Guilty at Gunpoint: How the Government Framed Me

Guilty at Gunpoint: How the Government Framed Me

by Paul Singh
Guilty at Gunpoint: How the Government Framed Me

Guilty at Gunpoint: How the Government Framed Me

by Paul Singh


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When Paul Singh left India to flee a land filled with corruption, he chose America to make his home, a country he admired for its freedom and justice. Decades after his arrival, his idealistic vision of our nation died while being targeted and framed by the very government he trusted. Assured by the FDA that the most widely used IUD in Europe was approved for use here, he continued using it for two years while the FDA and DOJ tracked his every move to build a case against him for using the device. Singh knew nothing about this until a team of armed agents raided his office and expelled undressed female patients from their exam rooms. The FDA then fabricated documents, destroyed and suppressed evidence, intimidated witnesses, and coerced him into signing a plea deal by threatening to imprison his wife, as well, giving him two hours to sign it...or else. Singh has since learned how widespread corruption in our criminal justice system is, with prosecutors who will lie and incarcerate innocent citizens without due process, to further their careers. Singh cites various statutes, case laws and books by top-level insiders to prove how laws were broken by corrupt prosecutors. He shows how our vision of America based on ideals of our founding fathers, and the reality of American justice are no longer aligned. Guilty at Gunpoint with its companion guide book, The Death of the Rule of Law should be required reading for every law student and anyone interested in the way justice is administered in the United States.

Product Details

ISBN-13: 9781949454109
Publisher: Singh Global Initiatives
Publication date: 02/01/2019
Sold by: Barnes & Noble
Format: eBook
Pages: 326
File size: 3 MB

About the Author

Paul Singh is a biochemist, mathematician, surgeon-physician, a Urogynecologis, and the founder and president of Singh Global initiatives. He is the co-author of Discovering Our World and the author of The Great Illusion and The Seduction of Religion. He lives in Menlo Park, California.

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Case Background

I conducted scientific research and wrote on many subject matters in my life, but I never once thought that I would be writing a book about the U.S. government, a government that has now become a full-time servant of corporations. But here I am in my prison cell writing about the inconceivable.

After working hard for four decades, devoting thirty years to science education and research, advocating for the rights of the poor, and financially helping indigent patients, everything was taken away from me in a heartbeat. I lost my license to practice medicine, and my financial, physical, family, and spiritual health were destroyed. All of this happened because an FDA agent told me that it was okay to continue using a brand of IUD that he later stated I shouldn't have used and built his entire case against me on that point. In other words, I was set up and framed. All of this was done to support Big Pharma and a company that was selling a birth control device at a price that was marked up a million percent. And this is a conservative estimate.

This publicly traded, profit-driven pharmaceutical giant is Teva, which is one of five drug makers allegedly responsible for our opioid crisis and the deaths of 111,000 people in this country in 2015 and 2016. There were also thousands of class-action lawsuits pending with hundreds already settled by Teva for billions of dollars during the same years — 2010-2015 — the years of the FDA's criminal investigation of me. (A crime is defined as an act that the law makes punishable per Black's Law Dictionary.) The lawuits against Teva were filed for predatory price fixing; price collusion; bribing government officials, doctors, pharmacists, and those in sales; and illegally selling their products in the United States and around the world (Exhibit 8.) It is hard to find a country where Teva has not bribed government officials. Its full financial relationship with the U.S. FDA is yet to be unravelled.

Between 2010 and 2015, TEVA engaged in unlawful agreements to allocate customers, use unapproved off-label opioid painkillers, downplay risks while exaggerating benefits, and use false advertising and deceptive and fraudulent marketing schemes contributing to our national epidemic of opioid addiction, while concealing scientific evidence of the dangers of these drugs (Exhibit 8). It is ironic that during the same years the FDA was busy building a fake case against me for not using the IUD made by Teva, which I did not use because my patients couldn't afford it, Teva was engaged in criminal activity to help it eliminate competition for its birthcontrol device, T Cu-380A, in collusion with the FDA (Exhibits 1 and 11). Teva's brand of copper IUD called the ParaGard was sold at price-tags deemed nothing short of financially criminal in the People's Court of America. Teva is an Israel-based drug company whose claim to fame is being the good guy and the most prominent manufacturer of, and advocate for, more affordable generic products. At the end of the day, what matters to our federal government, a nanny state for Big Pharma, is one thing: profit over people, no matter how grievous the economic consequences for the rest of us – the 99 percent of the population that is struggling every day to survive.

T-Safe Cu-380A IUD is the number one Copper IUD brand used by women in Western Europe, an IUD with fewer side effects compared to other brands of the same drug. 170 million women worldwide use T-Safe and other brands, sold at a fraction of the price of ParaGard. T-Safe is approved by the German FDA (Federal Ministry of Health: The Federal Institute for Drugs and Medical Devices [Bundesninstitute fur Arznemittel und Mediziproduckte, BfArM]). ParaGard sold in the United States is used by only 0.001 percent of women using Copper IUDs worldwide.

Source U.S. Data 2002 and European Data 2006: Guttmacher Policy Institute Policy Review. University of Hawaii Data 2010.

Bernie Sanders called it "the Establishment," I prefer to call it the revolving-door establishment. This refers to those inside the protective bubble allowing the criminal behavior of politicians, bankers, Wall Street, the three branches of the government, the military-industrial complex, and the media all of whom work together to protect the interests of the oligarchs. Even our universities, law schools, business schools, medical schools and scientific institutions are now on board with the Establishment in exchange for cash and to influence what is taught. The rest of us have no advocates and are so brain-washed that many cannot acknowledge the reasons we are getting poorer and struggling more every day.

Government Corruption, Prosecutorial and Judicial Misconduct

My personal story is not about justice. Justice is a farfetched idea, and no one knows for sure what justice is, but we can certainly sense when there is an injustice. This book is about the law and the assumed principle that no one is above the law. At least they shouldn't be. The reality is, with most laws written by lobbyists and corporate lawyers, it's easy to see how a conflict of interest contributes to corruption and the protection of corporate profits. How can we expect politicians to argue with the same people whose money got them elected in the first place?

My experience proves that prosecutors and government agents, indirectly and sometimes directly engaged in working for large corporations, are above the law and have absolute immunity from prosecution for commission of any crime of their choosing against anyone, anytime, anywhere. Such behavior by government agents can be conceivable only under tyrannical governments. It is also important to understand that tyranny is not giving government power, tyranny is giving government power that is not regulated and controlled. Charles Montesquieu, one of the influences on the founding of our nation once said, "There is no crueler tyranny than that which is perpetuated under the shield of the law and in the name of justice." One of the biggest problems we face in America today is the unhindered and unlimited power granted to government agents and Department of Justice (DOJ) prosecutors. One hundred years after Montesquieu, Lord Acton said that "power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely," a sentiment that few among us can dispute today.

As I take you on this journey, you'll see an outcome that wasn't just an inadvertent miscarriage of justice, but a carefully crafted plan on the part of the DOJ and the FDA to make an example of one doctor so all Ob/Gyns would get the message. And it took concealment of evidence, fabrication, conspiracy and collusion, cover-ups, perjury, obstruction of justice, violation of due process of the law, fraudulent inducement of patients, intimidation of witnesses, and fraud on the court, to get the job done.

I immigrated to the United States from India nearly four decades ago to avoid persecution for exercising my inborn right to free speech and opinion. Our family was always poor because we stood for what was right. Fighting corruption and defending the rights of the poor is not a recipe for riches, it only invites a more difficult life. So, I decided to leave the struggle of fighting it behind, and moved to the United States, never thinking that I would be going from the frying pan into the fire.

When I visited India in 1992, my siblings wanted to hear all about my life here. One of my brothers, six years older and wiser asked me, "What about corruption in America?" (The word corrupt is defined in Black's Law Dictionary as something done by a person that is "unlawful and has depraved motive"). It was a legitimate question coming from someone who lived in one of the most corrupt third-world countries on the planet at that time. I responded, "No, I don't think there is corruption." He burst out laughing. In retrospect, I guess he was trying to tell me that it exists everywhere in varying degrees, but I was in denial, or perhaps not mature enough yet to understand human nature to the extent I do today. As the great American lawyer, Gerry Spence stated in his book, With Justice for None: Destroying an American Myth, the difference between corruption in a third-world country and the United States is "one of form not of substance."

I am embarrassed to tell you that it took me so long to understand that the same corruption existed in the United States that I saw back home, only worse in many unfathomable ways. I was not well informed in that sense. I was one in the bewildered herd and a victim of an "engineered consent" (a phrase of Edward Bernays) or "manufactured consent" (a phrase of Walter Lippman) like the rest of the American population and did not know how the system worked. It was harder for me to tell the difference, because the corruption in the United States was much subtler and executed through a vast propaganda machine, not to be easily detected by you and me. It was not the blatant corruption that I saw in India. Here in the United States, it was covert corruption, done behind the scenes, privy to only the most elite and involved a false narrative from our government and support of those lies on the part of the media. Indoctrination is subtle but present. I naively viewed corruption using the model I had left behind in India; a cop taking cash in exchange for turning a blind eye on something he'd seen, for example. The possibility of more sobering corruption, masterminded by the ruling class, never entered my mind.

I pled guilty on August 24, 2015 with a knife pointed to my jugular vein, (an apt metaphor for someone like me pinned against the wall by a bully a million times my size, backed by the full faith and unlimited almighty power of the government of the United States). I was sentenced on March 7 of 2016 for two and a half years: six months to be served in federal prison followed by one year under house arrest, with my ankle hooked up with monitoring devices, and then followed by an additional year of supervisory release. (Exhibit 23.) The only other option given to me by my defense lawyers was to come up with $750,000, more or less my entire net worth, if I made a choice to plead not guilty, with no clear answer as to how many millions it would cost to reveal the truth about the government, or whether I would even be allowed to disclose the truth. I had only one month of emergency funds remaining in my bank account and three months of emergency funds in my IRA retirement account. I learned of other cases during this process in which the government had managed to conceal information although millions had been poured into defense to get that information out. Odds were high that the government would continue to conceal facts even if I had millions to put toward fighting them. This simplified my defense to one sentence, "Yes, I am guilty."

I don't expect you to believe me when I say I was totally innocent, but I am confident you will believe everything by the time you finish reading the story in this book and reviewing the evidence in its Companion book, The Death of the Rule of Law. The former CIA whistleblower, Kevin Shipp has repeatedly said, it is extremely difficult for the American people to cross that psychological barrier to believe that our government is capable of wholesale violations of our domestic laws and our constitution, the supreme law of our land. I name real names and provide all the evidence you could want (barring tons of additional evidence that the government is still hiding). It is a no-brainer that I cannot give you that part of the evidence that the government refuses to make public. But I have enough to convince you of my claims.

Glenn Greenwald, the famous American journalist, and Constitutional and Civil Liberties Lawyer, writes about a two-tiered legal system (one for the rich and one for the poor) in his book, With Liberty and Justice for Some: How the Law is Used to Destroy Equality and Protect the Powerful. My case would have been a fitting example for him as Greenwald describes in detail how the system of corruption and crime works in our "land of the free" and the home of the brave.

Sidney Powell, a renowned criminal defense attorney, wrote in her book, Licensed to Lie: Exposing Corruption in the Department of Justice, that "When anyone other than a prosecutor hides evidence or makes false statements in court or to a government agent, it is a federal crime or crimes, perjury, obstruction of justice, false statements to a federal agent, subornation of perjury, witness tampering and so on" (Licensed to Lie, pg. 397 line 4 — 7.) But what about the federal prosecutors and federal agents? Do the same laws bind them? The answer is they can lie, commit perjury, fabricate evidence, and not be held accountable for any wrongdoing because they are exempt from those laws of the land.

Powell refers to these corrupt prosecutors as "misguided, ignorant, overzealous, ambitious, narcissistic, and dishonest prosecutors, some of whom destroyed innocent people while they deliberately withheld evidence they knew contradicted their case, who are making daily decisions that affect all of our lives and the very future of our country." "Their conduct," she says, "stands in sharp contrast to the oath by which they swore to 'uphold and defend the Constitution of the United States of America" (Licensed to Lie, pg. 413.). And I like to remind my readers that the Constitution of the United States is the supreme law of the land, it is the law of all laws, it supersedes all federal statutes and regulations, and laws enacted by Congress or decisions made by the President of the United States. Therefore, to violate the fundamental constitutional rights of a U.S. citizen by any government official under the color of law is a felony. Although it is true that the Constitution is subject to interpretation from time to time, it is also true that certain fundamental provisions in the bill of rights and civil rights are carved in stone and not subject to interpretation. That is why we have such language in the Constitution as "Congress shall make no law ..." etc.

Almost everyone Powell names in Licensed to Lie who committed criminal acts of hiding information were promoted to more powerful positions in the Obama administration, an administration that has been among the least transparent of all administrations since the founding of our nation in 1776. Sidney Powell wrote in her book, "Corrupt prosecutors had extraordinary ascension to the top of the Criminal Division of the Department of Justice and promotions to the White House during the Obama administration." Referring to this cabal of prosecutors, she states that they have been promoted by Obama to postions of enormous power and influence despite their legacy of injustice. (pg 408)

I would be remiss if I failed to express my gratitude to Sidney Powell for showing tremendous courage and fearlessness in naming people in the DOJ for the first time in the history of the United States. She speaks fearlessly. I believe she had gone before me and paved the dangerous path for me to tread on.

I will be adding many more names to Powell's list in this book, all potential future promotions within the government for hiding exculpatory evidence and falsifying documents in my case. Given that many prosecutors are honest — and they must be for the system to function at least minimally, there are hundreds out there who are corrupt to the core. And corruption is now the criteria for seeking promotions in our judicial system. Those who do their job honestly in enforcing law, order, and justice are never rewarded or promoted. According to the Ninth Circuit Appellate Court Chief Justice, Judge Alex Kozinski, this is a problem for the honest prosecutors working in our government who want to uphold the Constitution and our laws by always doing what is right.

The Department of Justice has set up what is called, "the Center for Prosecutorial Integrity," to address issues of corruption in the Department of Justice. The Center for Prosecutorial Integrity is ironically part of this "Department of Justice." Thankfully, the DOJ at the very least acknowledges the following as some of the gravest types of prosecutorial misconduct that exists within the Department of Justice:

1. Withholding or delaying the release of exculpatory evidence.

2. Deliberately mishandling, mistreating or destroying evidence.

3. Allowing witnesses, they know or should know are not truthful to testify.

4. Pressuring defense witnesses not to testify.

5. Making false statements to the media that are designed to arouse public indignation.

6. Making improper or misleading statements to the jury.

Steve Weinberg incorporated additional categories of prosecutorial misconduct published on the Center for Public Integrity website of the Department of Justice on June 26, 2003:

7. Courtroom misconduct (making inappropriate or inflammatory comments; introducing or attempting to introduce inadmissible, inappropriate or inflammatory evidence; mischaracterizing the evidence or facts of the case to the court.


Excerpted from "Guilty at Gunpoint"
by .
Copyright © 2019 Paul Singh.
Excerpted by permission of Science Literacy Books.
All rights reserved. No part of this excerpt may be reproduced or reprinted without permission in writing from the publisher.
Excerpts are provided by Dial-A-Book Inc. solely for the personal use of visitors to this web site.

Table of Contents

1. My Opening Statement Before the People’s Court 13
Case Background 13
Government Corruption, Prosecutorial and
Judicial Misconduct 17
2. The Story Leading up to My Conviction 27
The FDA and Big Pharma’s Incestuous Relationship 27
Medical Board Investigation and Decision 41
March 28, 2012 - FDA Raids My Office 49
Facing the Wrath of My Patients 72
FDA Urges Medical Board to Reopen the Case 83
Medical Board Files Charges 83
Review of FDA’s Discovery Documents 85
August, 2014: Medical Board Hearing 100
September 5, 2014: Accepting Medical
Board’s Decision 108
3. Guilty at Gunpoint 115
Mounting Threats of Arrest and Indictment 115
My Conference Call with a Former Prosecutor 137
Federal Government – A Story of Sodom
and Gomorrah 154
My Inner Turmoil Leading up to the Court Date 172
August 24, 2015: Pleading Guilty Under the Gun 176
4. Moving Forward – Into the Sink of Debauchery 189
Fraudulent Alteration of My “Personal Statement” 189
The Probation Department’s Showbiz -
Cut-and-Paste Reports 194
Defense’s Pretenses Personified – Complicity with
Government Crimes 197
Defense Attorney’s Pre-Sentence Report 201
March 7, 2016: Prison Sentence 212
Two Sets of Rules 220
Final Thoughts 227
5. Applicable Law - Government’s Criminal
Misconduct 229
Brady Violations: Withholding Exculpatory Evidence 230
Omissions & Concealments: Mishandling,
Mistreating, and Destroying Evidence 237
Criminal Conspiracy, Collusion, False Statements,
and Cover-ups 239
Fabrication of Evidence, Perjury, Forgery, and Fraud 242
Misrepresentation: Fraudulent Inducement of
Patients and Witnesses 247
Fraud on the Court 251
Probation Department’s Dereliction of Duty 260
Prosecutorial and Judicial Misconduct 263
Witness Tampering: Obstruction of Justice 273
The Due Process of Law: American-Style “Justice” 277
The Burden of Proof: The “Evidence” 283
False Statements to the Media to Arouse
Public Indignation 287
Fraudulently Induced “Restitution” and Civil Suits 294
“Mail Fraud Statute”: Archaic Laws Vaguely
and Corruptly Employed 304
Violations of U.N. Charter, International
Conventions, Human Rights and
the International Court of Justice 308
Acknowledgements 317
Resource List 319

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