Gospel-Centered Counseling: How Christ Changes Lives

Everyone talks about the personal ministry of the Word, but how do we make one-another ministry truly biblical? Gospel-Centered Counseling equips readers to change lives with Christ’s changeless truth. It does so by examining life’s seven ultimate questions and then guiding readers on a journey that explores the biblical, gospel-centered narrative of:


The Word: “What is truth?” “Where can I find answers?”

The Trinity: “Who is God?” “Can I know Him personally?”

Creation: “Who am I?” “What makes people tick?”

Fall: “What went wrong?” “Why do we do the things we do?”

Redemption: “Can I change?” “How do people change?”

Glorification: “Where am I headed?” “How does our future destiny impact our present reality?”

Sanctification: “How can I help?” “How can I change lives?"

Bob Kellemen builds on the foundation of the written Word and provides a gospel-centered resource for understanding people, diagnosing problems, and prescribing biblically-based solutions.

Gospel-Centered Counseling is the first volume in The Equipping Christian Counselors Series, a comprehensive relational training curriculum for the local church that provides a model for equipping God’s people to change lives with Christ’s changeless truth. This two-volume series weaves together comprehensive biblical insight with compassionate Christian engagement.

Gospel-Centered Counseling: How Christ Changes Lives

Everyone talks about the personal ministry of the Word, but how do we make one-another ministry truly biblical? Gospel-Centered Counseling equips readers to change lives with Christ’s changeless truth. It does so by examining life’s seven ultimate questions and then guiding readers on a journey that explores the biblical, gospel-centered narrative of:


The Word: “What is truth?” “Where can I find answers?”

The Trinity: “Who is God?” “Can I know Him personally?”

Creation: “Who am I?” “What makes people tick?”

Fall: “What went wrong?” “Why do we do the things we do?”

Redemption: “Can I change?” “How do people change?”

Glorification: “Where am I headed?” “How does our future destiny impact our present reality?”

Sanctification: “How can I help?” “How can I change lives?"

Bob Kellemen builds on the foundation of the written Word and provides a gospel-centered resource for understanding people, diagnosing problems, and prescribing biblically-based solutions.

Gospel-Centered Counseling is the first volume in The Equipping Christian Counselors Series, a comprehensive relational training curriculum for the local church that provides a model for equipping God’s people to change lives with Christ’s changeless truth. This two-volume series weaves together comprehensive biblical insight with compassionate Christian engagement.

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Gospel-Centered Counseling: How Christ Changes Lives

Gospel-Centered Counseling: How Christ Changes Lives

Gospel-Centered Counseling: How Christ Changes Lives

Gospel-Centered Counseling: How Christ Changes Lives



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Everyone talks about the personal ministry of the Word, but how do we make one-another ministry truly biblical? Gospel-Centered Counseling equips readers to change lives with Christ’s changeless truth. It does so by examining life’s seven ultimate questions and then guiding readers on a journey that explores the biblical, gospel-centered narrative of:


The Word: “What is truth?” “Where can I find answers?”

The Trinity: “Who is God?” “Can I know Him personally?”

Creation: “Who am I?” “What makes people tick?”

Fall: “What went wrong?” “Why do we do the things we do?”

Redemption: “Can I change?” “How do people change?”

Glorification: “Where am I headed?” “How does our future destiny impact our present reality?”

Sanctification: “How can I help?” “How can I change lives?"

Bob Kellemen builds on the foundation of the written Word and provides a gospel-centered resource for understanding people, diagnosing problems, and prescribing biblically-based solutions.

Gospel-Centered Counseling is the first volume in The Equipping Christian Counselors Series, a comprehensive relational training curriculum for the local church that provides a model for equipping God’s people to change lives with Christ’s changeless truth. This two-volume series weaves together comprehensive biblical insight with compassionate Christian engagement.

Product Details

ISBN-13: 9780310516149
Publisher: Zondervan
Publication date: 10/21/2014
Series: Equipping Biblical Counselors
Sold by: HarperCollins Publishing
Format: eBook
Pages: 320
File size: 901 KB
Age Range: 18 Years

About the Author

Bob Kellemen, ThM, PhD, is the executive director of the Biblical Counseling Coalition and the founder and CEO of RPM Ministries.  Bob has pastored for over a dozen years and now serves as chair of the MA in Christian Counseling and Discipleship department at Capital Seminary (Maryland).  He is the author of nine books, including Equipping Counselors for Your Church.

Read an Excerpt

Gospel-Centered Counseling

By Robert W. Kellemen


Copyright © 2014 Robert W. Kellemen
All rights reserved.
ISBN: 978-0-310-51613-2


Mining the Richness of God's Word: God's Treasures of Wisdom

Ashley and her husband, Nate, met with me at church the day after their twin sons' eleventh birthday. With tears streaming down her face, Ashley shared that twenty-five years earlier, not long after her eleventh birthday, a relative had begun sexually abusing her.

Those who knew Ashley would have been shocked. She grew up in a Christian home, was active at church as an adult, served as a leader in the women's ministry, and was always "pleasant."

As Ashley described herself, "Yes, I'm the good girl from the good home. The good mom; the good wife. But nobody knows the ugliness I feel inside. Nobody knows how I've pretended and denied all these years. I just can't keep faking it any longer. I'm a mess. Depressed to the point that at times I've thought about suicide. Always fearful and anxious — terrified I'll displease someone. Terrified someone will find out what an empty but evil thing I am ..."

As Ashley's voice trailed off, Nate asked, "Pastor Bob, can you help? Does the Bible offer any hope for my wife?"

How you or I respond to Ashley's soul struggles and to Nate's life questions depends on how we answer several other foundational questions:

* Truth Questions: "Where do we find wisdom for life in a broken world? How do we view God's Word for the personal ministry of the Word?"

* Life Questions: "What does it look like to live a whole life in a broken world? What is the purpose of life?"

* Counseling Questions: "What is the ultimate focus of wise and loving counseling in a broken world — what does help look like? How can gospel-centered counselors minister to saints who are facing suffering and fighting besetting sins — what does hope look like?"

I've written this chapter and this book to address these vital questions. In particular, in chapters 1 – 2, we're seeking to ask and answer the question, "Where do we find wisdom for life in a broken world?"

You Can Handle the Truth

When dear folks like Ashley and Nate courageously share their raw concerns with people in the church, I've noticed that we tend to respond in one of three typical ways. First, some refer. The stereotype goes something like this: "I'm a committed Christian. I want to help you with your struggle. However, we have to understand that while the Bible provides insight for our 'spiritual lives,' God never intended that we use his Word to address 'emotional and mental' struggles. For relevant help for those issues, we need outside experts." While this perspective shows some confidence in God, there is a corresponding conviction that for "non-spiritual issues," God's Word is not the most appropriate resource.

Second, some follow a sprinkling approach. The stereotype goes something like this: "I'm a committed Christian. I want to help you with your struggles. To the insights I've gleaned from the world's wisdom about your issue, I'll add Christian concern, prayer, and some occasional biblical principles where they seem pertinent." There's confidence in God's Word as important in helping hurting people, but its application lacks an understanding of the vital, comprehensive, and robust nature of God's Word for life in a broken world.

Third, some follow the concordance approach. The stereotype goes something like this: "I'm a committed Christian. I want to help you with your struggle. You have a problem. I'll use my Bible concordance to find God's answer." Some have called this the "one-problem, one-verse, one-solution" approach. There's confidence in the Bible, but its application lacks an understanding of the complexity of life and the rich nature of God's Word.

In each case, I have purposefully prefaced my comments with "the stereotype ..." Life and counseling are infinitely more complex than three paragraphs can encapsulate. Further, it is not my intent to promote an "us against them" or a "good guys/bad guys" mind-set. Rather than accuse or antagonize, I hope to invite, encourage, and equip.

Instead of just saying, "Don't do it that way," I desire to increase our confidence in God's Word for life in a broken world and increase our competence in applying Christ's changeless truth to change lives. I believe we follow other approaches — like the refer, sprinkle, and concordance approaches — and turn to other sources because:

* No one has equipped us to understand the richness and robustness of God's sufficient Word for life in a broken world — helping us to develop confidence in how we view the Bible for real life.

* No one has equipped us to apply God's authoritative truth to life relevantly and relationally — helping us to develop the competence to use God's words for real-life issues.

I want to equip you to view and use the Bible in a "fourth way" — the gospel narrative way. If we are to view the Bible accurately and use the Bible competently, then we must understand the Bible's story the way God tells it. In chapters 1 – 2, we'll listen in as God tells his story and ours as the drama of redemption. It is a gospel narrative of relationship.

The Bible presents a grand narrative in which God is both the Author and the Hero, with the story climaxing in Christ. God begins by telling the story of relationship initiated in Genesis 1 - 2 and relationship rejected in Genesis 3. After those first three chapters, the rest of the Bible tells the story of God wooing us back to his holy and loving arms, all the while fighting the Evil One who wants to seduce us away from our first love.

Ever since Genesis 3, life is a battle for our love — the ageless question of who captures our heart — Christ or Satan. In Soul Physicians, I encapsulated all of life as a war and a wedding. Others have described it picturesquely as slay the dragon; marry the damsel. The Bible calls it "the gospel."

Our counseling is sterile and dead if we see the Bible as an academic textbook. But if we view and use the Bible as the story — the gospel-centered drama — of the battle to win our hearts, then our biblical counseling ministry comes alive.

To help you to grow in confidence and competence, to help you to handle God's Word skillfully and artfully, I'll follow Paul's approach in Colossians. While he did not hesitate to caution people against being taken captive by false approaches (Col. 2:4, 8), and while he did not hesitate to lovingly confront those who followed false approaches (Col. 2:16 – 23), Paul emphasized the incomparable supremacy of Christ and the unparalleled sufficiency of Christianity. Like Paul, we'll focus on stirring up our confidence in Christ's gospel of grace (Col. 1:3 – 23), Christ-dependent ministry (Col. 1:24 – 2:2), Christ's wisdom (Col. 2:3 – 23), our salvation and sanctification in Christ (Col. 3:1 – 11), and the body of Christ ministering the Word to one another (Col. 3:12 – 4:18). When people asked Paul, "Where do we turn for life wisdom among many fiercely competitive worldview options?" he responded with an infinite answer in one word: "Christ!"

Looking for Answers in All the Wrong Places

As Paul wrote to the believers in Colosse, their situation mirrored ours. Like us, they were saints — "holy and faithful brothers in Christ" (Col. 1:2). They were sons and daughters of "God our Father" (Col. 1:2). Though forgiven and welcomed home by God through Christ (Col. 1:13, 22), they were facing suffering — condemnation from Satan (Col. 1:22), judgment by others (Col. 2:16), interpersonal grievances and struggles (Col. 3:13, 15), and family discord (Col. 3:19 – 21). They also battled the same temptations to sin that we face — sexual immorality, impurity, lust, evil desires, greed, anger, rage, malice, slander, and lying (Col. 3:5 – 9). And just like us, many voices were clamoring for their attention, claiming to have cornered the market on the secret steps to wholeness (Col. 2:4, 8). I imagine Paul receiving a letter something like this from one of these saints, sons, sufferers, and sinners ...

Dear Brother Paul,

I'm confused. No. Not about my salvation. I know I'm saved. I've received Christ's grace by faith. What I'm confused about is life. Not only mine, but the Christians around me. I look around and see saints who struggle just like sinners. Our relationships are not just messy, but often a mess. Our homes are sometimes harsh and cold places. At times we seem to handle suffering little differently than those who do not know Christ. I see Christians who have no sense of who they are in Christ. They seem to sway between self-hatred and self-sufficiency.

What gives? What is the gospel sufficient for? Heaven only? If grace is so sufficient, then why do we seem to be so ineffectual in our lives and relationships?

But here's where I really get confused. It seems like some folks feel as if the church doesn't have wisdom for real life, yet the world sure claims it does! Every time I turn around, I hear about some new answer, some new approach to life, some new philosophy of life claiming to tell me what life is all about, how to live the good life, and how to make sense of my messed-up life.

One day it's a group alleging to have some special corner on the truth, some secret success sauce that they've been initiated into that I must learn. The next day it's another group saying I have to work harder, follow all their rules and regulations. The third day it's the philosopher types with all their fine-sounding arguments about emotions, relationships, and right thinking.

While they all contradict each other, they all have one message in common. They all seem to be saying that my Christianity is not enough. They all demand that I mix Christs wisdom for living with their wisdom for living. It's like I can keep my Christianity, but I have to add their secrets. I need Christianity plus their new way of thinking. I need Christianity plus their new way of living. I'm supposed to use my Christianity and plug in their steps.

So, Brother Paul, is Christianity all I need or what? If Christ is sufficient, do I really need something more? And if the gospel is sufficient not only for eternal life but for daily life now, then why doesn't it seem sufficient to me and the rest of us? I know you're busy, but if you could find time to reply, I sure would appreciate it.

Brother Theophilus

God's Word: Relational and Relevant

Though the letter is imaginary, it captures the real and raw life situation that motivated Paul to craft the letter that we know as Colossians. Using our imaginations again, perhaps we picture Paul, in response to this letter, stoically pondering his response, as if this is an academic exercise. Nothing could be farther from the truth as Paul himself describes it. In his desire to care for their souls, Paul is struggling to the point of weariness, laboring to the point of exhaustion, and agonizing like an athlete wrestling in the Olympics. The whole time he's clinging to Christ's supernatural power working mightily within him (Col. 1:29 – 2:1). Paul models for us counseling that is passionate and compassionate, other centered and Christ dependent.

Paul's mission in this life-and-death contest is to relate gospel truth to the Colossians' relationship: with God — that they would be mature in Christ, with one another — that they would be united in love, and with themselves — that they would be encouraged in heart (Col. 1:28; 2:2). Paul models counseling that sees God's Word as relational and relevant to life in our broken world.

God's Word: Rich and Robust

Paul also models counseling that is gospel centered and Christ focused. Instead of allowing the pressure to provide a quick answer to drive him to simplistic solutions, Paul goes "big picture" by focusing on the larger story — the largest story — "Christ in you, the hope of glory" (Col. 1:27). Rather than offering "steps" or "keys," Paul invites his Colossian friends to journey with him on a treasure hunt so "they may have the full riches of complete understanding, in order that they may know the mystery of God, namely, Christ, in whom are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge" (Col. 2:2 – 3).

Pie in the sky? Too heavenly minded to be of any earthly good? That's what the Colossians were being told. And it's what the world tells us today. The gospel might be good for "spiritual stuff," for heaven, but for life today you need Christ +, or the gospel +, or Scripture +, or Christianity + the world's wisdom. We might call this "the deficiency of Christ view" or "the deficiency of Scripture view."

Paul, like the apostle John, counters this deficient worldview by pointing people to the all-sufficient Christ who not only offers the amazing grace of eternal life but also the amazing grace of life lived to the fullest — today (John 10:10). Jesus does not make the false promise of a trouble-free life, but the hopeful promise of peace in the midst of a troubled and troubling world (John 16:33).

It was this Christ-centered worldview that led the Biblical Counseling Coalition to explain gospel-centered counseling as:

We point people to a person, Jesus our Redeemer, and not to a program, theory, or experience. We place our trust in the transforming power of the Redeemer as the only hope to change people's hearts, not in any human system of change. People need a personal and dynamic relationship with Jesus, not a system of self-salvation, self-management, or self-actualization. Wise counselors seek to lead struggling, hurting, sinning, and confused people to the hope, resources, strength, and life that are available only in Christ.

This is the hope that we offer Ashley and Nate. This is the hope that Christ offers us. This is the hope that Paul offered the Colossians.

The Gospel for Real Life: Heaven Invading Earth

Paul's purpose in responding to the real-life concerns of the Colossian believers was to call them back to the supremacy and sufficiency of Christ, the gospel, Scripture, and Christianity for salvation and for life today — rich wisdom for life in a broken world. He does so by helping them and us to understand the gospel narrative — the drama of redemption — that I summarized in the introduction.

Remember where he is as he writes — in prison. What keeps him going when life knocks him down? What keeps him serving freely when life locks him up? What keeps him pursuing righteousness when he's the recipient of injustice?

Paul Tripp words these questions like this: "What is the best news you can imagine? What is your reason for getting up in the morning? What is so significant that you will build your whole life around it?" The apostle Paul's answer is "the good news — the gospel."

The Good News as the Epicenter of the Good Book

When people come to us as biblical counselors, we don't shout, "Gospel!" as if it's some magic wand. Instead, we first understand the gospel story, then we seek to understand our friend's story, then we journey together to intersect God's eternal story and their temporal story. I picture it as pivoting back and forth with our friends between the larger story of the gospel and the smaller (but real and meaningful) story of their life. We earn the right to bring God's perspective to bear on our friends' lives by first listening well to their life story. Gospel-centered counseling means that together with our counselees we derive our understanding of earthly life from heaven's viewpoint.


Excerpted from Gospel-Centered Counseling by Robert W. Kellemen. Copyright © 2014 Robert W. Kellemen. Excerpted by permission of ZONDERVAN.
All rights reserved. No part of this excerpt may be reproduced or reprinted without permission in writing from the publisher.
Excerpts are provided by Dial-A-Book Inc. solely for the personal use of visitors to this web site.

Table of Contents

Foreword: [Potential foreword writers include Kevin DeYoung, Al Mohler, Steve Viars, Randy Patten, David Powlison, Paul Tripp, and Mark Dever.] Introduction: Changing Lives with Christ’s Changeless Truth Question # 1: God’s Word---Where do We Find Answers? Chapter 1: Mining the Richness of God’s word---Treasury of Wisdom Chapter 2: Nourishing the Hunger of the Soul: Truth and Love Must Kiss Question #2: The Trinity---Who is God? Chapter 3: Knowing the Creator of the Soul: Our Great Soul Physician Chapter 4: Understanding the Most Important Factor About Us: Our View of God Chapter 5: Engaging the Battle for our Soul: Spiritual Warfare Question #3: Creation---Who Am I? Chapter 6 Seeing People Through the Eyes of Christ: The Lens of Scripture Chapter 7: Examining the Spiritual Anatomy of the Soul: Reflecting Christ Question #4: Fall---What Went Wrong? Chapter 8: Diagnosing the Fallen condition of the Soul: Why We Do What We Do Chapter 9: Finding Christ’s Healing Hope: Not the Way It’s Supposed to Be Question #5: Redemption---How Does God Change People? Chapter 10: Prescribing God’s Cure for the Soul; Part 1: Our New Nurture Chapter 11: Prescribing god’s Cure for the Soul; Part 2: Our New Nature Question # 6: Sanctification---How Do People Change? Chapter 12: Dispensing Grace: Gospel Indicatives and Gospel Imperatives Chapter 13: Putting Off ad Putting On: Progressive Sanctification Question #7: Consummation---How Does the End of the Story Impact My Story? Chapter 14: Reading the End of the Story: It Will be Worth it All Conclusion: How Christ Changes Lives Bibliography: Works cited and consulted Author and Subject Index Scripture Index

What People are Saying About This

From the Publisher

As I read through Gospel-Centered Counseling, I kept finding myself responding to the words I was reading . . . and that response was vocal. I was amazed. Blessed. Enlightened. Encouraged. Reminded. Bob Kellemen understands grace and the gospel in ways that are profound, beautiful, and astonishing. I love this book and the gospel that is so beautifully portrayed here where the rubber meets the road, in our daily lives, in our struggle to believe and to live in the light of all he’s done. What a blessing! — Elyse Fitzpatrick, Author of Good News for Weary Women and Give Them Grace

Bob’s heart for other people to know and understand the true heart behind biblical counseling is clearly articulated in this book. With so many competing voices and ideas as to where life change and healing come from, Bob has captured the heart and essence of the grand narrative of grace and redemption with this work. Gospel-Centered Counseling challenges the professional minister, pastor, counselor, and lay person to remember what they have been saved from and what they have been saved to through the gospel. This book encourages me as it can be so easy, as a minister of the gospel, to forget what should propel our work in the ministry. — Lee Lewis, Biblical Counselor, Council Board Member, Biblical Counseling Coalition

Gospel-Centered Counseling is like a smartphone. That is, it can be helpful in multiple ways. Beginning biblical counselors will benefit from the case studies, which model how to minister the Word rather than just dispensing it. Experienced counselors will be prompted to evaluate whether or not their counseling truly reflects the major themes of the Scripture with appropriate application to the problems of life and living. Leaders seeking to disciple others will find in Gospel-Centered Counseling a book that teaches theology in a warm, equipping-for-life fashion. Preachers will find seeds of helpful sermon series. Every reader will be more thankful for Christ and the good news of the gospel. — Randy Patten, Director of Training and Advancement, Association of Certified Biblical Counselors

Gospel-Centered Counseling is more than a book on how to counsel others. It is a clear and compelling presentation of how the gospel changes everything. Bob has weaved the grand narrative of Scripture with practical application for everyday life. He has called us to be wise counselors who care about orthodoxy while bringing the Word to hurting people with love and care in such a way that grace is not compromised on the road to truth. I would recommend this book first for your personal edification and second as a guide to helping others grow and change. — Garrett Higbee, Executive Director of Biblical Soul Care, Harvest Bible Chapel

Gospel-Centered Counseling comprehensively applies our theology to our counseling— it’s a theology for life. It will be a vital resource for those who want to be equipped to use God’s Word to help people in community. The extensive use of cases makes the book easy and enjoyable to read while also showing how key principles work in practical, real-life situations. The frequent “tweetsize” summaries are helpful and memorable. They also keep the reader on track with the book’s main message: the gospel of grace is the foundation for change. Theology matters. — Jim Newheiser, Executive Director, Institute for Biblical Counseling and Discipleship

Gospel-Centered Counseling is an immense help to both counselors and counselees. Bob frames every counseling issue within the drama of redemption and in the hope of the gospel. The result? A book that belongs on every pastor’s shelf! It is wise, filled with exegetical insights that flower into rich, everyday counsel. It is deep, addressing the whole person, mind, body, and spirit. It is broad, deftly moving from Scripture, into the soul, and back out into real life with wonderful clarity. It is compassionate. I felt loved and understood by Bob, the sign of a good counselor. Most of all, it is true, imparting the hope of Christ into the heart of people — “Behold, I am making all things new!” — Jonathan K. Dodson, Lead Pastor City Life Church, Author of Gospel-Centered Discipleship

Insightful and practical, Dr. Kellemen’s Gospel-Centered Counseling provides a comprehensive guide for leading readers deep into the contours of genuine biblical soul care. His ability to effectively apply rich gospel-saturated theology to the here-and-now struggles of the human soul is impressive. This is an excellent read for anyone wanting to enhance their understanding of Scripture and how it applies to the complexities of the human estate. — Jeremy Lelek, Ph.D., LPC-S, President, Association of Biblical Counselors

The Scriptures were never intended to be a weekend medication to dull the pain of the weekly real-life questions that confuse, burden, depress, and weaken us. Rather, God gave us the Scriptures to provide daily practical discernment and nourishment, centered in the cross, that enables us to treat deadly diseases originating from unbiblical worldviews. Sounds fine for the professionals, but how does an ordinary nonprofessional answer life’s most critical questions for himself and others? Dr. Kellemen in Gospel-Centered Counseling provides a seven-days-a-week cohesive perspective of Christian living and heart transformation that will help you and those you counsel to experience healthy heart transformation. Written in a style that combines stories, theology, and practical application, Gospel-Centered Counseling keeps you engaged! For a thoughtful, creative, practical, memorable, and scriptural answer to life’s most critical questions read this book. — Dr. A. Charles Ware, President, Crossroads Bible College, coauthor of One Race One Blood

Gospel-Centered Counseling is a book that ought to be in every biblical counselor’s library. Bob Kellemen has dedicated his life to thinking deeply about the way the Good News of Jesus Christ intersects all of life and ministry. Bob writes as both a careful theologian and a compassionate counselor. His love for Jesus coupled with careful scholarship will help readers gain a greater understanding of the grand story of redemption. This book will change you for the better and equip you to help others in that same marvelous process. These are exciting days for the biblical counseling movement because there are more great resources than ever before. This book is more evidence that Jesus is carefully building his church. To him be the glory. — Steve Viars, Sr. Pastor, Faith Church, author of Putting Your Past in its Place

What a gift Bob Kellemen is to the church today! Bob has been in the counseling trenches for three decades now, and in Gospel-Centered Counseling he weaves together a practical approach to helping real people with real problems. He never forgets that these are people who are suffering and don’t just need counsel, they need compassion. The compassion at the heart of his counsel is rooted in a verse he weaves through the counseling process, showing us what it would look like to apply 1 Thessalo nians 2:8, which says, “We loved you so much that we were delighted to share with you not only the gospel of God but our own lives as well, because you had become so dear to us.” Get this book if you love God, love people, and really want to help. — Brad Bigney, Sr. Pastor, Grace Fellowship Church, author of Gospel Treason

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