about Andrew. It was like he could see into her soul. He smiled at her and she immediately knew that they would play a very important part in each other's lives.

As she reminisced, Tessa went into her room and slowly removed her damp nightgown and thought about falling in love with Andrew. After he came home that Sunday they began spending time together. At first it was hanging out after baseball games then going to movies. Eventually they began spending as much time together as they could. Andrew was going away to college and they wanted to make as many memories as possible before he had to leave. Even though Tessa was only a sophomore when Andrew left, she knew he was the man for her and vice versa. He gave her a promise ring their last night together and promised that he would be faithful to her forever and he had been.

They were married a year after Tessa graduated from high school and Andrew had graduated from college with a degree in Finance. The wedding was attended by many as both Tessa and Andrew had grown up in Titon and their families had been a part of the community for decades before. It was a wedding that many spoke of for years. Tessa went to college then onto law school while Andrew built his reputation as a finance manager. He managed many high profile accounts in Ohio and across other states and was very successful. Tessa got pregnant with Marni in her first year of law school but was able to take only one semester off and passed her bar by the time Marni started kindergarten. Since then Tessa had become partner and was on her way to senior partner when the accident happened. Everything had changed in a split second and Tessa wasn't sure what she wanted to do anymore. Living without Andrew was never in her plan.

Andrew finally came to her while she was in the hospital. He told her that he needed to say good bye before he moved on but wanted to also tell her that she had to keep living, move on and fulfill her dreams and life's purpose and support Marni in doing the same. Tessa cried as he spoke to her and held her then she agreed to do as he requested. He promised he would check in on her from time to time, kissed her good bye then drifted away. After he left, Tessa had a conversation with God and got the same answer. Andrew was gone forever, or at least forever on Earth, and now she had to move on and live her life. Tessa knew that God had a reason for taking Andrew early and she would honor them both by living exactly as she was destined.

After a quick shower, Tessa put on some sweats so she could work around the house getting it ready for the reception after the funeral. It would be difficult with only one working arm, but she needed to keep busy if she wasn't going to sleep. Marni would be home soon and she wanted to spend some time with her before the funeral.

As she went downstairs she realized that the house was sparkling. Looking out the front window she could see that the lawn was mowed and the weeds were pulled. Entering the kitchen, there were beautiful flowers that had come from the yard and placed in a vase on the island. She picked it up and read the attached note.

"Tessa and Marni, We are so sorry for your loss. We know it isn't much but we took care of the yard and house so you would have nothing to worry about on the day of Andrew's funeral. We love you all so much and wish you God's blessings during this time. Love, 'The Uncles'."

Tears poured down Tessa's cheeks as she read the note. "The Uncles" were Luke's friends from his police station and softball team. They spent many a Sunday at the house for dinner as Tessa had continued her mother's tradition after her parents had passed away. These men were part of the family. Andrew would be greatly missed by them too as he was their friend and financial guru as well as a great competitor for the video games they loved so much.

Tessa smiled as she remembered the last Sunday they were all together. The boys had gotten a new game and they were wild with excitement, bound and determined to beat Andrew. Little did they know he had gotten the game earlier in the week and practiced before they came over for dinner. Andrew beat the pants off of all of them and everyone had a great time teasing each other. Marni and her best friend, Sage, loved all the "Uncles" and loved playing the games with them as well. Sundays were the best days at their house but now that Andrew was gone they would be so different.

The guys had worked hard in the house and the yard and there was nothing for Tessa to do to prepare for company. Andrew had made all the funeral arrangements years ago after he had helped a woman deal with her husband's estate that had gone into probate because he did nothing to prepare in case he passed early. It was such a difficult case and the wife almost lost everything. Andrew vowed he would never leave Tessa and Marni in that position so he took care of everything to the last detail.

With the house clean and yard work done Tessa was not sure what to do with herself for the next several hours. The funeral was to start at two o'clock that afternoon with the reception at the house to follow. She went to the refrigerator to get some juice and found a banquet of food. More notes were attached with statements of sympathy from neighbors, friends, co-workers, and the many family members that lived nearby. Tessa found herself crying again over the generosity of everyone. Small towns were so special and it was times like this that really brought that home.

Tessa took her juice out to the back porch. Sunlight was just peaking over the horizon. Her arm was hurting a little this morning. As Luke suspected, she had ended up with a concussion and ended up spending a few days in the hospital after the accident. Marni's concussion was slight and she was able to go home after only one night. She had not wanted to leave her mom but Tessa encouraged her to go home with Sage. The doctor's recommended that Tessa get them both to counselors as soon as possible. She would take care of that next week. They had to get through the funeral first.

Walking back into the house, Tessa smiled. "Hi Grammy Tish, what are you doing here?" While there was no answer, Tessa knew the pleasant spirit of her Great Grandmother was there and why.

"We are doing as well as can be expected," Tessa told her visitor. "Today will be a hard day but we will have everyone who loves us here so we will get through it just fine. I am glad you came by to visit. Just don't scare the guests later. Not everyone understands our relationship." Tessa smiled as she felt the coolness leave the room.

Grammy Tish was Tessa's Great Grandmother Tisha Heart. She was a huge part of Tessa's life growing up and after she died at the age of 100 Tessa missed her terribly. After Marni was born, Tessa started feeling her grandmother's spirit visiting the baby and eventually they had a few chats. Grammy didn't usually say much when she visited but on occasion she had a lot to say. Especially when she could tell Tessa was torn about a decision or just needed a shoulder to cry on. Grammy's advice was always filled with great confidence and experience and given with much love. Tessa usually took it to heart and applied it, but not always. Sometimes Tessa knew the best thing to do was listen to her own heart. What she wouldn't do for some of Grammy's advice right now. But Grammy was patient with her advice and would give it if she felt it was needed.

With nothing to do to get the house ready for the day, Tessa headed back to her room to rest a little more. She just couldn't get past the fact that Andrew was never going to lay next to her in their bed again, but she knew that she had no choice. Lying down, Tessa said a quiet prayer to get through the day and for guidance to know the right path to follow for the rest of her life.


"Tessa, I am going to head out now," said Ted Monroe, her boss and friend for the past fifteen years. "The service was very nice and full of so much love for Andrew. Take your time getting back to the office. You are missed, but we want you healthy and safe."

"Thank you, Ted. Yes it was a lovely service and everyone was so generous with their words and the food here. We are very blessed to have so many loving people in our lives." Tessa reached to hug her long time mentor and friend. "I am getting a little better each day. My physical therapy for my left shoulder and neck start next week. My cast will be on for a few more weeks then I will need therapy for that as well. It will be at least two months before I am ready. I appreciate the time off and I will get back as soon as I can."

"You take all the time you need. You have plenty of leave saved up and your case load has been dispersed among the other attorneys in the firm. Just keep in touch and let me know how things are going. Your family is important to the firm and to Marge and me so let us know if you need anything at all."

"You and Marge have always been so generous to our family and have been there for us through so much. When my parents died and then when Luke was shot two years ago. I can never thank you enough for everything you have done for us."

"No thanks necessary. We love you all and consider you family. I see that Marni is doing well. I was watching her with her friends outside earlier. I know this is a hard day for both of you but if I know Andrew he would rather have you laughing then crying."

"Yes, that is true. Andrew always preferred the laughter over the tears in any situation," Tessa said smiling at the memories of her husband. "Marni is doing well, thank you. She loves her father very much and they have a very special connection. I am sure he has come to her and told her what is expected and she always listens to him. I just got home from the hospital yesterday and she came home from Sage's today so we haven't had much time to talk. I am sure the next couple of weeks will be full of talking, tears and even laughing as we work through what's next. I am going to get us both to counselors quickly. I want her to be able to talk to someone about her feelings. She is super protective of me and I worry she won't want to express how she really feels if she thinks it will upset me."

"She is a strong young lady, just like her mother, and she was raised very well. But an opportunity for her to talk it out with someone is probably a very good thing. You are an excellent mother and role model for her, Tessa, but allow yourself to be sad too. Andrew is your husband and best friend, it is important to mourn your loss for a while. Death is a part of life and God provides the emotions needed to survive this process. Your faith is infallible and that is what will get you through this. Now give me another hug. I need to get back to Marge. She was so sorry she couldn't come but she has the flu and did not want to share it with others."

"Give her my love Ted. Thank you for all you said, it means so much to me," Tessa said as she gave Ted one last hug. "I know God is watching over us. We will get through this."

"Now go home to your lovely wife. I will touch base next week," Tessa said as she escorted Ted out the door. "Let everyone know I miss them and will see them soon."

As Tessa turned to go back into the house, she thought of all the people who loved and supported her. She saw her brother Luke hugging Marni. Her cousins James, George, Jane and Joshua were still there as well. While it had been a sad day it had also been a celebration of a beautiful life.

"How are you doing, Sis?" Luke asked as he came up to Tessa and put his arm around her.

"I'm doing fine," said Tessa, her voice strained from crying and talking. "I'm very tired. It's been a long day and I haven't spent hardly any of it with Marni. How is she doing?"

"She is a trooper," said Luke as he looked at his niece, admiring her strength. "I checked on her all day and she was enjoying her friends as they reminded her of funny stories of Andrew. They were all remembering camp outs in the back yard when he tried to scare them and as they got older they turned tables and scared him instead. His silly posters at volleyball games were also a hit. Some of the girls have saved them and that meant a lot to Marni. She has asked after you too. You know her, she is your daughter. Just like you she is taking care of everyone else and forgetting her own needs." Luke said with a smile and a hug.

"Yes, she is a good girl. I am so glad her friends were here with her today and that they could share those special things with her. That is how Andrew would want it to be. He never liked seeing his girls sad or hurting," said Tessa, smiling again at the memories. "He loves us both so much it's hard to imagine our lives here without him."

"I know I am struggling with that as well. I am so mad at myself for not being able to catch the idiot that did this to him. He was flying so fast. But the boys got him and if I have anything to do with it he will rot in a jail cell for the rest of his life," Luke said with anger obvious in his face and voice. He saw the look on Tessa's face.

"I am so sorry, Sis, I didn't mean to bring that up today. It is a time to remember the man that is Andrew. When Mom and Dad were killed he was so incredible getting things in order quickly so we didn't have to stress about the estate. Then when I was shot two years ago, he visited me every day in the hospital and then walked with me while I was in physical therapy. He was not only your husband and Marni's dad but he was truly my brother. I made him a promise that if something ever happened to him I would take care of both of you."

"Oh Luke, I know how much you love him and us. We will be just fine. Marni and I are both strong women who know when to ask for help when we need it. You will be asked for sure but you don't have to feel obligated to take care of us. Someday, you will have your own girl to take care of so save all that for her," Tessa said as she hugged her big brother. "She will be very lucky to have you."

Excerpted from "Heart's Desserts" by Michelle Rene. Copyright © 2013 by Michelle Rene Schafer. Excerpted by permission of Balboa Press.
All rights reserved. No part of this excerpt may be reproduced or reprinted without permission in writing from the publisher.
Excerpts are provided by Dial-A-Book Inc. solely for the personal use of visitors to this web site.

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